Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 160 The personal battle begins!

On the second day, all candidates completed the trial in the Death Forest.

When everyone gathered together, the scene was suddenly filled with an indescribable smell of gunpowder.

If it hadn't been for the jounin of Konoha, someone might have started a fight on the spot.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t move your hands, it’s also a good thing that everyone is enjoying it.

"You stupid Longxian, your grandpa is right here. If you dare, shoot me."

"Stoss, your mother is dead."

"Hey, whoever attacked me earlier? If you have the guts, come forward now!"

"What do you think of your mother? It's amazing to have three eyes?"

"Aled, I am your father."

Listening to the cordial greetings, Fang Bo's expression was more or less strange.

Seeing that everyone is a temperamental person, even if they can't do anything, they still have to argue.

Anyway, we are not in the same dimension. We may not be able to see him in this life after this war is over, so why bother pretending to be a master.

Look at the most excited ones, their saliva is sprayed on their faces. No matter what the actual effect is, at least they feel good about themselves.

Among the well-known masters, only Yodel received the least criticism. It was not because of how good his character was, but because this guy really had a kind of aloofness.

Even if others scolded him, he could still explain it in an orderly manner.

This kind of ungrateful guy has always been the most annoying existence among trolls.

"I have collected a lot of information. Let's consider it in detail." Yodel began to explain to everyone the objects that needed to be focused on.

The rules of the play-offs are the same as those of the third test, with a one-on-one format to determine the winner.

If you feel you are outmatched, you can apply for surrender in the space. After three seconds, the protective shield will automatically rise to isolate you from all harm.

If he was killed within these three seconds, it would be due to his own bad luck.

For some reincarnations who lack strength, it is very important to seize the opportunity to surrender.

If you encounter an unbeatable master, surrendering as soon as possible is the best option.

"If you encounter the people I mentioned below, it's best to surrender as soon as possible."

"Losing the game is better than losing your life."

Under the introduction of this leader, everyone basically got to know the strongest reincarnators in each camp.

The strongest man in Iwagakure was not the culprit who planned the "Terrain Card" incident, but a seemingly ordinary man.

This person is codenamed "Cang Yue" and possesses the scale suit of a sea fighter. It is said to be a very high-grade mythical suit.

During the battle that day, he went to the camp of Konoha and Kirigakure, and I heard that many people suffered a lot.

"Scale clothes." Fang Bo thought thoughtfully.

Sea warriors are soldiers under the command of Poseidon, the King of the Sea, in the world of Saints. They are so numerous that they are said to have hundreds of millions of sea warriors.

At its peak, every sea warrior would be assigned a scale garment, which shows that it is not a particularly rare holy garment.

Even so, it is still a piece of mythical equipment in the first difficulty world, but I don't know which one is higher, the specific grade or the memory armor.

The evaluation given by Yodel is that you must be careful with this person's fists. It is said that he has terrifying destructive skills that exceed B level.

If you encounter one, you must surrender as soon as possible, otherwise the enemy will be able to launch a fatal attack within three seconds.

As for Kirigakure, the strongest one is Ares, who has the legendary talent.

It is said that this person's ability comes from the world of Yu Yu Hakusho. He can control his muscles at will and is an absolute powerhouse.

Yoder commented, "Don't let the opponent catch you, otherwise you will see the true power of the throwing technique."

Fang Bo met this guy before, and they even met each other in the classroom of the first exam.

As for the opponent's ability, it sounds a lot like the muscle control that Toguro Rodi has mastered.

"Looks like a tough guy to deal with."

The strongest person on Kumogakure's side is the dragon-slaying mage Aled who he has encountered before.

Dragon crystal is implanted in the body, which allows the use of dragon-slaying magic.

Yodel gave a very high evaluation, especially the dragon-shaped gauntlet owned by the opponent.

"Maybe it's a very high-grade piece of equipment." Xiao Fang always felt that the thing seemed familiar.

As for Konoha, as the most powerful camp on the surface, Yoder gave the highest evaluation so far.

"There are three people who have to be extra careful."

Chi Zhuo, the Devil Fruit ability user that Fang Bo met.

In this battle in the Forest of Death, his true abilities were finally exposed.

Dragon Dragon Fruit·Ancient Species·Spinback Dragon Form has a terrible increasing effect on strength and health.

"Isn't this Pejiwan's fruit ability?" Fang Bo was confused.

Considering the characteristics of the reincarnation space, it cannot be ruled out that it is a fruit ability obtained from the second difficulty world.

If this is the case, then this person's strength will be very difficult, at least not that easy to defeat.

"There is too little information on the other two people. Currently, only Chi Zhuo has fought with all his strength."

In other words, it is known that there are two masters in the Konoha camp, but the identity of the other party is not yet certain.

If you encounter it accidentally, please wish yourself good luck.

In fact, in addition to the above-mentioned ones, there must be very powerful masters in other reincarnations.

Just like the Sunagakure camp, Yodel is very strong, but aren't Black Soul and Fang Bo themselves strong?

There is no weak person who can participate in the space war, and there is no easy person who can survive until now.

Whether you can win or not depends basically on on-the-spot judgment. Now that we have come to this point, no one will willingly hand over victory to others.

At this moment, Fang Bo suddenly felt a lot of eyes falling on him.

Turning around, he found that several reincarnations were staring at him, and they seemed to be talking about him in whispers.

Previously in the Death Forest, due to the lack of speed and long-range attacks, he was forced to let go of many enemies.

Over time, outsiders knew how powerful he was, and it was natural for him to be discussed.

Considering the expert introduction just now, an idea suddenly came to Fang Bo's mind.

Do you want to be a little more relaxed in the battle?

Otherwise, if people encounter you and surrender, you may earn a lot less points.

But after a second thought, he quickly gave up the idea.

The battle between the reincarnations was very cruel, and it was impossible for him to show any mercy.

Just surrender, he doesn't care, there are still plenty of opportunities to gain points anyway.

"It's best to meet a few masters. Those people's bags must be full of resources."

The weaker reincarnations will try their best to avoid plot points before entering the plot world, in order not to leave any benefits to the enemy.

But the strong ones didn't care. Everyone was very confident in their own strength. Including Fang Bo, they never thought that anyone could kill them and explode the box.

If you want to obtain large profits, the best goal is to keep an eye on those super strong people.

Amid the discussion among the reincarnators, the examiner of the second session, Moonlight Hayate, appeared.

Seeing the sick man in front of him, Fang Bo couldn't help but smile.

He was already thinking about how to kill the examiner in front of him.

Soon the rules reading was over and the play-offs for the second assessment officially began.

The originally noisy scene suddenly became quiet. Everyone was staring at the big screen, wanting to see if their names would appear on it.

In fact, Fang Bo was a little nervous. He didn't want to be matched with those completely unmatched beings.

For example, Gaara, and Rock Lee who has activated the Eight Gates of Dungeon, even Naruto in normal state can't do it.

Although there are not many in number, if they go up against each other, they will basically lose, depending on whose head such an unlucky thing happens.

After a few seconds, the name of the first opponent was announced.

Misty Hidden Village, Longxian.

The moment they saw this name, the scene was in an uproar, but the curses in the crowd were not as high as expected.

We usually get scolded, but how many people can confidently defeat a Quincy in the ring?

I'm afraid this number won't be too many.

Don't feel comfortable scolding me now. If you really get kicked out later, you won't be able to get off the stage.

Others were afraid, but Fang Bo really wanted to be selected.

Simply judging the value, in his eyes, this Quincy is definitely a T0 level existence.

After killing so many people, it should be normal to have thousands of plot points in your hand. If you can kill the opponent, wouldn't you be able to take them all?

Putting his hands together in front of his chest, Xiao Fang prayed sincerely for the first time.

However, this good thing did not fall on his head after all.

When the second name appeared, it was obvious that many people were subconsciously relieved.

Long Xian's opponent is a reincarnation, and it seems that he is taking the melee route.

Judging from the opponent's appearance, it was clear that he did not intend to admit defeat immediately, and he probably also had the idea of ​​killing the opponent.

The battle soon began. In full view of everyone, Long Xian staged a textbook kite flow tactic.

For a full forty seconds, the opponent was running around like a mad dog, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not touch the hem of his clothes.

By the time the man realized something was wrong, his health had dropped to an extremely terrifying level.

Finally, he surrendered and thought he could end up safely. Unexpectedly, Long Xian took out a special arrow and pierced the man's heart.

After fighting in the space battlefield for so long, the man fell to a mere three-second countdown. It had to be said to be ironic.

Bending down to pick up the fallen treasure chest, Ryuuxian made a throat-cutting salute towards the Konoha camp, from which the corpse on the ground came.

Such arrogant and rude behavior completely excited the powerful Konoha Village, but due to the rules, no one can do anything to him at present.

After simply cleaning up the blood on the ground, the second personal battle began soon.

When the names of the two warring parties were seen, the scene suddenly erupted in discussion.

"This guy is so lucky."

"That's right, the opponent is not very good at first glance."

"He's still a plot character. He's really lucky."

As if it was God's deliberate joke, the reincarnator in the second game was still a strong man, having previously performed well in the Death Forest.

When they saw his name, many people began to pray secretly, but they did not expect that the person who would finally appear would be a plot character.

Looking at the ridiculous watermelon head and the disgusting green tights, many reincarnations present couldn't help laughing.

"I think this guy is just here to be funny."

This much-ridiculed young man is none other than Rock Lee.

However, when the game officially started, the development of the situation was beyond everyone's expectations.

The seemingly ridiculous boy exploded with terrifying strength that exceeded everyone's expectations.

Even without taking off the weight, Rock Li's speed still exceeded thirty points, and so did his strength.

With excellent basic skills and fierce and swift attacks, Xiao Li forced the reincarnator in front of him to a dead end.

In the end, the game was successfully ended with a move of Konoha Tornado.

Xiao Li didn't kill anyone, he just severely injured the other person. The reincarnator, who didn't want to be beaten to death, immediately announced his surrender.

This battle clearly illustrates one thing. This Chunin Exam is by no means a one-man show for the reincarnations.

Underestimating the strength of the plot characters too much may lead to capsizing in the gutter.

"Yes, with Rock Lee gone, the risk of encountering a strong enemy will be smaller."

Just when Fang Bo was secretly rejoicing, he saw his name appear on the big screen.

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