Amid a burst of exclamations, Ares lightly jumped off the fence.

"It's him." Fang Bo was very impressed by this person.

As the owner of a legendary talent, he would naturally not forget the other party's strange characteristics.

[No. 10932 (Big Demon)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, constitution, agility]

[Feature: Muscle Balloon (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Meeting an Enemy]

According to outside sources and rumors, Ares can freely control his muscles and is a replica of Toguro Ludi. He may also be the one with the strongest strength attribute in this space war.

I just don’t know if he has the strength to defeat Rock Lee.

Thinking of Xiao Li's previous performance, Fang Bo shook his head silently, thinking that the chance of winning by the reincarnator should not exceed 30%.

Unless Xiao Li relied on his help and suffered heavy losses before opening the Eight Gate Dunjia, this would require certain intelligence support.

Obviously, Ares didn't know his opponent's trump card, so he didn't show his full strength from the beginning.

"Use 20% of your strength first." His body expanded crazily like a balloon, turning into a figure similar to Schwarzenegger in the blink of an eye.

This is Ares's talent, he can control muscle growth through self-awareness.

Muscle Balloon (Legendary): Through the proliferation of muscles, the strength attribute is increased by a specific proportion.

Liberating 20% ​​of his power means that his already terrifying attributes will continue to have a factor of ×1.2.

Different from Fang Bo's developmental talent, Ares' muscle balloon is a very intuitive attribute bonus and provides more help in combat.

Gently tossing the pebbles in his hand, Ares raised his palm, and a bullet-like attack instantly came to Xiao Li.

As an expert in physical skills among the Twelve Little Powers, Locke Li judged this kind of physical attacks very accurately, and he ducked to avoid them the moment the opponent raised his hand.

Then he came to the man's side and tried to use the Konoha whirlwind to end the battle.

As a result, the kick seemed to hit the wall, unable to do anything to the other party, and he was severely ejected by the reaction force.

With his agility, he did not let the opponent catch him, but several common-sense attacks failed.

Upon seeing this, Metkai, who was watching the battle, immediately said that the disciple could remove the weight from his legs.

With Neji's lesson learned, Kai never wanted to see his disciple injured again. Of course, he didn't think that Xiao Li would lose to that guy.

"Oh, Teacher Kai, I will prove it to you!" Xiao Li was very excited after receiving the permission, and reached out to untie the weight-bearing items wrapped around his legs.

But he overlooked one problem. This time your opponent is not Gaara, and they may not give you a chance to deal with it calmly.

For the reincarnators, fighting is the only boundary between life and death, and combat aesthetics has never been what they pursue.

While Xiao Li bent down to untie the bandage, Ares instantly hit the ground with his feet and rushed to the boy's side like a cannonball.

Pressing the opponent's chest with one hand, Xiao Li was firmly attached to his palm like a vacuum cleaner.

"Despicable!" Naruto shouted from the sidelines.

Unfortunately, all he got in exchange was a lot of ridicule and disdain. Even Metkai frowned and said nothing, because there was actually nothing wrong with the other party's behavior.

Ninjas have always been a profession that wanders in darkness, and greatness has never been an adjective for them.

"I caught you." Ares smiled slightly, and the distance between his hands made it impossible for the boy to break away.

[Activate the skill to capture the bombardment, and the capture is successful! 】

[Our own strength is 38, the opponent's strength is 30, and the grabbing effect is being determined]

[The strength determination is passed, the target is in a state of stress, cannot break free, and cannot use drugs]

After a slight accumulation of energy, a surging force suddenly exploded in his chest, and Locke Li was immediately knocked away by the cannonball-like impact.

When he landed on the ground, he couldn't help but spurt out a large mouthful of blood, and his whole body looked a little shaky and unsteady.

On the fence, Fang Bo sneered in his heart, but he was just heading towards the reincarnator.

If it had been him just now, he would have used the strongest attack to severely damage the enemy in one fell swoop, because this was an excellent opportunity to defeat Xiao Li.

However, the other party habitually reserved their methods, which he could understand, as no one was willing to show their cards in public.

The problem is that the boy in front of him is by no means an easy target to defeat. I believe Ares will realize this soon.


Locke Li, who was completely freed from the restraints on his legs, immediately felt light all over.

With a simple dodger, he came directly in front of the enemy, and his speed completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

With one punch, Ares was sent flying away, spinning towards the far wall.

Feeling the pain in his fist, Locke Li looked up at the man who slowly got up from the ground: "What a solid muscle."

".Very good. It seems that I underestimated you too much."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ares's muscles continued to twist and squirm like water.

After a few seconds of accumulating power, he transformed from Schwarzenegger into the devilish muscular version of O'Neal.

Liberating power, 50%!

At this time, Ares's strength attribute had reached an astonishing 48 points.

Taking out a handful of special steel balls from his pocket, Ares placed one under his thumb, pointed it at the young man's figure, and flicked it hard.

Subconsciously turning his head, Xiao Li felt his face heat up, and blood instantly dripped onto his clothes.

"What a scary guy." Rock Lee expressed the thoughts of many people present.

In order to prevent the steel ball from hitting him, he started to spin around the opponent crazily. Xiao Li planned to use Biao Lianhua to end the battle.

As a result, when he wrapped the opponent with a bandage and prepared to send the man flying with a blow, an unexpected scene occurred.

I saw Ares mustering up all his strength and actually tore off his bandage.

After receiving the opponent's kick forcefully, he stretched out his hands to grab Xiao Li's waist, and then rushed towards the far wall like a mad bull.

[Launch the skill Brutal Crash, grab successfully! 】

[Our own strength is 48, the opponent's strength is 30, and the grabbing effect is being determined]

[The strength determination is passed, the target is in a state of stress, cannot break free, and cannot use drugs]

It was a familiar grappling technique. Xiao Li had no way to deal with this kind of attack.

"No, I can remove the restrictions on my body."

At a critical moment involving life and death, he couldn't care less even without the teacher's permission.

Open the door first, open!

The second door is closed, open!

The third door to life, open!

In a moment, Locke Li opened three doors in succession. At this time, he could even struggle slightly.

"not enough."

Looking at the wall getting closer and closer, green energy suddenly surrounded Locke Li.

The fourth injury door, open!

With the multifold increase in chakra, Xiao Li powerfully ended Ares's throwing skills, and then directly bounced him away.

The Eight Gates Dunjia Technique is a forbidden technique that doubles the chakra by opening several meridians in the body.

These meridians are respectively the Gate of Opening, the Gate of Rest, the Gate of Life, the Gate of Injury, the Gate of Du, the Gate of Scenery, the Gate of Shock, and the Gate of Death, collectively referred to as the "Eight Gates".

Why is it said that Eight Gate Li Locke is a T0 level existence?

Because except for Gaara, no one can withstand his continuous attacks in the Eight Gate Dunjia state.

Ares, who has legendary talent, obviously can't do it either.

"I'm going to fuck."

Without giving the enemy a chance to react, Rock Li came in front of the man in an instant and punched him into the sky.

With a little strength in his legs, he caught up with Ares in the air, clenched his fists and struck out with another powerful and heavy punch.

"Really strong muscles."

"But now I am stronger than you!"

Bang bang bang bang!

Several consecutive blows completely turned Ares into a sandbag who couldn't fight back.

When the man realized something was wrong, he didn't even have the chance to surrender.

"How could I die here!"

Taking out the accumulated attribute points, Ares directly completed the promotion of three attributes.

Then his muscles squirmed desperately, unlocking the strongest state he could control at present.

Liberating power, 60%!

The strength attribute of fifty-three points has already exceeded the extreme value of the second difficulty world.

For a moment, Ares seemed to have hope of a comeback, but unfortunately all his efforts were in vain the next moment.

Fifth door, open! ! !


As Rock Li's special move fell, the man instantly made a deep hole on the ground.

The non-human muscles turned into fragments all over the sky after a moment.

However, this guy did not die. He relied on the ability of his muscles to resist blows and managed to save his last breath for himself.

Ares looked at his opponent with regret, then raised his hands to express surrender.

In the second battle, Rock Lee successfully advanced!

Until Moonlight Gale announced the result, everyone at the scene was still unable to come to their senses for a long time.

"This, is this really a level one reincarnation person?"

"It's terrible. That kind of speed must have reached fifty points."

"It's simply not something we can match."

"The water in the Naruto world is too deep."

"I want to go home everyone."

Everyone had different expressions, and they were all sighing at the strength of both sides, and many of them were gloating about their misfortune.

The reason is very simple. Ares is the strongest person in the Kirigakure camp, and his failure will be a huge blow to the Kirigakure Samsara.

If it weren't for the Quincy left, many people would probably give up on this space war.

"Yes, this is called karma and retribution."

At the beginning, Kirigakure Ryuuxian relied on his strong concealment ability to burn, kill and loot everywhere. At that time, everyone felt a sigh of relief.

Now the tide has turned, and it's Kirigakure's turn to think about points and rankings.

If the Quincy Long Xian is also killed, then the reincarnations of this camp will really be in despair.

Many people were looking forward to whether it would be Ryusen's turn to be unlucky next, but they unexpectedly picked Nara Shikamaru as their opponent.

The ability to bind shadows is very strong, but unfortunately the information has already been leaked, and there is nothing he can do against Shikamaru, his opponent with the ability to fly.

In the end, as expected, Long Xian raised his hands and surrendered, and Long Xian advanced into the final battle of the third round with his head held high.

"Fuck, this guy is taking advantage of you." Someone yelled angrily in displeasure.

Even so, it still cannot change the established facts. If you have the energy, you might as well focus on the next battle.

Soon, the first name was chosen, and this person was none other than Victor, the mechanical transformation man from the Iwagakure camp.


The flamethrower released a powerful thrust, driving his body to slowly fall to the center of the field.

Popping out the metal blade on his arm, Victor raised his head and looked in the direction of Sunagakure's camp.

"Why don't you come down quickly?"

With a soft smile on his lips, Fang Bo activated the suspension and accelerated into the sky, completing his performance in almost the same way.

In the second battle, his opponent turned out to be a super strong man, which made Fang Bo's blood start to boil slightly.

Golden ripples slowly emerged, and the Noble Phantasms were ready to go.

"I hope you won't disappoint me." Victor activated the flame jet, his whole body was three feet above the ground, surrounded by rich red aura.

Before the fight between the two sides started, it had already attracted the attention of everyone present.

Seeing this, Yueguang Gale quickly took a few steps back and waved his palm downward slightly.

"The battle begins!"

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