Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 164 Who says imitation must be weaker than the original?

As one of the three masters of the Iwagakure camp, Victor's strength is naturally not too weak.

[No. 12242 (Reformer)]

[Attack tendency: strong]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit, strength]

[Feature: Mechanical Heart]

[Threat Assessment: Meeting an Enemy]

Mechanical Heart: Reduce energy consumption by 75% and increase utilization of mechanical parts by 10%.

The three extreme attributes are almost the standard for such top masters.

In terms of attributes alone, Fang Bo actually doesn't have much advantage. What the two sides compete with is the effect of using skills and performance in on-the-spot combat.

After drinking a bottle of "Level Essence Mysterious Medicine", his mental power instantly increased by 5 points, and then he saw the hammer Noble Phantasm whizzing towards the enemy.

In the first confrontation between the two sides, Victor did not dodge in particular, but raised his arm blade to block the oncoming elemental shattering hammer.

The weight of the hammer pushed him back four to five meters, but that was all, and it did not cause any substantial damage.

"The speed is good, but the strength is a bit lacking."

The mechanical exhaust pipe under his feet spurted out hot water, and Victor instantly shot straight into the sky, and his palms began to spurt out raging tongues of fire one after another.

Comparable to the crazy fire of a machine gun, Fang Bo could only set up an energy shield to resist the damage.

In the first round of competition, both sides failed to achieve any results.

Looking at the energy shield with sparks flying in front of him, Fang Bo knew that he couldn't resist it for too long. In ten seconds at most, the durability of the energy shield would completely return to zero.

Slightly twitching the index finger of his left hand, Yuan-Zero suddenly rushed into the air, and the Sun Blade stabbed straight into the target's heart.

The sun's breath and the five patterns·Yang Hua Sudden!

If he were on the ground, it would be very difficult to avoid this blow, because Fang Bo was no longer the melee novice he once was.

As long as the attributes of the weapon are suitable, he can rush forward and kill people without any problem.

The problem is that the use scenario of "air combat" was not considered from the beginning of the design of Yuan-10.

How could a slightly clumsy attack be ignored by Victor, who had air superiority?

A large amount of flames burst out of his palms, and the impact caused his figure to move a certain distance out of thin air, perfectly avoiding the blade that pierced his heart.

Then he turned around and raised his fist, hitting Yuan Yi Zero's waist hard, knocking it down from the sky to the ground.

Seeing this situation, Fang Bo knew that the puppets would not play a big role in this battle.

"What a troublesome opponent."

Now the energy shield was only half-durable, and he didn't know how much ammunition the enemy had left.

A rough estimate shows that it must be higher than his durability. Now I can only choose to fight with the opponent to consume it.

Shaking his black cloak vigorously, Fang Bo exerted force on his feet, and he jumped up high in an instant.

With his current agility attribute, he can completely dodge bullets in a short burst.

As for evasion in the air, it can be left to the equipment skills of Memory Armor.

After activating the suspension acceleration, although his speed is not as fast as his opponent, he is still in the same level.

More importantly, he can pull the puppet into the air and use an action similar to "throwing" to throw Yuan-Zero.

Several attempts have posed a considerable threat to the enemy, and Fang Bo's self-confidence suddenly became stronger.

"Tch, what a troublesome guy. Isn't he a summoner?" Victor frowned, not expecting that this battle would be so difficult.

In the early stages, the lethality caused by machinery is absolutely dominant.

If it were an ordinary opponent, his air strike + machine gun fire would be enough to end the battle instantly, and at most it would just be a waste of bullets.

According to Victor's estimation, the scene of this battle should be that he strafed the ground desperately, destroying the spider monsters summoned by the enemy one by one, and finally ended the life of the summoner.

He even rehearsed the battle in his mind, thinking about how to end the battle before the opponent surrendered.

The result was not good, it had now become an aerial battle between the two sides, and it seemed that he would not be able to defeat his opponent for a while.

Focusing on the opponent's shoes, Victor gave up the idea of ​​releasing his ultimate move. He wanted to try to use melee combat to gain an advantage.

As a summoner, it doesn't matter if the enemy can fly, it can be attributed to the effect of the equipment.

Can't you match him in close combat?

That would be a bit too fake.

Avoiding the puppet's attack, Victor rushed towards the enemy crazily with the help of his leg rockets.

If he could release his Noble Phantasm, he could probably shoot the opponent down from the air. However, the time to "open the door" was too long. Fang Bo only had to take out his dragoon and shoot a thunder bomb.

Just see if you can short-circuit the opponent's machine, even though the probability is very slim.

[You activate the skill Ammunition Master, which consumes 2 points of spirit. The next bullet will cause additional lightning damage. 】

[Your thunder bullets cause 20 points of damage to the enemy]

Is this gone?

There are no so-called negative effects at all, not even the most basic paralysis exists, and the damage caused by the bullets is surprisingly low.

Fang Bo guessed that some kind of equipment worn by the opponent should be able to reduce the damage caused by such weapons.

The response plan failed, and the enemy inevitably approached.

Seeing the enemy raise his fist, Fang Bo could only choose to reactivate the energy shield.

"Are you going to do this again?" Victor looked disdainful, and his entire right arm was instantly wrapped in endless thunder and fire light.

It uses some kind of ancient martial arts boxing technique to concentrate the energy at one point and then explode it.


The energy shield shattered instantly, and Fang Bo was smashed hard by the enemy like a volleyball, and finally fell hard to the ground.

[You were attacked by number 12242, causing 133 points of attribute damage]

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 96 points of health]

Xiaofang's character was outstanding, triggering the excess recovery rate of Heart Steel.

The seemingly powerful attack only caused a measly 37 points of damage.

Even if you include the secondary damage from falling, you will only lose 40 points of health in the end.

Health: 300/340 (+150)

Slowly getting up from the ground, looking at his opponent's proud expression, he suddenly wanted to laugh.

If the shikigami summons are used, the ghost spiders can be hung on the roof. As long as he cooperates with the new wife, it should be easy to capture the enemy.

However, Fang Bo was reluctant to part with those eighty plot points. After thinking about it, he decided to rely on his own strength to defeat the enemy.

"There's no need to drag it out any longer."

Black marks began to appear, and he entered the second form of Curse Seal.

The second form of curse seal: Spirit +6, Agility +4, reduce health by 5 points per second.

Including the effect of the secret medicine, Fang Bo at this moment has a very terrifying 45 points of mental attributes.

Activating the suspension acceleration, even the movement speed has surpassed the enemy in front of him.

In other words, the advantages and disadvantages between him and his enemies seemed to be reversed.

"Asshole!" Victor's heart trembled, and he subconsciously started firing machine guns.

How did he know that his opponent's perception attributes were also superb.

As long as the speed is enough to match the perception, it is not that difficult to avoid his machine gun fire.

With the help of wings and shoes, Fang Bo completed a gorgeous and difficult turn in the air, avoiding the surging chain of flames.

By pressing his palm on the man's chest, the "Deterioration" skill immediately completely ignited the enemy's mechanical body.

[The target is affected by the burning state, causing 5 points of fire damage per second, and the state lasts for 10 seconds. 】

Deterioration skills ignore the target's resistance. Not to mention mechanical metal, even a ball of ice can make it burn.

Although the damage is insufficient, it can attract the enemy's attention.

By the time Victor hurriedly tried to get rid of him, the door to the treasure house behind him had already slowly opened.

The Yanyue Green Dragon roared out, activated the "Sword Qi Dragon Slash" and completely transformed into a golden dragon, biting the enemy's waist in one bite.

Shadow Moon Fork followed closely behind, and it wasn't until it hit the enemy that it finally revealed its full form.

Victor, who had been hit hard one after another, knew that the current situation was extremely urgent. If the enemy continued to perform combos, God knew how much damage would be done in the end.

As a last resort, he could only activate his energy core with all his strength, emitting a large amount of hot water from all parts of his body.

Finally, the crisis was temporarily escaped.

But when Victor finished releasing his energy, the mechanical sensing instrument embedded in his eyes suddenly sounded a rapid alarm.

[Warning, high energy target is felt! 】

[Warning, you have been targeted by the enemy's attack! 】

[Attack fatality rate 72.85%]

Seeing the numerical display given by the sensor, Victor immediately took a breath.

Not a description, but a really, really cool air.

He lowered his head in a hurry and saw his opponent assuming a familiar posture.

Some people around who reacted quickly couldn't help but look at the reincarnation person Cang Yue.

"Interesting." The sea fighter slowly stood up straight, staring intently at the man below who was in the same posture.

A full thirty points of spiritual power poured out like water. Fang Bo tried hard to suppress this powerful force and threw a terrifying punch at the enemy above.

The unique skill of the successor, Golden Saint Kamui

The Northern Lights are exciting!

"If you can't catch me, I will die." Victor's eyes widened to the limit, and a terrifying and blazing light suddenly appeared from under the mountain.

In the end, all the energy was concentrated on his chest.

"You're the one who deserves to die!"

Super incendiary cannon!

One ice and one fire, the two energies suddenly collided in the air.

I thought there would be a stalemate, but the moment the two sides came into contact, the seemingly infinitely powerful incineration cannon began to slowly freeze.

In about three seconds, it formed a beautiful spiral of ice in the air.

As for the Cyborg Victor, until his life dies, he still retains the posture to release attacks.

[You kill the enemy space reincarnation and get a personal killing treasure chest]

[You get 15 battlefield points]

It seemed a bit funny, but no one dared to laugh out loud now.

Even if you can copy the skills, why is the power the same as what Cang Yue used?

As a sea fighter, he also wears a fish-scale suit of unknown level, so it makes sense that his special moves are more powerful.

Everyone wants to know, why can you kill the enemy instantly with one blow?

Fang Bo was not interested in answering other people's questions, let alone saying that his mental power had almost reached fifty points with the blessing of medicine and curse seals.

Not to mention the thirty points of mental power invested, just from the skyrocketing attribute base, the lethality of moves with the same power can be increased by almost two-thirds compared to before.

It's weird if you can't kill the enemy within seconds.

Personal points: 63

After looking at the current points, Xiao Fang showed a very satisfied smile.

It is better to fight against the strong ones. You can give fifteen points in one go, which is equivalent to a full fifteen points of merit points.

Not to mention, there are even more valuable killing chests waiting for him to collect.

"I feel ashamed after killing so many people and not having 18,000 points in my hand." He fell into the fantasy of getting rich again.

[War Mission 2: Kill 18/20 enemy village ninjas]

"Just two more kills and I can complete my second war mission."

"Maybe by then, my points will be able to break through the eighty mark."

In fact, after killing Victor, Fang Bo's personal points have squeezed into the top five, and he is only two points away from fourth place.

No matter what others think, he has become a super strong person remembered by everyone.

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