Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 165: Plot to seize the sealed book

When he returned to the fence, the strong men from the same camp rushed over to congratulate him.

"Awesome, I didn't expect Victor to die in your hands."

"Let's see what's in the box."

"Don't forget us if you have something good."

"Great God, I also have an epic weapon here."

"I also have epic weapons. You don't choose attributes anyway."

Seeing everyone surrounding Fang Bo, Yaoyao on the side also wanted to step forward to express her congratulations.

It's a pity that she was too small and couldn't reach them when they were jumping around. She was so angry that she wanted to use a gun to attack all these guys.

Unlike the Sunagakure camp, which was celebrating, Iwagakure didn't look so happy after losing a top powerhouse.

It took a lot of effort to establish a points advantage, but it was all in vain in an instant. You must know that the death of the reincarnation will clear the points ranking.

In the assessment of the Forest of Death, Victor killed many enemies, and his contribution to Iwagakure's ranking first cannot be underestimated.

When the battle ended, Iwakaku instantly dropped to second place, which shows how much Victor's death affected them.

The most important thing is that the bastard who used the puppet actually used his own methods to kill his own people.

This is simply a naked humiliation for the reincarnations of the Iwagakure camp.

Everyone looked indignant, but Cang Yue didn't show any strange emotions.

Turning to look at the powerful man, he just wanted to know how he put on the high-quality suit.

His method may not be replicated by outsiders. The other party must have adopted some special method.

"There's a chance we can talk a little bit," he thought.

The reactions of the reincarnators were different, and Fang Bo couldn't pay attention to these people now.

He casually rubbed the little girl's head and opened the killing chest with Yaoyao's smiling expression.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 12242]

[You get 2200 plot points]

【伱Receive the Mechanical Core Elite IV】

[You get small battery × 3]

Name: Mechanical Core Elite IV

Level: Legend

Category: Energy Core

Energy value: 45

Durability: 200/200

Installation requirements: internal drive of small and medium-sized machinery

Equipment effect: rapid energy gathering

Place of Origin: One Punch Man

Equipment evaluation: Don’t underestimate its energy output.

Rapid energy gathering (passive skill): All energy can be released instantly, attack power +10%

This thing is a power plug-in for robots and energy weapons, and it is also the core of providing energy support for Victor.

The mechanical cyborgs have unparalleled lethality in the early stage and can easily kill the reincarnations of the same level, but they cannot do whatever they want during the battle.

The energy value provided by the core is too little, and there is huge spiritual power but cannot be used at will.

The core provides too much energy, but the mental attributes are very low. Just like Victor, there is no way to fully unleash the full power of the energy core.

Only when both parties are on the same level can the strongest effect be achieved.

Otherwise, the reincarnators who randomly replace a high-quality core and take the route of transforming people will kill randomly.

In addition, the modified person cannot use weapons in the conventional sense. If he wants to become stronger, he can only rely on constantly replacing "parts". The specific principle is actually similar to the energy core.

On the contrary, normal reincarnators cannot use these plug-ins.

So the question becomes, why is Fang Bo so concerned about an unusable object?

The reason is simple, this thing can also become the energy core of the "human puppet".

If the human puppet technology is mastered in the future, this thing can be used immediately.

"With an energy value of 45 points, it generally requires the same amount of mental power to control it perfectly."

"In other words, this little thing can continue to be used even in the second difficulty world."

He put the things away happily, and as for another item, he could use it.

Small Battery: Replenishes 10 points of core energy.

The recovery rate of the energy core is relatively slow, and it often needs to rely on objects like batteries to charge.

Unless you can obtain a "perpetual motion" level energy core, but the level of that kind of object is probably very high.

"It still has to be recharged, why not rename it the new energy core."

Plot point: 10217 (3000 foreign debt)

After looking at the plot point of breaking through the 10,000 mark again, Fang Bo felt much relieved instantly.

For him, the second round of exams is over, and now it’s time to think about how to use his free time.

"Four weapons are too few. I need to fill up the treasure trove as soon as possible."

Playing with a destiny token, Fang Bo probably had some ideas in his mind.

A full two and a half days have passed since the Chunin Examination ended.

A total of sixteen contestants advanced, including five plot characters including Gaara, Temari, Sasuke, Naruto, and Lee.

The remaining eleven people are all reincarnations from various camps. Except for Yaoyao, the rest of them entered the finals based on their strength.

Thirty days later, the third round of the Open will begin at noon, and dignitaries from the five major countries will come to watch the game in person.

Well, the reincarnations don't care about this at all, unless the dignitaries can give them certain high-level tasks.

Bastards like Yaoyao, who only want to complete many tasks, are typical PVE players.

On the day the exam ended, she said hello and then disappeared.

No one knows where she went. Some people speculate that this little girl has some kind of tool that can hide her aura, so there is no need to worry about others following her secretly.

Thinking of the magical belly pocket, Fang Bo felt that those people's guesses were reasonable.

Others were leaving one after another, and he was also preparing to embark on the journey, leaving Konoha Village, a place of right and wrong, for the time being.

After completing the work at hand, and then returning to Konoha to cause trouble, it may be possible to further reduce the comparison of combat power between the enemy and ourselves.

Just as he was about to leave, an unexpected person appeared in front of him.

This person is Akatsuki Hokuto, Kakuzu, who accepted the war commission and promised to take action in the Konoha collapse plan.

"I took advantage of my identity as a businessman and will stay in Konoha Village for the next month."

The implication is that he did not choose to break the contract and would naturally choose to fulfill it when the war started.

Of course, don't expect everyone to work hard, this guy is probably just trying to get some benefits secretly.

Fang Bo, who understood this, never expected him to succeed from the beginning.

Calling Kakuzu, he actually wanted to cooperate with him to do something big.

If the other party breaks the promise, Kimimaro can be called to join him at that time, so he used the existence of Xiao Xianglan to exchange a promise with Orochimaru.

Now that Kakuzu has appeared in person, it is naturally safer to act with this guy.

A greedy person knows how to find items of greater value.

For example, the sealed book passed down from generation to generation in Konoha records a large number of powerful ninjutsu.

If you sell any one of them, you can get countless wealth, not to mention that you can learn many of the forbidden arts angles above.

When he described the existence of the Sealed Book, he immediately aroused Akatsuki Beidou's strong interest.

Then, as expected, the hidden mission was triggered.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, the Sealed Book! 】

[Mission Introduction: If you want to make the cunning Jiaodu work, you must come up with something more attractive, and the Book of Sealing is a good choice]

[Task requirement: Lock the specific location of the Sealed Book]

[Tip: This is a secret that only the Hokage Building can know]

To obtain the Sealed Book, Kakuzu must fight against Konoha's ANBU members.

If not done well, it will lead to some powerful plot masters.

By that time, he couldn't even think about taking action with all his strength.

With the intervention of Akatsuki Beidou, the success rate of Konoha's collapse plan will be higher.

Some currency in the plot world and an epic weapon that he has no use for can be exchanged for the help of a top powerhouse. To be honest, this is a relatively profitable thing.

Not to mention, Fang Bo also mixed in a hidden mission, which was able to slightly increase a few attributes.

Maybe, he still has a chance to get his hands on the forbidden techniques in the Book of Sealings, although there is a high probability that he won't be able to learn the things on them.

With Kakuzu's presence, Kimimaro doesn't need to take action for the time being, and his promise may be applied to other places.

For example, to hunt down a certain plot master?

Silently calculating the list of Konoha's strong men in his mind, Fang Bo used levitation to accelerate and jump across the river in front of him.

At this moment, he has entered the Kingdom of Rain, and his purpose is to seize the legendary Second Hokage's personal sword, the Thunder God's Sword.

This sword is one of the sharpest ninja tools in the Naruto world, possessing endless power of thunder. Of course, these two descriptions may have to be put in quotation marks.

At least Fang Bo believes that this thing is definitely not as good as Orochimaru's Kusanagi sword.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's King Kong Ruyi Stick is strong enough. It can cut down the sacred tree as easily as cutting melons and vegetables.

But when facing Orochimaru, he was easily scratched by the Kusanagi sword.

If you have to rank weapons, excluding the Six Paths Ninja Tools, the Orochi Kusanagi Sword is definitely at the top.

The Thunder God's Sword is definitely inferior, but at the end it will be an epic weapon.

Just enough to fill Fang Bo's King's Treasury.

As for why he pursued the Kingdom of Rain

Fate Survey (1): Find the object favored by fate.

As long as you know the name of the holder of the Thunder God's Sword, you can't escape the fate master's pursuit even if you are thousands of miles apart.

In order to fill the treasure house as soon as possible, Fang Bo no longer cares about the consumption of destiny tokens.

The holder of the Thunder God Sword is named Midori Aoi. He was originally a Chuunin affiliated to Konoha Village. Later, he instigated his disciples to steal the Thunder God Sword, and then defected to Amegakure Village to become a Jonin.

The target of the fate survey is this Green Green Kui. Within Fang Bo's sight, there is always a line tightly connecting him.

As long as he follows the guidance of fate, he will find the trace of the man sooner or later.

However, it is best to be cautious in the Country of Rain. This is the headquarters of the Akatsuki organization, and there are too many strong men that he cannot match yet.

Of course, judging from Midori Aoi's level, this guy is not yet a candidate for the Akatsuki organization.

Even if he holds the Thunder God Sword, this person's strength is at the Anko level at most. If he can break the sky, he is just a special jounin. Otherwise, how could he be defeated by Narusa who has learned Chidori and Rasengan.

"A special jounin is also a jounin. I hope this guy can help me complete my mission."

[War Mission 2: Kill 18/20 enemy village ninjas]

[War Mission 3: Kill 1/3 of the Jonin]

On this trip, Fang Bo is bound to complete these two war tasks.

If you are lucky enough, you may be able to complete another more difficult task.

Of course, it's useless to think about all this now, just concentrate on completing the task in front of you.

Carefully observing the guidance of fate, he knew that he was getting closer and closer to the enemy.

Before dusk today, there is a high probability that you will meet the other party.

In a small town in the Kingdom of Rain, Green Green Kui was entertaining friends to celebrate the success of this mission.

One of the drunken men said with some emotion: "When I receive the mission money, I will buy her a big diamond ring. We should get married at this time next year."

"Congratulations." Lu Qingkui smiled, but she was thinking about the other party's beautiful girlfriend.

That girl tastes really good. Once you taste it once, you can't stop.

Send him home later and maybe play an exciting game.

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