Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 166 Capturing the Sword of Thunder God

"I love the pleasure of playing with others the most."

The handsome face still couldn't hide the distortion on the young man's face.

What bullshit teammates, everyone is just his pawn.

How could a mere genin go on the same mission with him if he didn't see his girlfriend being pretty.

She smiled and patted the man's hand, as if she was trying to comfort him. In fact, Lu Qingkui wished that the other man would get so drunk that he fell unconscious.

You can take the opportunity to have a husband and commit it now.

If the man wakes up in the middle, he can just deal with these guys together.

Not long ago, Lu Qingkui received a hint from the top management that she seemed to be able to become Lord Angel's follower.

This matter was crucial, and he could not let anyone destroy this opportunity.

Jingle Bell!

The bell at the door rang, and a new guest walked into the izakaya. Midori Aoi didn't pay much attention to it, but continued to enjoy the fact that she was favored by the angel.

Touching her handsome face, Lu Qingkui had a bold idea in her mind.

"If I could soak up Lord Angel."

Thinking of Xiaonan's graceful figure, Lu Qingkui suddenly felt a little thirsty.

Reaching out to pick up the wine glass on the table, the man who was about to relieve the heat was suddenly startled.

The smooth ceramic surface clearly reflects the movements of the guest behind you.

"Oops!" A chill went straight down his spine, and Lu Qingkui rushed to the side without thinking.

The next second, the kunai with the detonating talisman attached to it was stuck on the table.


The poor drunk man was blown up while he was half asleep, and his beautiful girlfriend at home didn't know who would take advantage in the end.

"Damn it." Lu Qingkui fell to the street, and the rain immediately wet his body.

Slowly standing up from the ground, the young man took out a black iron umbrella from behind.

The enemy launched the attack silently, which was obviously looking for him in a targeted manner.

No matter who the opponent is, he cannot avoid this battle.

"Then strike first."

Ninja Technique: Rain and Dew Thousand Books!

Turning the iron umbrella in his hand, poisonous Qianbon as numerous as stars were shot out from it.

Lu Qingkui has a vicious mind and doesn't care about the other guests in the wine shop.

Of course, most of the guests had actually died in the previous explosion, which showed that the pursuer was also a ruthless person.

Holding the iron umbrella in his hand tightly, Lu Qingkui stared at the slightly strange house ruins. He always felt that the enemy would not die so easily.

He could launch a sneak attack without his knowledge. If the wine glass hadn't happened to reflect light, he would have been the one who suffered.

For this reason, the opponent must not be an ordinary person, how could he kill him so easily.

The iron fan was driven hard into the ground, and Lu Qingkui's hands quickly formed seals.

"Get out of here!"

Thunder Escape·Earth Walk!

Dazzling thunder and lightning ripped through the ruins, finally forcing the enemies hidden inside to come out.

Looking at the red-haired swordsman holding two swords, a sneer flashed across Lu Qingkui's lips, and he took out the weapon for which he was famous, the Thunder God Sword, from his waist.

"If you want to compete in swordsmanship, come on."

His weapon is very special, with strong lightning properties. As long as it touches the enemy's body, it will immediately cause paralysis.

With this huge advantage, Lu Qingkui is confident to defeat all enemies who dare to compete in physical skills.

Not to mention, his own strength is not weak, and Sasuke cannot take too much advantage in taijutsu after passing the Chunin Exam.

Although there are some problems with her character and character, Lu Qingkui's strength is indeed excellent.

However, ninja battles are more about on-the-spot competition, and strong strength may not necessarily lead to final victory.

When she saw the red-haired swordsman catching the sword with his chest without dodging, Lu Qingkui suddenly seemed to understand this truth.

To help impress him, the doll wielded the Nichirin Sword, leaving an X-shaped scar on the man's front that was deep enough to show the bones.

The severely injured Lu Qingkui tried to retreat, but the puppet in front of him kept chasing him, and it was clear that he wanted to exchange injuries with you.

Blocking the flames that were slashing in front of him, he finally kicked the skin plaster-like thing away with his outstanding strength.


The moment the gun rang out, Lu Qingkui's whole body trembled, and she subconsciously turned her body slightly to the side.

The bullet almost scratched his scalp, and the powerful kinetic energy left a bloody mark on the man's forehead.

The successive blows made Lu Qingkui gradually become angry, but it didn't matter, the attack just now allowed him to successfully lock on the enemy.

"Bedbug in the sewer, you finally showed up." Waving the Thunder God's Sword, the man seemed to see the other person being stepped on by his feet.

But at this moment, Lu Qingkui suddenly felt severe pain in her waist.

Looking down, a golden steel fork slowly appeared in his sight.

Shadow Moon Fork has the ability to attack invisibly. The shot just now was not to hurt the enemy, but to make him ignore the King's Treasure House that was opened behind him.

The first attack hit, and the remaining three Noble Phantasms immediately submerged the enemy.

But judging from the information from the battle report, apart from Shadow Moon Fork, only the sword hit the enemy.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 26 points of damage to Green Green Kwai]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 32 points of damage to Green Green Kwai]

Looking at the negligible damage, Fang Bo sighed softly. At this point, a mere thirty or forty points of damage could no longer satisfy him.

It's like the dragoon in his hand has long been reduced to mere long-range harassment.

It's not that the equipment is out of date, but that Fang Bo's strength has progressed too fast.

Not to mention this flintlock gun that has been with him for a long time, even the role of the Yuan-00 type is slowly fading.

Correspondingly, Xiaofang's strength is improving rapidly. Even if he does not use shikigami summons, he is still a great master in the eyes of other reincarnations.


Along with the man's roar, the sky filled with poisonous Qianben enveloped him again.

As a last resort, Fang Bo could only use energy shield for protection. Taking this opportunity, Lu Qingkui successfully used the teleportation technique and came to him in the blink of an eye.

This guy is very fast, not to mention using the extremely explosive teleportation technique.

But Fang Bo had been preparing for so long, how could he fail to calculate the attack methods that the enemy would use.

It would be strange to hold the Thunder God's Sword and not engage in close combat.

"You're the one waiting."

There was a crisp sound, and the surrounding ground suddenly collapsed.

Why did you choose to appear here?

Because Luo Xinfu has already ambushed it and set up a trap that makes the enemy unable to escape.

"Is this?!" Seeing something bad, Lu Qingkui swung her sword and stabbed the man who tried to touch her.

[You were slashed by Green Green Kwai, causing 75 points of thunder attribute damage]

[An attack triggers a paralysis state, and you cannot move or attack for the next three seconds]

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 22 points of health]

Feeling the strong paralysis in his body, Fang Bo could only helplessly fall down.

But it doesn't matter, both sides of the cave are densely packed with ghost spiders, and the enemy is already dead from the moment he falls into the cave.

Facts have proved that Fang Bo's idea was correct. Before the man landed, the ghost spiders swarmed up and ended his life.

[You killed Green Green Kwai]

[You get the plot treasure chest (orange)]

[War Mission 2: Kill 19/20 enemy village ninjas]

[War Mission 3: Kill 2/3 Jonin]

With only one person left, Fang Bo can complete two war missions at the same time.

If his plan can succeed, then maybe three more can be completed directly.

Including the seemingly most difficult task of killing a shadow-level powerhouse.

Looking at the birth of the guard spider general, Fang Bo smiled with satisfaction, and then activated the suspension acceleration to rush out of the pit.

Looking around silently, I found that there were no traces of pedestrians, indicating that the news of the war here had spread.

To avoid running into trouble, Fang Bo chose to leave the place first.

Not long after, a team of Yugakure members appeared, and after a brief inspection, they reconstructed what happened.

"I'm going to tell you, Lord Angel, to follow the traces left by the enemy and chase them."


They dared to kill people so close to Yuyin Village, and the other party didn't take them seriously at all.

If he is not severely punished, anyone will be able to shit on Yu Yin's head in the future.

Soon, a large number of ANBU members chased him out, including peripheral members of the Akatsuki organization.

With so many powerful enemies, even a jounin would be left behind.

But when everyone chased them all the way, they finally found that the enemy's aura had disappeared inexplicably.

Not hidden, but the kind that evaporates out of thin air.

No matter how hard the ANBU tried, they could not find any trace of the enemy.

In desperation, they could only set up blockades along the way, although everyone knew that this was of no use at all.

As Fang Bo left by boat along the waterway, he suddenly felt a jolt of energy and knew that Luo Xinfu had returned to the world of Onmyoji.

The target that the enemy is chasing is a disguised shikigami from beginning to end. If the reason for the disappearance can be investigated, it will be a ghost.

In this way, Fang Bo successfully completed his set goal and successfully killed Lu Qingkui with his sword.

[You are opening the plot treasure chest (orange)]

[You get 200 plot points]

[You get the Thunder God’s Sword]

[You get the Iron Umbrella]

Name: Thunder God's Sword

Level: Epic

Category: One-handed weapons

Attack power: 12-15

Durability: 150/150

Attribute enhancement: Strength +2, Agility +2, Spirit +2

Conditions of use: Strength 18, Spirit 26

Equipment effects: Thunder Blade, Thunder and Lightning Penetration

Place of Origin: Naruto

Equipment evaluation: The correct way to use it is to stab, not to chop.

Thunder Blade (passive skill): After activation, it automatically absorbs the natural energy in the atmosphere to form a Thunder Blade.

Thunder Penetration (passive skill): Strengthens the piercing ability, causing additional damage based on 40% of the strength attribute.

The effect of the Thunder God's Sword is very good. It is more suitable to be a king's Noble Phantasm, and the piercing effect can be maximized.

It's a pity that Fang Bo's current strength attribute is not enough.

Once he raises his agility to its extreme state, he will immediately turn to add points to his strength attribute.

At that time, the overall damage of the Noble Phantasms will receive a major increase.

Weapon storage capacity: 5 (Great Sword "Ximena", Yanyue Qinglong, Elemental Shattering Hammer, Shadow Moon Fork, Thunder God's Sword)

"Very good, it finally looks like something."

Among the five weapons, Yanyue Qinglong has the highest damage, Thundergod Sword has strong piercing power, Shadow Moon Fork is suitable for sneak attacks, Elemental Breaker is suitable for breaking shields, and the Great Sword is more ordinary.

As each attribute gradually improves, their differences will become more and more obvious depending on the characteristics of the equipment.

There were no problems with the attack, but he was wondering if he could think of more functionality.

For example, if you get some restricted equipment, Jin Shining has a Heavenly Lock, which can be used to restrict the enemy's movements.

Under normal circumstances, it is actually difficult for the Noble Phantasms to hit the enemy, and they can only find a flaw in the continuous shooting.

If you can restrain the enemy in advance, it will be much easier to hit the target that does not move.

"By the way, it seems that there is no similar equipment in the Naruto world." Xiao Fang sighed.

The harvest of the Thunder God's Sword is very good, but the other weapon, the Iron Umbrella, is more so-so.

A mere extraordinary level is of no value to Fang Bo today.

Just wait until you return to Konoha Village and trade it to others.

After gathering his emotions, Fang Bo prepared to return to the Country of Fire.

At the next stop, he has to complete three war missions that he has accumulated for a long time.

Kill the shadow-level powerhouse!

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