Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 167 I am not the God of Gamblers

While Fang Bo was on his way, Konoha was still very lively, and big news appeared one after another.

The night after the Chuunin exams ended, a group of masked gangsters attacked Gaara.

These people were so powerful that they worked together to break through the absolute defense, causing the grumpy Jinchuuriki inside to see blood.

Gaara lost control and Shukaku's power exploded, finally successfully repelling the gangsters.

But the impact of this incident is far from over.

Exposing Shukaku's existence in advance will definitely have a great impact on Konoha's future collapse plan.

The attack here ended, and another group of people appeared on the other side to intercept Moonlight Blast.

Needless to say, the person who did it must be a reincarnation person, and we need the heads of strong people to complete the war mission.

The attack didn't miss, and Hayate, as a special jounin, was unable to contend with that group of beasts.

When he was discovered, only a mangled body was left at the scene.

There are many similar incidents. This space war is coming to an end and everyone is working hard to complete the remaining tasks.

The reincarnations started to act frequently, and the plot forces also didn't stop.

The series of murders made Konoha's top brass furious, and Anbu patrolled the village almost around the clock.

Sunagakure's unusual movements have been noticed, but unfortunately, one cannot act rashly without any evidence.

At least Hiruzen Sarutobi, who is a dove, is not willing to provoke a conflict between the two villages just because of the lives of one or two people.

In this regard, Shimura Danzo, as the root leader and representative of the hawks, expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the old man's weakness.

I thought he would do something secretly, and Sandai was nervous about it for several days, but in the end he found that there was no unnecessary movement at all.

"It really doesn't look like him at all." Sarutobi Hiruzen said.

There was a lot of commotion in Konoha, and there was also turmoil in Sunagakure.

From the moment he arrived, Fang Bo's actions were changing Sand Hidden Village. Regardless of whether he wanted to or not, some changes were already unstoppable.

Late at night, Chiyo returned to the hotel prepared by Konoha. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a figure wearing a cloak.

According to the external explanation, this person is just an ordinary attendant. She is the only one in the team who knows this guy's true identity.

"Oh." With a slight sigh, Chiyo walked to the chair and sat down. He said in a sad tone: "Don't you even need sleep now?"

Ignoring her inquiry, the cloaked man asked in a cold tone: "Are you sure you want to do this? You must know that I bear the identity of a traitor."

"That's why I brought you here, silly boy." Chiyo's eyes flashed with sadness, but she concealed it very well: "Only by establishing meritorious deeds can you gain the trust of the old stubborns in the village. I Only then will I have the opportunity to push you to the throne of the Fifth Kazekage."

".I thought I was brave enough." The cloaked man was silent for a while, as if his emotions were touched in some way.

Then he stood up and poured a cup of tea for the old woman himself.

"It's not as easy as you think to destroy Konoha," he said.

Pushing the tea cup forward, the cloaked man's words made Chiyo frown: "Don't forget, I was a member of the Akatsuki organization before. What Payn dislikes most is betrayal."

In other words, his presence here is likely to attract pursuers from the Akatsuki organization.

Just like when he was ordered to hunt down Orochimaru.

Lifting up the black cloak, there was the young face of the Red Sand Scorpion: "Considering how powerful those guys are, it is the best choice for me to leave alone."

Seeing Chiyo's silence, Xia could only give up the idea of ​​leaving and start thinking about strategies to deal with the enemy alone.

It is definitely not possible to fight with the main body alone, and other puppets are needed to be used in conjunction.

In the previous battle, his hundred-machine drill was completely wiped out, and even the Third Kazekage's human puppets were damaged beyond recognition.

Even if it can be repaired, it may not be able to exert its original combat power.

Furthermore, if he wanted to regain the recognition of Sunagakure Village, he could not let this human puppet be exposed to outsiders.

There are problems everywhere, but the Red Sand Scorpion is still dealing with them calmly.

After regaining himself, he never wanted to lose the warmth in front of him again.

"Maybe the enemy didn't come so fast." Chiyo said.

At the border of the Land of Fire, two figures were walking slowly, looking in the direction of heading to Konoha Village.

One of them looks weird, looking like a terrifying shark from a distance. The most peculiar thing is that there is a wriggling weapon behind him.

"You must have complicated emotions when you return to the old place, Mr. Itachi."

"It's okay." The other man was wearing a bamboo hat, so outsiders couldn't see clearly.

The two of them are the pursuers sent by the Akatsuki organization.

The man in the hat belongs to Konoha, so he is naturally very familiar with the situation here.

His original intention was to just do it by himself, but for some reason, the guy insisted on letting the two of them go out together to complete the mission.

He glanced at the shark face next to him without any trace, and he knew in his heart that this guy must be the undercover agent who was inserted next to him.

From the beginning, Uchiha Madara never trusted him.

Looking at the familiar forest in front of him, the man had a lot of thoughts, and scenes from the past kept reappearing in his mind.

Tanchu Street is a famous flower street located in the southwest of the Land of Fire.

There are casinos and hotels everywhere, as well as countless sexy places.

Walking onto the bustling street, Fang Bo kept waving to the young ladies around him.

"It's a pity that time is limited, otherwise we must fully experience the customs and customs of the Naruto world."

Soon after, he came to the largest casino in the area.

According to the news we talked about, recently, the legendary big fat sheep has been coming here every night to gamble.

Only by coming here in advance can you direct the most ideal play.

"Welcome~" The waitress with her big white legs came over and took Xiao Fang's arm.

When she saw him taking out 500,000 taels to exchange for chips, her smile suddenly became more charming, and she wished she could press her whole body against the man's body.

Regarding the woman's enthusiasm, Fang Bo remained calm on the surface, but secretly picked up a chip and shook it slightly in her eyes.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

When he walked to a certain pedestal and sat down, the bunny girl woke up from a dream, yawned in confusion and returned to the door to receive the guests.

Sitting on the leather chair, he refused the maid's request for more drinks and casually threw out a certain chip.

He never forgot that he still had an achievement task to complete, so he took this opportunity to refresh himself with a new title.

Achievement: Wealth Freedom II, you need to accumulate 30 million taels.

Little Sheep (passive title): It can attract the attention of speculators, and it is possible to buy good things that are not available on the market.

This is the current title, and the effect is not very satisfactory. I just don’t know what changes will be achieved after upgrading.

"Speaking of which, when I return to space this time, I should be able to start title synthesis."

Thinking of this, Fang Bo became even more interested.

Anyway, the trap is already set, all you need to do is wait for the prey to take the bait.

Ding dong!

As the roulette wheel slowly stopped, the beautiful dealer looked over with a smile: "Congratulations, sir, you made the choice."

"You're welcome, keep going." Throwing out a few 100,000-denomination chips, Fang Bo smiled and nodded to her and said, "Go on,"

The second time he bet, he still won, and his assets exceeded one million in the blink of an eye.

"Come again."

Soon, Fang Bo, who had won consecutive battles, successfully attracted the attention of the officials.

In such a large venue, there must be ninjas who are proficient in gambling skills to guard against anyone cheating secretly.

However, the expert looked left and right and noticed nothing unusual at all, which made everyone feel quite heavy.

This situation can only mean one thing, the person who came is a very terrifying master.

"Go and invite the people over there." The person in charge frowned, but he didn't look particularly moved.

In the world of ninjas, where there are many powerful people, those who can open a casino are not ordinary people.

Why do people like Kakuzu, who regard wealth as their life, never try to make money by relying on gambling skills and robbing casinos?

The reason is simple, the water in the underground world is very deep.

Sasuke and Orochimaru, who were as strong as black, had to abide by the rules there, let alone everyone else.

Therefore, before the real master arrives, Fang Bo must meet the conditions required for achievement.

"Thirty million taels, just a few minutes."

With a slight movement of his fingers, a spiritual thread invisible to the naked eye was attached to the stage.

By the time the experts invited by the person in charge arrived, Fang Bo's face was already filled with chips.

[Achievement: Wealth Freedom II (Completed)]

[Get the title of small assets]

Small assets (passive title): You are already a small rich man, which will attract a lot of different eyes to you.

[Achievement: Wealth Freedom III (Opened)]

[Requirement: Obtain a total of eighty million taels]

After tentatively putting on the title, Fang Bo immediately felt the enthusiasm of the girls.

That is the desire for money, the yearning for freedom, and the obsession with designer bags, etc.

Unfortunately, Fang Bo no longer planned to continue, because he suddenly felt a strong threat enveloped him.

The perceptual shielding ability has failed, and if you continue to cheat, you will definitely be discovered.

"It seems that I still can't become a rich man after all." His eyes were dull, and he suspected that he was cursed by the God of Poverty.

Even in the world of drama, he still wants to experience the life of spending money freely.

Why can't such a simple wish come true?

"Maybe this is life." While lamenting the poverty, he put everything in his bag.

The guests around him looked at him a little strangely, but Fang Bo was too lazy to pay attention to these people.

Seeing that he had no intention of continuing to place bets, the vague sense of threat gradually subsided.

A mere tens of millions of taels is nothing, what I'm afraid of is that he doesn't know how to restrain himself.

With a few hard hits, tens of millions will turn into hundreds of millions in an instant.

In order to protect its reputation, the casino will definitely give out bonuses, and only God knows whether it can get them back in the end.

For the next half hour, Fang Bo remained on the sidelines, because he knew that the casino was not yet completely at ease with him.

But it doesn't matter, he didn't come here for gambling in the first place.

After completing the achievement tasks, you just need to wait quietly.

Soon, a woman smelling of alcohol walked in from the door.

Her big ponytail was thrown casually behind her, and her bright brown eyes slowly looked around, and she soon found a gambling table that she liked very much.

From the moment she walked in, countless eyes gathered over her.

In addition to the title of "Big Fat Sheep", it also has a lot to do with the plumpness of women's breasts.

"It is indeed a big fat sheep. It looks fat and greasy." Fang Bo had a strange smile on his face.

It was a pity that he didn't have a particularly good opportunity this time, otherwise he could have taken some time to have some fun.

The sense of accomplishment of destroying a strong woman is far greater than bullying an ordinary weak woman.

For some reason, the face of the ninja Darren suddenly appeared in his mind.

Recalling the other person's breathtaking big black stockings, Xiao Fang suddenly felt a little thirsty.

"Buy and leave!"

While he was thinking, the woman had already placed her first bet.

The result was completely beyond everyone's expectations.

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