"I, I won?!" The woman was a little in disbelief.

With her big breasts swaying on her upper body, Tsunade looked somewhat at a loss.

As a typical representative who always loses when gambling, she can no longer remember the last time she won money.

Originally, she just wanted to have fun and let herself be completely depraved in pleasure, but in fact, Tsunade had never thought about what she wanted to do.

Otherwise, with her perception as a shadow-level expert, how could she lose money every time she bets?

After suddenly winning money at this moment, Tsunade felt more helpless, and a hint of fear could even be seen in her eyes.

Subconsciously pulling into the tea-green long gown with black edges, her mind couldn't help but recall the night many years ago when she killed everyone at the gambling table.

That goes back to the Second Ninja War, when a conflict broke out between Konoha and Kumogakure, and the young Sannin set foot on the battlefield for the first time.

After years of fighting, Kumogakure was about to be defeated, and Tsunade, who was extremely excited, started gambling with others in the camp.

As a result, that night, she met gods and killed gods, met Buddha and killed Buddha, and won almost all the money on the table.

Extremely excited, Tsunade stayed up all night, but little did she know that her brother was ambushed by an enemy outside.

By the time she and her companions learned the news, Senju Noshu's body was already cold.

"Well, that's bad." The thoughtful Tsunade suddenly woke up from her memories, and she found that her palms were trembling slightly.

This was a sign of hemophobia. She stood up in a hurry and wanted to leave the casino.

Unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred in the next second.

The man at the next table suddenly stood up, walked to her and slowly raised the dagger in his hand.

Seeing this, Tsunade instantly became alert, but she found that things were completely different from what she expected.

The strange man actually cut his own aorta with a knife.

Tsunade wanted to step back, but her weak legs refused to obey her command. In just a moment's delay, she was drenched in the man's hot blood.


"Dead people."

"Help, someone committed suicide."

There was chaos all around, and Tsunade looked at her hands with fear in her eyes. All she could think of was the sight of her boyfriend and brother covered in blood.

She could no longer suppress her fear and curled up on the ground like a helpless little girl.

"So easy?" Fang Bo was slightly surprised, always feeling that things seemed too simple.

Considering the lethality of a shadow-level powerhouse, he did not approach the opponent rashly, but used spiritual threads to control an ordinary person in the distance.

I saw a girl stand up tremblingly, picked up the dagger that fell on the ground, and stabbed Tsunade with all her strength.

At the critical moment, Tsunade seemed to wake up a little and let her head go a little bit, and in the end the dagger just pierced her shoulder.

Knowing something was wrong, she wanted to run away, but her body refused to obey her orders at all, and she flopped on the spot for a long time without being able to get up.


The dragoons roared, and a bullet hit the woman's left arm.

The fire bomb exploded, and the flames instantly enveloped Tsunade, and her screams continued to echo in the chaotic casino hall.

The powerful shadow-level man seemed like a piece of meat on the chopping block, but Fang Bo was still cautious and planned to use long-range attacks to kill his opponent here.

Golden ripples rippled, and the noble phantoms appeared one by one, aiming their sharp claws at the enemy like beasts.

With a thought, golden streams of light quickly flashed through the air, and in the blink of an eye, Tsunade had been nailed to the floor by several weapons.

"The last blow." Taking out the Yuan-Zero doll, Fang Bo planned to use the Breath of the Sun to end the battle.

However, unexpected circumstances eventually occurred.

When the flaming blade was about to cut down, a scar-faced man holding a big knife suddenly appeared in front of the doll.

The other party's eyes revealed viciousness, and the terrifying aura around him was even more breathtaking. Even without scanning, you could tell that this person must be a master.

"Brother, have you overturned your behavior?" Looking at the messy scene around him, the scar-faced man exerted his strength in his arm and directly bounced the puppet back.

The dust in the air lingered, guarding the man holding the sword like stars.

His eyes were full of cold murderous intent, and he glanced sideways at the woman lingering on the ground: "If someone loses their life in my place, how can this casino continue to operate in the future?"

From the scarred man's eyes, it was not difficult to see that Fang Bo had been planning for a long time.

However, he can also sense the opponent's strength. If both sides open up, regardless of the outcome, the casino will really need to be renovated on a large scale.

Although he wanted to kill this guy with a knife, the scar-faced man still chose a peaceful way to solve the problem.

With a subtle gesture, Fang Bo's serious face suddenly showed a smile: "Okay, then we will go outside to resolve the battle."

He had given the other party some face, and now nothing was as important as hunting Tsunade.

When he came to the woman's side, he lifted her up and walked out, not forgetting to roughly knead her balls a few times on the way.

"It was really exciting, but it's a pity that Kato Dan died before he could enjoy it."

Tsunade felt everything about the man's behavior, but the emergence of phobia completely lost her ability to fight.

As soon as his front foot left the casino, Fang Bo directly activated the "plunder" skill, which sucked 8 points of health per second, which was definitely enough.

"Ah!!!" Tsunade's painful howl echoed through the streets.

Just by shouting Fang Bo felt that something was wrong.

Logically speaking, the woman should have been dead long ago, but no matter how hard he tried, it didn't seem to work.

Not to mention the health value, there was no sign of dryness on the two mountain peaks at all, allowing him to continue to absorb them there.

As if he thought of something, Fang Bo reached out and forced her head away.

There was a purple-red diamond-shaped mark on Tsunade's forehead, and now it spread out black marks like a curse mark. It was this power that saved the woman's life.

Creating regeneration and the art of Baihao, this is the secret of Tsunade who is bigger than her breasts.

Combat medical ninjutsu, it will automatically regenerate the moment it is damaged, and it seems to be similar to the ability of evil spirits.

It's just that unlike the regeneration given by "characteristics", her ability requires continuous consumption of chakra.

The more serious the injury, the more chakra is consumed, and she will not die even if she is cut in half.

Even if she is too scared to fight, Tsunade still knows how to save her life. With this ability, ordinary men can't defeat her.

"Troublesome woman." Golden ripples appeared, and Yanyue Qinglong's blade slowly touched her neck.

He slashed hard, blood spurted out instantly, but unfortunately he couldn't cut off the woman's neck.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 66 critical hits to Tsunade]

The damage is good, but not enough to end the battle completely, but if you keep attacking for a few minutes, it should be fine.

No matter how much chakra she had, she couldn't recover this kind of damage indefinitely.

Not to mention, Fang Bo's right hand pressed on her chest, and his plundering skills were always guided, absorbing eight points of health from him every second.

"You, you bastard." Tsunade raised her blood-stained face and glared at this completely unknown man.

Due to her extreme anger, she gradually forgot her fear of blood.

Although he couldn't move yet, he felt something that he hadn't felt for a long time in his body.


At this moment, reinforcements fell from the sky, and a very pure-looking woman came to the scene.

She is Tsunade's beloved disciple, Shizune.

"Trouble will come after all." Xiao Fang sighed.

[Shizune (Special Jounin)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit]

[Feature: Breaking Bad]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Breaking Bad: The top poison master in the ninja world, enhances the effect of poison.

There is not much description of Shizune's battle in the original work, and Fang Bo probably only remembered a little bit.

She once gave Sakura a kunai covered in poison of her own making.

It was just a scratch on the skin, but Naruto immediately fell to the ground due to the paralysis effect of the poison.

It can be seen how terrifying her poison is. Now that she attacks with hatred, it is naturally impossible to show mercy to the man who hurt Tsunade.

"Let go of Tsunade-sama."

With that said, she rushed over quickly.

The attack method is relatively direct, not at all like what a mature ninja should do.

That means

"There must be fraud involved."

The ripples of the treasure house appeared, and the Thunder God's Sword rushed in front of her in the blink of an eye.

Because the distance between the two parties was too close, Shizune was completely unable to avoid the swift blow.

Of course, that might be her intention.

Letting the Thunder God Sword hit her waist and abdomen, she opened her mouth and spat out a poisonous mist covering a wide range.

This is Shizune's unique skill, which can change the nature of chakra into "poison", and the toxicity is extremely strong, and even a slight contamination can cause fatal injuries.

Fang Bo thought she was going to rob someone, but he didn't expect that poisonous mist would be sprayed in his face.

With such a large scope of influence, it is naturally impossible for him to escape.

[You are attacked by poisonous mist, causing 12 points of poison damage per second, lasting 30 seconds]

[Additional paralysis effect, lasting eight seconds]

With a total of 360 points of damage, and an additional eight seconds of paralysis, he is indeed a rare poison master in the world of Naruto.

Unfortunately, she didn't know that Fang Bo never liked fighting uncertain battles.

How could he not consider the possibility of Shizune appearing if he could ambush a shadow-level master, the future Fifth Generation Hokage.


There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, and the figure of the new bride appeared beside everyone.

"Little girl, your poisonous mist is very powerful."

The ghost mother Yin Ji has a powerful regeneration ability, and she doesn't care about a little bit of poisonous mist, and she doesn't even care about the paralysis effect.

Don’t forget, the venom sacs of the new woman can neutralize the toxins themselves.

Seeing the two spider blades coming towards her, Shizune reluctantly gave up the pursuit and instead used a chakra scalpel to fight the shikigami.

With her excellent combat skills, she not only avoided the Heart-Eating Marrow Attack, but also took the opportunity to cut off two of her spider legs at close range.

"Don't come over and get in the way."

After kicking her away hard, Shizune turned around, her face full of anxiety.

Although the enemy's methods are unclear, some problems can be judged from Tsunade-sama's state.

If the adults are not rescued, the chakra of the "yin seal" may not last long.

About fifteen or six seconds have passed since she appeared.

It was true that Fang Bo was poisoned, but he absorbed more than 120 health points from Tsunade one after another.

No matter how strong the poison is, it cannot harm him, not to mention that he is still holding a plump organ in his hand.

The effect of paralysis is about to pass, and Fang Bo will not give the enemy a chance to take Tsunade away.

Even if he couldn't be beaten to death, he would suck Tsunade completely dry today.

After kicking the shikigami away, Shizune desperately used the teleportation technique, and her whole body turned into an afterimage and rushed towards her opponent.

However, her actions have long been seen through by Fang Bo. As long as Tsunade is around, Shizune is just a puppet on strings.

As soon as the palms came into contact, a golden stream of light suddenly fell from the sky.

With Tsunade's grief-stricken expression, Shizune's arm was completely severed by the Qingyue sword transformed into a blue dragon.

Unexpectedly, this is the opportunity that women are waiting for.

Hidden weapon·Talking needle!

Pouting slightly, a tiny poisonous needle suddenly spurted out, accurately stabbing Fang Bo's right shoulder.

His whole body suddenly went numb, and Tsunade in his hand immediately fell to the ground.

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