Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 177 Hunting Shadow Level Powerful Persons

The Akatsuki organization's invasion caused quite a stir in Konoha.

Originally, Konoha's top management wanted to take the opportunity to launch an attack and test the strength of Sunagakure's team. Unexpectedly, Advisor Chiyo rushed directly to the Hokage's office.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, do you want to start a war with my Sunagakure Village?!"

One sentence made Sandai Qian confused on the spot.

He was thinking to himself, the Xiao organization is here to hunt down your precious grandson. I haven't held you accountable yet, so how can you have the nerve to yell at me?

He was just about to retort, but as soon as Chiyo opened his mouth, several big hats were slapped on him.

Why, Uchiha Itachi is your ninja of Konoha and must compensate for the loss of personnel in each village.

The traitorous ninja who failed to deal with the village in time should compensate Sunagakure Village for tens of millions of taels in mental damages.

Even candidates who deliberately targeted other villages used it to make excuses.

"If it wasn't premeditated, how could a ninja of that level find that boy from Otogakure for no reason?"

"Gaara was also involved. Maybe it was your Konoha's deliberate act."

Seeing that Sarutobi Hiruzen did not relent, Chiyo even expressed her intention to unite with other villages to strike out because Konoha could not afford to lose.

As a last resort, Sarutobi Hiruzen could only express his apology less sincerely, and said that there would be no follow-up to this matter.

"That's pretty much it." Chiyo left with satisfaction.

When this matter is over, everyone, including Konoha, will think that Xia is an undercover agent placed in the Akatsuki organization, and no one will treat him with a rebellious attitude.

His official status has been officially restored, and he can lead his subordinates to gain meritorious deeds as soon as the Konoha collapse plan begins.

Fang Bo's shadow was indispensable behind this incident. As the saying goes, sending Buddha to the west, he helped Red Sand Scorpion solve the household registration problem.

Next, let’s look at the wonderful performance of this "Fifth Generation".

In a remote training ground, Fang Bo controlled the newly acquired Feng Ying puppet, while standing opposite was a little girl holding a heavy hammer.

"Come on, let Sister Yaoyao practice with you today." After saying that, she jumped into the air waving her war hammer.

This is a very unwise behavior, and the reason for doing this is probably to perform some kind of special attack.

Fang Bo, who understood this, immediately controlled the puppet to release the ability of magnetic escape.

The black sand iron formed an arched barrier between him and Yaoyao.

The next second, there was a loud bang, and Yaoyao, who turned into a spinning top, began to attack the barrier continuously.

With the power of rotation, she hammered harder than the other, completely shattering the sand-iron barrier in a matter of seconds.

By this time, Yaoyao's figure could no longer be seen clearly in the swirling storm, and she seemed to have completely turned into a terrifying whirlpool that could destroy everything.

"That's interesting."

With a slight movement of his fingers, the energy value of the human puppet suddenly dropped a lot, and then the sand and iron formed a terrifying thorn barrier in the air.

Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Boundary Technique!

On average, a long thorn is used to attack every second. Yaoyao who is in it has no way to avoid it and can only keep colliding with the sand and iron.

Soon, the energy value of the puppet was exhausted, and Yaoyao also stopped spinning in a daze and sat down directly on the ground.

Ignoring the little girl with her eyes spinning in circles, Fang Bo was very satisfied with this attempt. After thinking about it, he started to install the Mechanical Core Elite IV on it.

With this legendary core, the energy value of the Wind Shadow Puppet has skyrocketed from 35 points to 48 points, and the battery life has been improved to a certain extent.

If the battery is not used for replenishment, the recovery time of the energy value is about ten minutes.

If you want to restore all the energy, it will take about eight hours.

According to Xiao's description, he originally installed some kind of energy sensor on the Wind Shadow Puppet's body, which could significantly reduce the energy recovery time.

It's a pity that after that battle, all the things were broken into pieces by several people.

In this regard, Xiao Fang expressed his extreme heartache.

"Well, I feel dizzy every time I use this skill." Yaoyao got up from the ground and reached out and took out her bamboo dragonfly.

Putting the small propeller on her head, she flew into the sky unsteadily.

"Brother, I'm leaving first. There are still a few tasks waiting for me over there." After saying that, she left calmly.

The little girl is very mysterious, and she probably knows a lot of mission trigger points, but Fang Bo is not very interested in her affairs.

After experimenting with the skills of human puppets, Fang Bo probably knew how to adjust the battle mode in the future.

Without other accessories, the Wind Shadow Puppet is actually a pure magic output.

If the energy value is enough, it can fight and defend, and it can also ride on the sand iron flying carpet and directly ascend to the sky on the spot.

If there is no energy, the lethality will immediately drop by 90%, and the ability to kill people with a knife is indeed far worse than that of the Yuan-00.

"I didn't expect that Feng Ying Puppet would be a magic elixir."

You can't get a good energy core at this stage, so I'm afraid there's no way to transform it into something more powerful in a short time.

Fortunately, Fang Bo is relatively easy to satisfy. He thinks that the Feng Ying Puppet at this stage is already very powerful.

Compared to when he first entered the plot world, his combat power was more than twice as strong.

If he returned to the selection venue of Sunagakure Village that day, he could easily kill the three chuunin examiners.

Putting the puppet away, Fang Bo activated the suspension and accelerated towards the hotel in Sand Hidden Village.

Someone suddenly came to him before and said that the reincarnations were going to unite to complete a task. He was curious about what these bold guys wanted to do.

Soon, Fang Bo arrived at the meeting place as agreed, and saw the familiar figure at a glance.

The reincarnation of the Sunagakure camp, the evil eye master Black Soul.

"You're here." The mysterious man waved, indicating that he could enter the tavern to talk in detail.

At first, Fang Bo didn't pay much attention, but when he walked to the door, his body suddenly tensed up.

Inside the tavern, a few old acquaintances were sitting here and there.

"I thought it was who it was." The man picked up the cup and looked at Fang Bo with an aggressive look.

This person is the reincarnation of the Konoha camp, Akizhuo.

"This guy is not bad." The hot breath hit his face, and Dragon Emperor Aled gently raised the cup towards him.

In the corner of the room, he also saw Stoss playing cards. This guy was the mastermind of the Death Forest War.

Dark Soul, Stoss, Aled, and Chi Zhuo, the four top reincarnators gathered together, and the goal they were planning should be quite big.

He calmly came to a table and sat down. Fang Bo looked around the audience, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and his smile was full of obvious sarcasm: "It is definitely not a small thing that can bring you together. Tell me what you need me to do. "

In his eyes, these guys were the points that moved the group. If he hadn't been on the busiest street in Konoha, he might have been unable to hold back his restless murderous intent.

"We have to complete a mission." Black Soul expressed his thoughts.

After listening to his story, Fang Bo glanced at everyone in turn with a look like looking at a fool.

The courage of these guys is really endless. They actually want to hunt down a shadow-level powerhouse?

He was able to successfully hunt Tsunade because he cleverly used the power of the plot itself.

If it were a fair fight head-on, ten Fang Bo together wouldn't be enough for him to fight.

After experiencing the invasion of the Akatsuki organization, the Samsaras should have some idea of ​​the strength of the shadow class, so how could they come up with such ridiculous ideas.

Unless they are sure of winning, such as who has some rare and powerful item in their pocket.

However, what does this have to do with Fang Bo?

His war mission has been completed, so why risk death by fighting a shadow-level powerhouse.

But he was curious about which strong man these guys wanted to hunt.

The number of powerful people in the Naruto world seems to be very large, but if you exclude the members of the past Kage and Akatsuki organizations, the number of remaining Kage-level masters is not very large.

The strength span of the Kage level is very wide. The strong ones can destroy the world, and the weak ones may be difficult for even some elite jounin to deal with.

Black Soul's whereabouts are mysterious, and the dragon has been missing all day long. It is probably related to this mysterious shadow-level powerhouse.

After a few simple inquiries, Fang Bo got a lot of useful clues.

First, the opponent was not a ninja from the Five Great Hidden Villages.

Second, there are no other helpers around the target.

Third, this strong man seems to have been a ninja of Konoha Village.

Seeing that Black Soul was unwilling to reveal more information, Fang Bo knew that it was time for him to make a decision.

"Sorry, I won't take the risk." He decisively rejected the other party.

There's a lot he can do, there's no need to take the risk all the way.

What's more, Fang Bo doesn't trust these people, and there is no possibility of sincere cooperation between them.

As if he had expected this, Black Soul nodded and continued: "I understand, yes, but there is one thing I need to trouble you with. I heard that you have the ability to locate plot characters?"

Okay, has this matter reached the ears of the reincarnators?

Fang Bo did not answer the other party, but expressed his attitude with a silent gaze.

Seeing this, Black Soul finally showed his sincerity.

"You just need to help us find the target, and this epic weapon will be yours."

It was a giant ax filled with the strong smell of blood. It was heavy and it looked like it should be a two-handed weapon.

With a simple touch, Fang Bo inquired about its specific information.

Name: Blood Moon Battle Ax

Level: Epic

Category: Two-handed weapons

Attack power: 18-20

Durability: 160/190

Attribute enhancement: Strength +4

Conditions of use: Strength 28, Constitution 16

Equipment effect: Blood Moon Elegance

Place of Origin: Familiar of Zero

Equipment evaluation: Every time you wield it in battle, you are dancing with death.

Blood Moon Elegance (active skill): consumes a minimum of 20 health points and adds additional weapon damage.

This is the first time he has seen a weapon skill that consumes health points. It seems that this weapon is particularly suitable for use by that kind of berserker.

Of course, it is quite suitable to be used as his Noble Phantasm.

After a moment of silence, Fang Bo nodded with difficulty and said, "Okay, I can help you find your target."

It's unclear whether you will gain or lose by exchanging a destiny token for an epic weapon. At least for Fang Bo currently, filling the treasure trove is more important.

Besides, his trophies may include more than one epic weapon.

By the time he converted the Blood Moon Battle Ax into a Noble Phantasm, the inventory had reached a value of "7".

Unknowingly, the King's Treasure House has gradually developed, and it will gradually become the most powerful offensive skill in Fang Bo's hands.

After getting benefits from others, it’s time to pay the price.

Under his curious gaze, Black Soul finally revealed the name of the shadow-level powerhouse.

"It's actually him!"

Beilihu, originally a ninja from Konoha Village, had been friends with the Sannin when he was young.

It's a pity that his qualifications are not as good as those of the three. In order to make up for his innate deficiencies, Beiruhu secretly studied the combined ninjutsu Kiyara.

At the most critical moment of the experiment, what he did was discovered by the Third Hokage.

It was also a human experiment, and Hiruzen Sarutobi couldn't bear to do anything to his disciples, but when the target was Beiruhu, he directly issued a killing order.

This unabashed double-standard behavior is really hard for ordinary people to imitate.

By chance, Black Soul triggered the mission about Beiliuhu.

Completing a hidden mission with a huge reward also aroused the murderous intention of this reincarnator.

That's why this hunting operation took place.

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