Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 178 Evil King Yan Kills Black Dragon Wave

In the Kingdom of Fire, the temporarily formed team is on its way.

Fang Bo is at the front of the team, responsible for guiding everyone in the direction of progress.

Looking at the few people living harmoniously around him, he couldn't help but feel some strange emotions in his heart.

These guys were fighting each other to the death before, but in an instant they became accomplices who needed to fight side by side.

It really fits that sentence, everything in the reincarnation space is dominated by interests.

As long as there is a profit, even the enemies who killed the father can work together.

After killing Beilihu, the shadow-level goalkeeper, the four of them could immediately complete a war mission.

Ten points are worth a lot, and the reward of a thousand plot points is also very good, not to mention, the platinum-level treasure chest is worth everything anyone will pay for it.

As for how to distribute it afterwards, Fang Bo didn't know their plan. Anyway, this matter had nothing to do with him.

Helping these guys find their goals is the entire content of his job.

Just to track down Beiliuhu, they were able to send an epic piece of equipment, which shows that this ambush was definitely a sure win.

If there was a head-on conflict, to be honest, Fang Bo didn't think much of them.

Even if they use all their trump cards, their probability of winning will not exceed 20%.

The key to this decisive battle is not these seemingly powerful masters, but the reincarnation Stoss who has always been low-key.

He has not forgotten what this guy did in the Forest of Death. He had originally set up traps, but he was suddenly teleported to a battlefield with dense enemy groups.

Speaking of which, the two sides do have some grudges.

Many of Yu-Gi-Oh's cards have special venues, sacrifices, and restrictive effects, and they may have an effect on the BOSS.

Ninjas generally have high attack and low defense. If they limit their movement, the probability of winning will instantly increase a lot.

Due to lack of information, Fang Bo could not speculate on what methods they had prepared.

At least he can be sure that everyone present can play a key role, otherwise Black Soul would not call these people specifically.

While he was meditating quietly, Chi Zhuo, the reincarnation behind him, suddenly said, "Which of you has been to the pirate world?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, wondering what kind of medicine this guy was selling in his gourd.

When no one answered, he said calmly: "I know the detailed strategy for obtaining a natural fruit."

Now, everyone is interested.

None of us are in the reincarnation space. To put it bluntly, after this mission is over, the probability of seeing them again in this life is very slim.

Even if the information is sold, it will not become the soil for cultivating enemies.

As for meeting at the top in the future, that is all very far away. No one can guarantee that they will survive the space war in the second-difficulty world.

If it were that easy, people wouldn't use "cruel" to describe competition in the reincarnation space.

This is also the main reason why Fang Bo never chose to sell information.

If you sell information about a hidden mission, you may cultivate many potential enemies, and they may be able to use this information to continue to make profits.

He is alone and cannot defeat the reincarnators in a large team.

After looking at the curious people around him, Fang Bo still chose to remain silent. He wanted to see what kind of shocking news this guy had prepared.

After being questioned by several people, Chi Zhuo said calmly: "This fruit is called swamp fruit."

Swamp Fruit, a natural type of Devil Fruit, the one with the ability is the wet-haired Karibu.

After using the power of the fruit, the entire body can be turned into liquid mud, and the surrounding environment can also be changed to completely become a swamp.

That's right, it's the Karibu who is known as the shame of the natural system.

Other natural ability users are very powerful after being transformed into elements. Unless they attack with domineering power, they cannot harm their main body at all.

But the elementalization of the swamp fruit only needs an airtight wine barrel to completely restrict it.

Although the user's hip pull is a very important factor, the upper limit of the fruit's ability is indeed not very high.

If you are accidentally fooled by the name of "natural system", these guys will be easily fooled.

No, the Dragon Emperor Aled has already started asking about the price.

Everyone is a top-level reincarnation person, and has experienced as many tasks as stars. Naturally, we have ways to judge the truth and falsehood of each other's words.

One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. This kind of transaction inherently requires corresponding risks.

Looking at Aled who completed the transaction, Fang Bo chuckled in his heart and wanted to know the other party's expression after getting the Devil Fruit.

Come to think of it, that must be a very exciting scene.

During the rest of the journey, people exchanged information with each other from time to time, but there were no more large-scale transactions like natural fruits.

Fang Bo remained silent throughout the entire process. He never lacked hidden tasks that could be triggered. What he lacked was the time to complete the tasks and the ability to perform them.

If he is strong enough now, he can directly expose the conspiracy of the "Eye of the Moon" plan.

He even channeled Madara Uchiha to explain the use of Black Zetsu and the existence of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

However, he couldn't afford the consequences.

This is the biggest factor limiting the strength of Fang Bo.

In his silence, the team continued to move forward, and finally arrived at their destination at noon on the fourth day.

When they came to a mountain col and looked at the decent-looking cave in front of them, Fang Bo said with confidence: "Beiliuhu is right there."

There is no need to prove anything specifically, because Black Soul has already seen several familiar figures.

These people are all Biluhu's men, and their appearance proves that the puppet master has found the right place.

"I won't be involved in what happens next." Fang Bo took a few steps back, making it clear that he didn't intend to get involved.

The value of an epic weapon was not enough to hire him to attack a shadow-level powerhouse.

Of course, if Kimimaro still had "command power" in his hand, let alone Beiruhu, he might have tried to find a way to hunt down Jiraiya.

After waving to a few people, Fang Bo sent his heartfelt blessing and said: "I hope to see you all again in Konoha."

The unexpected kind attitude made Black Soul slightly surprised, but he still waved his hand towards Xiao Fang to signal that he didn't need to worry.

As for other people, they completely treat it as nothing. These people will not think that he has such good intentions.

In fact, Fang Bo did express his sincere blessings, and he really didn't want his companions who were with him for a short time to encounter any accidents.

In that case, wouldn't a lot of plot points be wasted?

"Even if you want to die, you have to die in my hands."

With a strange smile, his figure gradually disappeared into the darkness.

The contract between each other has ended, and he can't guarantee what will happen next.

The war soon began, and Eled transformed into a fire dragon and burned the enemy to death with his powerful strength.

As a last resort, Beiliuhu could only show up to fight.

"Is it you?!" Looking at Hei Hun's silent face, Beiliu's teeth were itching as he exhaled.

He provided the opponent with what he needed to become stronger, but then he turned around and led others to attack the experimental base.

Such an ungrateful person really shouldn't have helped him in the first place.

"My Oni Yaluo technique has been initially completed and can be applied to actual combat."

"Okay, I will use your lives to test my ninjutsu today."

After a slight seal, Bei Liuhu's figure disappeared in an instant.

"Be careful!" Black Soul reminded loudly.

It's a pity that his words were too slow, and Stoss beside him couldn't react at all.

When his arm pierced his chest, he realized that the enemy had actually arrived in front of him.

Swift escape, a very rare blood inheritance limit, the user can have terrifying speed that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Among the people present, only Xie Yan could vaguely detect his movements.

The non-perceptual Storth naturally cannot discern the enemy's movements.

But it doesn't matter, the bodies of the reincarnators have been digitized, and this seemingly terrifying penetrating damage cannot completely kill them.

Turning over his hands and taking out an exquisite card, Stoss said softly with a smile on his face: "I caught you."

Trap card, activate!

The metal prison trapped Bei Liuhu inside, and the figure of the reincarnator disappeared in a burst of smoke.

Storth used stand-in props to help him escape from traps, bindings and other special conditions.

Although his physical strength is not strong, he is the most troublesome among the four reincarnations.

No matter what, the enemy should not make him their first target.

This is a strategic mistake, so Beiliuhu will naturally have to pay the price for it.

"Get away!" Aled, who transformed into a giant red dragon, opened his mouth and spit out extremely hot flames.

The roar of the flame dragon!

Seeing this, Bei Liuhu calmly raised his hand, and there was a diamond-shaped mark on his palm that was shining slightly.

Mingdun·Sucking holes!

Onimera no Jutsu is a fusion-type ninjutsu that allows you to fuse ninjas and psychic beasts with your own body.

Using this as a medium, one can even merge the blood inheritance limits of other people.

One of them is Swift Escape, which allows Beilihu to have unimaginable speed.

The second is Dark Escape, which makes Beiliuhu immune to energy-based damage.

At this time, Bei Liuhu had only obtained two blood inheritance limits that were suitable for him. Even so, he still had a shadow-level combat power.

Seeing that the hit he was aiming for failed, Aled was a little dumbfounded.

His dragon transformation has a time limit and is relatively small. Its main function is actually to strengthen the dragon's breath.

The attack just now was done with all its strength, but unexpectedly it had no effect at all.

Not only that, his flame dragon breath was also used by the enemy.

Dark Escape·Evil will destroy itself!

Bei Liuhu raised his hand and completely returned the attack just now to the enemy.

The hot dragon's breath melted the iron cage and knocked the flying Eled out of the sky.

The first round of fighting was a crushing victory for the plot character side.

"It's really awesome." Black Soul took off his clothes, revealing the strange and eye-catching black dragon tattoo on his arm.

"But as far as I know, Mingdu's absorption has a time limit. You can't absorb all attacks without distinction."

The dragon's breath from before was still the bait, and the real killing move lay with Evil Eye Master Black Soul.

Before Beiliuhu could react, Chizhuo used "Shao" and instantly rushed to the target's side and hugged him tightly.

Iron block·steel!

Facing a body as hard as iron, Bei Liuhu, who was not using strength, was unable to break free for a while.

"Take the move!"

Under the stirring mental power of the black soul, a black dragon roared out.

Evil King Flame Kills Black Dragon Wave!

At night, a person's figure slowly emerged in the darkness.

"Huh, that should be enough to get here."

Taking out food and water from the space imprint, Chi Zhuo leaned against the big tree with a tired expression.

After fighting fiercely for a long time and spending countless trump cards, they finally succeeded in killing the enemy.

After the reward items were distributed, everyone left. In fact, everyone was worried that the other party would suddenly fall out.

It wasn't until he approached the border of the Land of Fire that Chi Zhuo breathed a long sigh of relief.

He wasn't in good shape and needed a good night's rest to recover.

Of course, everyone else was pretty much the same, so everyone had a tacit understanding and didn't choose to take action.

Although the process is thrilling, the results are undoubtedly good.

Not only did he complete the war mission, but he also received a high-quality rare item, which was definitely a great harvest.

The man who slowly fell into a deep sleep did not notice that a pair of eyes in the distance were staring at him.

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