Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 180 The Weeping Thousand Birds Kill Strong Enemies!

At this moment, Chi Zhuo was falling from the sky, and he, who didn't understand "Moon Steps", had no way to use it.

Seeing the Yanyue Qinglong slashing towards him, Chi Zhuo swung his ax and knocked it away.

Then he followed the same pattern and dealt with the big sword coming from the other side.

But he was completely unable to detect the Shadow Moon Cross coming from behind.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 17 points of damage to the enemy]

"The defense is indeed very high." Fang Bo smiled softly, and then released the treasure he had just acquired.

A chain emerged from the golden ripples and tied up the man in mid-air.

No matter how hard the other party struggles, it will not help.

[Your anode lock causes a restraint effect on the target, and the strength attribute is being judged and the characteristics and abilities are being judged]

[The target is restrained for three seconds and cannot move, use equipment, or use props]

Binding (active skill): Based on the strength attributes of both parties, a binding restriction of up to ten seconds can be given.

It can be tied up for up to ten seconds, but when he uses it, it is only effective for three seconds, which is enough to illustrate the huge power gap between the two sides.

But it doesn't matter, three seconds is enough for Fang Bo to use.

The King's Treasure House was activated with all its strength, and several treasures instantly overwhelmed the human-animal Spinyback Dragon in mid-air.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 18 points of damage to the enemy]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 22 points of damage to the enemy]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 15 points of damage to the enemy]

After a round of attacks, Fang Bo consumed 7 points of mental power and caused a total of 72 points of damage to the enemy.

If the equipment effect is activated, the damage may be higher.

Prevent high blood pressure?

He can grind the opponent to death bit by bit. The King's Treasure House only has a five-second cooldown. In less than a minute, he can completely send the big blood cow in front of him to hell.

"Damn it." Chi Zhuo raised his head after landing and glared at the man standing on the treetop: "You are finally willing to show up, Jason."

At this time, there was a rustling sound in the distance, and a group of ghost spiders were running quickly along the grass.

In fact, he didn't leave at all that day, but set up obstacles on his way back to the Land of Fire.

That is to say, disperse the ghost spiders and fight wherever the enemy is blocked.

In pursuit of Beilihu's traces, he wasted a hard-earned destiny token, and an epic weapon alone was not enough to make up for it.

If you can kill the guy in front of you, the harvest in the treasure chest will probably be enough.

Actually, he didn't particularly want to target Chi Zhuo. Who let the other party be discovered by the ghost spider?

I can only say that my fate is not good, I just need to be careful in everything after reincarnation in my next life.

Looking at the enemy who was tired of dealing with the ghost spider, Fang Bo thought, and seven golden ripples opened almost at the same time.

The diamond-shaped mark between the eyebrows began to glow slightly, and the ten points of mental power accumulated in the Yin Seal began to be replenished.

Due to the ghost spider's fearless attack, Chi Zhuo couldn't help but become distracted, and was accidentally trapped by the anode lock again.

"Damn it, what the hell." Chi Zhuo was furious and simply activated his armed Haki.

This round of Noble Phantasm volley only caused about fifty points of damage.

While the domineering force is in effect, not even the attacks of the ghost spiders can harm the target, only Fang Bo's noble phantoms can still pose a threat to it.

Staring at the enemy hatefully, Chi Zhuo turned his head and continued to fight with the ghost spiders.

There was no way he could get close to the opponent without killing these little things first.

"Shaving" is indeed useful, but Chi Zhuo's mental attributes are not high, so he can only use it as a trump card.

Turning the eternal battle ax over and slashing it diagonally, he used two attacks to finish off this damn half-length spider.

"The attributes of half-length spiders are obviously higher. It seems that these summons can be advanced in some way."

To be honest, Chizhuo is a little envious. According to his understanding of the reincarnation space, such a shikigami can be regarded as a top existence.

If you develop in the future, or become a follower, you will definitely be able to make further progress based on your original strength.

"It's a pity that you don't have a chance."


Several golden treasures fell from the sky. Chi Zhuo didn't even hide this time and managed to withstand more than 80 points of damage.

He activated his only movement skill, ignored the two puppets rushing towards him, and turned into an afterimage and rushed towards the bride.

Just over ten seconds had passed, and the ghost mother Yin Ji's health had only recovered to about one-third.

With such a blood volume, how can one deal with a cruel animal-type ability user?

Holding the eternal battle ax high, the black aura spread over it, and Chizhuo used the last of his armed haki to successfully send the shikigami and the surrounding ghost spiders back to the Onmyoji world.

[The talent "Brave" is activated, you increase the basic attack power by 1%]

[The talent "Brave" is activated, you increase the basic attack power by 1%]

[Cumulative increase of basic attack power by 9%]

After looking at the accumulated attack power bonus, Chi Zhuo smiled silently, but his body couldn't help but began to shake.

His mental energy was exhausted, and he could no longer use his armed haki to fight, and he could no longer even use the two self-taught six-position skills.

He raised his head and drank a bottle of green potion, which temporarily increased his physical limit by 3 points. Chi Zhuozhi wanted to compete with the enemy for endurance.

"We're the only ones left now."

Facing the Noble Phantasm falling from the sky, the half-animal Chi Zhuo roared and rushed forward.

He swung the giant ax and knocked away three weapons, and dodged the oncoming chains, but in the end he was hurt three times in a row.

"Not enough." He gritted his teeth silently and continued to rush towards the enemy.


The dragoon's bullets exploded with blood on the enemy, but the cost was that the Wind Shadow Puppet had two-thirds of its durability cut off with an axe.

The Yuan-10 style attacked, and the Nichirin Sword cut out two blood marks that were deep enough to show the bone, but the enemy pierced the chest with his sharp claws.

An ax cut off the puppet's control thread, and then threw it far to the ground.

Chi Zhuo stood there covered in blood, his tired eyes full of madness.

"Stop using these little tricks and show me what you're really capable of."

"Otherwise, you will be such a disappointment to me."

After saying that, he threw a green bean into his mouth.

Fairy Beans: A recovery item that can instantly fill up all states without sharing the cooldown time of the medicine.

Feeling the endless power in his body, Chi Zhuo tore open a scroll, and his whole body was suddenly enveloped in dazzling silver light.

In this state, his attacks will add additional divine damage. The higher the damage, the more obvious the effect will be.

Black armed domineering energy surrounded the ax body, and the red turbidity rushed towards the enemy standing on the treetops.

In fact, Fang Bo realized something was wrong the moment he saw his enemy taking drugs.

Basically, all types of medicines will share each other's cooling time, and no one can pour medicines continuously.

Unless the opponent is taking that high-grade drug, generally speaking, this kind of thing is very rare, but considering the opponent's strength, everything seems reasonable.

Entering the second stage of the curse seal, Fang Bo's spirit and agility attributes were greatly improved. Then he imitated the other party and poured a bottle of agility potion into his mouth.

[Your agility attribute +3]

Including the bonus provided by the curse seal, Fang Bo's agility has reached an astonishing 26 points.

The enemy is a typical reckless man, with strong attacks and a lot of blood, and the effect of head-on fighting is not good, so it is better to make full use of his speed advantage.

After a series of Noble Phantasm summons, he now still has sixteen points of mental power left.

If you don't use it sparingly, the battle later will be difficult.

"It's better to retrieve the puppet first."

Seeing the eternal battle ax suddenly appearing in front of him, Fang Bo's battle energy perception was fully activated, and he narrowly avoided the blow.

After reaching out to touch the other party, Chi Zhuo's body was suddenly wrapped in a large ball of flames.

[The target is affected by the burning state, causing 5 points of fire damage per second, and the state lasts for 10 seconds. 】

Dodging the enemy's determined attack, Fang Bo arrived at Yuan-Zero's side in the blink of an eye, and reused his mental power thread to control it.

If you want to sharpen your blood, you still need the doll’s dual epic sun swords.

He will try to be careful in the upcoming battle to prevent the puppet from being damaged beyond repair.

As for the Feng Ying puppet, he had already taken it into the space mark, otherwise it might be completely broken if the enemy breathed on it.

Using the puppet as bait, Fang Bo exploded with all his speed and once again stretched out his hand to press on the enemy's chest.

The deterioration special effect was activated, and the flames once again took away fifty points of the enemy's life.

The price was that he was inevitably hit in the shoulder with an axe.

[You received a slash numbered 11214, causing 165+32 ​​points of slashing damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 71 points of health]

The overbearing axe, which contained the color of weaponry, directly caused 126 points of high damage to Fang Bo.

He cannot withstand such an attack again, otherwise once the recovery of the Heart Steel fails, he is likely to fall into a very dangerous situation.

With a slight hook of his fingers, Yuan Yi-Zero pounced from behind, slashing the man's back with a flaming slash.

The Breath of the Sun is in the shape of Shisan·The scorching sun!

However, Chi Zhuo kept staring at his opponent, and he had a premonition that the opponent's mental power was close to being exhausted.

"Hahahaha, where are your little toys? Why don't you summon them out?!"

As soon as the inflammatory bullet was shot out, the man who was approaching him was temporarily pushed back. Fang Bo was silent as he looked at the remaining 9 points of mental power.

According to his estimate, the enemy's remaining health points were at least more than 300 points.

He was unable to fight anymore, at least unable to defeat his opponent through close combat.

"no solution anymore."

Under the gaze of the enemy, he took out the perfect recovery potion from his pocket.

Seeing the rapid recovery status, Fang Bo smiled coldly and said, "Don't you want to see my toys? Well, I'll let you see them all at once."

As he spoke, seven golden ripples appeared in mid-air at the same time.

The chains bound the frightened Chi Zhuo, and within a tenth of a second, six precious phantoms penetrated the body of the half-animal Spinyback Dragon.

After suffering such heavy damage, the enemy's remaining health value was probably in the early 200s at most.

"It's almost time."

Entering the Curse Seal 2 state, Fang Bo's mental attributes have skyrocketed to 42 points.

Even after a round of volleys, there were still 35 points left.

The sound of thunder and lightning rang out, and strange black and white lightning suddenly appeared in Fang Bo's hand.

Imitate·The Lamenting Thousand Birds!

This is a skill from Sasuke, copied when he was peeping.

With the continuous influx of spiritual power, it began to gradually become violent, and even gradually submerged Fang Bo's figure in it.

This power is so terrifying. The input of nearly 30 points of mental power has already exceeded the limit of the first difficulty world.

Even Fang Bo himself can't control such terrifying skills.

Everything he could see was dazzling black thunder and lightning. He simply closed his eyes tightly and left the job of finding enemies to Dou Qi Sense completely.

Under the crazy stimulation of thunder and lightning, Fang Bo's burst speed completely exceeded the attribute limit.

As the opponent, Chi Zhuo didn't know the perception skills, so he couldn't lock his attack direction at all.

He swung the ax based on his feeling, but it failed as expected.

Before he could react, the Wailing Thousand Birds had already penetrated his chest.

[Your Chidori hits the enemy, causing 284 points of fatal damage]

[The damage exceeded the critical value, number 11214 died! 】

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