Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 181 Twenty Thousand Plot Points

"It's finally over." Fang Bo stretched.

In this battle, he tried his best and fought until the last second to determine the winner.

The process was not without hardships, but fortunately, he succeeded in having the last laugh.

After taking a short rest, Fang Bo took out the seal scroll he purchased earlier.

This guy has killed so many of his ghost spiders, now it’s time to talk about compensation.

"Your corpse has very strong energy and should be able to cultivate a third-level ghost spider."

"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent."

After making a few seals, he pressed on the blank scroll with one hand, and in an instant, several black marks connected it to the corpse.

Ninja Technique·Scroll Seal!

The corpse was successfully sealed, and when the summoning time cooled down, the bride could enjoy a delicious meal.

As for now, Fang Bo decided to leave here first.

The fight between the two made a lot of noise, and there was no guarantee that it would attract the attention of someone.

If something unexpected happened, he couldn't face it in his current state.

After another long day of traveling, he was relieved when he crossed the border and arrived at the travel camp prepared by Konoha officials.

"You should be fine here." Fang Bo took out a glass of wine and tasted it quietly, then inquired about the rewards for killing enemies previously.

[You kill the enemy space reincarnation and get a personal killing treasure chest]

[You get 15 battlefield points]

Protagonist points: 111

As a strong person with three extreme attributes, the enemy gives him a full fifteen points.

Counting this income, Fang Bo's personal points have reached 111 points. Regardless of the transformation of shikigami, he can completely jump the military rank three times in a row.

Recalling the mental replenishing potions in the merit store, he couldn't wait to buy a few bottles.

"Let's take a look at his box first. The gain in terms of plot points should be considerable."

In fact, Fang Bo wanted the opponent's legendary ax even more, that was the equipment that excited him the most.

For this reason, he would rather have little gain in plot points.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 11214]

[You get 2620 plot points]

[You get fairy beans x 1]

[You get the Underworld Escape Acupoint Scroll]

Ignoring the gains of more than two thousand points, Fang Bo has seen the market now, so he won't make such a fuss.

Among those reincarnated people who have survived until now, none of them have two or three thousand in their pockets.

It would be weird if it was only a few hundred.

The fairy beans were just as he imagined. They could instantly replenish all statuses, but unfortunately they could not remove negative status effects.

With it, Fang Bo gained another life, which made up for the perfect recovery potion consumed in the battle.

As for why the enemy didn't use it, it was probably because they were reluctant, and they didn't expect Fang Bo's mental burst to be so high.

Even though he used defensive skills, he still lost so much health.

If you could choose again, the enemy would definitely choose to eat the fairy beans and use the armed color Haki for defense instead of attack.

This is just a beautiful fantasy. Judging from the man's character and the circumstances at the time, the other party will choose to fight him head-on no matter how many times.

A good swimmer will drown, and this is the consequence of being too confident in defense.

"So, I can't practice the iron thing. My defense power hasn't increased much, but my self-confidence has increased quite a lot."

The harvest of fairy beans and plot points is very good. The only pity is that the legendary equipment was not revealed.

Dark Escape Acupoint: B-level active skill, which can absorb energy skills. The upper limit of damage must not exceed twice the mental attribute.

If Fang Bo uses it, he can absorb less than ninety points of energy damage.

As long as the damage does not exceed 100 points of pure energy-based moves, there is basically no way to cause damage to him. For the reincarnation in the first difficulty world, it is definitely a magical skill.

However, Fang Bo's skill bar is already full, and his demand for this aspect is not particularly great.

Just like the slug psychic technique, it is safer to trade the Mingdun Acupoint Sucking Technique to one of your own.

Plot points: 20824 (3000 foreign debt)

"When a few good things are traded, my plot points may break through the 30,000 mark."

The sudden wealth made Fang Bo always have a smile on his face.

After calming down, he began to reflect on the problems exposed during the battle.

He currently has many methods, but none of them have reached the pinnacle.

The enemy is different. Simply relying on characteristics and stacking defenses can force him to the point where he has to use recovery potions.

This is the difference between taking an extreme route and balanced development.

Overall, Fang Bo's route is definitely superior, because he can deal with any type of enemy with ease.

But from now on, we must consider how to deal with this kind of enemy with a single attribute explosion.

"First of all, skills, including shikigami summoning, must be upgraded to full level."

Currently, the King's Treasure with the most powerful output is only at level 1, which is far from achieving the effect it should have.

If a few "skill entries" could be added, I believe this battle would be easier to win.

There is nothing he can do about the puppets. Puppet control is already his limit.

In the future, if you learn the technology of making human puppets and get the rosary beads from Yaoyao to control, you can achieve long-distance puppet attacks.

Of course, the number of two puppets is too small, and it is difficult to achieve the desired effect in high-end games.

The best way is to create more human puppets and eventually form an army of puppets with different abilities.

As for how to control it.

"Puppets are also equipment, so they can naturally be used with the help of the King's Treasure."

Just think about it, when the golden ripples unfold and the puppets that can fight independently fall to the ground, what an interesting scene it is.

When the time comes, he can show Xie what an authentic Baiji exercise actually is.

"Okay, we must collect more corpses of strong men in the future."

The unsuitable corpses were given to the bride, while those with powerful talents were left alone.

Just like the "Guan Yunchang" who died in the battle, he had the legendary talent "Martial Saint", which is very good human puppet material.

It would be very exciting to think about collecting a bunch of puppets with legendary talents.

Fang Bo, who was having sweet dreams, spent a few days successfully returning to Konoha Village.

After resting in the hotel for a day, the next morning, the dark soul who returned one step ahead of schedule came and knocked on the door.

"Chi Zhuo is dead," he said.

"I killed him." Xiao Fang replied.

In one question and one answer, there is actually no need to say more about a lot of things.

Black Soul has no friendship with the other party, so it is impossible to take action against one of his own people for this reason.

Of course, from now on, he will definitely be on guard against Fang Bo, and it is probably impossible for him to cooperate.

"Be careful, those guys already see you as a thorn in their side." After saying that, Black Soul said goodbye and left.

Why did he say that?

The reason is simple. After killing Chi Zhuo, Fang Bo officially topped the battlefield points list.

Due to his influence, the Sunagakure camp is already far ahead in points, and for the time being, there is little hope for other camps to catch up.

Unless someone can kill him in the next battle.

Others are concerned about the points ranking, but Fang Bo has already set his sights on the upcoming plan.

"I wonder how Orochimaru's preparations are going."

Using Yamato as a medium will definitely improve the strength of the dirty earth body.

As for how much it can be improved, I'm not sure.

He wanted to take a look, but unfortunately he couldn't find any trace of Orochimaru.

As a last resort, he could only try to find Kimimaro.

Even though they no longer have the right to deploy, the relationship between the two is still good. After all, Fang Bo is his savior, and Kimimaro still values ​​friendship.

By the way, I paid a visit to Jugo and Guren. The two of them stayed in Konoha and never left, just waiting for the day when the plan would really start.

Soon, Fang Bo appeared in Kimimaro's room.

The two sides exchanged information, and he also roughly understood the current situation of the spread of evil spirits.

"It's pretty good, but not good enough."

It can only cause temporary panic among ordinary people. It would be even better if the ninjas could be turned into evil spirits together.

Due to individual differences, ninjas do not lose their memory when they turn into evil spirits.

This is due to the effects of physique and chakra. Even if they have not turned into evil spirits, many people actually have the strength to kill the Twelve Demons.

Of course, such a powerful individual would not be easily corroded by the blood of the Ghost King.

However, that doesn't mean they will continue to be the same.

Many times people overestimate their beliefs. They may not know that some seemingly indestructible things will collapse with just a little external force.

"That's how things are in the world. It's often the environment that changes people, but people can't change the environment."

When a person completely transforms into an evil ghost and treats the same kind as delicacies, his concept of good and evil will also change accordingly.

"Come, let's witness it together."

In Konoha Hospital, the long corridor was filled with rich blood.

Locke Li regained consciousness in a trance, but he would rather never wake up.

Looking at his hands stained with blood, scenes of memories began to hit Xiao Li's mind.

The sequelae of Eight Gate Dunjia were not minor, and he was sent to Konoha Hospital for treatment after the battle.

It's nothing serious at all. You can completely recover after ten days and a half of rest.

However, the accident happened.

Late one night, a patient suddenly went crazy in the hospital.

She was a young girl who suddenly started biting people in the middle of the night. A child in the same ward was almost bitten to death by her.

Seeing this, Rock Li immediately stepped forward and subdued the other party, but he didn't realize that there was another person hiding in the room.

A master that he currently has no ability to compete against.

When Xiao Li woke up from the coma, he found that there seemed to be something wrong with his body.

"Me, I seem to be infected too."

He wanted to rely on his own will to survive, but he underestimated the primitive human desire to eat.

Ever since, tonight's murder was the result.

Feeling the long-lost feeling of fullness, Xiao Li couldn't help lying on the ground and retching.

Thinking of the rumors in the village about evil ghosts eating people, he finally realized that he had been plotted by the enemy.

"I have to find Teacher Kai." Although he thought so in his mind, Xiao Li's footsteps never moved.

Even if there was a reason, could he really be forgiven by the corpses on the ground?

No matter how he explains it, it cannot change the fact that he massacred the villagers.

Just as he was struggling, the ANBU appearing all around suddenly began to attack him.

No wonder the ANBU was excited. In fact, anyone who saw the scene in front of them would want to chop the butcher standing in a pool of blood to death.

"No, not me"

Xiao Li's defense was feeble, because he clearly remembered how he personally slaughtered dozens of lives in front of him.

Many people's limbs and trunks are still undigested in their stomachs.

The successive stimulations made Locke Li's mind a little unclear.

Therefore, when the ANBU's sharp blade penetrated his chest, his suppressed negative emotions finally burst out.

"Why, why don't you listen to my explanation?!"

"I've obviously worked so hard, why are you treating me like this!!!"

With a roar, green flames suddenly surrounded him.

With just one punch, Xiao Li smashed all the internal organs of the ANBU, and then he transformed into the most terrifying killer, killing the other ANBU around him one by one.

"." Looking around silently, Rock Li didn't say anything, broke the window and disappeared into the vast night.

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