Chapter 201 Xi Chui Lan Goenitz!

In the unlisted small hotel on the roadside, Fang Bo couldn't help but sigh.

"The stupid Gis gang made it impossible for me to stay in a hotel."

He was still wanted by the police, so he could only deal with it in a small hotel like this.

After a night's rest, Fang Bo's condition has been completely restored and he can start the next action.

As for Mai Shiranui, now her body has been taken over by Storm Konitz, and the leader of the Eight Elites has finally returned to the world.

However, things were more or less unexpected than what he had imagined.

After the resurrection, Goenitz did not show any particular excitement. Instead, she believed that now was not the best time to resurrect the serpent.

This leading player of the Heavenly Kingdom Protoss clearly showed an indifferent attitude towards everything.

As a last resort, Fang Bo had no choice but to explain the dangers of the Sound Nest Organization and expressed the other party's idea of ​​seizing the power of the Orochi.

"People in the world are so ignorant, and tampering with the power of gods will only bring disaster to themselves."

It can be seen that Goenitz disdains the so-called Voice Nest organization and does not think that these guys can succeed at all.

"You should really see it with your own eyes." Fang Bo described his battle with the enemy, especially pointing out the fact that the storm potion was obtained from the enemy.

At first, Goenitz was still a little confused as to why the human being in front of him could resurrect himself, but now he became silent after learning the answer.

After a long silence, Goenitz had to nod and admit: "Maybe you are right, I did feel the traces of the power of the big snake being pried."

"But this ability alone is not enough to threaten"

"Kusanagi Kyo was captured by Sound Nest."

One sentence made Gonitz completely silent.

That was the descendant of the Three Artifacts Family, the extremely powerful man who defeated him that year and successfully sealed his father the next year.

How could such a being be caught by that voice nest?

After learning the truth, Goenitz finally faced the enemy's threat.

If the truth is true as the man said, she will definitely stop the enemy's conspiracy.

"Without further ado, let's set off immediately." With that said, Goenitz planned to go straight to Huanglong.

Just because her mind was a little unclear, it didn't mean that Fang Bo would go crazy with this guy.

"You and I are not enough, we need to find more helpers."

"Who else are you looking for?" Baofeng was a little dissatisfied. She thought the other party underestimated her own strength.

However, the fact is that she can't exert much success at all now.

[Gaunitz (Collection of Eight Elites)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: spirit, agility, strength]

[Characteristics: Breathing Arashi (Legendary), Heavenly Gods]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Heavenly Protoss: You are the messenger of the gods, with charm +5, and the initial favorability of divine creatures +50.

Legend or not, the threat assessment of the leader of the Eight Great Masters is almost the same as Mai Shiranui's.

In order to make this guy realize the reality, the two of them had a literary fight, which consisted of a few simple blows each using their special moves.

After the battle was over, Goenitz no longer mentioned the proposal of attacking Huanglong.

"I need some time to adapt to the new body." Baofeng said.

Fang Bo expressed his understanding of this. If he didn't have absolute strength, even rushing into the Sound Nest organization's base would be in vain.

Other fighters need to practice hard day after day to increase their strength, but Goenitz only needs to wait silently.

Waiting for the new body to gradually adapt to the power of the serpent's blood.

As for whether the female body will cause inconvenience, Goenitz said this: "I have been reincarnated countless times, and many times I will appear in the form of a woman."

The implication is that she seems quite satisfied with Mai Shiranui's body.

Everyone said this, so Fang Bo was naturally happy to save some effort. Originally, he wanted to go to Yinchao to find a suitable transformer.

To be honest, he still admired the handsome uncle's appearance, but looking at the rough storm seemed pretty good.

Fang Bo, who was deep in thought, suddenly felt a gust of wind coming, and then he saw Goenitz floating in the air in a dark blue priest uniform.

The breeze blew gently and inadvertently lifted the hem of her skirt, revealing two smooth thighs.

"It's so white." Fang Bo calmed down, knowing that this guy was just looking for clothes when he went out.

No matter what he thought, at least Goenitz couldn't accept such a revealing ninja uniform.

"You can go," she said.

Hearing this, Fang Bo simply packed up and jumped out of the window.

He stopped a car casually on the road, and after a cordial and friendly exchange, the driver proactively promised to lend him the car to drive for a month.

The condition is to spare the lives of his whole family.

"You are so cowardly. Even if he doesn't lend it, will I still be able to steal it?"

In this regard, Goenitz did not express any views. The human concept of good and evil, right and wrong, has no effect on her.

"Where on earth are you going to find help?" she asked.

"Don't worry, speaking of which, that person is also your old friend."

Just as they were about to ask each other's name, the two people in the car suddenly turned their heads and looked behind them.

At the end of the road, a familiar motorcycle was coming at a fast speed. It was Hungry Wolf and his romantic partner Mary.

The sharp gaze under the brim of the hat pierced into his heart like two sharp knives, but Terry looked a little stunned when he noticed Mai Shiranui in the co-pilot.

What's going on?

Didn't it say that Xiao Wu was kidnapped? She didn't look like she was being coerced.

For a moment, the hungry wolf's momentum dropped sharply, and he frequently looked at the vehicles not far away from him.

As the driver, Andy's long blond hair seemed to be exuding a green light.

"Slow down, slow down, don't drive too fast." Terry reminded in a low voice.

"Yeah." Mary was a little sweaty, and she gently squeezed the brakes and deliberately fell behind.

The previous aggressive arrests had two main purposes.

First, a man kidnapped Mai Shiranui, and as friends, they had to save her quickly.

Secondly, the man is wanted by the police, and as martial artists, everyone should help him out of both emotion and reason.

But the moment they met the Geese Gang, they realized who was behind it.

There may be some unknown secret behind this so-called wanted person.

Seeing Mai Shiranui sitting awake in the passenger seat, even the first reason may not be valid now. Terry wished he had never been here in the first place.

"Xiao Wu!" With a heartless cry, Andy stepped on the accelerator and rushed over.

Although he has always been passive in this relationship, his love for Mai Shiranui is very strong.

Because he was too worried, he almost grew old with worry last night. Now that he saw his girlfriend, he couldn't think about other issues at all.

But Dong Zhang, the co-pilot, vaguely saw some signs. He saw Mary who suddenly slowed down through the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but cursed secretly in his heart.

"I shouldn't have gotten involved."

Dreaming about the bloody plot that might happen later, Dongzhang wished that someone could punch him unconscious, so that he would not have to face the embarrassing scene of his good friend.

On the other side, Goenitz gradually realized that the situation was abnormal. She couldn't help turning her head and looked at the guy in the driver's seat: "Where did I get this body?"

"I definitely didn't pick it up from the roadside." Fang Bo responded, and then stepped on the accelerator.

The car roared and rushed out. With a level 2 basic driving experience, he was probably equivalent to an experienced driver who had been driving for three years.

There may not be anything technically remarkable, but basic driving has already become instinctive.

Unfortunately, this cannot change the difference in performance. His two-door coupe easily caught up with his family sedan.

"Xiao Wu!" Andy called affectionately, as if he wanted to regain his girlfriend's attention.

The depth of emotion is comparable to late-night romance dramas.

"." Veins popped up on Gonitz's forehead, and she remembered who these guys were.

In 1996, she arrived at the King of Fighters tournament like a god and completely overturned the entire venue with a wave of her hand.

Many outstanding fighters appeared to stop him, but the man in the hat was particularly memorable to him.

It is not easy for someone who is not a descendant of the Three Artifacts Family or a relative of a member of the Eight Masters to cultivate to this level by relying on his own efforts.

"It's a pity that you don't understand what the difference in talent is."

He stretched out his palm and waved it gently, as if conveying instructions to something unknown.

The next moment, Andy's two-door coupe was swept away by a gust of wind.

Special move·Night Wind!

Goenitz, who had exhausted her patience, finally took action. Even though her physical condition was far from reaching its peak, she was still the leader of the four kings who looked down upon the world.


Swept by strong winds, the car exploded into pieces in a burst of fire. Fortunately, neither fighter was affected by the explosion.

"Xiao Wu!!!" Andy was still calling.

However, the other party's vehicle had already moved away, and he still stopped the grumpy Dong Zhang from taking action.

"Don't, Xiaowu is still in the car." Andy said.

Hearing this, Dongzhang could only put away his fists with a look of resentment on his face.

As everyone knows, if they take action at this moment, the two people in the car will not be able to resist them at all. The best result is to escape in embarrassment.

Recalling the brief exchange just now, Tojo asked with some uncertainty: "The power Mai Shiranui used was wind?"

That power was terrifying, possibly even stronger than the power of wind he had mastered.

Dong Zhang didn't understand. Aren't all the unique moves of the Shiranui school powered by flames?

At this time, Mary's motorcycle slowly parked on the side of the road, and both of them on the car were staring at their silent friend.

"Xiao Wu." Andy fell into self-blame. He thought there must be something he didn't do well enough.

"I will definitely ask for your forgiveness when we meet next time."

Only Terry, the hungry wolf, stared thoughtfully at the place where the strong wind had swept.

He always felt that this power seemed familiar.

Nanzhen is located in the central commercial street area.

Seeing the man slowly parking the car, Goenitz couldn't help but chuckle and asked: "Aren't you wanted? Why are you showing up here so arrogantly?"

"Of course we're here to find someone." Fang Bo raised the entertainment newspaper in his hand upon hearing this.

This is a newspaper that specializes in recording gossips about the lives of fighters. It contains countless true and false information. Many of them cannot be true, but they can be used to find traces of fighters.

The person he was looking for had already arrived in Nanzhen. In the past few days, he would come to the bar to drink at a fixed time every day.

Why did the newspaper investigate so clearly?

The reason is simple. Ever since the male fighter appeared, the violence in the bar has almost never stopped.

However, the local police did not dare to issue a wanted warrant and even warned the bar owner not to provoke the other party at will.

Because of this grumpy man, not even the Gis gang behind him was willing to offend him easily.

Pushing open the door of the bar, several bunny girls in scantily clad clothes walked towards me.

It can only be said that it is the center of South Town. The environment here is much better than the previous shabby tavern.

Finding a place to sit down casually, Fang Bo ordered two cocktails and looked at a seat specially reserved by the bar owner.

"Looks like we're early."

After taking a sip of the wine, Goenitz remained silent. She seemed to be thinking about certain issues in her heart.

At this moment, a man opened the door and walked in.

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