The man who walked in from the door had a unique red hair style, and a moon wheel representing the family crest was painted on the back of his shirt.

"." The moment he saw the man, Goenitz's originally nonchalant demeanor changed instantly.

Just like her teammates said, this man is indeed her old friend.

A ray of breeze blew by, and the wine glasses on the table began to ripple, which showed how unpeaceful Gounitz felt.

In 1997, Orochi completed its basic recovery, and God descended into this dirty real world again.

Seeing that the thousand-year-old mission was about to be completed, it was stopped by the red-haired fighter in front of him and others.

That's right, the second teammate Fang Bo was looking for was none other than Iori Yagami.

Back then, the three artifacts and Orochi had a fierce battle. In order to ensure that Kusanagi Kyo's "Final Battle Secret - Mu Shiki" could hit the target, Yagami hugged Orochi tightly with his body.

The ultimate move that destroyed the world first passed through his body and then hit the big snake.

It was this moment that caused Yagami'an to suffer an unprecedented heavy blow, and to this day it still cannot restore its strength to its peak state.

At the end of the Orochi War, the fate of the two protagonists was extremely miserable. Kusanagi Kyo took off his clothes and was studied, and Iori Yagami has been looking for good friends for several years.

It can be said that the two of them were paddling almost throughout the entire Sound Nest chapter.

Now that Fang Bo had to deal with the sound nest, he naturally couldn't just watch the two protagonists of the Orochi chapter continue paddling.

Seeing Iori Yagami sitting down at a familiar seat, the bartender immediately served drinks and food attentively, without any unnecessary actions or nonsense in the whole process.

Just a few days ago, several gangsters from the Geese Gang wanted to take photos with Iori Yagami, but they were all thrown out.

Afterwards, the arrogant and domineering Geese gang didn't even dare to let out a fart. One of the younger members went to complain to Stick King Billy, but instead he was hung up and beaten severely.

This incident made everyone see how terrifying Iori Yagami is. Even the people in charge of South Town dare not provoke people, let alone ordinary people who have no power to restrain a chicken.

However, at this moment, Yagami was sitting there, and the people around him continued to laugh and talk as if they didn't notice.

It's not that they are fearless, but they know the nature of this fighter, and as long as they don't take the initiative to provoke him, he will be fine.

As Iori Yagami himself said, he is a person who does not like to use violence.

It's just that some people have some problems that must be solved by violent means, just like that hateful guy who has been spying on him.

Staring at the man and woman not far away, Yagami instinctively felt a sense of boredom.

There are some people who you can tell just by looking at them that you won’t get along with, and An trusts her intuition.

【Iori Yagami (descendant of three artifacts)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit, strength]

[Characteristics: Destroying Blue Flame (Legendary), Blood of Orochi]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

"Huh?" Fang Bo was slightly surprised.

His information scanning is very unfriendly, and usually the target of the scanning will feel angry, and then have the idea of ​​​​taking action against him.

Iori Yagami is famous for his bad temper, but he doesn't have a strong desire to attack. It can only be said that you really can't know a person from rumors.

Of course, it may also be related to the other party's attitude towards things.

When normal people feel unhappy, they will most likely find ways to relieve it, such as telling the other person not to continue.

It's just that Yagami'an is not like this. He will slowly accumulate it in his heart until his patience reaches the critical point and then he will take action.

He could ignore the provocation just now, but if he continued to disturb him, Iori would teach him a lesson no matter what.

He knew that woman, a useless loser who would not be able to compete with him or Kusanagi Kyo even if she practiced for another hundred years.

"Sure enough, you are the only one worthy of my all-out efforts." Yagami began to miss his good friend whom he had not seen for a long time.

Suddenly, the cup in front of Yagami shattered into pieces, and the spilled wine accidentally splashed on his clothes.

"This is..." His pupils shrank slightly, as if he felt a familiar force.

Slowly raising his head, Yagami stared at the woman opposite again, and happened to see the crazy smile on her face that looked down upon the world.

The memories of the past slowly emerged in my mind, and this smile gradually merged with the impression of someone.

"It can't be wrong." After a moment of silence, Iori Yagami stood up slowly, walked over to the two of them and sat down next to the surprised eyes of others.

"Who are you?" he asked

The whirlwind gathered at the fingertips, and Goenitz looked down at the young man with arrogant eyes: "Why ask if you have already guessed it?"

Confirming the suspicion in his heart, Iori Yagami's eyes instantly became sharp, and a wisp of purple flame began to condense in his palm.

Seeing that the two sides were about to start fighting, Fang Bo successfully stopped the conflict with just one sentence.

"Do you want to know the whereabouts of Kusanagi Kyo?"

As if a pause switch had been pressed, Iori Yagami's movements became stiff in an instant.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he slowly lowered his raised palm.

Seeing that there was no fight immediately, Fang Bo couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, and glanced at the head of the Four Heavenly Kings with a smile on his face.

This guy hasn't adapted to his new body yet, and he may not even be able to defeat him now. If he really tries to attack him, he will basically be killed instantly by Yagami.

Let's just say, if you can't beat me, can you lower your posture a little?

But considering the nature of the fighters, there doesn't seem to be anything strange about it.

Even facing the big snake, those ordinary fighters still dared to rush forward, although the result was that they were all instantly killed with one move.

At least he appreciated the courage.

Next, Fang Bo described the whole thing exactly as it was.

Including the fact that Kusanagi Kyo was captured by the enemy and was being carefully studied naked by a group of scientists.

Compared with the enemy who coveted the power of Orochi, Fang Bo felt that this guy seemed to care more about Kusanagi Kyo's situation.

When he heard "bare butt", he could clearly feel Iori Yagami's body shaking slightly, and his already gloomy face became even darker.

After a long silence, he slowly said, "Can you find him?"

"Of course." A smile appeared on the corner of Fang Bo's mouth, which meant that Iori agreed to the alliance.

After he has seen the power of the Sound Nest organization and the brutal persecution of Kusanagi Kyo, he will naturally choose to participate in this King of Fighters competition.

In Iori Yagami's heart, no one can kill that man except himself.

If someone dares to take action, destruction will inevitably follow.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission to rescue the strongest fist! 】

[Mission introduction: You promise to find the captured Kusanagi Kyo, for which Iori Yagami is willing to work with you]

[Task requirement: Bring Kusanagi Kyo out of Sound Nest Base]

[Tip: You may be able to purchase information from some intelligence agencies]

The first hidden mission in this world was successfully triggered.

Fate Survey (1): Find the object favored by fate.

As long as he has the Destiny Token in hand, no one can escape his lock. He has a unique advantage in this regard.

As his experience became more and more abundant, Fang Bo finally realized that "The Fortune Teller" was the most valuable option among the rewards.

Now he is just searching for targets. He has not tried other functions, such as blocking the gaze of fate, stealing a part of the character's fate line, etc.

Sometimes, Fang Bo himself would guess what the specific uses of these functions are.

"If during the final battle of Naruto, a piece of Nazusa's destiny is stolen, will the person chosen by the Sage of Six Paths become me?"

“If you have the chance, be sure to try them one by one.”

For Fang Bo, finding people has never been difficult. How to rescue the target from the sound nest base is the problem.

So he found Iori Yagami instead of Benimaru, Daimon Goro, Yabuki Shingo and others.

Firstly, they may not be compatible with Goenitz, and secondly, these people together are not as good as an injured Yagami.

When dealing with the Sound Nest Organization, sometimes more people may not make things easier. If the enemy is alerted, no matter how many people there are, it will not be enough to face the overwhelming clone army.

Betsu Kusanagi Kyo failed to rescue him, so he took Yagami-an in as well.

Gently popping out the coin in his hand, a line of fate soon appeared in front of his eyes.

Follow it and you will find the secret place where Kusanagi Kyo is imprisoned.

Destiny Token: 5

After taking a look at the number of remaining coins, Fang Bo planned to accumulate them as much as possible. He might not know when they would be of great use.

"If there's no problem, let's set off."

After boarding the borrowed car, it seemed a bit crowded for the three strong men to get in, not to mention that the two plot experts in the car didn't like each other.

In order to alleviate the embarrassment, Fang Bo deliberately turned on the radio, preparing to use music to relax the atmosphere in the car.

[Hello, listeners, the next song for you is the new song "Rock Lobste" by the band Hell]

Fang Bo: "."

Goenitz: "."

Iori Yagami: "."

The three members of the hell band are Chris of the Flame of Destiny, Sharmi of the Wild Daoguang, and Qifongshe of the Dry Earth.

Counting Shibuki's Langonitz, the four of them formed the Four Heavenly Kings of the Celestial Clan.

One can imagine how the two people in the car would feel when they heard their songs.

The suffocating silence lasted for more than twenty minutes, and finally it was Goenitz in the front row who broke the silence.

"It seems that you were seriously injured. Now you can see the great power of our Lord."

But in Fang Bo's opinion, it would be better not to say such provocative words.

As expected, Iori Yagami replied without raising his head: "It's indeed great. He looked arrogant when we sealed the snake."

".We are about to take a boat. You'd better not cause any trouble."

Because Fang Bo was still wanted, they could not leave Nanzhen by plane.

Fortunately, there is no problem if he leaves Geese's sphere of influence. It is highly isolated from the outside world, and at least he will not be in the embarrassing situation of being wanted across the United States.

Judging from the map, the place where Kusanagi Kyo is imprisoned should be in South Africa. For this, you must take a plane.

His main fear now is that the two guys will fight on the plane.

Fortunately, his worries did not turn into reality. Until they boarded the huge cruise ship, the two plot powerhouses were always in the stage of bickering.

Later, perhaps because they were tired of the quarrel, the two of them went to different rooms, one on the second floor and one on the third floor. It was basically unlikely that they would meet.

This is also the result of Fang Bo's special arrangement. Anyway, we don't like each other, so why don't we just stay out of sight.

The journey is still long. For the sake of our common goal, it would be better for everyone to restrain their tempers a little.

After watching the two of them leave, Fang Bo prepared to go for a walk on the deck alone.

At Nanzhen Port, a group of men in cloaks boarded the cruise ship.

"Confirm target."

"Very well, we'll start taking action immediately after nightfall."

The leading man put down the communicator and walked alone to the room on the second floor.

The target that needs to be dealt with this time is in the room at the corner. As long as the ship moves, the opponent will become a turtle in the urn.

"After completing this mission, I can be promoted to a cadre of the organization."

Slowly lifting the cloak, a familiar face suddenly appeared underneath.

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