Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 205 MAX Super Special Move Orochimagi!

Chapter 205 MAX Super Special Move·Orochanagi!

On the other side, Fang Bo met a real strong man.

The person who came to him was none other than Kusanagi Kyo-1, one of the three clones who would cause a scene at the King of Fighters venue in the future.

【Kusanagi Kyo-1 (Elite Type)】

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, agility, spirit]

[Features: Blood of Kusanagi, mechanical transformation]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Judging from the threat assessment, No. 1 should have about the same combat power as Mai Shiranui.

To know who is stronger, we need to actually fight each other to know.

"You don't know how to live or die." No. 1 tightened his fists and waved his hand to signal his men to deal with the group of ghost spiders.

"You have no idea what kind of opponent you are up against."

After saying that, his figure suddenly appeared in front of Luo Xinfu, so fast that even the ghost mother Yin Ji couldn't react.

Through the observation of the monitor, No. 1 determined that this half-human spider was the enemy's key protection target.

Attacking the enemy must save it. This is the basic tactical principle.

The ultimate move that has been honed over time is the wild bite, and then nine additional injuries, finally ending the combo with eight elbow smashes.

[The new wife was attacked by Kusanagi Kyo-1's wild bite, causing 58 points of scorching damage. 】

[The new woman was attacked by Kusanagi Kyo-1's nine-wound attack, causing 65 points of scorching damage. 】

[The new woman was attacked by Kusanagi Kyo-1's eight swords, causing 71 points of scorching damage. 】

The consecutive sure kills caused 194 points of horrific damage. Fortunately, the blood volume of the ghost mother Yin Ji was rich enough. If it had been any other ghost spider, she would have been killed instantly.

"You're not even dead?" No. 1 was slightly surprised, and then even hotter red flames rose up from his arm.

If this move hits, the ghost mother Yin Ji will undoubtedly be killed on the spot.

At the critical moment, Fang Bo finally solved the mass-produced clone that was entangled with him, and stood in front of the Shikigami as fast as lightning.

He pulled off his cloak and set up the energy shield of the memory armor.

The next second, the terrifying red flames swarmed in like fire snakes.

Super special move·Zhu Tianzu!

The terrifying flames kept hitting the energy shield. Fang Bo stood unsteadily and his body began to slide backward uncontrollably.

Fortunately, there was a shikigami blocking him. Otherwise, even if the energy shield was not broken, he would have failed to defend due to his uncontrollable body shape.

In about two seconds, the scorching red inflammation slowly subsided, and Fang Bo and Luo Xinfu could finally take a deep breath of fresh air.

Energy shield durability: 146 points

"A fighter of this level can almost instantly kill a reincarnator from a world of difficulty one."

Fang Bo put away his energy shield and kept telling himself to be careful.

With just a little carelessness, such an above-average fighter might cause him to suffer heavy losses.

"Don't be careless at all." As he said that, Fang Bo activated the form of the curse seal.

Facing a strong man of this level, you must not take any chances, you must use all your strength to kill the opponent.

Instructing Luo Xinfu to step back slightly, Fang Bo controlled the Feng Ying puppet to condense a huge cube about six meters long.

Magnetic Release·Sand Iron Knot Attack!

Due to the series of battles just now, the puppet currently has very little energy remaining, and this is the last blow it can launch.

In a passage with restricted terrain, the enemy would never be able to dodge this attack.

Of course, maybe they didn't want to hide at all.

"Huh." With a gentle breath, Kusanagi Kyo-1's body was suddenly enveloped in endless flames.

It felt to Fang Bo as if a small sun appeared in front of him, and even the surrounding temperature was rising sharply.

"What a scary guy." The bride sighed in a low voice and couldn't help but look around at the situation.

Without her help, those ghost spiders would be no match for the clone soldiers.

There were twelve of them just now, but now there are only seven left alive.

The advantages of the violent soldier style are completely useless in front of the sound nest with a huge army of clones.

"You go deal with those little minions." Fang Bo took off his cloak and reactivated the energy shield of the memory armor.

His intuition told him that the sand-iron cube would probably not be able to block the enemy's fatal move.

Facing the incoming giant cube, Kusanagi Kyo-1 raised his arms high.

Countless red flames gathered together, as if holding up a sun with a hand.

"Completing the mission is the whole meaning of my existence." No. 1 roared at him with a ferocious face: "Now I will let you see my consciousness."

MAX super special move·Orochanagi!

In just one breath, the sand-iron cube was blasted from the front by Orochimagi.

The raging flames swept over, and the stalemate lasted for probably a few seconds, and Fang Bo's energy shield also broke.

No. 1's strongest super kill hit Fang Bo's body, wrapping him in flames and rushing into the distance.

[You were attacked by Kusanagi Kyo-1's Orochanagi, causing 156 points of scorching damage]

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 48 points of health]

[The attack triggers the red flame effect, causing 8 points of damage per second, lasting 12 seconds]

Before he could stand up again, Luo Xinfu took the lead and stopped the enemy.

At this time, we must not let the opponent continue to pursue him, at least until the Onmyoji recovers his health.

There were no ghost spiders around, so she had no choice but to bite the bullet and do it herself.

First, she marked the opponent with a spider mark, and then she gathered energy and unleashed her special skills.

Heart-eating and marrow-eating!

When you first enter the reincarnation space, the control of this move that works sometimes and sometimes fails can still play some role.

Today, the power of Heart-Eating Marrow has long been out of reach, and the Ghost Mother Yin Ji has also withdrawn from the first battle sequence.

Today I rushed to put it on the shelves, but the result was that the group of energy spiders were extinguished by the enemy's punch.

Even though his energy was exhausted and his lungs felt like burning pain, No. 1 was not defeated by the big spider in front of him.

Leaning down to avoid the stabbing spider blade, the man hit the ground with a dark brush and successfully used the red flames to ignite the big spider's body.

Then he quickly rushed forward, crossed his hands and clasped the bride's shoulders.

"go to hell!!!"

Just as he was about to exert his strength, a golden chain suddenly wrapped around him.

Using shikigami as bait, Fang Bo finally caught this guy, because he knew that the enemy would definitely take a close attack on Luo Xinfu.

The ghost mother Yin Ji's melee strength is very impressive, and it is not difficult to see this after just a few fights.

If it were him, he would have prioritized getting rid of this big, eyesore spider.

Without this prediction, Anode Lock would never be able to catch an enemy of this level.

Although he could only trap the opponent for a short second, it was enough to complete a round of Noble Phantasm volley because he summoned all the Noble Phantasms together.

Even if the target is not bound, the fatal blow of the Noble Phantasms will not be delayed.

After several roars, No. 1, who broke free, barely fended off other weapons, but he failed to guard against Shadow Moon Fork's stealth attack.

At the same moment, Fang Bo's Yuan-00 type controlled by Fang Bo reached in front of the enemy, and the sun blade slashed down diagonally, intending to complete the most skilled head separation.

The Wind Shadow puppet on the other side opened its mouth, and the dragoon fired a cold ice bullet.

The attacks coming from the left and right at the same time made Number One somewhat passive, but he quickly found a way to crack the attack.

Special move: Oniyaki!

Two flames rose up like spiritual snakes, deflecting the Sun Blade and melting the incoming ice bullet.

I have to say that No. 1's combat awareness is excellent, but unfortunately he is not Kusanagi Kyo's true form after all.

Panting, he fell to the ground, barely avoiding the head-on blow from the Feng Ying Puppet, but he no longer had the strength to fight against the Yuan-Zero Style.

The sun's breath is one shape·round dance!

I wanted to cut off the enemy's head, but unfortunately these two swords only reached the shoulders.

But it doesn't matter. After a moment, golden ripples appeared again, and Fang Bo would not give the enemy any chance to breathe.

The eight offensive Noble Phantasms fell one by one, pinning the enemy to the ground.

Until death came, No. 1's eyes were still staring at him, as if he was still thinking about completing the orders issued by the organization.

"This damn Sound Nest's methods are really amazing." Fang Bo sighed.

[You killed the Cyborg Kusanagi Kyo-1]

[You got the plot treasure chest (gold)]

After entering the plot world for so many days, I finally saw a fairly satisfactory harvest.

Of course, a golden treasure chest is not enough, and Fang Bo's greed will not be satisfied so easily.

Picking up the box that fell on the ground, he looked at the few remaining clone soldiers, thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry about individual advancement yet, hatch the number of ghost spiders to the maximum."


There are dangers all over the sound nest base, and this battle is just an appetizer, not to mention that he has also brought Yagami Temple, which the enemy has longed for.

If it were him, he would rather give up the target they needed to rescue and try his best to capture Yagami.

If successful, it won't take long for a large number of clones to be born.

Imagining Yagami's naked butt being studied, Fang Bo felt that the scene must be very exciting.

However, the smile on his face did not last long.

Along with the sound of footsteps, the ice girl Kula came to this corridor with a curious face.

"Wow, it's really a big spider, so powerful." The girl trotted all the way to the field, circling around the ghost spiders.

Luo Xinfu wanted to attack, but was forcibly stopped by Fang Bo with his mind.

The girl in front of her is not a fake master like Yagami-an who is physically disabled but strong-willed. She is a truly top-notch combatant, a ruthless person who has repeatedly forced K', the protagonist of the Sound Nest Chapter, into desperate situations.

If he dared to take action, he would probably burp in less than two minutes.

Circled around the ghost spiders left and right, Kula even stretched out her finger and poked hard: "Hey, why don't they move?"

As she said that, the girl turned her head and looked over, her eyes filled with anticipation.

"." For some reason, Fang Bo always felt that this unreliable look seemed familiar.

Using his mind to take over the control of the ghost spiders, he began to deliberately make some interesting moves to attract girls.

Sure enough, Kula completely forgot about the task and began to study the body structure of the spiders while sitting there.

That inconspicuous appearance was exactly the same as that of a little girl holding a sledgehammer.

After an unknown amount of time, Kula stood up contentedly. It was then that she seemed to remember that she needed to perform a task.

Turning her head and staring at Fang Bo for a long time, she said to herself hesitantly: "Foxi asked me to deal with the redhead. She didn't say she wanted to fight you. Forget it, just pretend she didn't see you."

After stretching, Kula gave a kind reminder: "I advise you to leave quickly. There are terrible things imprisoned in this base."

Seeing that she seemed to be talking easily, Fang Bo couldn't help but asked gently: "You said red hair, have you seen my companion?"


"Then he is now."

"I have already been defeated."

Fang Bo sneered in his heart, knowing that Yagami, a reckless man, couldn't accomplish anything.

Goenitz is still reliable. Although he is not strong now, at least this king knows the importance of acting cautiously.

After waving towards the girl, Fang Bo planned to move in another direction.

At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the sealed passage, and Storm Konitz appeared.

"It's interesting to be able to defeat Iori Yagami. You deserve my personal help."

With that said, she launched an attack on Ice Girl Kura.

"What the hell." Fang Bo wanted to scold his mother, but he had no choice but to step forward to join the battle.

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