On the other side is the deepest experimental area in the base.

"Put him up." A man in a white coat put on a mask and prepared to inject a bottle of special medicine into the mouse.

No matter how powerful a fighter you are, you will immediately turn into a soft-footed shrimp after receiving the injection.

Only by depriving the experimental subjects of their ability to resist can the experiment be carried out better, otherwise these guys would be more tormented than each other.

The needle was getting closer and closer to the mouse's arm. At this moment, the red-haired man's closed eyes suddenly opened.

He swung out his claws and gutted the white coat, and then Iori Yagami staggered off the operating table.

He was indeed seriously injured, but not to the point where he couldn't fight.

In terms of resistance to attack, Yagami is much stronger than Kusanagi Kyo, which may be an excellent reflection of his tenacity.

Looking towards the corner, there was a girl squatting on the ground shivering. He walked over and pulled the woman up from the ground: "Tell me where Kusanagi Kyo is being held."

"Yes, over there."

This is already the deepest part of the laboratory, and beyond that is the freezing chamber where no one is allowed to go.

The woman's level is not high enough, so I don't know who the other party is looking for, but if this person really exists, he must be there.

Hearing this, Iori quickly arrived at the entrance of the freezing cabin without any hesitation.

Alloy iron door?

Whoever could withstand the burning flames of Destruction would soon be burned out with an entrance as tall as a human being.

Looking at the four giant metal eggs inside, Iori asked coldly: "Where is he?"

"I, I'm not sure either."

Seeing that she didn't seem to be lying, Iori slapped the female researcher unconscious.

Since you can't tell clearly, just open all the hatches.

Just as he was about to take action, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in the cryogenic chamber.

[Iori, don't be impulsive. The person you are looking for is the first one on the left. 】

For some reason, the person behind the sound nest actually took the initiative to guide him in the direction.

Yagami is not a fool, and he knows the other party's intention after just a little thought.

"Are you afraid that I will rescue others?"

Being able to be imprisoned with Kusanagi Kyo, there must be powerful fighters frozen in the other three domes.

There is a high probability that it is still hostile to the sound nest.

A cold smile flashed across the corner of his mouth, and Yagami expressed his attitude through actions.

The purple flames turned into sharp claws, hitting four metal eggs almost at the same time, and blasting the monitor above their heads.

At first, Iori wanted to see who the other experimental subjects were, but the moment he saw Kusanagi Kyo, he forgot everything.

"." Seeing the other party's unbearable look, Iori was silent for a moment, then walked outside to wake up the unconscious female researcher.

When the woman woke up in a daze, he immediately ordered her to get dressed for Kusanagi Kyo.

"Either go or die." Yagami gave a not difficult multiple choice question.

As he said, he doesn't like violence, and most of the time he hopes others can cooperate.

As long as you don't disobey his will, Yagami feels that he is still an easy person to talk to.

Soon, the female researcher walked in tremblingly, and helped Kusanagi Kyo put on his clothes a little clumsily.


"Oh, yes sir."

After a while, Kusanagi Kyo, who was wearing a white coat, was brought out.

Seeing this, Yagami immediately carried him on his shoulders and knocked the female researcher unconscious again with a wave of his hand.

No matter how you say it, she has helped you. If she is found safe and sound, the Sound Nest Organization may regard the woman as a traitor.

Knocking her unconscious actually indirectly saved the woman.

This is the gentleness that belongs only to Iori Yagami, but unfortunately not many people in the world can understand it.

"Don't run away." Kula's angry shouts kept ringing in the frost-covered passage.

There is no way, who can let her opponents fly freely.

Even if she was just gliding against the ceiling, she was helpless as she was not good at speed fighting.

Special move: Diamond Breath!

The furious Kula pouted and let out a big mouthful of ice breath.

Unfortunately, he never managed to hit Fang Bo, who was running around.

"Information scan!"

【Cura Delmundo (Ice Girl)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: spirit, perception, agility]

[Feature: Anti-K Art (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Even though the two sides started fighting, the girl's murderous intention towards him was not very strong.

Speaking of which, Kula is only 14 years old this year, about the same age as little Yaoyao.

"If she can go to the reincarnation space, these two little girls will definitely become friends."

If people don't have murderous intentions, Fang Bo will naturally not fight with all his strength. He still has to save his energy to deal with other people.

Besides, Goenitz really gave him a surprise.

Although he has not yet adapted to his new body, he successfully suppressed Kula with his strong fighting consciousness.

With his body close to the ground and quickly approaching the target, Goenitz tentatively stretched out his palm forward.

Seeing this, Kula didn't dare to be careless at all, and immediately set up a thick ice defense in front of him.

Unexpectedly, the other party simply made a feint, taking advantage of the change in the wind direction to move laterally behind him in a weird posture.

Before Kula could react, her body had been captured by Goenitz.

Throwing Skill: Gate of Hades!

The power of Shibuki Lan gives her the power of wind. Gonitz can create hurricanes out of thin air, and can also attach wind blades to her palms to make seemingly ordinary attacks as sharp as knives.

By the time Kula's body was thrown heavily to the ground, a large amount of blood had already shot out from his body.

Lifted by the power of the wind, Goenitz stood in the air like a god, his priest's clothes fluttering in the wind, revealing his plump and round white thighs.

"You have great power, but it's a pity that you don't know how to use it at all." As she said this, an idea suddenly came to her mind.

Looking down at the girl from above, Goenitz seemed to be deceiving the underage girl: "How about joining our heavenly protoss? I can personally teach you your fighting skills."

With such a strong fighting ability, she naturally wanted to take him under her wing.

After seeing his own strength, Goenitz took it for granted that the girl would not refuse.

Little did she know that Kula was still resenting the other party for hurting her, so how could she switch sides at this moment?

"Don't even think about it!"

This sentence did not come from the mouth of a girl, but from the voice of a mature woman.

Everyone turned their heads and immediately saw senior cadre Foxy rushing towards them.

【Foxsey (New Order)】

[Attack tendency: strong]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength]

[Feature: Rapier Nova]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Stabbing Sword Nova: You can wield a terrifying sword energy like a star, with final damage +10%

The daughter-like Kula was hurt, and Foxy instantly fell into an emotional rage.

She jumped up high and swung her sword heavily in the direction of everyone.

MAX super sure kill·Prayer of the Puzzled Star!

In an instant, three silver-white blades struck from behind. This was a terrifying killing move that completely broke away from the laws of physics.

Even though Goenitz was experienced and Fang Bo was cunning, neither of them could avoid the enemy's super kill.

[You are attacked by Foxy's Star Prayer, causing 87+94+75 points of slashing damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 102 points of health]

In the end, Fang Bo suffered a high amount of 154 points of damage.

Fortunately, Foxy's hard power is not strong and he is not the kind of cadre who specializes in combat, otherwise he would not be able to withstand the enemy's super kill head-on.

"Damn it." Controlling a ghost spider to come to his side, Fang Bo put his palm on its body.


[Your health +14]

[Your health +14]

[Your health +14]

In just six seconds, he sucked a junior ghost spider to death.

By the time the second ghost spider came to her, Foxy had already helped the angry Kula up.

"Come on, it's no longer safe here."

As soon as these words came out, Fang Bo was stunned at first.

I thought it was finally the final BOSS battle, but as soon as the BOSS appeared, he ran away. Instead, he kept saying that the nest base was unsafe.

Subconsciously they looked at each other, and the two cunning guys decided to take a look at the situation first.

"Danger?" Kula was stunned for a moment, then realized something, and his mouth opened involuntarily: "Have those guys been released?"

"That's right, it's all that bastard Iori who didn't listen to dissuasion." Judging from Foxy's gritted teeth, Iori must have secretly done something big.

Before Fang Bo could ask, he saw the figure of the red-haired man appearing at the end of the road.

Next to him, the rescued Kusanagi Kyo was gradually adjusting his physical condition.

"The man was rescued." Fang Bo smiled slightly, knowing that this hidden mission was completed.

The question now is whether we have the ability to kill this senior cadre of the Sound Nest Organization.

At the same time, he was very interested in those mysterious people.


At this moment, a terrifying explosion shook the entire base, and Foxy's face immediately turned ugly.

After glaring at several people fiercely, she pulled Kula and wanted to leave.

Seeing this, how could Goenitz, who had just suffered a painful loss, give up and let the woman know the consequences of attacking her.

"Hmph." Sensing the murderous intent of the intruder, Foxy couldn't help but gritted her teeth and said, "Don't be complacent. I'll let you go for now, but the Sound Nest Organization will definitely send killers to take your lives."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Bo received the second hidden mission in this world.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission: the pursuit of the sound nest! 】

[Mission Introduction: You have destroyed the Sound Nest Base, and you will surely bear the ensuing revenge of the enemy]

[Task requirements: Survive 0/5 pursuits by the Sound Nest Organization]

[Tip: You can use the help of plot characters, but doing so may result in a decrease in rewards]

Seeing that another hidden mission was triggered, Fang Bo's mood immediately improved a lot.

Foxy, whose face was full of anger, still couldn't hide the fear in her eyes, indicating that something big had really happened.

Adhering to the principle of not causing too much trouble, Fang Bo decided to evacuate the Sound Nest Base temporarily.

But he forgot that these people around him were not existences that he could mobilize.

Konitz, who had suffered a loss, wanted revenge, and Kyo Kusanagi, who had been tortured for three full years, was filled with anger.

Today's matter cannot end so easily.

"You bastards" Foxy was about to say something when she suddenly noticed that several people were looking behind her.

As if she sensed something, she turned around and wanted to swing out the rapier in her hand.

As a result, the next second, her body was hit from behind by a blood-red crescent moon.

Super special move: Moon!

"Foxi!!!" Kula hugged the woman covered in blood, turned her head and glared at the man in the distance with a maniacal smile on his face.

This was a tall, thin man with short blue hair and a red cloak. The special glove on his left hand seemed to indicate something.

Apparently, he was one of the people who made Foxy feel scared.

Ignoring everyone around him, with a crazy smile on his face, the man aimed his arm at the waiting ice girl Kula.

"You dare to freeze me, you are so brave!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the muscles on the man's arm squirmed, and the next second they turned into a weird shape like a drill.

"Disappear for me!!!"

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