On the private plane, the atmosphere seemed a little depressing.

At the moment when Zero's identity was revealed, Space unexpectedly discovered the mission prompt.

It's just that the mission requirements are a little weird.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, myself! 】

[Mission Introduction: You have gained insight into the conspiracy of the Sound Nest Organization and are now on your way to find evidence]

[Task requirement: Make the choice you think is right]

[Tip: Different choices will have corresponding consequences, please consider them carefully! 】

"In other words, no matter what I do, the task is completed."

Of course, the premise is that Kusanagi Kyo's true form must be found.

It is foreseeable that there must be a lot of troops in the place where the main body is imprisoned, and it is almost impossible for him to complete this task by himself.

If you want to break through the enemy's defense line, you must rely on the combat power of Kusanagi Zero.

Judging from the plot of the original novel, Zero was not actually deprived of his power. It was only because he was unable to correctly understand himself that he was unable to mobilize the destructive power in his body.

What Fang Bo has to do is to help him find himself, even if the method is a little drastic, it doesn't matter.

"King, what you have to do now is break the shackles."

Hearing the man's words, No. 0 silently raised his head, his originally clear eyes already filled with bloodshot eyes.

He didn't answer, which just proved something wrong.

Seeing this, Fang Bo continued: "Many things in the world are like this. It is difficult to distinguish between true and false. Sometimes, fake things may not be worse than real things."

"What exactly do you want to say?"

"Kill me, and you will be the real Kusanagi Kyo from now on."


This time Zero was silent for a very long time. In fact, he didn't have similar thoughts in his mind.

However, due to the memory of his original body, he could never bypass the threshold called "morality" in his heart.

I don't know how long it took, until Fang Bo was almost asleep, before he heard the other party's voice speaking.

"What exactly do you want from me?" No. 0 stared at him directly.

In the dim cabin, the man's expression looked extremely terrifying and sinister, as if he would tear him apart immediately if he said something wrong.

Fortunately, Fang Bo was not an ordinary person and answered the man's doubts calmly.

"I said from the beginning that I would destroy the Sound Nest organization with my own hands, and you are my chosen teammate."

"Then why are you."

At this point, Zero suddenly paused, but Fang Bo knew what he wanted to ask.

"He is different from you. A strong man bound by morality cannot exert his full strength, but you are different. I can feel the terrifying power in your body that is about to erupt, but you are not willing to face it yet."


After the brief conversation, the cabin of the plane fell into silence again.

When Fang Bo slowly woke up from his sleep, the sky was already dyed with the color of morning light.

"Gentlemen, we have arrived at our destination."

In order to avoid being noticed by the enemy in advance, the two decided to jump out of the plane directly without opening the parachute.

Only in this way can risks be avoided to the greatest extent.

Compared with the numerous clone warriors in the Sound Nest organization, Fang Bo was actually more afraid of the opponent's thermal weapons.

He would rather face powerful plot warriors than deal with modern troops with heavy firepower.

Of course, he is referring to the group army here.

If they spread out to fight in the jungle, any fighter can destroy a reinforced company.

Therefore, the process of approaching the enemy base must be cautious, and the ghost spiders can even become bait to attract the enemy.

"Let's go."

They nodded to each other and jumped off the plane without hesitation.

After tens of seconds of free fall, Fang Bo activated his memory armor as he approached the ground, using energy jets to continuously slow down his fall.

With the help of Germa technology, the two successfully landed in the humid jungle.

The shikigami summons the new bride!

The six-pointed star lit up, and the ghost mother Yin Ji soon appeared.

Feeling the nature around her, she couldn't help but smile and said, "I like the environment here."

The steel forest in the city is full of industrial atmosphere. The young woman dislikes the air there, but this kind of tropical jungle is more suitable for her to survive.

"Come out, my children."

The remaining five ghost spiders were summoned, and this was their remaining strength.

It seems like very little, but none of this is a problem.

Clone warriors are very nutritious and there are a lot of them. It is not easy to accumulate troops.

Glancing at Kusanagi Zero who remained silent, Fang Bo waved his hand, and everyone began to move in the direction directed by fate.

On the way, he couldn't help but asked again with concern: "You haven't thought about it yet?"

"Everything has not been finalized yet." Number Zero still has a trace of unrealistic fantasy in his heart.

Maybe his assumption was wrong?

Maybe the strangeness in my body is all an illusion?

Until the two sides began to exchange fire, Kusanagi Zero still failed to face its own problems.

Fang Bo fully understood this.

It would be difficult for anyone to accept the fact that they are not "yourself".

However, he always believed in a truth. There are no lies or deceptions in the world. The truth has always been there. The only difference is whether you have a pair of eyes that can detect it.

Once he sees the truth with his own eyes, I believe this guy will be able to figure it all out.

Watching the armed helicopter flying from the horizon, Fang Bo's heart moved. The moonlight blue dragon turned into a golden light and instantly penetrated its fuselage.


The poor armed helicopter was blown up by the Noble Phantasm before even firing a single bullet.

Obviously, there is a modern mechanical army here, and the targets of this battle mainly come from these clone soldiers.

"To put it bluntly, the technology of cloning is really great."

Listening to the screams in their ears, the two continued to move towards their destination in silence.

In the jungle, even soldiers armed with firearms were unable to deal with the incredibly fast army of ghost spiders.

They are all natural hunters, and each one has strong concealment and tracking capabilities. In jungle warfare, ordinary clone soldiers are no match at all.

As for the enemy’s heat-sensing mechanical troops


As the flames rose, the soldiers' miserable howls rang out from the armored vehicle at Fang Bo's feet.

Deterioration can ignore resistance, and even iron sheets can make them burn.

In this small closed environment, the power of fire will be released to the greatest extent.

Set up an energy shield to guard against the machine guns coming from behind.

Fang Bo flashed and reached the top of another armored vehicle with ghostly speed.

Following the same pattern, he dealt with the enemy again. His eyebrows suddenly jumped slightly, and he immediately turned his head to look in the direction of eleven o'clock.

Over there, three armed helicopters were approaching quickly, and six missiles were dragging long smoke tails towards him.

"Stupid choice." With a slight movement of his fingers, the figure of Feng Ying Puppet appeared beside him.

I wanted to have some fun, but I didn't expect the enemy to release powerful thermal weapon missiles when they came up.

Aren't you afraid of exposing the location of the base?

Considering the situation of his and others' arrival, he expected that the Sound Nest Organization had decided to abandon this place.

Looking up at the missiles in the sky, Fang Bo chuckled and said, "Go back and go where you should go."

As soon as he finished speaking, the missiles turned around and rushed towards the three armed helicopters on the horizon like obedient children.

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by the roar of the explosion, Fang Bo's body was gradually rising into the air. He planned to use the magnetic escape of the Third Wind Shadow to quickly resolve the battle.

No special ninjutsu is required, just the ability to constantly activate the puppet.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

Soon, the soldiers' disbelieving shouts came from all around, and countless iron weapons rose into the sky.

Without modern weapons, these soldiers are as weak as babies.

Facing the ferocious and violent group of ghost spiders, they can only turn into a nutritious breakfast in the end.

All sixteen ghost spiders have hatched, and the first three have advanced to the second level of "elite spider soldiers", and their lethality has once again been improved to a certain extent.

It is only a matter of time before the enemy is completely annihilated.

The release of magnetic escape was terminated and a certain amount of energy was reserved for Feng Ying. In the next battle, Fang Bo would have to rely on puppets for close combat.

Just when the modern army was completely defeated, Sound Nest Base finally sent out Klonjing's soldiers.

Judging from the opponent's scratching behavior, the number of these Klonjing soldiers should not be as large as expected.

If he had just entered the plot world, Fang Bo would probably have had no choice but to escape when facing them alone.

What a pity, now that the Ghost Spider Storm Soldier Style has basically taken shape, he will not be afraid of these mass-produced clone fighters.

"Kill them all here, and many ghost spiders should evolve to the third stage."

Golden ripples slowly emerged, and Fang Bo took the initiative to attack the enemy.

On the other side, Kusanagi Kyo secretly sneaked into the sound nest base.

Well, that may not be accurate, because he walked in with a swagger from beginning to end.

When the guards saw him, they would even salute him.

Faced with the enemy's courtesy, Number Zero's mood did not improve at all.

Looking at the clones with the same appearance as himself, he felt only infinite sadness and the slightest fear of destroying everything.

Suppressing the unknown energy in his body, Zero continued to move along the road, and soon came to the source of the clone soldiers' entry and exit.

"Huh?" A man in a white coat turned around in confusion, looked at him up and down, and a look of shock gradually appeared in his eyes.

"Number Zero? Didn't you already go on a mission?"

At this point, the white coat suddenly realized something, but his mouth had been tightly held by an iron palm, and he could no longer make any sound.

For some reason, when he heard the word "Zero", many images suddenly appeared in his mind.

Kusanagi Kyo tried his best not to think too much, but the more he did this, the more he felt an unprecedented panic.

Looking at the horrified eyes of the experimenter, Zero said with blood-red eyes: "Where is he? Take me there now."


He threw it on the ground and let the other party crawl away like a dog.

Soon, the two came to the innermost experimental area, where many scientific researchers were coming in and out.

Right in the center stood a huge transparent container, with a familiar figure floating inside.

"." No. 0 walked forward blankly and picked up the information scattered on the table.

Other things can deceive people, but these experimental data will not be falsified, and the data recorded in the computer explained one thing to him.

The unconscious man in front of him is the real Kusanagi Kyo.

And he is just a miserable clone.

A poor guy who has been injected with false memories and thinks he is the real person.


"Why am I not real"

The abnormality here quickly aroused the vigilance of the guarding soldiers.

When soldiers with loaded weapons surrounded the laboratory, Zero was still bowing his head and remaining silent.

"No, that's not true"

At this time, the conversation on the plane suddenly appeared in his mind.

[If you kill the main body, you will be the real Kusanagi Kyo from now on]

A black aura began to spread on No. 0's body.

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