Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 210 Demonized Zero appears!

[You completely changed the fate of Kusanagi Zero]

[You get a destiny token]

Fang Bo, who was fighting, was suddenly startled, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He really didn't expect that Kusanagi Kyo, as the protagonist of the plot, would be killed so easily.

"Is it because it's already the Sound Nest chapter?"

Perhaps with the end of The King of Fighters, Kyo Kusanagi has lost the blessing of the power of fate, and the protagonist of the current plot is actually K'.

He bent his arms to block the special attack, Wild Bite, which hit him in front of him. Golden ripples appeared, and the noble phantoms instantly penetrated the enemy's body.

Seeing that he was not dead yet, a black shadow quickly passed by, and the Killing Spider Guard delivered the most critical fatal blow.

After countless nourishments of flesh and blood, the first third-order ghost spider was officially born, which meant that Fang Bo's combat effectiveness had reached a higher level.

It will also be easier to deal with the enemy's Clonjing Legion.

At this moment, the space prompt sounded unexpectedly, as if to tell him in this way what would happen after killing the protagonist.

[You have greatly changed the fate of the King of Fighters world]

[You get a destiny token]

The arrival of the second coin is a reward for his drastic change in the line of fate.

There were definitely not too many East and West Poses, and he wished he could get a hundred and eighty of them.

The combat power level in the Naruto world is too high, and it can only barely destroy the architectural structure of Konoha Village. It doesn't dare to have any wrong thoughts about Nazuo.

The King of Fighters world is different, he is confident enough to complete the world mission.

However, when the third space prompt sounded, Fang Bo found that he still ignored the consequences of killing Kusanagi Kyo.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, the trajectory of destiny! 】

[Mission Introduction: Under your arrangement, Zero killed the protagonist of the plot, and now you need to help him get the favor of fate]

[Task requirement: Obtain the throne of the King of Fighters and prove to the world that he is the real Kusanagi Kyo]

[Special reminder: Accepting the mission will significantly increase the difficulty of the plot, so please be careful! 】

Winning the King of Fighters 2000 crown allowed Zero to completely replace Kyo Kusanagi's position.

It didn't sound difficult, but the last reminder seemed to warn him that it would not be easy to win the championship in this competition.

"The increase in plot difficulty should refer to the strength of the participating teams."

"The strength of fighters will not become stronger for no reason. What is most likely to happen is a change in the participants."

If there is some hidden ruthless person on the scene, he and Zero may not be able to have the last laugh based on their strength.

But don't forget, there are three ruthless people in Fang Bo's team.

Not to mention the mere King of Fighters competition, as long as the three big players can regain their strength, he dares to lead the team to defeat the ultimate boss Igniz alone.

"If you don't accept a mission, you're a bastard."

He will definitely win the King of Fighters tournament anyway, but at most the fighting process will be a little more difficult.

According to Olson, every time a participating team is defeated, Space will give certain plot points as a reward.

As long as he advances all the way to the finals, he can earn thousands of plot points alone. I wonder how Fang Bo, who is so poor and crazy, can refuse.

boom! ! !

A loud noise echoed throughout the forest.

Everyone couldn't help but turn around subconsciously and found that the sound nest base had been destroyed at some point.

The flames soaring into the sky seemed to herald the final outcome of this evil organization.

In the endless sea of ​​fire, a shirtless man was walking step by step.

The bronze skin is full of power, and the evil aura exuding from his body is even more terrifying than the villain boss.

This is the completely demonized Kusanagi Zero, a ruthless man who can tyrannize the King of Fighters venue on his own.

Perhaps at this moment, he truly had the strength to approach Kusanagi Kyo's true form.

【Kusanagi Zero (Perfect Clone)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, agility, spirit, physique]

[Characteristics: Immortal Red Flame (Legendary), Demonization (Legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

This was the first time that Fang Bo encountered a strong man with dual legendary characteristics.

This shows how terrifying the strength of Zero is.

No, maybe he should change his title now.

"You did it, Kyo."

No matter who comes out in the end, this person is the only Kusanagi Kyo in the world.

Fang Bo's attitude relieved Kusanagi Kyo's gloomy face a lot.

"Yes." He nodded, and his dark brown skin gradually returned to its normal state.

Obviously, he cares very much about other people's opinions. It can be said that Fang Bo's statement is just right.

"Yes, I am the real Jing." He breathed silently, and then took out the change of clothes he had prepared in advance from his pocket.

Under Fang Bo's gaze, Kusanagi Kyo switched to the 2.0 version of the white-clothed image, completely abandoning the old attire.

It can also be regarded as a farewell to the past.

After looking around, Kusanagi Kyo in white clothes said in a very calm tone: "No matter what, I owe you a favor, but I hope no third person will know about this matter."

It's called gratitude, but it's actually a threat. The man in front of me is different after all.

As if he noticed something was wrong in his tone, Kusanagi Kyo paused for a moment before speaking: "Don't worry about the team formation. I will definitely become this year's King of Fighters and get rid of the Sound Nest Organization, a cancer that is causing harm to the world."

At this point, the team Fang Bo had been waiting for was finally established.

As long as he completes the registration work, the main task will be over.

However, this matter is not urgent yet. Signing up too early may easily arouse the enemy's vigilance.

When things are irreversible, even if they know about his appearance, the orphanage will not be able to react in any way.

After settling the battle in the forest, the two of them walked towards the place where the plane parked.

During this period, Kusanagi Kyo expressed his desire to practice alone for a period of time.

He seems powerful now, but in fact he is not as powerful as Orochi in his BOSS battle state.

At least he hasn't been able to use the three divine skills yet, and his hard power is also slightly lacking.

According to Fang Bo's estimation, the legendary characteristic demonization should be a status talent, just like the effect of "Muscle Balloon" on the body.

The stronger Kyo Kusanagi is, the higher the bonus of demonic improvement will be, and he may be able to surpass the peak state of the 97 version.

"I have to master Wu Shi again, otherwise I have no chance of defeating Yagami."

Looking at Kusanagi Kyo's hearty smile, he knew that the other party had taken on the original role.

Fang Bo, relieved, looked up the mission prompts sent previously.

[Hidden Mission: Self (Completed)]

[Results are being calculated. Rewards are being generated]

[Based on your contribution, you can choose any two rewards from the following options! 】

[Option 1: You get 1,000 plot points]

[Option 2: You get 3 attribute points]

[Option 3: You get 6 merit points]

[Option 4: You get the Sun Fists (rare)]

[Option 5: You gain demonization (rare)]

Name: Sun Fists

Level: Epic

Category: Two-handed weapons

Attack power: 16-18

Durability: 180/180

Attribute enhancement: Strength +3, Agility +1

Conditions of use: Strength 18

Equipment effect: overload

Place of Origin: King of Fighters 2000

Equipment evaluation: Be careful to burn yourself, it does not make you immune to fire damage

Overload (passive skill): Increases the power of fire skills by 20%.

The equipment is very good, but it is a pity that it cannot be used as a reserve Noble Phantasm for the King's Treasure.

After a few glances, Fang Bo chose three precious attributes and added them all to the strength attribute.

Strength: 23 (+9)

"It's still five o'clock."

Then, Fang Bo looked at another rare reward.

Demonization (Characteristics): Strength +6, damage reduction +10%, falling into a rampage state for 5 minutes, cooling time of eight hours.

This should be similar to the ability to demonize Kusanagi Kyo.

The rare characteristic ability seems to be more suitable for the type of berserker. I believe it can definitely be sold at a high price in the space.

Thousands of plot points were accounted for again. Fang Bo stretched his arms happily and decided to part ways with Kusanagi Kyo for the time being.

He won't go to Kusanagi Castle. There are no tasks worth exploring. If he has that time, he might as well care about the other two teammates.

"Let's go see Yagami Temple first." Fang Bo turned around and told his thoughts.

With the power of the Kusanagi family, it is easy to find out where Yagami is, and by the way, a private plane can be sent to take him there.

"That's fine." Kusanagi Kyo hesitated for a moment, then said in a calm tone: "Although that guy doesn't say it, he must be very concerned about this matter in his heart. It would be great if you could help him."

Zero has completely assumed the role of his true self, even inheriting the gay friendship between the two parties.

It has to be said that the effect of Sound Nest Technology is very powerful, and it can control the emotions of clones through implanted memories.

Unfortunately, this technology has not yet reached its peak state.

At least the memory manipulation of transformed people is far from enough.


At this moment, a violent roar suddenly came from the horizon.

The two of them looked up, and what they saw was an area-covering missile bombardment.

"Hide quickly!"

High in the sky, a transport plane was landing quickly.

With a gust of wind howling, the cabin door opened, and a sturdy man in a red dress walked out.

[You go to recycle No. 0, remember, don’t do unnecessary things]

The voice inside the machine was full of unmistakable sounds, as if the Creator from above was overlooking his people.

This feeling makes the silver-haired man very unhappy, but he can't resist yet because the controller in his body can completely destroy him at any time.

"Shit, I will kill you all with my own hands." The man raised his head, his eyes flashing with scarlet light.

He casually glanced behind him, where a huge mechanical container was placed.

This is the man's backup plan, the final means to get rid of the control of the Sound Nest Organization.

However, he still needs external help, otherwise he will not be able to remove the controller from his body.

Taking off his red dress, revealing the black tights underneath, he stepped lightly on the ground, and the man rushed into the thick smoke ahead like a tank.

[The pursuer is approaching, please be prepared to deal with it! 】

Pushing away the soil above with his hands, Fang Bo struggled to climb out of the pit.

Life: 201/370 (+180)

Not only does he have a lot of remaining health, but he also needs the help provided by the energy shield.

This wave of bombing was so sudden that even if one could react, there was no way to avoid it due to such a large coverage area.

The only way is to resist.

Fortunately, his defense methods were not weak, and he was finally saved from the tragic fate of being killed by a missile.

As for the situation of others

Closing his eyes and sensing carefully, he soon discovered the traces of the shikigami not far away.

When I walked over and took a look, I saw that most of the bride's body had been blown away.

If it weren't for the regenerative ability to continuously repair, I'm afraid he would have died of excessive bleeding.

"Can you still hold on?" he asked.

The space gave special reminders, indicating that the incoming enemies should be very terrifying, and for this he needed some help from the ghost spiders.

"It's not bad, I won't die." The new woman smiled bitterly and stood up. The spider's body was being repaired quickly.

In another thirty seconds, she would be back to her peak state.

"How many ghost spiders are left?"

"Seven. Fortunately, the third-level little guy is still there."

"That's good."

As soon as the words fell, the master and servant turned their heads at the same time and looked at the figure walking slowly in the mist.

Feeling the powerful aura revealed by the other party, Fang Bo thought it was Kusanagi Kyo who came here at first, but he soon realized something was wrong with the situation.

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