"Something's wrong." Fang Bo frowned, knowing that the person coming was probably not Kusanagi Kyo himself.

Because the distance between them was too far, he could not use information scanning, so he could only order the ghost spiders to investigate.

Only an afterimage flashed by, and the ghost spider's poisonous needle hit the enemy.

[The poisonous needle of the elite spider soldier hits Lukar, causing 12+18 points of puncture damage]

[The target is affected by poison, causing 2 points of damage per second, lasting 10 seconds]

"Lucar?" Looking at the name in the battle report, Fang Bo suddenly felt his eyebrows jump.

Lucar Bernstein, the villain BOSS who has appeared the most in the King of Fighters series, has extremely strong fighting talent.

In order to demonstrate his powerful strength, he held two King of Fighters fighting tournaments, trying to defeat the strongest among them to prove himself.

He was already dead, but now it seems that he was revived by the Sound Nest Organization.

"Where did the spider come from?" The man yelled angrily, and then a gap was torn open in the surrounding thick smoke.

The special move: Gale Fist!

The violent energy impact instantly hit the second-order ghost spider's body.

[The elite spider soldiers were attacked by the enemy's gale fist, causing 132 points of strike damage]

[The damage exceeds the critical value, and the elite spider soldier dies! 】

Kill instantly with one hit!

This horrific injury made Fang Bo take a breath.

The enemy only used ordinary special moves, not the kind of super special moves that require all one's strength to unleash.

Even so, it can still easily deal over a hundred points of damage.

To be honest, this was beyond what Fang Bo could handle. Even if a group of ghost spiders went into battle, the enemy would only have to swing their fists a few more times.

[Task requirements: Survive 1/5 pursuits by the Sound Nest Organization]

After looking at the information about the hidden mission, he knew that Lukar was the pursuer sent by Sound Nest, but he suspected that the difficulty was affected by another mission.

[Special reminder: Accepting the mission will significantly increase the difficulty of the plot, so please be careful! 】

Originally, he thought that the increase in difficulty was mainly for the King of Fighters Tournament, but now it seems that things are far more complicated than he imagined.

"You'd better leave quickly." Luo Xinfu stood in front of her, her eyes filled with an indescribable sense of fear: "I feel that the enemy's strength is no less than the top ghost king."

"Your feeling is correct." Fang Bo responded in a deep voice.

Lukar killed the elite spider soldier, which immediately aroused the hidden violence factor in his heart.

Swinging his silver hair, he began to massacre the ghost spiders around him.

Taking this opportunity, Fang Bo passed over an information perception, and the result undoubtedly proved Luo Xinfu's guess.

【Lucar Bernstein (Omega)】

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: physique, strength, spirit]

[Characteristics: Blood of the Serpent (Legendary), Genius]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Tianzong Wizard: He has a terrifying martial arts talent and can quickly understand other people's moves and summarize them for use.

Omega Lukar, a special state affected by the power of the serpent, is many times stronger than his normal state.

With Fang Bo's current strength, even safe escape would be a luxury.

But there was one thing he didn't understand: why the scanning feedback showed that the enemy's desire to attack him was not very strong.

Fang Bo's equipment comes from the world of pirates. Due to the existence of the Haki of Seeing Color, it can scan for ethereal things like "hostility".

The intermediate attack tendency is probably equivalent to the enemy having a certain murderous intention towards him, but it is not the target that needs to be dealt with as the highest priority.

After thinking for a moment, Fang Bo knew that what the enemy really wanted to find was Kusanagi Kyo.

The key problem is that he now doesn't know where the guy was blown away by the missile.

Before Kusanagi Kyo rushes back, Fang Bo must find a way to save his life.

"There is no other way." Putting his palm on Luoxin's body, Fang Bo said in a deep voice, "I can only rely on you to help me."

"Okay, you can suck it."


As soon as he finished speaking, an endless stream of life force began to pour into his body.

[Your health +14]

[Your health +14]

[Your health +14]

In just a few seconds, Fang Bo's health had been restored, and then he ordered the shikigami to step aside.

He took out three small batteries and replenished the energy lost by the Wind Shadow Puppet.

Then he raised his head and drank the last bottle of small physical secret medicine, gaining a temporary physical gain of +5.

Life: 420/420 (+230)

"Very good. The sense of security has improved immediately."

The Wind Shadow Puppet appeared in front of him, and a large amount of sand and iron gradually condensed and formed in the air.

Magnetic Release·Sand Iron Knot Attack!

The sharp triangle hung upside down in the air, and the sharp tip was pointed at the enemy.

When the last ghost spider was mercilessly killed, Feng Ying's attack also came to the enemy at the same time.

The size of the Sand Iron Triangle is very large, and it is definitely not easy to attack next.

Even Lukar has to use his favorite skills for protection.

"I underestimated you." The man opened his arms, and a circular energy shield appeared on his body.

No matter how hard the sand-iron triangle exerts its force, it cannot penetrate the seemingly weak defense.

The red prosthetic eye revealed a bloody aura, which made Fang Bo suddenly feel numb all over in the distance. Then he saw the scene of the sand-iron triangle suddenly collapsing.

As the enemy clasped his hands together, the protective shield covered with lightning suddenly shrank to the size of a basketball.

First, he defeated the sand-iron condensation and arrived in front of Fang Bo in less than a breath.

Special move: Emperor Wave!

At the critical moment, golden lightning suddenly appeared, and the three giant brothers who had not been seen for a long time made their debut.

The next second, the three of them were turned into cokes by the enemy's special move.

[Tutu was attacked by the enemy's emperor wave, causing 142 points of strike damage]

[Little Lick was attacked by the enemy's Emperor Wave, causing 136 points of strike damage]

[The big head was attacked by the enemy's emperor wave, causing 144 points of strike damage]

[The damage exceeds the critical value and the giant dies! 】

Taking this opportunity, Fang Bo continued to control Feng Ying Puppet to release his ultimate move.

Sandite Shigure took action boldly, and for a moment, black iron sand was flying in the sky between the two of them.

Looking up at the rare scene in front of him, Lukar laughed inappropriately.

"Very good, I admit you, you have the right to die in my hands."

After saying this, he ignored the impact of Shigure's iron sand and rushed forward like a bulldozer.

[Your Sand Iron Shigure hits the target, causing 23+11+24 points of piercing damage]

Relying on his rough skin and thick flesh, Lukar withstood the attack and rushed to Fang Bo.

Of course, there was a Wind Shadow Puppet between the two of them, which provided a small buffer for the time being.

Without thinking, the man grabbed the puppet and pushed it towards the back quickly, ignoring the blows from the broadsword.

The absolute difference in speed attributes made it impossible for Fang Bo to avoid the enemy's pursuit.

Soon, he also met the same fate as the puppet.

The ultimate move: Gate of Heaven!

[You are subject to the restraint effect of Heaven's Gate, and your strength attributes are being judged, and your characteristics and abilities are being judged]

[The judgment is not passed, you are temporarily unable to move, use equipment, and use props while the move is in effect]

His speed attribute is not comparable to others, and his strength value is even more unmatchable.

It seemed that Fang Bo had reached a dead end.

After running for more than ten meters, Lukar wanted to slam the two guys he controlled into the mountain wall.

However, the severe pain coming from his lower back caused his movements to pause slightly.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 160 points of critical damage to Lukar]

The Kusanagi sword penetrated the enemy's lower back, causing terrible critical damage.

Stronger than Omega Lukar, his forward movements were almost imperceptibly paused.

Taking this opportunity, other treasures came one after another. This was Fang Bo who opened the treasure house before he was caught.

Even if he is controlled by others at the moment, it will not delay him from launching an attack on the enemy.

The golden dragon roared over, it was the Yanyue Qinglong with the equipment effect turned on.

The Dragon Qi Sword Slash, which consumes 4 points of mental power, can produce an attack with 140% of the power attribute, and can now cause considerable damage.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 83 points of damage to Lukar]

It's a pity that it didn't trigger a critical hit, otherwise its damage would be comparable to the Kusanagi Sword.

Two consecutive horrific injuries caused Lukar's condition to decline a lot. Unwilling to continue to resist, he could only end his ultimate move early.


Fang Bo was hit hard on the ground, and the burning forest seemed to shake.

[You are attacked by Lukar's Gate of Heaven, causing 206 points of impact damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 91 points of health]

Raising his head and spitting out a mouthful of blood, he immediately stood up and retreated far away.

The attack strength of this move is okay, but the grapple effect of not being able to move and counterattack is annoying.

As long as he doesn't get hit three times in a row, Fang Bo's current blood volume can completely withstand it.

Of course, this does not mean that the risk is eliminated. Lucar over there destroyed several Noble Phantasms, turned around and charged towards him like a crazy bull.

Even if he uses his fighting spirit perception at full power, he can only vaguely grasp the enemy's movement trajectory.

The seemingly clumsy Lukar's actual speed attribute is probably close to forty points.

With a bang, the energy shield that had just been set up shattered.

Before the recharging time for the Noble Phantasms was over, he fell into the clutches of the enemy again.

"Damn, that's too much!" Fortunately, he was prepared this time, and Fang Bo directly launched his two ultimate moves to suppress the situation.

Curse Seal State 2, open!

Yin seal, unseal!

Spiritual power poured into his palm like a tide, and the dazzling fire made Lukar feel slightly in a trance.

He seemed to recognize the moves used by his opponents.


However, Fang Bo didn't intend to pay attention to him at all, and directly released the super special move at full power.

Imitation·MAX super special move·Orochanagi!

The hot fire snake suddenly drowned the enemy. After this move, Lukar was finally beaten to the ground by him.

[Your Orochimaru hits the target, causing 258 points of burning damage]

"Cough, cough, cough." Looking at his severely burned palms, Fang Bo's body shook slightly, and finally regained his balance.

Omega Lukar's three attributes of physique, strength, and spirit all exceed fifty points, and he can definitely be called the top BOSS in the second difficulty world.

After unlocking the cursed seal state, Fang Bo's mental attributes will skyrocket to about 42 points.

It is already very close to the limit of the second difficulty level, but it is still far behind the opponent.

After this move, his mental strength instantly dropped, and he completely lost the ability to fight. The opponent's health volume was reduced by about half at most, or maybe even less.

According to Olson's description, the effect of the serpent's blood is different for everyone.

What he adds is all attributes, while some human subjects will specifically enhance individual attributes such as strength, physique, and spirit.

Judging from Lukar's scan results, this guy's serpent blood is definitely an enhanced physical attribute.

A conservative estimate is that Omega Lukar's HP should be in the 800+ range, and this estimate will only be more, not less.

Even after investing a full 30 points of mental power in his ultimate move, Fang Bo could only barely knock out half of the enemy's health.

Holding the fairy bean in the palm of his hand, he was always ready to fight the enemy desperately. At this time, it was not a matter of whether he felt bad or not.

At this moment, Fang Bo suddenly discovered something wonderful.

Lukar slowly got up from the ground, and the injuries on his body were being repaired quickly.

"Oh shit."

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