Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 212 See the Red Plot Treasure Box Again

After a moment, Lukar got up from the ground as if nothing was wrong.

"Very good." The prosthetic eyes flashed with a strange light, and the man looked at him with a smile full of evil: "I'm a little reluctant to kill you."

As soon as he finished speaking, the prosthetic eye suddenly shot out a laser ray.

This thing's penetrating power was extremely strong, and its attack was very concealed. Fang Bo didn't even react at all.

When he felt the pain, he realized that his left arm had been pierced by the enemy.

He said he was reluctant to kill him, but secretly launched a sneak attack. This was Lucar's nature of not resorting to any means to achieve his goals.

Sensing that something was wrong, Luo Xinfu wanted to rush over to rescue her, but unfortunately her combat power was very limited, and the energy spider she launched was easily wiped out by the enemy.

"Get the trash fish out of the way."

The special move: genocide and cutting!

Dark green energy enveloped his arm, and Lukar cut off the big spider's head very cruelly.

Then he used another special skill, the scorpion strike, and his legs turned into sharp blades, directly knocking the shikigami into a near-death state.

This is the true strength of Omega Lukar. He only used 70% of his strength just now.

The purpose is to enjoy the struggle of the prey before death, which will bring him indescribable pleasure.

At this moment, a scorching slash approached in front of him, and Yuan-Zero launched its strongest attack.

The Breath of the Sun is in the shape of Shisan·The scorching sun!

One knife cut the enemy's arm, but the other knife was caught by the enemy with his bare hands.

With one punch, the doll's chest was shattered in an instant, and its durability dropped by two-thirds.

"I didn't see it, but you quite like this kind of juggling." Lukar wanted to taunt, but found that his opponent had arrived in front of him at some point.


Do you want to compete with me in boxing and kicking? !

Lukar's combat experience is so rich that he has long seen that the opponent is not good at close combat. What is the difference between this kind of action and taking the initiative to die?

Of course Fang Bo didn't want to die, he just wanted to give the enemy a damage-reducing buff.

[The target is affected by the vulnerable state and will suffer 20% additional damage. The state lasts for 10 seconds. 】

Feeling the strangeness in his body, Lukar immediately took action and beat the opponent to death completely.

However, a terrible burst of heat suddenly hit him from behind, and he was hit hard by his opponent before he could react.

Clasping the enemy's shoulders with both hands, Kusanagi Kyo showed a fierce look on his face, and the boundless terrifying power suddenly erupted between his arms.

He was temporarily unable to use the power of "Shiki", so he thought of a forbidden move of the Kusanagi family.

MAX super sure kill·Wu Bai Wu Shi Four Styles·Shen Chen!

The power of the immortal red flame exploded to its limit, and the flames burned Lukar's body mercilessly.

He was already unable to fight back and could only passively endure the crazy ravage from Kusanagi Kyo.

Countless fists and kicks kept falling on the enemy. At this moment, Kusanagi Kyo seemed to be transformed into Shura. No matter who the enemy in front of him was, he would be torn to pieces.

Unknowingly, his skin had turned dark brown, which was the external feature that turned on the demonic mark.

The extreme violent blow made Fang Bo, who was not far away, mesmerized by the sight.

"The storage was successful." He smiled slightly and used the ability of the memory armor to imitate Shen Chen.

In fact, he had noticed Kusanagi Kyo's return even before taking action, so he took the risk and approached him just to give this bastard some eye drops.

With the influence of the "vulnerable" state, this MAX super-kill move will increase its power by 20% out of thin air.

It depends on whether you, Lucar, can bear it.

Under Fang Bo's nervous gaze, Kusanagi Kyo finally stopped his violent attack.

The demonic appearance gradually faded away, and Kusanagi Kyo, who returned to normal, took two steps back slightly, holding his knees with both hands and breathing heavily.

His strength has not yet returned to its peak, and he is already attacking with all his strength. If he cannot defeat the enemy, the outcome of today's battle may be very bad.

Fortunately, the two people's worries did not turn into reality. They only heard a bang and Lukar's body fell heavily to the ground.

[You get a plot treasure chest (red)]

"He's dead?" Fang Bo felt a little surprised.

The enemy was very powerful and had a high and mighty attitude from the moment he appeared on the scene. He thought that there would be a fight between dragons and tigers next.

Unexpectedly, Lukar would be taken away directly by Kusanagi Kyo's set of super kills.

"Did I make a mistake in my estimation? In fact, his health value is not that rich?"

In any case, he survived the battle again and harvested a very valuable red-level treasure chest.

I believe that items matching Mr. Lu’s worth will definitely be issued.

[You are opening the plot treasure chest (red)]

[You get 700 plot points]

[You get the blood of the serpent (legendary)]

[You get Gale Fist]

[You get Scorpion Strike]

Blood of the Orochi (Legendary Feature): Activate the power of the Orochi, increase physical attributes by 10, add violent and physical regeneration status, last ten minutes, and have a three-hour cooldown.

Gale Fist (C-level active skill): Consumes 4 points of spirit to unleash a violent energy shock wave.

Scorpion Strike (C-level active skill): Consumes 2 points of spirit to perform two consecutive kicks like slashes.

Both skills are useless. Fang Bo doesn't even bother to learn them. He still has a lot of things in hand that he is studying.

"Throw away the space first. If none of those guys want it, then sell it to others."

The biggest gain this time is the legendary level of serpent blood characteristics.

This thing belongs to the bloodline category and will forcibly change his bloodline power after use.

If nothing else, it would definitely conflict with his talent, Heart of Steel, and in terms of effect, the simple physical bonus is not particularly good.

Fang Bo bumped the small bottle in his hand and prepared to sell it at a good price.

Not to mention more, the eight thousand plot points will definitely be sold, and it will be an amazing harvest when the time comes.

Not far from him, the bride, who had already regenerated her body, came over and looked at the corpse on the ground with longing eyes.

"I can feel that if you eat him, you might be able to give birth to a new ghost spider."

After hearing this, Fang Bo immediately became interested. Anyway, he has not yet mastered the technology of making human puppets.

Since the shikigami wants to eat it, then give her Lukar’s body.

"If it can breed a fourth-level ghost spider, its combat power should be comparable to a reincarnation with an extreme single attribute."

If you lead sixteen extreme ghost spiders out, the scene will be very touching just thinking about it.


At this moment, Kusanagi Kyo's voice suddenly came from behind.

In the sky, a man wearing a black cloak landed on the ground and kicked in the direction of the two of them without saying a word.

Special skill·Cut and spin!

The whirlwind caused by the whip legs was as sharp as a sharp blade, instantly causing blood to spill on the two people in front of them.

When Kusanagi Kyo got up in a hurry, he found that the enemy had already disappeared with Lukar's body.

"He's not here to fight." Kusanagi Kyo said nonsense.

In fact, the man in the cloak wanted to take Lukar's body away. As for whether he was willing to do so, Fang Bo had a bold guess in his mind.

"This guy won't be resurrected, right?"

As the BOSS with the most appearances, Lukar's resurrection does not seem surprising at all.

No matter what the reason is, it is reasonable as long as it appears. Maybe we will meet each other again in the future.

"If you kill him again, will you give me a red-level treasure chest?" Fang Bo seemed to be looking forward to it.

There are still a few more pursuit missions for Sound Nest, and maybe he will meet the resurrected Lucal.

At that time, whether it is Yagami or Gonitz, the two of them can kill him with the cooperation.

On the transport plane, the cloaked man threw the body in his hand on the experimental table.

"let's start."

After hearing his instructions, the scientific researchers present began to take action.

After a while, the body was covered with cooperative tubes and testing equipment.

As the energy device began to exert force, the body that was already dead suddenly began to react.

After an unknown amount of time, accompanied by the violent roar of the transport plane, Lukar suddenly opened his closed eyes.

Slowly sitting up from the chair, Mr. Lu felt his new life and couldn't help laughing heartily.

"Great, finally broke the damn controller."

"Speaking of which, I still want to thank you, Number Zero."

Due to the controller inside his body, he had to obey the orders of the voice nest organization.

From the beginning, Lukar wanted Zero to destroy the little thing inside him.

Otherwise, how could he be taken away by the enemy with just one set of skills?

Now free of restraints, Lukar decided to act on his own will.

Looking at the ferocious-looking Lukar, the man in the cloak couldn't help but said coldly: "Don't forget what you promised me."

"Of course, my friend."

On the surface, he agreed happily, but probably only he knew what he was thinking.

Choosing to cooperate with Lukar is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger.

Of course, the guy who defeated Kusanagi Kyo and Fang Tomari with one move may not be a good person.

In wordless silence, the transport plane slowly drove towards Nanzhen.

Kyoto, inside a hotel run by the Kusanagi family.

"Alas." Fang Bo sighed, feeling a little heavy in his heart.

In order to prevent leaks of the operation, he and Olson had set up several special contact methods.

But so many days have passed, and there is still no news about that guy.

If it weren't for the name of the team interface still shining, he would have thought that something unexpected had happened to the other party.

"Something must have happened." Fang Bo rubbed his brows, thinking about his next course of action.

Should we go and find out, or should we continue to act at our own pace?

"If something happens to him, the enemy must have noticed our actions."

"The biggest reason why we didn't kill him was probably to lure his accomplices into taking the bait."

After much deliberation, Fang Bo decided to wait and see what happens and work hard to strengthen his own camp first.

Regardless of whether he wants to save people or not, he needs the help of plot characters.

The next step is to find Iori Yagami and see if we can help this guy regain his peak strength.

According to the news from Kusanagi Kyo, someone had seen Yagami appearing nearby not long ago.

Fang Bo is waiting, waiting for further clues that may come.

With the Kusanagi clan's huge intelligence network, he didn't need to deal with finding people by himself.

Soon, he received definite news that there were suspected traces of a fighter fighting somewhere.

You know, ordinary fighters will not fight easily, and even if they want to fight, they will try to avoid involving ordinary people.

To be able to take action so blatantly, there is a high probability that this person is Iori Yagami himself.

Arriving at the hotel parking lot, Fang Bo drove the Ferrari supercar presented by Kusanagi Kyo, stepped on the accelerator and ran towards the direction guided by the map.

"An abandoned factory?"

"It's really a suitable place for fighting."

The roar of the engine made Fang Bo feel particularly happy. He enjoyed this feeling of speed.

But he soon stopped laughing.

He turned his head stiffly and looked at the uninvited guest who suddenly jumped into his sports car.

Her long blue hair was flying in the wind, and the girl waved to him happily: "Yo."

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