The man strolling under the moonlight was Fang Bo who was found based on the clues he witnessed.

Ignoring the other party's inquiry, he came to the bridge and sat down, staring at the river reflecting the moonlight together.

After a long time, Fang Bo whispered softly as if subconsciously: "Jing's progress is very fast, and he has almost recovered 80% of his peak strength."

"." Iori Yagami raised his eyebrows, and his calm mood was completely disrupted in an instant.

Fortunately, his hair is long enough so that subtle facial changes are not easily noticeable to others.

The 80% strength at his peak has already surpassed that stage in the 1996s. Even against Goenitz in his heyday, he can fight back and forth.

As for Yagami himself, he only has about 60% of his strength left, so naturally he cannot be his opponent.

Losing to Kula and K9999 is nothing. He knows that he can defeat these two people once he recovers.

But Iori Yagami will never allow himself to lose to Kusanagi Kyo, not even once.

Keenly aware of the change in the atmosphere, Fang Bo chuckled in his heart, but said thoughtfully on his face: "I have fought against the strong men of the Celestial Clan of Heaven, and found that the blood of the serpent has a certain self-healing ability, and it may be able to help you recover. Injury."

After hearing this, Iori Yagami finally spoke: "I know, but that state cannot last forever."

The implication is that a moment of effort will be of no use, and besides, he doesn't like to rely on the power of the Orochi clan, let alone be bound by the so-called fate.

His fight with Kusanagi Kyo was out of personal will, and he simply wanted to defeat the opponent.

"I understand." Fang Bo nodded and said in a matter-of-fact tone: "That's why I came here to help you regain your strength."

He had long expressed his desire to destroy the sound nest, so Iori Yagami did not doubt his motives.

"What can you do?" Iori's mood fluctuated slightly.

It was obvious that he was very concerned about not being able to regain his strength, and his cold appearance was just a facade.

Suddenly I heard that others had a solution, and my heartbeat couldn't help but accelerate a lot.

"Before that, I have a question to ask you." Fang Bo turned his head and stared at the lonely figure beside him.

"In order to regain your strength, are you willing to take the initiative to embrace the blood of the serpent in your body?"

Compared with the members of the Eight Masters, the amount of Orochi's blood in Iori's body is seriously insufficient. Because of this, he can get rid of the control of the Orochi.

Unexpectedly, now he has to actively activate the blood of the heavenly gods in his body.

After a moment of silence, Iori Yagami slowly stood up from the riverside, put his hands in his pockets, and stared at the bright moon in the sky.

"Who do you think you are talking to?" The man's back was upright, and his proud posture seemed to be silently proving something.

Compared with Orochi's blood, which has harmed countless people, losing to Kusanagi Kyo may be even more terrifying.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, the fate of Bachiqiong! 】

[Mission Introduction: Destruction or rebirth, this man decided to face his destiny]

[Task requirement: Help Iori Yagami restore health]

[Special reminder: Maybe you can ask for help from the Three Artifacts Family! 】

Seeing that a task was triggered, Fang Bo suddenly felt very happy: "Let's go, let's visit an old friend of yours."

Soon, the private jet provided by Kusanagi Kyo successfully set sail.

At first, he was still worried whether Yagami would reject Kusanagi Kyo's kindness, but he didn't expect that in the end he not only took a plane, but also drank several bottles of priceless red wine in one go.

It's quite rude.

Shaking the crystal clear glass, Iori Yagami finally asked the doubt in his heart: "Tell me, who are you going to find?"

"Kagura Chizuru." Fang Bo said the friend's name.

Kagura Chizuru, another successor of the Three Sacred Artifacts family, has the Yata Mirror of the Body sealed in her body, and is another hero who sealed Orochi in 1997.

Her real name should be Yata Chizuru. Because she was responsible for guarding the seal of the Orochi, it was inconvenient to reveal her original name, so she changed her surname to Kagura.

Of course, none of these things are actually important. There is only one reason to find her, and that is to use the sealing ability of the Yata Mirror to restrict Yagami An.

Otherwise, the strength of the violent Iori is no joke, and even Fang Bo's own life may be involved if he is not careful.

Actively triggering the blood of the Orochi, keeping Yagami in a state of "blood boiling" all the time, in order to repair his riddled body.

This is Fang Bo's treatment plan, which is mainly inspired by Uzumaki Naruto, the protagonist of the Naruto world.

Every time the power of the Nine Tails goes berserk, it will help Naruto repair the damage to his body.

Then he was wondering, would it be possible to operate in this way if the target was replaced by Iori Yagami?

Even if it's not as good as Lukar's resurrection from the dead, I believe it can play a certain role.

After hearing his plan, Iori Yagami's eyes couldn't help but reveal a hint of strangeness.

How did this guy come up with such a wild idea?

After thinking carefully for a moment, he had to admit that maybe this was a better plan.

The last few times I went berserk, I basically lost control due to serious injuries that were difficult to recover from.

I don’t know the specific process, but every time Yagami regains consciousness, he feels that his physical condition is much better than before the rampage.

If the blood of the serpent really hides some kind of healing ability, then it is indeed necessary to give it a try.

Seeing that Yagami agreed to his plan, the two continued to drink one cup after another.

When Fang Bo woke up, the beautiful flight attendant was using kneeling posture to clear his meridians.

"Sir, are you awake?" the flight attendant said softly, her palm still lingering on his shoulder.

She had never seen such a muscular man.

Stroking the angular muscles, the flight attendant's eyes were slightly confused.

"Yeah." Fang Bo nodded and sighed that the life of the rich was really happy.

Then he looked out the window and found that the familiar airport was close at hand.

Rejecting the beauty's invitation to have dinner together, Fang Bo and Iori got off the plane and planned to take the ferry to Nanzhen together.

Looking at his disguised teammates, Yagami asked abruptly: "Why are the Geese Gang chasing you?"

"Nothing, just a little conflict." He immediately described the previous conflict.

She thought the boss was going to stand up for her, but when he spoke, Iori returned to his cool demeanor.

Gently rubbing his eyebrows, Fang Bo was not worried about the threat from the Gis gang.

Even Terry the Hungry Wolf can't beat him. In fact, the level of those guys is just average. They can't even be called the BOSS of the King of Fighters series. At most, they can be regarded as slightly troublesome villains.

What really worried him was Kagura Chizuru.

In 1996, Goenitz attacked Kagura Chizuru's sister Kagura Mangetsu in order to use the woman's life to weaken the Orochi seal.

It is no exaggeration to describe these two people as having a hatred as deep as the sea.

If the other party knew that he had personally unsealed Goenitz's soul, he probably wouldn't be waiting for steak and fine wine.

"Maybe I'm worrying too much."

After careful disguise, Fang Bo's appearance was okay, but Iori Yagami's image was too unique.

From the moment he came to South Town, many people noticed the existence of this super master.

Among them was the ambitious Keith Howard.

On the spacious road, more than a dozen heavy motorcycles were shuttling through the traffic at lightning speed.

In any other city, riding a bicycle like this would probably attract countless abuses.

It's a pity that this is South Town, and no one dares to say no to these members of the Geese Gang.

On the black heavy motorcycle at the front, a man wearing a red and white turban was staring ahead with a serious face.

He is the second-in-command of the Geese Gang, Stick King Billy.

Just now, the boss Gis sent him a message, saying that he was planning to invite Iori Yagami to come to Gista for a banquet.

Billy knew in his heart that the boss wanted to come back to the world.

If Iori Yagami can be brought over to form a new Nanzhen team, they will surely be able to win the championship easily.

It was a good idea, but Billy always had a pessimistic attitude towards this matter.

He and Iori have a deep hatred.

In the 1995 King of Fighters Tournament, Yagami, Billy, Kisaragi Shadow and others formed a team.

As a result, when the game ended, Iori Yagami fell into blood rage form for the first time, directly injuring Billy and Kisaragi Kageji on the spot.

In the second year of the 96 competition, Iori teamed up with Mai Zhuo and Wei Si, two members of the Eight Elites.

As a result, he went berserk again and beat two teammates to death on the spot.

Yagami'an's title as the killer of his teammates is by no means unearned.

Among them, Billy's injury was slightly milder and he recovered within a few months of training. Ru Yueying Er was unlucky. This guy took several years to recover.

It was because of this "origin" that Billy understood what it meant to team up with that guy.

He wanted to refuse, but the boss had already issued an order. As an absolutely loyal warrior, he would not refuse any of Giese's requests.

That's why the current scene happened.

A group of motorcycle gangs rushed to the dock just to block the way of the famous fighter.

"It would be best if you agree. If you dare to refuse, don't blame me for being cruel." With so many younger brothers, Billy is not just for invitations.

According to his understanding, there is a high probability that the other party will refuse on the spot, and at that time, he can take the opportunity to kill the other party.

Under normal circumstances, Billy knew that he was no match for Yagami, but he heard that Yagami's condition was not very good in recent years.

What's more, this is South Town, the South Town belonging to the Gith Gang.

Regardless of whether you are a dragon or a tiger, you must abide by the rules of the Gith Gang when you come here.


As the roar of the engine approached, a group of motorcycle gangs surrounded the taxi in the center.

The bald driver was so frightened that he opened the car door and rolled and crawled all the way without caring about his car.

Seeing this, the two people sitting in the back seat could only open the door and get out.

"The Gis Gang?" Fang Bo, who was wearing sunglasses, was a little surprised. He didn't understand how these guys saw through his perfect disguise.

When he turned around to look, he immediately understood what was going on.

"It turned out that I came here for this guy."

I thought there was nothing wrong with me, but as soon as I got out of the car, I saw a group of people paying attention.

Especially Billy, who wanted to hit him with a stick immediately: "It turns out it's you, you bastard."

"?" Fang Bo took off his sunglasses and asked in a surprised tone: "You can actually recognize it is me?!"

It was okay if he didn't say nonsense, but once he said it, Billy wanted to curse even more.

You just changed your clothes and put on sunglasses from a street vendor, you'd be damned if I wouldn't recognize you.

Taking a deep breath, Billy was ready to take action at any time.

As long as Iori Yagami dares to refuse, I will use all my strength to eliminate the two bastards today.

If he were to deal with other fighters, it would be easy to cause public outrage, but this would definitely not include the unpopular Iori Yagami.

As for the other one, it's just a gimmick. Once he's done with Yagami, just beat him to death with a stick.

Staring into the man's eyes, Billy said in a deep voice: "Our boss wants to invite you as a guest."

I thought that the next step would be a familiar rejection, but Iori unexpectedly nodded without hesitation.


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