Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 217 It’s important to me without you!

Until entering Gista, Billy still felt that the development of things was a bit dreamy.

Did this guy really agree to come along?

He always felt that something was wrong, but he had already reached his own territory, so he would leave it to the boss to deal with it.

Not only him, but also Fang Bo was slightly surprised and didn't understand what kind of medicine was sold in Yagami'an's gourd.

"Did you get hit on the head by K9999 last time?" His guess was full of malice.

At this moment, something that no one expected happened.

At the entrance to the lobby on the first floor, a man with a blond slicked back hair appeared.

If Lucal's image is similar to that of a domineering president, then this person's appearance is closer to that of a gangster godfather.

"Welcome, both of you." As the actual controller of South Town, Giese actually came to the lobby on the first floor to greet him personally.

Billy and his men were all shocked, but unfortunately this strange emotion did not affect the two guests at all.

Iori Yagami dared to kill even a big snake, and Fang Bo had seen many powerful villain bosses, but this small scene could not scare them.

Seeing that they didn't respond, Geese immediately smiled and praised: "Iori's strength is unparalleled among all the heroes, and this brother single-handedly overthrew the Shiranui-ryu Gym. The two of them are really a perfect match, please come in!"

After saying that, the gangster personally led the way from the front. This polite corporal appearance made Billy feel a little disgusted.

The boss seems to have never been so kind to me?

As a loyal guard, Billy has already been succeeded by PUA. In this case, he does not blame his boss for treating one person favorably, but instead resents Iori Yagami for stealing his glory.

Sensing the hostile look in his eyes, Fang Bo felt even more confused and had no idea which play he was singing today.

If he were alone, it would be impossible for him to take a step towards Gista. In the end, it was Iori Yagami beside him who gave him enough courage.

Looking at the silent side missions, Fang Bo knew that the crisis had not been resolved at all.

No matter what is going to be discussed next, as long as the two sides do not talk about each other, an earth-shattering war will immediately break out.

Looking around, Fang Bo was already thinking about the strategic deployment for the battle.

Soon, several people sat down at the dining table one after another, and Keith had already prepared a sumptuous lunch.

Seeing that Yagami had no intention of speaking, Fang Bo took over the responsibility of communicating with each other: "Okay, if you have anything to say, you can talk about it now."

He made a show of not wasting everyone's time.

Seeing this, Billy raised his eyebrows and was about to get angry, but when he saw the boss's appearance, he suddenly shut up.

"Okay, let's get straight to the point." Giese raised his hand and snapped his fingers, and soon his men brought in large iron boxes.

When he opened it, he saw that it was filled with stacks of dollar bills. The attractive luster made Billy swallow his saliva.

"I hope you two will join my Nanzhen team and participate in this King of Fighters tournament together. These are just insignificant gifts."

It was both unexpected and a reasonable answer.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will know that the person who will actively look for Iori Yagami is either trying to kill him or trying to win over him.

It's just that Fang Bo didn't expect that this guy Jis would ignore the good gangster godfather and insist on participating in some kind of King of Fighters competition in public.

Aren't you afraid that if you lose, you will be looked down upon by your younger brothers?

Perhaps under the influence of alcohol, Geese began to express his feelings on his own.

"It's not easy being the boss."

"Every day when I open my eyes, I have to take care of the food, drink and urination of hundreds of people. How can I feed these brothers if I don't work harder."

As he said that, the boss slowly stood up, walked to the antique cabinet with his hands behind his back, and looked at the photos hanging on it.

"In recent years, it has become increasingly difficult for the Gis Gang to do business. As the saying goes, if you are poor, you will want to change. Maybe it's time for me to really step up to the stage."

From what he meant, it seemed like he was preparing to move from underground to above ground.

If you win the King of Fighters Tournament, you will gain unimaginable popularity and support, and the next logical step will be to become the mayor of South Town.

Nanzhen is the name of a city. It is not a simple town. Otherwise, it would not be able to host the King of Fighters Tournament, let alone support an army.

In the world view of The King of Fighters, the existence of South Town is like Gotham City in the DC universe. Every time a big event happens, it must not be bypassed here.

"Okay, does this guy want to stand and make money?"

Before Fang Bo could answer, the space prompt sounded unexpectedly.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, Geese’s ambition! 】

[Mission introduction: Giese invites you to join the Nanzhen team and help him fulfill his ambition from behind the scenes to in front of the stage]

[Task requirement: Help the Nanzhen team win the King of Boxers Championship]

[Special reminder: Your attitude will directly affect Iori Yagami’s decision! 】

Unexpectedly, a simple meal can trigger hidden tasks.

Other reincarnations would have been overjoyed, but it was a pity that Fang Bo would never agree to this.

First, he has triggered the "Trajectory of Destiny" and decided to help Kusanagi Kyo obtain the title of King of Fighters.

Compared to the protagonist of the plot, the Gang of Gith is nothing.

Second, Fang Bo’s ultimate goal is to overthrow the sound nest.

Compared to the enemy's huge clone army, the Gith gang is as weak as a baby.

Reaching out and closing the box slowly, Fang Bo shook his head firmly: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you much."

Seeing his resolute attitude, the smile on Guis's face couldn't help but become a little indifferent.

However, he still held a trace of luck and looked at Iori Yagami, who remained silent.

Who knows, they didn't pick him up from the beginning to the end.

A box full of U.S. dollars is like dirt in Yagami's eyes.

The reason why he accepted the invitation from the Jigsang was because he knew that Fang Bo was being hunted.

Dealing with Geese can be regarded as returning a favor to the other party.

Otherwise, the blue flames would have burned into Billy's body as early as he blocked the taxi.

Although his strength is not at its peak, Yagami's arrogance remains unchanged.

Except for a few people, there are not many fighters in the world that he would take seriously.

Not even Terry the Hungry Wolf, let alone Geese, who is still slightly less powerful.

"Are you done?" Iori no longer had the patience to continue.

He wanted to resolve this matter as soon as possible, and then went to find Kagura Chizuru to treat his injuries.

Thinking that Kusanagi Kyo was returning to his peak, he felt that the leather chair under his butt was extremely hot.

Giving Yagami a look that was ready to take action, Fang Bo pushed the box in front of him, looked directly at the man by the window and said word by word: "You know, neither you nor money are important to me."

"Then what's important?" Geese asked subconsciously.

"It's important to me without you."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense.

Not getting the answer he wanted, Corporal Li Xian, disguised by Giese, finally couldn't stand it any longer.

"Fuck." Billy picked up the stick and wanted to settle the score with the other party, but a figure suddenly stopped in front of him.

Before he could make any move, Yagami's palm grabbed his face and he was forced to the floor.

Special move: Two hundred and twelve moves of Qin Yue Yin!

【Iori Yagami (descendant of three artifacts)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit, strength]

[Characteristics: Destroying Blue Flame (Legendary), Blood of Orochi]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Even though his strength is only 60% of his peak, Iori is still a top-notch fighter.

If you can't beat Kula and K9999, it's easy to deal with Billy.

Iori's decisive move really caught the Gith Gang off guard.

No one expected that these two people would dare to take action in their own territory.

Are you really desperate?

There was a large group of gang members trying to rush in at the door, but an explosive talisman thrown out by Fang Bo knocked them off their feet.

Taking this opportunity, he successfully used the shikigami summons, allowing the bride and her children to appear together.

"I'll leave these little guys to you."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of them."

The bride's eyes revealed an endless desire for flesh and blood.

After waiting for so long, she finally had the opportunity to kill again.

A group of ghost spiders rushed outside, soon causing the members of the Gith Gang to cry for help in panic.

Seeing this, Fang Bo took out two puppets and looked at the underworld godfather Jis who was always watching calmly.

It can only be said that he is a heroic figure. Seeing his men die in large numbers, this guy didn't even raise his eyelids.

It wasn't until all his subordinates were blocked outside that he finally reached out and took off his straight suit, revealing the white training clothes underneath.

"You guys let me down so much."

Gith, who showed murderous intent, revealed his strong body like a lion.

That kind of powerful pressure was no less than the masters he had encountered before.

It can be seen that the strength of this ruler of Nanzhen is absolutely extraordinary.

[Geece Howard (Evil Legend)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, constitution, agility]

[Characteristics: Standing tall, power of nightmare (seal)]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Standing firm: Your body is extremely strong and you can carry out powerful counterattacks when attacked.

Sensing his prying eyes, Keith's face suddenly became a little more ugly.

It felt like a lion that had been hungry for three days, eyeing the delicious prey ahead.

"I will make you understand the consequences of offending me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Geese fired the same Gale Fist as Lukar.

In other words, Mr. Lu actually stole the skills from him, and exerted more terrifying power than himself.

A light blue shock wave struck in the air, and Fang Bo could only raise a sand-iron barrier in front of him.


The single-sided sand iron barrier was hit with cracks, but fortunately it was able to resist the enemy's attack.

As soon as the golden ripples above his head appeared, Fang Bo's expression suddenly changed.

An even more terrifying fist wind struck, instantly breaking through the sand iron's protection and hitting him solidly.

Special move: Double Gale Fist!

[You are attacked by Geese's double gale fist, causing 123+76 points of strike damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 74 points of health]

The passive of Heart Steel is not very powerful, and it only restores a mere 70 points of health.

Looking at the blood bar that suddenly dropped by one-third, Fang Bo once again understood the truth. These top fighters were indeed not something he could deal with.

At the same time as the body flew backwards, eight offensive Noble Phantasms appeared, ready to give the enemy a chill.

Today, Fang Bo's ability to seize opportunities is getting better and better.

Even though he was seriously injured, he still seized the moment when the enemy's moves were exhausted and launched an attack.

It's just that he underestimated Giese's speed. The seemingly tall and muscular man could move so nimbly.

Boom boom boom!

The attacks of the Noble Phantasms fell into the air one after another, and only the Shadow Moon Fork caused a little damage that was not painful or itchy.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 45 points of damage to Gith]

Such an attack alone would not be able to defeat the powerful leader of Nanzhen.

Looking at the Yuan-Zero type who rushed in front of him, Geese dodged to avoid the sword slash, his movements were easy and freehand, fully displaying his strong fighting skills.

He reached out and grabbed the puppet in his palm, gathered his energy and strength, and turned around with great force and threw it on his back.

Special move: Lei Minghao Break Throw!

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