Chapter 233 Seraph "S-Xiao Zhai"

The long knife loomed, and nine hazy afterimages scattered in an instant.

Xiao Zhai launched nine slashes with great speed, completely blocking all the enemy's retreat routes.

Of course, he had no way to avoid Orochimaru's damage. He could only use the blade impact to cut through the flames as much as possible.

[Your Orochimaru causes 235 points of damage to the enemy]

Due to the influence of the characteristic Steel Body, Fang Bo's special move of a full blow failed to cause much damage.

Fortunately, he was not originally meant to kill the enemy. The main function of Orochimaru is to prevent the enemy from pursuing him and reduce the power of the enemy's special moves.

Even so, he still suffered terrible slashing damage.

Seven blood arrows shot out from his body almost simultaneously, and Fang Bo's left arm was almost chopped off by the enemy.

[You are attacked by Xiao Zhai's Nine-Headed Dragon Flash, causing 342 points of slashing damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 164 points of health]

Life: 178/420 (+230)

If Orochanagi hadn't offset part of the damage, causing two of the enemy's swords to miss, he would have been directly seriously injured by this Nine-Headed Dragon Flash move.

The summoned Noble Phantasm blocked the enemy's attack. Taking this opportunity, Fang Bo, who successfully landed on the ground, summoned three mobile blood packs.


He took out a small red medicine bottle and drank it into his mouth. In the blink of an eye, Fang Bo's health returned to more than 200 points.

He let go of Tutu, who had turned into bones, and placed his palm on the other giant's body.

The winged boy looked up at the sky while absorbing health points.

Seraph, an advanced mechanical cyborg unit in the pirate world, was personally participated in the research and development by Dr. Vegapunk.

An advanced type of pacifist unit with the ability to imitate other strong men.

However, judging from the information just shown, the boy in front of him should be very different from the finished Seraph.

First of all, he does not have the blood of the Lunaria clan. Otherwise, Orochimaru's move might not be able to cause such high damage.

Secondly, Seraph's hard power is not strong enough, and his attributes are not up to the level described in the original work.

Fang Bo speculated that it was possible that the technology obtained by the orphanage was not mature enough. Even if Sound Nest's cloning technology was used to exchange it with the World Government, Vegapunk would not be able to leak all the technical information.

The current beta version of Seraph is a completely inferior product. Of course, it is enough to cope with fighting in the King of Fighters world.

As for Kosai’s clone, it should be Kenshin Himura, the plot protagonist of the world of Rurouni Kenshin.

The trick he used just now was one of the two secrets of the Feiten sword-style, the Nine-Headed Dragon Flash.

It is obvious that the Orphanage has a high degree of development of the world of Rurouni Kenshin and is deeply related to the plot power of the Pirate World.

Fang Bo boldly guessed that this boy named Xiaozhai should be the product of generations of reincarnations affiliated with the orphanage.

Since it is a transformation of plot characters, it will not be counted in the combat power system, let alone suffer the penalty of reducing the difficulty of the world.

"What a good idea."

Glancing at the silent Gaunitz beside him, Fang Bo asked softly: "Lao Gao, are you okay?"

Baofeng's strength has not yet returned to its peak. If he continues to attack, there is a high probability that he will not be the opponent of Seraph.

What he wants to express is very simple. If it doesn't work, let's run away.

"Hmph." Goenitz snorted coldly, and violent wind surged around him again.

She showed her attitude through actions.

Seeing this, Fang Bo could only put his hand on the woman's shoulder and pour all the life essence that had just returned to full value into her body.

[Basic melee experience value +256]

[Your basic melee combat is upgraded to LV7]

In a moment, Goenitz's lost life was restored. Without saying a word, she rushed into the sky and started a second battle with the enemy.

[Gaunitz’s favorability towards you +20]

Ignoring the favorability prompt, he looked in the direction of the enemy transport plane.

There, several reincarnations were watching him eagerly, and the reincarnation holding two guns further integrated the weapons.

Eventually, the silver twin guns turned into a heavy sniper rifle nearly two meters long.

A strong sense of threat came over him, and Fang Bo knew in his heart that the gunman's attack power must be extremely terrifying.


A gunshot sounded, but the target of the attack was not him, but a second-order ghost spider behind him.

[The elite spider soldiers were attacked by the enemy's weak points, causing 203 points of penetrating damage]

[Elite spider soldier dies! 】

His second-level ghost spider was killed with one shot, and it wouldn't take long for the gunman to complete the clearing work himself.

"Damn it, why haven't those stupid mercenaries come yet?" Fang Bo pulled on the energy shield of his cloak and blocked a bullet fired by the woman.

The enemy is very powerful, and the trump cards revealed are more terrifying than imagined.

If we don't come up with some effective means, Fang Bo and others may really end up here today.

When he came to his friend, Olsen said softly with a solemn face: "I can't beat him. Your helper is no match for me."

In the sky, Storm Gornitz's offensive efficiency was very low. This was because the attribute gap between the two sides was too large.

No matter how brilliant the skills are, attribute values ​​are needed as actual support, otherwise this embarrassing situation will occur.

After a moment of silence, Olson turned away and said in a very rude tone: "You run away first, otherwise staying here will only get in the way. If I want to leave, no one can stop me."

This situation is just like what he remembered from his childhood, but this time Fang Bo will not choose to run away.

"It is better to know the enemy's methods than to slowly suffer in the fear of the unknown."

Compared with the existence of Seraph, Fang Bo is more afraid of unknown things.

Now that he has a clear goal, he naturally knows how to break the situation.

"No matter what, we cannot let these guys leave peacefully."

Olson was thinking about how to escape, but he was still thinking about how to keep all these guys behind.

Even if it doesn't work, at least kill a few key people.

Especially this Seraph, he will be killed here no matter what.

He definitely can't do it. The person who really takes action must be Goenitz.


The sudden shout stunned everyone.

Ignoring the weird looks from others, Fang Bo waved to the female priest in the sky: "Come down, I have a big baby that you will definitely like."

"." Goenitz hesitated for a moment, then used his unique skill to temporarily push back the enemy in front of him.

She knew her teammate well and knew that he was a thoughtful person who would never make random jokes at such a critical moment.

The current situation is a bit unresolved, so why not go and see what clever tricks this guy has up his sleeve.

As soon as he hit the ground, a small dark pink bottle was thrown towards him.

She was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes burst with excitement.

The little thing Fang Bo threw over was the blood of the big snake obtained from Omega Lukar.

I originally thought about selling it, but now I have to use it to strengthen my teammates.

Speaking of which, he had already consumed two precious items on Gonitz.

The blood of the gods of heaven (Storm) and the blood of the serpent (Lucal), these two things together are worth at least over ten thousand.

Under Fang Bo's distressed eyes, Goenitz raised his head and suffocated the small blood bottle in one gulp.

[Gaunitz’s favorability towards you is +500, and the current relationship becomes close]

"." Fang Bo blinked blankly, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

On the other side, Goenitz's awakening attracted everyone's attention.

That violent aura completely overshadowed Seraph Xiaozhai.

The world finally saw the return of the storm again.

【Gonnitz (Four Heavenly Kings)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: spirit, agility, strength, perception]

[Characteristics: Breathing Arashi (legendary), heavenly gods, flesh and blood regeneration]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Breathing Arashi (Legendary): The blood of the serpent gives you the power to control wind, and your mental attributes are permanently increased by 15 points.

Flesh and blood regeneration: Bathing in the strong wind will gradually regenerate your flesh and blood, restoring 5 health points per second.

"Huh?" Staring at the opponent's legendary characteristics, he didn't expect that he could actually check it this time.

Is it because of the influence of favorability?

"As expected of the leader of the Eight Elites, the legendary talent can permanently increase attributes."

The increase of 15 points of mental power was more than his nightmare state. Fang Bo was very suspicious that the other party's ability was blessed by the bottle of serpent's blood.

As for the regeneration of flesh and blood, I may have seen so many self-healing abilities that I didn’t think there was anything special about it.

"Anyway, it's good to have my strength restored."

To regroup the ice barrier, he wants to buy time for Goenitz's victory.

Quickly climbing into the air, Goenitz raised one hand, and an extremely violent wind instantly rolled up in the field.

Not only the opponent Seraph, but also the transport planes in the distance were affected.

Several huge wind blades passed by, and the transport plane immediately exploded into a ball of sparks.

Taking this opportunity, Fang Bo activated his Noble Phantasm, aimed at the gunman and beat him up.

No matter when and where, gunmen are the priority targets that need to be dealt with.

"Let's go together." Seeing that things had turned around, Olson gave up the idea of ​​breaking off alone.

He and the ghost spiders rushed forward, preparing to fight the enemy's reincarnation head-on.

Flying Sword Style·Dragon Hammer Flying Flash!

Xiao Zhai kept trying to kill the enemy, but unfortunately his knife could not break through the blockade of the sharp claws.

In order to fight against the enemy, Goenitz attached the power of wind to his palm, and its sharpness was no less sharp than the opponent's weapon.

Dodging the knife that struck her head, she forcibly turned around and clasped the boy's chest with one hand under impossible circumstances.

Makoto Moon Minion!

A gust of wind blade swept past, and a large amount of blood suddenly shot out from all parts of Xiaozhai's body.

"You are very strong." Goenitz, who had regained his full strength, looked down at his opponent with a condescending attitude.

This kind of gaze was not liked by the young man, and Xiaozhai showed obvious emotional fluctuations for the first time.

That's the emotion called anger.

Sheathing the long sword, he assumed an Iai-slashing posture and said the first words after appearing: "This sword will kill you."

Seeing the boy's determination, she slowly put away the mocking smile on her lips.

Three tornadoes piercing the sky and the earth emerged, dancing and roaring around her, with Goenitz's figure looming among them.

Xiao Zhai, his opponent, could hardly see his opponent clearly.

Unable to capture the target with his vision, he simply closed his eyes and wanted to use his perception ability to complete this attack.

Anyone else would have been far away from the tornado's envelope, but he took the initiative to fly to the innermost area.

The strong wind cut through his body like a blade, but Xiao Zhai remained unmoved.

He was waiting, waiting for the moment when the enemy would reveal his flaw.

"I found you!" The young man opened his eyes suddenly, and a brilliant brilliance bloomed in the scabbard.

The Secret of Feitian Sword Style: Tianxiang Dragon Flash!

This is the highest sword technique of the Feiten Mitsurugi Style, a super-god sword-drawing technique that is faster than God's speed.

There is no room for reaction. When the user draws the sword, the enemy is bound to be hit by the blow.


"What?!" Xiaozhai looked in front of him in disbelief, his trick actually failed.

What he perceived was just a phantom, a bait used by the enemy to lure him into being fooled. This was the gap reflected in combat experience.

It's ridiculous that he thought he had caught the target, but in the end the decisive blow failed to achieve the desired effect, and he even had to face counterattack from the enemy.

Xiaozhai was very reluctant, but he had no strength left to resist.

"You can die in peace."

MAX super special move·Shen Hachi Girl!

Goenitz's figure appeared out of thin air, and his sharp claws continued to tear the flesh and blood of the enemy.

At this moment, the strange emotion on Xiao Zhai's face suddenly disappeared, as if the unwillingness and roar just now were all an illusion.

Ignoring the pain radiating from his body, he turned around and struck out with the exact same slash as before.

Tianxiang Dragon Flash·Double Cut!

My heart feels very bad recently, I don’t know what’s wrong with it

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