Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 234 Silver plot equipment

Goenitz's Storm Cutting move completely disrupted the enemy's formation.

In the flaming wreckage, Gunner Grand staggered up, his face full of smoky colors.

He had bad luck and happened to be at the attack point of the Storm Blade.

Others were only affected by the explosion, but he unfortunately suffered two complete injuries.

Fortunately, when entering the plot world, Grand specially selected two pieces of equipment with high physical bonus, otherwise he would have died in the explosion just now.

Activating the vitality self-healing attached to the necklace, Grand re-disassembled the big sniper in his hand into two silver guns.

This piece of equipment comes from the "Gun God" world and can be freely switched into different states.

The interior is made of special flesh and blood, and the attributes of the reincarnator will directly affect the damage effect.

As a gunner, Grand's ability to reach this day is naturally due to his greatness. This silver plot equipment is his biggest helper in navigating space.

"When I return to the world of gun gods and kill that bastard who smiles all day long, the attributes of my equipment will definitely improve dramatically."

Silver equipment is usually owned by characters in the plot, and its accompanying abilities are closely related to the plot. Completing certain specific tasks can improve skill effects.

After his health slowly returned to a safe level, Grand kicked the barrier in front of him and prepared to see how the others were doing.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

Grand's heart tightened and he subconsciously avoided the unknown attack.

It wasn't until the light fell to the ground that he realized that the thing was actually a golden hammer.

"Did you take the initiative to come to me?" Grand looked ferocious and clenched his silver gun with both hands.

The team has shared detailed information about No. 7, so he knows the origin of this thing very well, and even knows the skill information about King's Treasure.

"The treasure has a distance limit. He can't be more than 200 meters away from me."

The enemy did not show up easily, indicating that they were worried about possible ambush. Grand thought that maybe he could take advantage of this.

The behavior can be a little more aggressive, creating the illusion that teammates are ambushing you behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, Grand's eyes suddenly became blank, and the whole world seemed to slow down a lot in his eyes.

Super concentration of thoughts: Greatly improve concentration in a short period of time.

This is his innate characteristic, which has an effect similar to bullet time.

By discerning subtle things, you can easily find enemies hidden within the range of perception.

"Huh?" Grand's heart moved, and then he quickly left the place.

The next second, the golden shadow moon fork appeared out of thin air and penetrated deeply into the soil under his feet.

If he had reacted a little slower, he might have been nailed to the ground with a spear right now.

"Have you been hiding in secret to attack?" Grand was still observing his surroundings.

The enemy's fighting style is different from what was recorded in the intelligence, which is most likely due to lack of mental strength.

Listening to the roar of artillery fire in the distance, Grand suddenly smiled and said to himself: "Why don't you take action? Your friend will not be able to hold on any longer."

The traitor Olson leads a group of ghost spiders to fight against his own side. The situation is extremely critical and he may die in this situation at some point.

In this case, the other party's mentality will inevitably be affected.

Sure enough, Grand quickly noticed something unusual somewhere.

At ten o'clock, vertical streaks of dust suddenly splashed up, which was caused by breathing disorders caused by emotional excitement.

Such tiny flaws cannot escape Grand's meticulous observation.

"Got you!"

Fusing the two guns together, the heavy sniper gun reappeared in his hand, then aimed at the target location and fired a bullet.

Seeing the figure that was blown away, Grand's smile began to spread on his face, but he soon realized that something was wrong with the situation.

How come the enemy doesn’t bleed?

Subconsciously checking the battle report, his heart suddenly felt cold.

[Your shot causes 89 points of penetrating damage to the Edge One Zero]

He didn't know what the name meant, but he knew it was definitely not a name for someone who was hostile to reincarnation.

Under normal circumstances, when attacking the Samsara, the word "enemy" will appear in the battle report.

"I fell into a trap."

Knowing this in his heart, Grand immediately wanted to leave here completely.

But when he fired, Fang Bo's body was already in front of him.

[No. 9366 (Flesh Gunner)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: perception, agility, constitution]

[Characteristics: Super concentration of thoughts]

[Threat assessment: slightly inferior]

"The strength is very good." Fang Bo began to quickly form seals with his hands.

Just as the enemy expected, after he and Seraph exchanged a big move, his mental power was at a very dangerous critical level.

Either devour the supplies or use them sparingly. Fang Bo obviously chose the latter.

Slowly looking for a good opportunity to defeat the enemy, trying to kill the gunman at the minimum cost, and then the Yuan-0 type lured the enemy.

I thought about exposing the traces step by step, but I didn't expect that the small act of simulating breathing would directly expose it.

It has to be said that the enemy's perception ability is indeed outstanding.

Feeling the murderous intent approaching rapidly from behind, Grand's face was solemn, and the C-level skill "Shunpo" he had mastered was ready to go.

As a qualified ADC, he must master the skill of displacement, otherwise it will be terrible if he is approached by the enemy.

With a tap of his toes, Grand prepared to escape from the threat behind him, but he soon saw the spreading darkness.

[You cast the Dark Art on No. 9366, and the mental attributes are in the judgment of the characteristics and abilities]

[Judgment passed, number 9366 fell into a state of blindness for six seconds]

"It's done." Fang Bo immediately launched all attack methods.

Because he knew that even if he was blind, the enemy would not be able to stay where he was and wait for death, and would definitely start a frantic escape for his life.

If he can't be kept alive, I'm afraid he won't be able to get his head.

The Wind Shadow Puppet was the first to appear, and the dragoon's bullets went straight to the enemy's face.

It's a pity that its attack seems so feeble when faced with the gunman who has activated his super concentration of mind.

The Yuan 10 type arrived second, and it released the fastest assault slash when it came up.

The sun's breath and the five patterns·Yang Hua Sudden!

[Yuanyi Zero's slash hits, causing 56+61 points of slash damage]

This move is too sudden, and the puppet has no life breath, and it always moves so quietly.

Even if he raised his senses to the extreme, Grand still couldn't escape the Nichirin Sword's attack.

With only one-third of his health left, fortunately, he successfully used Shunpo from the world of death.

In the blink of an eye, Grand appeared dozens of meters above the ground.

The gunman who did not dare to take it lightly used this movement skill again just to save his life.

After moving a hundred meters away, the man finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was completely safe now.

Maybe the enemy would pursue him, but by then he would have already recovered his vision, and everything would be different.

At this moment, a feeling of heart palpitations suddenly enveloped him.

"Not good." Grand jumped up with all his strength, barely dodging the attack from behind.

He didn't expect the enemy's attack to be so fast, and he was already approaching him almost the moment he landed.

Fortunately, he was very vigilant, otherwise it would have been terrible. At least Grand didn't dare to gamble with his remaining 112 health points.

In case of triggering a critical strike, wouldn't I fully explain it here?

Dodging the attack from behind, Grand immediately used all his sensory abilities, hoping to sense the enemy's follow-up attack.

He was too persistent and didn't notice that the failed Noble Phantasm suddenly turned in the air and inserted into his body for the second time.

By the time Grand realized something was wrong, the golden Kusanagi sword had already extended its blade and pierced the enemy's heart in one fell swoop.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 174 points of critical damage to the enemy]

[You kill reincarnation number 9366 and get a personal killing treasure chest]

Before he died, Grand had been thinking about why the weapon suddenly turned in the air and why it suddenly extended the attack distance.

If possible, he would like to die and understand, but unfortunately this small wish cannot be fulfilled.

Mind control (active skill): Consumes 1 point of mental power to freely control the flight and expansion of the Kusanagi sword.

This is one of the equipment effects of Kusanagi Sword. It usually looks inconspicuous, but sometimes it can play a decisive role.

This battle is an example.

After bending down to pick up the box that the man had dropped, Fang Bo sat down on the ground, resisting the nerve pain that kept hitting his mind.

Spirit: 7/36

He only had seven points of mental strength left, and it could be said that he had basically lost the ability to continue fighting.

"Oh, no amount of mental power is enough."

He came to a corner and hid himself, and while squeezing his temples hard, he opened the gunman's killing chest.

[You are opening the killing chest number 9366]

[You get 3250 plot points]

[You get sniper bullets ×35]

[You get the Punisher (Silver Plot)]

Fang Bo's eyes widened immediately when he saw what the enemy had given him.

"My dear, do you want to be so generous?!"

More than three thousand points of wealth can be considered as a small amount of money to make up for the loss of using the blood of the big snake.

Plot points: 15069

The accumulation of fifteen thousand seems pretty good so far. It would be even better if I could kill a few more reincarnations in the orphanage.

What really surprised Fang Bo was the big gun.

The attack power of this thing is actually even more exaggerated than the mythical Kusanagi sword.

Name: Punisher (sniper mode)

Grade: Silver Drama

Category: Heavy sniper rifle

Attack power: 20-26

Maximum ammo load: 7

Durability: 75/75

Attribute enhancement: Perception +5, Spirit +2

Conditions of use: Wisdom 35, Strength 24

Equipment effects: weak point sniping, mode switching, flesh and blood fusion

Place of Origin: Trigun

Equipment evaluation: Sometimes, flexible combat and long-range sniping do not conflict.

Weakness sniping (active skill): Consume 4 points of mental power to shoot a bullet that is sure to hit critically.

Mode switching (active skill): You can switch freely between sniper rifle and pistol.

Flesh and Flesh Fusion (passive skill): Your flesh and blood can be fused with firearms, causing additional killing effects.

Even if the basic damage is high, it can also cause a 100% critical hit effect.

No wonder one bullet almost crippled the Yuan-00.

He didn't know how much hard work the enemy had put in to upgrade this silver story equipment to a level comparable to myth.

Fang Bo just sighed, it was another piece of equipment that he couldn't use, and it couldn't be put into the King's Treasure.

"Keep it for now. Maybe sometime, I can have a human puppet that specializes in long-range shooting."

When the time comes to equip the human puppet, you will immediately gain a long-range sniper with explosive damage.

"Oh, when I go back this time, I must fool you into the magic of rosary control." He missed the noisy little girl.

At this time, a violent roar suddenly came from the horizon, and seven transport planes with mercenary logos were slowly landing.

The members of the Nu team finally arrived at the battlefield successfully.

This means that the battle is over. Faced with such a disparity in strength, it is impossible for the reincarnations in the orphanage to win.

What's more, Goenitz has demolished the Seraph Xiaozhai to pieces.

"The situation is over."

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