Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 244 I stabbed someone with a knife without even blinking!

"Oh, this guy is quite capable." Jason was observing his battle.

The previous conversation was a bit ambiguous, and he couldn't tell what No. 7 was really thinking.

In order to avoid accidents, it is better to come up with a plan for the "ruthless team".

Fang Bo had been spying on others, and now it was his turn to be studied by the enemy.

Feeling the invisible prying eyes, he forced himself to ignore the information and concentrate on dealing with the enemy in front of him.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 190 points of critical damage to Andy]

The golden Kusanagi sword passed through the chest, causing extremely terrifying damage.

A little mental power can cause 200 points of damage, and anyone who sees it will have to take a breath.

This is not Fang Bo's peak state. You must know that King's Treasure has not yet reached the full level, otherwise the damage bonus of "King's Power" may increase a lot.

If the strength attribute can continue to improve, then the damage caused by the Kusanagi Sword may be even more terrifying.

The average mini-plot BOSS can be killed almost instantly with one sword.

Even for a first-rate fighter, the feeling of being hit by a sword in the front is not very pleasant.

Judging from the way Andy bent over and vomited blood, it was probably that what he had just done had brought him to the peak of pleasure.

"It's a pity that killing is not allowed in the King of Fighters competition." Fang Bo sighed in his heart, and controlled the sand iron in his hand to form a particularly large surrounding net.

He doesn't want to try what it feels like for a man to kill you while you're sick.

Because the damage from that sword was too heavy, Andy's reaction was inevitably half a beat too slow.

When he was about to resist, his ankles were already tightly wrapped by the flow of sand.

Magnetic Escape·Sand-bound Coffin!

After restricting the enemy's movement, you can then concentrate your firepower to directly cripple the opponent.

After all, Andy was a little out of sorts in this battle.

He should have taken advantage of his speed, but instead he charged head-on with all his might.

Then the current results are naturally not surprising.

But before being wrapped in iron sand, Andy shouted two words with a face full of unwillingness: "Support."

While the sand and iron completely submerged him, Mary's figure was already approaching in front of him.

In order to prevent being caught by the woman, Fang Bo had no choice but to retreat and tried to use his Noble Phantasm to block the woman's footsteps.

Unfortunately, it takes time to open the treasury. In fact, he has prepared the advance for every attack.

Suddenly encountered a surprise attack, these few seconds of time difference were not enough.

Seeing the woman approaching quickly, Fang Bo hooked his fingers and controlled the Feng Ying puppet to perform the second stage of his skills.

[Your Sandstorm Funeral hits the target, causing 88 points of crushing damage]

No matter what, Andy is his opponent, and Mary is just a support worker who cannot play.

A second of distraction made it impossible for him to avoid the woman's personal blow.

He wanted to gather Orochimaru to force the opponent back, but Mary was extremely fast, and before the flames could be launched, her head was caught by the woman's spread thighs.

Fang Bo suddenly looked confused, and even his breathing became slightly unsmooth.

[You are imprisoned by Mary Spider]

[One's own strength is 31 points, the opponent's strength is 46 points. The success rate of breaking away is 25%]

[If you fail to break free, you will be imprisoned for three seconds! 】

"Hehe." Holding his head with one hand and squeezing hard, Mary whispered in his ear: "Aren't you very proud of taking away someone's girlfriend?"

After saying that, the woman suddenly turned over and pressed down, hitting him with a powerful and heavy throwing technique to kill him.

[You are attacked by Mary's Spider Solid, causing 146 points of impact damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 78 points of health]

The seven-second aid time had just passed halfway, and the remaining three seconds were still enough for her to launch a special move.

However, as the Noble Phantasms slowly emerged, Mary was instantly caught in a dilemma.

The opponent made it clear that he wanted to attack Andy. Even if she continued to attack, she could not save the defeat.

Either you can safely send your teammates off the stage, or you can cause damage to both sides as much as possible.

If it were left to normal times, Mary would definitely choose to save her teammates first. A mere King of Fighters competition cannot be more important than the friendship between a few people.

But this time the situation is a little different.

She saw all of Andy's pain, and losing this game would probably be more painful than killing him.

"please forgive me."

Before her opponent could get up, Mary instantly came to the man's back, planning to use her strongest confinement skills to knock him down.

Sensing the woman's intention, Fang Bo directly activated the suspension acceleration while half lying down.

He didn't hide, but accelerated and ran into the woman's arms, bent his arms and raised his elbows, and pressed hard against the woman's heart.

Chef Ding's knife appeared in his hand, and he struck back with the knife without any fancy, completely ignoring the woman's attempt to dodge.

Under the influence of the sense of fighting spirit, it was impossible for Mary to avoid his attack.

When the blade of the knife passed by, a bloody wound suddenly opened on the woman's chest.

[Your attack causes 57 points of slashing damage to the enemy]

[The target is affected by bleeding, causing 3 points of damage per second, lasting 10 seconds]

Including the passive bleeding effect, a mediocre knife can cause 87 points of total damage.

This is the power of the legendary weapon "Pao Ding Jie Niu".

Muscle Slicing (Passive Skill): Slashing damage +20%, each attack will cause bleeding for 10 seconds (damage value 5%), can be superimposed infinitely.

As long as the target can be hit, the superimposed bleeding effect will drive the enemy completely crazy.

If it can be used in conjunction with certain melee skills, the muscle cutting effect will be even more powerful.

"If you have the chance, you must learn some equipment-based combat skills."

He still wanted to pursue the enemy, but the seven-second rescue time had expired, and Fang Bo could not continue to cause harm to the woman.

"Tsk, you got a bargain." When he turned around, he found Andy getting up from the ground covered in blood.

It seems that this guy still wants to fight with him. This is the so-called showing off.

Of course, Fang Bo understood the other party's mood very well.

It's a pity that even he can't persuade Goenitz to give up the body he got.

It was hard to adapt to Mai Shiranui's body. God knows how long it would take to regain her fighting strength if she changed it.

Looking at Andy who had regained his posture, Fang Bo sighed and said, "I'm sorry for everything that happened."

After saying that, Sha Tie suddenly landed and began a new round of ravaging the man.

By the time Terry, who couldn't stand it anymore, took the initiative to give up, poor Andy was already lying on the ground and turned into a bloody man.

[You get 500 plot points as reward]

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him."

Saying some harmless words, Fang Bo was waiting for his second opponent to take the stage.

He had lost some health in the battle just now, and his mental power had also dropped a lot. The energy value of the Wind Shadow Puppet was once again depleted.

About 60% of the combat strength has been retained.

The next opponent he faced was Dong Zhang, and he had a hunch that the battle might be more difficult than the last one.

Glancing at the angry-eyed Mary on the support bench, he knew that this woman would definitely rush up to interfere.

"Use all your strength to fight quickly." With the thought in his mind, Fang Bo's body suddenly underwent wonderful changes.

His eyes were filled with blood red, and sky blue energy was constantly surging on his body.

Nightmare power, open!

As he breathed, these strange sky-blue energies began to revolve around him.

This scene made the old enemies watching in the audience very interested.

"This power comes from the same source as me." Giss slowly stood up, his whole body bursting out with terrifying murderous intent.

Unfortunately, they were too far away from each other, and this threat failed to affect the man in the ring at all.

In desperation, Keith could only sit back on the chair. He was now fully expecting to meet the ruthless team.

That way you can kill those two bastards with your own hands.

"Speaking of which, I also want to thank them." He clenched his fists, and the same sky-blue energy began to surround his body.

Without that initial battle, how could he have mastered such powerful power.

It was not only Giss who was attracted to "Nightmare Fangbo", but also the group of reincarnations in the orphanage and a certain figure hiding behind the glass and peeping.

"Very good, keep fighting and release all your power." Clone Zero's laughter was full of joy.

On the ring, Dongzhang was moving his fists and feet, looking very at ease.

I have seen too many ruthless people, and the opponent's performance is nothing. No matter what, I have to defeat this person today.

This is his promise to his brother.

"Come on, I can't wait."

Facing Dongzhang's provocation, Fang Boli stared at him with blood-red eyes.

He didn't answer because winning or losing would be the best answer.

Soon, the second round of competition officially begins!

Taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules, Fang Bo summoned all offensive Noble Phantasms in advance.

In the first second of the game, he gave the enemy a shower of flowers.

Dongzhang, who was well prepared for this, used his strength to protect his body and confronted the Noble Phantasms head-on without hesitation.

"It's too weak, these things won't work at all."

Inspired by the anger in his heart, Dongzhang's fighting power was far greater than before, and he even used a flurry of punches to knock back all the Noble Phantasms.

Special move: Explosive punch!

It seems chaotic, but in fact everything is so orderly. This grasp of power is definitely unparalleled.

But focusing too much on what's right in front of you can lead to overlooking threats that might otherwise be noticed.

After Dong Zhang solved the problem of the Noble Phantasm, he realized that his opponent was already approaching.

"So brave of you."

Before he could say harsh words, the boundless darkness suddenly swallowed him up.

[You cast the Dark Art on Dongzhang, and the mental attributes are in the judgment of the characteristics and abilities]

[Judgment passed, Dongzhang fell into a state of blindness for seven seconds]

The best way for Fang Bo to resolve the battle quickly is to deprive the enemy of vision.

The volley of the Noble Phantasm is just a tool he uses to divert the enemy's attention. Otherwise, how could he be defeated one by one by the opponent so easily.

The conditions for releasing the Dark Art are somewhat harsh. Both parties must keep a certain distance, and the target's eyes must be focused on him.

Then the best way is for him to take the initiative to approach the other party.

With his hands folded across his chest, terrifying mental power began to gather crazily.

Seeing this situation, the members of the Dragon and Tiger Team in the audience couldn't sit still.

"Brother, this trick seems to be ours."

Hearing his sister's cry, Sakazaki Liang nodded solemnly: "Yes, it's the Bawang Xianghou Fist. I didn't expect that it was actually used in the hands of an outsider."

This is the use of spiritual energy, which is very suitable for Fang Bo to use, even more suitable for him than several of Kusanagi Kyo's ultimate moves.

Due to the lack of corresponding bloodline, he was unable to exert its maximum power due to the damage caused by this type of attribute skill.

The first time he saw Bawang Xianghou Fist, he fell in love with this domineering and powerful trick.

When he saw Ryo Sakazaki's final counterattack in a desperate situation, Fang Bo immediately copied it using the "imitation" that came with the equipment.

When he returns to the dreamland, he can practice it repeatedly through phantoms, and it won't take long before he can master it on his own.

After activating the nightmare form, Fang Bo's mental attribute has reached 46 points, not to mention the special effect of +35% skill damage.

If the ultimate move hits, it will not kill the opponent in a second, but it will also make Dongzhang unable to eat and walk around.

However, the blind opponent suddenly turned his head.

"Do you really think I can't feel such a strong aura?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying orange tornado emerged as he pumped his fist.

MAX super-kill·tornado of death!

Strong winds swept in all directions, forming a barrier around the two of them.

The outside world can no longer see the situation inside, let alone know the specific fighting process between the two.

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, what follows is a battle of ultimate moves, and whoever is more powerful will have the upper hand.

But at this time, Fang Bo had other thoughts because of the surrounding environment.

He didn't expect that Dongzhang could lock himself while being blind.

It wouldn't matter if they were fighting hand to hand, but the ultimate move was still charging up, which gave the opponent a chance to fight.

"It's a pity that you dug your own grave after all."

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