There was only a loud roar, and the strong wind that swept through the venue gradually dissipated.

The audience knew that the battle between the two of them should have ended.

"Who won?" This is a question that everyone is very curious about.

Ordinary people can only rely on their senses to deduce, but fighters can see more clearly.

"Dongzhang will win." Terry was very confident about this.

It's not that he favors his teammates, but because his opponents have lost the same state as when they first appeared on the scene after continuous battles.

It is actually quite unfair for the two sides to compete.

Most of the fighters had similar thoughts, and Iori Yagami, who was the second to appear, even stood up.

He also believed that his side would lose the battle.

Of all the people present, only Goenitz still had full confidence in that person.

That strong wind could hide others, how could it hide it from her?

In just a short moment, something extraordinary happened there.

"You gave me another surprise." She smiled, flipping through the books, and continued reading about the poisonous chicken soup of contemporary society.

This thing is really getting better and better the more you look at it.

The hurricane dissipated, and the situation on the field gradually came into view.

Fang Bo stood there with some difficulty, while the person who was favored by everyone was already lying under the ring.

[You get 500 plot points as reward]

There is no doubt that this battle is another victory for Fang Bo.

Facing the exclamations and comments from the crowd, he couldn't help but look at the battle report just now.

[Your Overlord Xianghou Fist hits the target, causing 335 points of energy damage]

This move of Overlord Xianghou Fist caused the most horrific damage in history.

The 35% power bonus provided by the power of nightmare alone caused a full 87 points of additional damage to the enemy.

This legendary characteristic is gradually showing its edge, but the price is that Fang Bo's mental power is bottoming out in an instant.

If he failed to knock Tojo out of the field, he would have no choice but to ask for help from Kusanagi Kyo.

Fortunately, the worst thing didn't happen, and he finally relied on clever ways to defeat two powerful enemies in a row.

"I'm afraid the third game won't be that easy."

Off the court, Terry finally woke up his teammates who had fallen into a coma.

"I, I am..." He looked around blankly, and it took him a moment to realize that he had failed.

Poor Dongzhang didn't understand what happened at that time, but he felt the Overlord Xianghou punch hit his back.

"Maybe I guessed wrong. The enemy actually came around behind me." After thinking about it, this was the only explanation I could come up with.

Seeing that he didn't even know how he lost, several people looked at each other, and then turned their attention to the last hope.

Terry the Wolf is about to appear.

Reaching out to lower the brim of his hat, the man gave everyone a thumbs up, his smile filled with the same confidence as before.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me."

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the ring step by step.

He will personally return the unwillingness and anger of his teammates to them.

The fierce momentum like a landslide and tsunami gradually gathered, and the hungry wolf was really angry. He wanted to break all the sarcasm with his fists.

Not for anything else, just to seek justice for his teammates who have been ridiculed.

Facing a man as terrifying as a mountain, Fang Bo, whose mental strength had hit rock bottom, was even a little unsteady.

He knew that it was impossible for him to win now. Even at his peak, his winning rate would not exceed 30% at most.

Many people say that the fighter most likely to be promoted to the top is the strongest dragon, but according to Fang Bo's observation, Legend of the Hungry Wolf is the one who has half a foot on the threshold of the top master.

As long as he crosses this threshold, Terry can become a super strong person comparable to Kusanagi Kyo, Iori Yagami and others.

Arriving at the center of the ring, the man's eyes were fixed on him, like a beast staring at its prey.

"I won't show mercy. If you want to admit defeat, do it now." He said.

In this regard, Fang Bo didn't bother to pay attention to him at all.

The task of achievement is right in front of you, how could you choose to back down just because of a word?

"Take care of yourself first."

As soon as the words fell, the referee announced the start of the game.

"Support!" Fang Bo finally used his trump card, and at the same time activated the suspension to accelerate and fly above the ring.

He worked hard all the way to complete the mission and fought to the death against all kinds of powerful enemies, just to be able to hug him.

Oh, it seems like he hugged three legs at once.

Although the number is a bit large, Fang Bo’s spiritual core will never change.

"Never do things on your own if you can rely on your thighs."

In fact, Terry didn't expect this guy to be such a bachelor.

It's like I don't want to fight at all and leave all the fighting to the support members.

It's true that the rules are set like this, but don't you think about your face as a fighter?

Before Terry could say anything sarcastic, hot energy enveloped his entire body.

Terry knew what was good, so he launched his strongest attack without hesitation.

MAX Super Kill·Energy Fountain!

He controlled the power of the earth and gathered all the terrifying energy into one place.

Its power was so powerful that even Fang Bo in the sky felt a little shocked.

"Compared with this super-killing move, my Overlord Xianghou Fist is completely inferior."

However, just because he can't do it doesn't mean Kusanagi Kyo will lose.

Facing the enemy's powerful and heavy attack, he resolutely launched a unique move that he claimed could replace Wu Shi.

MAX super sure kill·Five hundred and four moves·Shenchen!

Punch after punch, Kusanagi Kyo began to madly output the energy of the earth in front of him, trying to resolve the attack in the most violent and incomprehensible way.

The violent energy continued to surge, and both sides tried their best, which made Fang Bo couldn't help but sweat for himself.

"Don't get me involved."


As the explosion sounded, the two figures flew out almost simultaneously.

Judging from the scene, the two sides seemed to be fighting to no avail, but Fang Bo knew clearly that in fact Terry suffered a heavy loss after all.

In terms of hard power, today's Kusanagi Kyo is worthy of anyone, and the majesty of a king has gradually returned to him.

This is a symbol that Kusanagi Zero is gradually replacing the original protagonist.

Once he wins the King of Fighters Championship, he will truly be the strongest boxer.

Seven seconds passed, and the two sides still couldn't tell the winner. In desperation, Fang Bo immediately applied for a second assistance battle.

Kyo Kusanagi, who had just left the ring, glanced up with a strange expression, thinking that it would be better for you to just admit defeat.

Come to think of it, he didn't hesitate at all when it was time to take action.

Returning to the ring, this time Kusanagi Kyo decided to use his special skills to determine the outcome.

Super sure kill, one hundred and eight moves, Orochi Nagi!

With a wave of his hand, a stream of hot flames instantly rushed in front of the enemy.

At the same time, the floor tiles under Kusanagi Kyo's feet suddenly began to tremble, and the next second he was hit hard by the erupted energy.

Super sure kill·high rail fountain!

In the second round of the match, the two sides fought so hard that both sides suffered losses.

Seeing this, Fang Bo couldn't help but admire Hungry Wolf. This guy was really brave, and his heart was full of Kusanagi Kyo.

Whether it's a head-to-head relationship or a mutual exchange of blood, as long as you want him, you'll dare to stay with him until the end.

"It's a pity that the gap in strength will not change."

Soon, Fang Bo launched his last rescue attack.

As his first appearance after disappearing for many years, Kusanagi Kyo would never allow himself to lose in his first battle.

No, not even a draw will do.

Memories emerged in his mind one after another, and he was trying to regulate his emotions.

Otherwise, there is no way to enter the demonized state so easily.

Finally, he successfully activated his strongest state.

Surrounded by flames, the man known as the strongest appeared.

A punch was thrown from a distance of tens of meters, and a violent whirlpool of flames suddenly enveloped the entire venue.

MAX2 Super Special Moves·Thousands and Twenty-Seven Styles·Dumugao!

Terry wanted to resist, but in his haste he was unable to activate a MAX-level kill.

The result of trying to resist is to be completely knocked off the stage by this move.

The noble prince of Yan, dressed in white, showed the world what the true return of the king meant.

Kusanagi Kyo enjoys endless glory, while Fang Bo enjoys the bombardment of space prompts.

[You get 500 plot points as reward]

Plot points: 16989

After winning three consecutive games, he now has as many as 17,000 plot points.

Just win two more rounds and the funds on hand will successfully break through the 20,000 mark.

In addition, he completed the first achievement mission in this world.

[Achievement: One vs Three (Completed)]

【伱Received the title "Continuous Battles and Successful Victories"】

Continuous Battle LV1: Every time you kill an enemy, you can instantly recover 2 health points.

This title is very suitable for group battles, especially for mages with AOE skills. It is estimated that the health volume can be restored to full with one move.

It's a pity that it is not very suitable for Fang Bo and can only be used as a material for title upgrade.

As for the next step, the most likely achievement is victory without injury.

【KO-perfect! :Winning a victory without taking any damage]

He originally had a chance to complete the first game, but Mary ruined it. The blood volume in the last two games was not enough, and he did not meet the conditions for completing the achievement task.

"You must be careful next time. You would rather waste some mental energy than lose blood easily."

Stroking his head with a splitting headache, Fang Bo knew that he would have no way to gain experience in the future.

The mental power of nearly fifty points seems to be a lot, but in fact it will be used up quickly after just a little use.

Returning to the player lounge, Fang Bo took the time to receive the side mission "Hungry Wolf Pursuit" that he had never completed.

Just like Bi Dou said at the beginning, as long as he wins, the Hungry Wolves will not continue to pursue him.

Then this side task will naturally be considered completed by him.

[Side mission: The pursuit of hungry wolves (completed)]

[You get 500 plot points]

[You get a skill upgrade scroll (passive)]

Seeing the upgrade scroll for the passive skill, Fang Bo lamented that he just gave him a pillow if he felt sleepy.

Just after lamenting that his mental power was not enough, he added 5 points of mental power reserve.

Passive skill: Yin Seal LV4 (25 points of spirit)

This seemingly insignificant task directly saved him 4,000 plot points. I have to admit that sometimes small tasks can also bring big rewards.

The fifth battle begins soon, this time between the Power Rangers VS the Clones!

That is the team led by the God's Chosen One Constantine.

I thought there would be a fight between dragons and tigers, and I took the opportunity to observe the power of the enemy. But the result was not good. The chosen one was absent from the game.

As for the performance of the three reincarnations, it can only be described as terrible. They lost the game with almost no resistance.

There were loud boos at the scene, and the audience was disappointed with such a boring game.

Fortunately, it won’t be like this next time.

The sixth game was played by the Nu team and the South Town team.

The battle was fierce.

The fighters from both sides took turns to play, and the winner was barely determined until the last person.

Relying on the slight advantage established by Olson's rampage, the Furious team successfully eliminated the famous South Town team.

After all, this is their territory. Unexpectedly, the host nation was eliminated in the first round.

"Shouldn't it be done behind closed doors?"

After his headache was relieved slightly, Fang Bo couldn't help but sit up straight. He was looking forward to the next battle.

Game 7, Sound Nest Team VS Hell Band!

One side represents the sound nest, and the other side represents the Eight Masters of Orochi. This is a very symbolic battle.

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