Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 246 The enemy team assembled by BOSS

"Huh, that's really embarrassing."

In the player's box, Goenitz's angry voice continued to echo.

There was no way, the Hell Band's performance was too ugly, and it was one-sided from the beginning of the battle.

K9999 attacked forcefully and defeated Chris, the flame of fate, with unparalleled power, and then playfully played with Charmi in the palm of his hand.

In less than ten minutes, he defeated two heavenly kings one after another, and now he was fighting against the most powerful Seven Flails of the Dry Earth.

After two rounds of fierce fighting, K9999's condition dropped sharply, and it is currently in a deadlock with Qifao Society.

Originally, many well-informed fighters were nervous, fearing that the situation would end up like what happened in 1996 or 1997.

As a result, upon closer inspection, the members of the Celestial God Clan are not as scary as the Sound Nest. Many people believe that these relics of the old era can no longer keep up with the trend.

Similar conversations could be heard endlessly, which was the source of Goenitz's anger.

In her opinion, it would be fine if all the members of the Hell Band died, but they could not destroy the reputation of God the Father.

If the rules didn't allow it, she would have been eager to go on stage right away to prove that the gods of heaven would always be a noble group above human beings.

"Next time I will come to your aid." Goenitz suddenly said something shocking.

Kyo Kusanagi did not officially appear, so she naturally did not bother to compete with those human fighters.

Each aid can only appear for seven seconds?

In her opinion, it was just right, and that group of people only gave her seven seconds to take action.

She can do the same things that Kusanagi Kyo can do.

"A strange desire to win has appeared." Fang Bo rubbed his chin, wondering if he could use the three people's rivalry to do something.

On the field, K9999 laughed wildly, and the modified arm turned into an extremely huge spiral spike.


The Seven Shackles Society was covered in blood and seemed to be on the verge of collapse, but he still worked hard to defend the dignity of the Eight Masters.

It's a pity that he is no longer the man he was in 1997.

The power of the earth extracted cannot even reach Terry's strength. How can we fight against the powerful K9999?

No matter what, K9999 is one of the most important supporting characters in the Sound Nest Chapter. His strength is always in the first echelon, and the final battle also contributed a lot of famous scenes.

No matter how you look at it, Hell's defeat is deserved.

In the seventh game of the King of Fighters Tournament, the Sound Nest team easily completed one versus three.

After the game, the whole audience was chanting K9999's name, which made the blue-haired young man's smile become even more wild.

Suddenly, he made a gesture of slitting his throat towards the contestants' bench, which made the audience even more excited.

As the target of provocation, K' slowly raised his thumb and then pointed at his feet.

The tension between the two sides was about to be completely ignited.

Seeing this situation, Yagami'an's eyes narrowed slightly. Anyone who knew him well knew that this guy was in a very unhappy mood right now.

Before his strength could be restored, Iori briefly fought against K9999.

There is no need to say more about the ending, so now he really wants to find the place himself.

"If we meet Team Sound Nest, I will be the first to appear." Yagami said.

In an increasingly heated atmosphere, the last game of the first round began quickly.

The eighth match of the King of Fighters Tournament, the Snitch team VS the new rival team!

The former is not famous and is basically a member of the Snitch clan, while the latter is completely different.

When Lukar and Geese appeared on the stage together, many fighters couldn't help but stand up.

"This bastard." Gray clenched his fists, wanting to go out and beat up Geese himself.

The crime committed by Lukar was even more serious. At least five fighters in the audience showed obvious murderous intentions.

Not many people knew the third member, but the Snitches, as their opponents, were very excited.

Their purpose in participating in the King of Fighters Tournament was to personally deal with the traitor "Dragon" of the Snitch clan.

It can be said that this battle arrangement is exactly what they want.

As for the last contestant, when the black cloak was taken off, K' and Maxima suddenly couldn't sit still.

"K', didn't you kill him?" Maxima's expression was full of surprise.

The last member of the rival team is none other than the final boss of the King of Fighters 99 tournament, Gulicha Feng.

"I don't know." K' shook his head. No one could see his eyes clearly under his sunglasses: "Maybe it's some kind of clone. It doesn't matter. At worst, just kill him again."

The members of the Rival Team are composed of four people including Omega Lukar, Guli Chali, Nightmare Geese, and Long.

Fang Bo thinks they should change their name to "BOSS Team" which would be more appropriate.

"All the people who were supposed to be dead are alive. Someone must be playing tricks inside."

At this moment, Fang Bo finally understood why Lukar was so confident. It turned out that there were three powerful helpers standing behind him.

If we really want to let go and fight, even today's ruthless team will not be able to win so easily.

If the two teams met together, Fang Bo would probably be squeezed into the ranks of the rescue team.

It is estimated that the three of them will not count on him, and they all want to use their own hard power to kill their opponents.

It would be great if he could win, but Fang Bo still enjoyed this feeling of killing indiscriminately.

"Our ruthless team is so awesome." He couldn't help but sigh.

On the other side, the battle on the field once again became one-sided.

Omega Lukar was extremely powerful and easily defeated the first member of the Snitch team.

Judging from the situation, it seems to be another one-sided abuse of food.

【Lucar Bernstein (Omega)】

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: physique, strength, spirit]

[Characteristics: Blood of the Serpent (Legendary), Genius]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

"After his resurrection, this guy's strength doesn't seem to have changed much."

I thought Mr. Lu could transform into a Saiyan, but judging from his performance, he was far from the level of Kusanagi Kyo.

Maybe as Lukar himself said, only by absorbing the blood of the serpent can one evolve?

The key point is that you haven't even generated a task for me, so it's hard for me to help you.

Lukar said that he had to deal with Sound Nest, but no one knew what the actual situation was. This guy was a complete tyrant and basically did not have such good qualities as keeping his promises.

In comparison, the gangster boss was more reputable.

Although he was a bit ruthless, he couldn't help Terry and Ryo Sakazaki, and he really didn't send his men to harass their families and friends.

On the one hand, he couldn't beat him, but on the other hand, it was also because of the promise of a mafia boss.

In addition to these places, Fang Bo values ​​​​the other party for another reason.

[Geece Howard (Evil Legend)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, spirit, physique]

[Characteristics: Standing tall, nightmare power (legendary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Gith, who has awakened the power of nightmares, truly possesses terrifying power comparable to Iori and Kyo Kusanagi.

Of course, information perception cannot be used as a basis for actual combat. It can only provide a rough range for comparison and measurement.

When the two sides really fight, maybe Nightmare Geese will be killed instantly.

Then Fang Bo was thinking, if he could kill him again, would a second bottle of nightmare power potion burst out?

If I take it myself, will the attribute increase in the nightmare form be stronger?

"It's well worth a try."

The idea is great, but the practicality is almost zero.

With the current strength of Nightmare Gis, he can almost easily kill Fang Bo instantly.

If you want to take action, you can only turn to the three big guys in the team.

The key is that he didn't have the ability to mobilize the opponent, let alone create a suitable opportunity to kill alone.

Looking back with some regret, Fang Bo could only temporarily extinguish the idea of ​​​​conquering Gis.

"Don't lose the big for the small, the most important thing is to destroy the Sound Nest organization."

[Winner, new enemy team! ! ! 】

While he was meditating, Lukar used his strength to defeat his opponents one by one.

He himself was slightly injured, but to Mr. Lu, a mere fatal injury was nothing.

"A very good move." With a scarlet light in his one eye, Lukar raised his head and looked at the defeated Snitch clan with contempt.

Relying on the characteristics of a genius, he successfully learned many killing moves mastered by the opponent.

If they fought each other again, Lukar would defeat each other one by one in less time.

Ignoring a group of defeated subordinates, he shifted his gaze, and his evil prosthetic eyes looked in a certain direction on the players' bench.

Even through a pane of glass, Fang Bo could still clearly know that the other person was looking at him.

"Can't wait?" He lowered his head and began to analyze the pros and cons of the whole thing.

The existence of the Hell Band is, to be honest, more like a time bomb for one's own camp.

In terms of combat power, they can't even defeat K9999. When the decisive battle comes, these three people won't be able to play much of a role.

On the contrary, if the power of the big snake is out of control, then the Eight Masters may become enemies at any time.

Help them complete the destruction of the world?

Then whether it is Kusanagi Kyo, Iori Yagami, or the masters of the Sound Nest Organization, everyone will become a hostile camp in an instant.

This road will definitely not work, and it will also lose the generals of our own camp.

What's more, Fang Bo still has Baofeng's destiny mission in hand.

Although the probability of completing it was very small, he always wanted to try.

If successful, Goenitz will become his most loyal follower.

From then on, she was told to go east but not west, and she was told not to put on white stockings if she wore black stockings.

For the sake of strong help, try your best to try any Fang Bo.

The first day of fighting has ended, and eight teams have successfully advanced to the second round of competition.

Team K', Team Female Fighters, Team Jason, Team Ruthless, Team Power Rangers, Team Fury, Team Sound Nest, and Team New Rival.

Later, the organizers will announce the specific competition order.

The players will then have a night's rest and start the second round at the same time tomorrow.

"It's finally over." Fang Bo stretched. He was really exhausted today.

While treating the players, he also had to go on the court to complete a threesome. He was the busiest in the entire King of Fighters venue.

But hard work always pays off, and today I saved at least a few thousand plot points.

If given the chance, to be honest, Fang Bo would really like to improve his ability to attack with weapons.

With so many Noble Phantasms in your pocket, you will definitely have more opportunities to fight with weapons.

Unarmed combat specialization only requires a few upgrades. Without copying Shen Chen, Dragon and Tiger Flurry and other unique skills, there are not many places where it can be used.

As for fighting with weapons, it is a basic skill for most fighters.

He may not be able to compete with several specialized members, but he will definitely have all the basic abilities. He can definitely upgrade his "basic sword skills" to the full level first.

Although this thing is called swordsmanship, it is actually the same as using a sword. It is a relatively broad general term for abilities.

You can fight with a big sword, or you can hold a chef's knife that looks like a kitchen knife.

With it, Fang Bo's melee combat ability will be more prominent.

"Looks like tomorrow is destined to be a hard day."

Soon, the list of the second round of battles was announced, and some people were happy and some were sad.

The first game, Team Jason VS the Power Rangers.

In the second game, Team Nu VS Team Sound Nest.

The third game, the female fighter team VS the new rival team

The fourth game, K' team VS ruthless team.

The ruthless team that Fang Bo belongs to needs to start a fierce fight with the K' team, who is the protagonist of the plot.

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