Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 247 The hidden mission that comes to you

At night, the secluded park on the south side of the hotel.

"I finally got a chance." In the darkness, a figure full of evil aura loomed.

The red prosthetic eye is like a devil's pupil, constantly moving along the corridor of the park.

The light occasionally flashed, illuminating Lucar's face full of evil smiles.

The Hell Band has lost the game and will leave South Town by boat tonight. If they don't take action, they will have no chance.

This was the news he got from the waiter. It was a coincidence that when he went to the bathroom, he heard the two of them talking outside the door.

Knowing that the target was about to leave, Lukar immediately chased after him. He wanted to block the three people on this necessary road.

"After absorbing your serpent's blood, my strength will be greatly enhanced."

He was already fantasizing about punching Kusanagi Kyo and kicking Iori Yagami, and finally wanted to return the shame he had suffered to that person with his own hands.

The guy who dug out his own eyes.

"Just wait, I will let you know who is the real ruthless character in the King of Fighters Tournament."

Suddenly, a biting cold wind came, and even someone as strong as Lukar felt a chill from it.

He soon noticed something was wrong, glanced around, and then looked up at the vast night sky.

Under the bright moonlight, a woman wearing a priest's uniform was standing in the air.

She seems to be the messenger of the wind, able to easily control the wildest and unruly power in the world without any unnecessary movements.

Due to "you"'s lack of information, Lukar failed to recognize the woman's true identity.

There are many strong people who can control the elements, such as Dong Zhang of the Hungry Wolves, so he did not immediately connect the person in front of him with the figure in his memory.

Looking at the confused man below, the woman raised her palm and raised her fingers bit by bit, her smile revealing a strong bloody aura: "It seems that losing one eye has not made you behave better. "


Terrible energy burst out of his body, and Lukar began to pant violently like a wounded beast.

"With her clerical uniform and that arrogant attitude, that's right, she must be it."

Painful memories eroded his mind, and Lukar felt his prosthetic eyes aching.

Back then, the priest man smiled and clasped his eyes, and his specific actions were the same as that of the woman.

Because of this, that unbearable memory was instantly brought back.

"It's you, it's really you, hahahaha." Lukar suddenly laughed wildly.

He was so happy that he didn't expect to take revenge with his own hands so soon. After defeating the opponent, he would slowly break all the bones in the woman's body one by one.

Lukar wants to let this guy know that he is no longer what he used to be.

"Ah!!!" Violent energy suddenly erupted, and Lukar took the lead in shooting at the woman in the sky.

Super special move·Caesar's Emperor Wave!

In the room, Fang Bo was waiting for the news from over there.

How can there be such a coincidence in the world? If you just go to the toilet, you will hear someone talking about the news you want to know.

In fact, the two service staff had been hypnotized by him a long time ago, and Fang Bo was behind the whole thing.

After much thought, he decided not to ally with Lukar.

Reputation is sometimes worthless, and sometimes it is a matter of life and death.

Precisely because he knew that Lucar was a person with no credibility, he refused to cooperate, so as not to unknowingly fall victim to his calculations.

Even if he refuses, Fang Bo still wants to take the opportunity to trick the other party.

This tycoon is very thoughtful and it's hard to win the other party's trust if he gets the information easily, so let's stage an accidental incident for him.

Let the other party believe the authenticity of the news, and then he will voluntarily leave the hotel as a safe zone and step into the trap that has been prepared for him step by step.

Feeling the violent vibrations coming from the distance, if nothing unexpected happened, Lukar and Lao Gao started fighting.

"Don't blame me, I gave you a chance for revenge." Fang Bo smiled unscrupulously.

Lucar's strength in Omega state is indeed extraordinary, and he is more than a star and a half stronger than when the two met early in the morning.

However, at that time, Lao Gao was not yet Xi Chui Zhi Lan, and was also far away from the peak of his strength.

Both have improved a lot, and the second collision will be very interesting.

"It's a pity that I can't witness this battle with my own eyes."

Boom, boom, boom!

At this time, an accident disrupted his thoughts.

The living room glass of the hotel room was suddenly knocked continuously by someone from outside.

Fang Bo suddenly became alert because he didn't notice anything unusual at all.

"The perception ability that I once relied on for survival has now become my weakness."

With his Dou Qi perception turned on, he immediately "saw" a vague figure.

The opponent is very powerful, but he doesn't seem to have any special desire to attack, otherwise he would have launched a sneak attack on him from the dark.

Passing through the door to the living room, under the bright moonlight, he immediately saw the girl waving to him.

"Yo." Kula's smile was very endearing.

"." Fang Bo stepped forward, opened the glass door, and let the illegal intruder in.

Seeing her swaying, Fang Bo was keenly aware of the girl's sadness hidden under her smile.

".What happened?"

When he asked this question, Fang Bo felt slightly dazed.

Since when did you become the king of children?

First there was Yaoyao, and now Kula clings to her even if nothing happens.

It seems that I am very popular with children.

Not noticing the man's distraction, Kula began to complain nonstop.

Why does K9999 have a bad temper and is always mean to her no matter what happens?

Angel laughed at her for being a child with no breasts and no butt.

Foxy is so strict that she is not allowed to read romance comics, etc.

It sounds like trivial things, but they constitute Kula's entire life.

However, she still didn't get to the point, and the thing that frightened her hadn't been said yet.

"Actually, the organization just issued a new order not long ago." After a moment of silence, Kula then said: "When the King of Fighters Conference is over, we will be ordered to kill all the fighters."

"I don't like this." Kula said her true thoughts.

It's very simple. The kind-hearted girl doesn't like killing, but she can't resist the order of the organization.

The most troublesome thing for her was that some inexplicable memories always appeared in her mind recently.

In fact, she knew that it was a memory that belonged to her own past, and there might be information about her family hidden in it.

These things made Kula very distressed, and she could not tell the people around her yet because she was worried that the organization would conduct another round of memory cleaning.

In that case, all the memories will be gone now, and she will no longer be the little Kula who loves ice cream.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Thinking of her sadness, the girl squatted on the ground and began to wipe her tears.

It wasn't until the cold touch came that she raised her little head with tears in her eyes.

The next second, Kula took the ice cream and started eating it. The sadness just now seemed to be all an illusion.

When her mood calmed down, Fang Bo, who had been brewing for a long time, finally said: "You must also know that we are about to start a war with Yinchao. Once we defeat the enemy, you don't have to worry about anyone doing anything bad to you."

"Oh~" Kula's little eyes rolled around, making it clear that she was planning something.

After finishing the ice cream, she sucked her fingers, looked at Fang Bo pitifully and said, "Is there anything more?"

".No more. This is the only one in the refrigerator."


After a moment of silence, she finally spoke out the problem that was troubling her.

It turns out that Kula wants to get back all her memories. She knows where these things are stored, but she has no way to enter that place.

"Can you help me?" She looked over with eyes filled with little stars.

At the same time, Fang Bo heard the prompt to trigger the task.

[Number 14552 triggers a hidden mission, Kula’s memory! 】

[Mission introduction: The girl wants to get her memory back. She hopes you can help her. Now she doesn’t know who to trust.]

[Task requirement: Retrieve Kula’s memory]

[Tip: Please be careful, that kind of place must be heavily guarded]

It can be triggered as a hidden mission. Not only is it heavily guarded, there must be a BOSS-level figure there who is stronger than Kula.

Otherwise, the hidden mission would not be triggered so easily.

Most of these proactive help-seeking tasks require high-intensity combat.

The relationship between them is on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also because Kula saw the strength of the ruthless team.

Thoughts continued in his mind, but on the surface, Shang Shangbo agreed happily: "Okay, I promise you."

No matter what, the sound nest must be destroyed, and everyone will be killed the same. The ultimate goal of the hidden mission is nothing more than those BOSS.

In his opinion, this task was just like picking it up for free.

"Yeah." Seeing that he agreed, Kula hugged him excitedly and jumped up and down.

For many days, this fear has been haunting her, otherwise she would not have sought outside help.

Now that she has been promised, she doesn't have to worry about facing those scary guys.

Before Kula could be happy for a long time, she was pushed out of the door by Fang Bo: "Go back quickly, I want to rest."

"Oh, okay."

It's not that he kicked people out after taking over the mission, but that the shock in the distance has disappeared, and it won't be long before Lao Gao comes back.

Don't forget, the battle between the two at the sound nest base has not yet been decided. If the murderous intention arises, they may take the opportunity to attack the ice girl Kura.

At this moment, Kula was no longer Lao Gao's opponent. Even if he wanted to hide his mission, he couldn't just watch the girl being killed.

"Oh, I am really a father and a mother at the same time." Fang Bo sighed.

In the park, the fierce battle has come to an end.

Potholes of all sizes can be seen everywhere, these are the traces caused by the aftermath of the battle.

Goenitz is still standing in the air, but her breath is somewhat disordered, which shows that the battle is much more difficult than imagined.

"This guy has really become stronger."

Slowly looking around, I can still see Lukar's figure.

This guy ran away when he saw that the situation was not going well, and his movements were so skillful that even Goenitz, who had been in battle for a long time, could not react.

He hurriedly tried to stop him, but in the end he still failed to keep the other party. It only helped the man to deepen his memory of the past a little bit.

Opening his clenched palm, there was a blood-stained electronic eye lying inside.

It was Lukar's prosthetic eye, which she had withheld back then. She didn't expect that she would have the opportunity to relive her old dream today.

I wanted to throw it away, but after thinking about it I put the eyeball in my pocket.

Just keep it as a souvenir, maybe it will come in handy someday in the future.

The breeze blew slowly, and there was no trace of Goenitz around.

About ten minutes later, a figure came to the scene. After careful observation, he locked the direction of Lukar's escape.

"Beasts in desperate situations tend to become more ferocious."

With a relaxed smile, the visitor left in the direction where the blood stains spread.

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