"Huh?" K9999 seemed to have heard some joke.

He was arrogant enough on his own, but he didn't expect to meet a guy who was even more arrogant than him today.

Nothing to say, just get started.

Without waiting for the referee's instructions, a new moon suddenly appeared in the sky.

Super special move: Moon!

I haven't seen him for a long time, but K9999's attacks are still so wild and unrestrained, as if he has an endless power in his body.

This sharp crescent move almost sliced ​​open the entire arena, and its visual impact was definitely first-rate.

However, Gonitz has the advantage of aerial action, and she has already made a dodge action one second before the enemy attacks.

Dancing like an elf in the wind, no matter how cruel the crescent moon was, it could not hurt her at all.

Before the roar dissipated, Goenitz controlled the power of wind and came to the opponent, using her most powerful move of control.

Special move: Crying in the dark!

The arrogant K9999 completely lost his ability to resist at this moment, allowing the woman to hold his throat with one hand, and suffered a wind blade cut comparable to Ling Chi.

After about three seconds, he finally broke free.

K9999, who suffered heavy damage, was covered in blood, and even his red cloak was torn to pieces by the hurricane.

The man, who had never suffered such humiliation, fell into extreme emotions.

"I want you to die!!!" His right hand turned into a diamond, trying to completely tear the woman in front of him apart.

K9999 is already murderous.

Facing the man's violent attitude, Goenitz always maintained a calm attitude.

There was even a hint of sarcasm on the delicate face: "You can't even control your own emotions, you are just a slave of power."

He raised his arm gracefully and snapped his fingers. In the next second, K9999 was hit by the rushing wind.

Special move·Night Wind!

This move is very similar to Orochi's energy pillar. There is no warning before it is launched, and it is almost difficult for those unfamiliar with it to avoid it.

Obviously, K9999 is the unlucky guy who is not familiar with the opponent's information.

Under normal circumstances, she would be able to blow her opponent off the stage with a gust of wind.

But the man's arrogance made her very unhappy, so Goenitz was ready to teach him a lesson.

Poor K9999 had just landed when a strong wind suddenly blew up around it.

Goenitz stretched out his fingers and pointed to the sky, and the strong wind lifted his opponent into the sky.

Pointing his fingers together at the ground, the power of the wind poured K9999 hard onto the floor tiles.

Super special move: Wind God Ibuki!

As the trembling priest's uniform slowly subsided, Goenitz's feet finally landed on the ground.

Reaching out her hand to caress the hem of her clothes, she quietly waited for the man's next move.

Because K9999 on the ground was struggling, and seemed to want to get up and continue fighting with her.

In this regard, Goenitz did not have any emotional fluctuations.

You can't kill people in the conference, so it's okay to cut off the opponent's limbs.

She gave K9999 a chance, but unfortunately he was the stubborn type.

If he doesn't give him a bloody lesson, I'm afraid he won't learn well.

"Wait a moment."

Shouts rang out from outside the venue, and they were from Angel.

Before she could say the words to give up, K9999, who was still struggling, roared in a low voice: "Angel, don't meddle in your fucking business, this is my battle."


Perhaps stimulated by his emotions, K9999 stood up suddenly, regardless of the blood splattering all over his body.

"I must defeat you and then defeat Iori Yagami, if that's the case"

"In this case, I will really surpass him!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, his arm began to expand violently, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a monster-like arm.

MAX2's super special move: Disaster Overload!

This move is so ferocious that it may penetrate the entire venue if not stopped.

However, its charge time is too long.

It was so long that Goenitz wanted to yawn. When the man finally used his special skill, her eyes finally became serious.

"Since you insist on seeking death, you can't blame me."

After finishing speaking, her figure disappeared instantly in a gust of wind.

With unparalleled insight, Goenitz easily dodged the oncoming terrorist attack, and directly tore K9999's chest with a backhand claw.

MAX super sure kill·True eight childish girl·Reality defeat!

The previous woman was like an elegant lady, full of indescribable beauty even when fighting.

But when she used the Eight Young Girls, the disguise was truly revealed.

Under the elegant mask, there is actually a madness that surpasses Yagami and K9999. Otherwise, how would he have created such a unique trick as Yazhinu?

"Is this arm all you are proud of?" Goenitz lifted the man up with one arm, then reached out and grabbed the right arm that had returned to its original shape.

With a slight tug, K9999's shrill screams suddenly rang out from the scene.

Upon seeing this, the referee, who had been frightened for a long time, immediately stopped the game.

The ruthless team advanced to the finals with an unparalleled strong performance.

"Boring resistance." Throwing her arms on the ground casually, Goenitz took advantage of the wind and returned to her contestant seat.

There will be a few hours of rest before the finals.

The ruthless team VS the new rival team!

"Without Lukar, the opponent has almost no ability to win."

Fang Bo thought for a moment, then suddenly turned to look at the silent woman: "Lao Gao, come up later and resolve the battle as quickly as possible."

He didn't want to delay any longer. Compared with the two Kyo'an who had high explosive power, he felt that Goenitz's combat power was more reliable.

We are about to face the big boss of the Sound Nest chapter, so before that we should try to stay in complete condition.

Seeing that no one objected, Fang Bo thought for a while and ran out of the contestant tunnel. Soon he came to the familiar infirmary.

Doctors are busy treating him, trying to help the comatose K9999 borrow an arm.

But such a high-tech object cannot be understood by these medical staff.

"Get out of the way." He pushed aside the people blocking him and put his palm on K9999's body.


Regardless of whether the arm can be reattached, at least heal this guy's injuries first.

In the final BOSS battle, K9999 is an indispensable combat force. It is also good to use it to deal with some miscellaneous soldiers.

[The recovery skill is used successfully. You consume 240 health points and successfully restore the target's 702 health points. 】

[Basic sword skill experience value +702]

[Your basic sword skills have been upgraded to LV11]

"With more than 700 health points, this guy is only one step away from death."

After waiting silently for a moment, K9999 finally woke up.

Knowing that it was Fang Bo who saved him, he didn't say anything more, but picked up the severed arm on the operating table.

In everyone's weird eyes, it seemed to be "installed" directly on the wound like assembling Lego.

There was a squirming movement in the muscles, and the broken arm was already intact.

"Very good, very scientific." Seeing that he had almost recovered, Fang Bo finally made his purpose clear: "When the battle is over, we will defeat the mastermind behind the scenes, and maybe it will lead to the final battle with Yinchao. decisive battle."

In front of other senior cadres, Fang Bo stated the plan very calmly: "Not just the clone, we will also find a way to shoot down the sound nest's mothership."

Hearing this, K9999's eyes moved slightly, and he finally became a little interested in his proposal.

If he could shoot down the mothership, he might have a chance to take revenge himself.

He killed the man who tortured him with his own hands.

Angel and Kula were very moved after hearing this, and now they realized that this guy actually had such an amazing plan.

Only Foxy showed obvious resistance. She even held the hilt of the sword at her waist: "I will not allow you to do this. I swear to be loyal to Mr. NESTS for the rest of my life."

"It's a pity that Mr. NESTS, whom you were loyal to, was killed long ago." Fang Bo said in shock.

Hearing this, Foxy's first reaction was to laugh, because she had talked to the adults in person not long ago.

But for some reason, the corners of her mouth twitched a few times but she found that she couldn't laugh at all.

NESTS, the founder of the Sound Nest organization. The Sound Nest led by him was originally a trade organization engaged in the cause of peace and has world-class science and technology.

This was true originally, but I don’t know when, everything seemed to have changed.

The sound nest, which symbolizes peace, has completely turned into a huge military organization, with their forces present all over the world.

Foxy is not stupid, it’s not that she has no doubts, it’s just that there is a lack of evidence for many things.

Now that she heard Fang Bo's accusation, she didn't know how to refute it.

Without getting the prompt to start the world mission, Fang Bo knew that this alone was not enough. He had to expose the whole thing in front of many people.

"If you don't believe it, you can go there secretly with us. I believe you will get the answer you want by then."

The place in his mouth naturally refers to the place where he met Clone Zero.

That guy intends to destroy NESTS, so naturally he won't put in a good word for Igniz.

When everyone knows that NESTS has been killed by his own son, there will inevitably be a big shock inside the sound nest.

Why does Igniz, who claims to be a god, use his father's identity to issue orders after controlling the organization for so long?

Because he knows that there are too many people who are actually loyal to his father. If the matter is revealed in advance, he will easily end up being betrayed by everyone.

What Fang Bo had to do was to expose him.

When everyone knows about Igniz's plan, they will inevitably unite to stop it, and then the world mission will be triggered, right?

"It would be best if it can be broadcast live. I believe it will attract many fighters to come."

Leaving a group of people deep in thought, he returned to the ruthless team's player bench alone.

However, the other three people went to rest, and Fang Bo could only follow them back to the hotel.

It wasn't until long after he left that the silence in the medical room was broken by Korra.

"Foxy, if what he said is true"

Looking up at the worried girl, Foxy forced a smile and reached out to stroke her hair: "If it is true, I will definitely deal with the traitor myself."

In fact, she almost believed it.

If he didn't have enough confidence, how could he, an outsider, tell Igniz's name.

Foxy couldn't help but feel heartache when she thought about the death of her beloved old gentleman.

Strong murderous intent filled her eyes, and she wished that tomorrow's battle could come earlier.

As for K9999 on the side, he remained silent all the time, but it was not difficult to see from his sharp eyes that this guy was probably not in a calm mood either.

Yinchao has done too many evil things over the years, and he and the girl beside him are just one of the victims.

Revenge, this is what K9999 thinks about.

On the other side, Goenitz found the Hell Band.

"You will stay at the venue tomorrow and I will notify you when we can start taking action."

A strong wind blew by, and Goenitz raised his head and looked up at the sky quietly.

As expected, it would be better to eliminate all creatures like humans.

In the sound nest base, Constantine was lying naked in an altar.

Above her body, there was a mysterious purple cloud floating.

"It still doesn't work." After a long time, she slowly stood up and said to herself in a helpless tone: "I still can't fuse this soul fragment. Maybe my attributes are holding me back."

"We have no choice but to use the flag we prepared in advance."

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