Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 254 The King of Fighters is born, the intermediate artifact Kusanagi Sword!

King of Fighters Tournament venue, final battle.

The eternal red flames burned the sky, making the surrounding area as hot as an oven.

The battle between Kusanagi Kyo and Geese has entered a fierce battle, and both sides have used all their strength to compete.

The demonized Kusanagi Kyo possesses very terrifying power, but Nightmare Geese is extremely capable of resisting, and he just took all the opponent's tricks.

With a grappling technique "Rashomon", he directly hit the strongest punch until he vomited blood and collapsed, and almost fell off the ring accidentally.

Judging from the postures of both sides, they clearly planned to fight until dark.

The fierce fighting made the audience so intoxicated that even the fighters participating in the competition held their breath.

They couldn't help but ask themselves, how many minutes could they last if they were on their own?

The resulting answer didn't seem ideal.

Among all the people, Fang Bo was the most calm and composed. He even had the leisure to eat melon seeds.

Anyway, he will win no matter what, and Kusanagi Kyo doesn't know how to call for reinforcements, so today's battle basically has nothing to do with him.

Even if Geese can win, is it possible that he still wants to defeat Iori and Goenitz?

Don't talk about him, you didn't even have the ability to let Igniz come.

As for the other two players of the new rival team, they are indeed very strong, but unfortunately they are not enough to compare with Kyoan.

In Fang Bo's eyes, this was a battle without any suspense.

"The four of us form a team and we will kill each other in any King of Fighters tournament."

On the field, Kusanagi Kyo once again fell into self-doubt. He kept asking why he could not regain his original strength.

When his emotions were suppressed to the extreme, he finally understood the most powerful secret of the most powerful fist in a desperate situation.

MAX2 super special move·The secret of the final battle·No style!

A punch hit Nightmare Geese hard in the chest, and the seemingly indestructible defense suddenly became shattered.

Before the enemy could retreat, Kusanagi Kyo in white threw a second punch with a determined look on his face.

In just two punches, Geese spurted blood and rolled out of the ring. He couldn't even finish the whole set of "no style" moves.

This is Kusanagi Kyo's true power, and only at this moment can he be called the strongest fist.

Gently wagging his fingers, he extinguished the flame attached to it.

The young man who was at the end of his strength suddenly felt that power was constantly pouring out of his body.

He didn't understand what was going on, he just felt that his condition was better than ever.

When Gulicha, the 1999 BOSS, came on stage, everyone thought there would be a fight between dragons and tigers. Unexpectedly, Kusanagi Kyo ended the battle in just three minutes.


Pillars of flame rose into the sky, and waves of hot air came one after another.

Kyo Kusanagi was so powerful that countless fans couldn't help but scream loudly.

".I abstain." Long had no intention of struggling. He knew that if he went up, he would be killed.

With such a terrifying existence, it's no wonder that the resurrected snakes were sealed.

He doubted that anyone in the world could restrain the young man in white.

No, he should be called King of Fighters Kyo now.

[You get 1000 plot points as reward]

After hearing the reward given by Space, Fang Bo finally showed a smile.

However, the rewards for completing the King of Fighters Tournament are more than that. The real heavyweight rewards are later.

[The Strongest Fist: Win the King of Fighters Competition (Completed)]

[You get the title "King of Fighters\

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