Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 268 One-day trip to Baofeng Gao Nizi’s space

In the space square, a large group of people were gathering together to watch the fight ahead.

In the reincarnation space, there are many reincarnations who are not doing their job properly.

These people don't think about how to improve their strength, they only want to get some plot points from other people.

For example, writing a manual for newcomers, or tricking newcomers into joining some pig-raising teams.

The worse ones will find ways to irritate you and take advantage of the absolute difference in attributes between them to fight to the death.

After winning, you can get the newcomer's treasure chest, and the scene in front of you is the masterpiece of an old fool.

When he saw a young girl who was obviously a newbie, he went up and started selling products. When he saw that the other party didn't buy, he started to talk to her with all kinds of words.

In order to achieve the maximum effect, he also incited other stall owners to make taunts, just to see if this little girl was thick-skinned enough.

As expected, the other party could not suppress the anger in his heart and showed a very obvious desire to attack.

"Tsk, these newbies just have brain defects and can't stand a few words."

In order to show his strength, the man directly started an unobstructed live broadcast of the battle after the opponent agreed to a life-and-death fight.

That's why there were so many people watching.

Looking at the beautiful girl, many people couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, Lao Pu, please be gentle, don't torture this little girl to death."

"Tsk, tsk, you're too naive. She didn't even turn on the function of blurring her face."

"She was so beautiful. It would be a pity to die. It would be interesting to wait until I catch her in reality."

"I bet 20 points that she won't last even a minute."

"I bet 10 points that she will kneel down and beg for mercy in the end."

Someone opens a gambling game, and naturally some people follow and start placing bets, but most of them are around ten or twenty.

No one is stupid, the little girl should at least have some strength if she dares to compete in a life and death challenge.

Losing is inevitable, but how long you can persist is not certain.

Of course, in order to satisfy the psychology of some gamblers, this person also made bets with large odds.

As long as the blonde girl can win, no matter how much you bet, you can get a tenfold improvement.

Although the number was somewhat small, some people did bet on the girl to win.

"No matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat." The man happily accepted the bet.

Just when he thought no one would continue to place bets and was about to enjoy this feast of abuse, a deep male voice suddenly sounded from the crowd.

"Ten for one?"

"Okay, I'll bet 10,000 plot points."

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings immediately fell into deathly silence.

Everyone turned their heads in unison, wanting to see which rich man had arrived in the square.

Let alone ten thousand, for many reincarnators, a thousand plot points require two worlds to accumulate.

If I strengthened my skills a little, I might not even have 200 left.

Many people are wondering if this guy is bragging.

But looking at the dealer's face, it seems that things are different from what everyone imagined.

"Ten thousand plot points, damn it." The man struggled wildly in his heart.

If he wants to collect gambling money, he must have enough plot points in his pocket to pay the compensation.

I wonder what kind of good person would take to the streets with a hundred thousand plot points?

Don't talk about him, the team behind it together can't come up with such terrifying funds.

The expression on his face changed suddenly, and it was obvious that the man was not at peace in his heart.

On the one hand, he didn't want to let go of the gift that came to his door, and on the other hand, he had noticed that something was wrong.

Why is this person willing to part with so much money betting?

Is he mentally ill, or does he have full confidence in that woman?

I don't know what he thought of, but the dealer's expression suddenly changed, and he directly applied to cancel the bet before the battle started.

After all the gambling money returned, he sat down on the stall and couldn't help but look up at the two people confronting each other above.

"Hope my guess is right."

Seeing that the dealer remained silent, Fang Bo snorted coldly and stopped paying attention to him.

Lao Gao's strength has been greatly weakened, but he is still a player with extreme five attributes, so the attributes of his followers must be equal after being compressed.

Without equipment, not to mention being invincible on one level, at least it's not comparable to a waste that relies on squeezing newcomers.

The fact was just as Fang Bo expected, Lao Gao had the absolute upper hand from the beginning of the battle.

Even after entering the reincarnation space, her attitude of looking down on all living things has not changed, and she can easily play with the opponent with one hand while applauding.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, the opponent's man immediately showed a smile: "Very good, your strength is very good, it seems that I don't have to worry about you."

He wants to pretend to be a reliable senior who tests newcomers to see if he can get by.

Just be embarrassed, it's better than losing your life.

However, he didn't know Goenitz's nature. This storm girl had never been a kind person.

A single disagreement can catch people's attention, not to mention that he had repeatedly provoked her before.

"Want to beg for mercy?" She couldn't help but smile, her lips full of cruelty.

The next second, she quickly came to the enemy's side and performed her special skill.

Special move·Dark Elegy!

The whirlwind enveloped the enemy, and every breeze was as sharp as a blade. The man seemed to have been tortured like hell.

When the screams suddenly stopped, only a mangled body was left on the ground.

Bending down to pick up the fallen treasure box, Goenitz's eyes were full of curiosity and he couldn't help but open the other party's box on the spot.

After a while, she put a ring on her finger, and it seemed like she had a pretty good harvest.

Returning to the square, she saw the hateful man at a glance.

"Don't you have anything to say?" she asked.

"Ahem." Fang Bo knew that he was in the wrong, so he crossed over 10,000 plot points and two pieces of mythical equipment: God's Favor and God's Bloody Hand.

Counting the prosthetic eyes on Lao Gao's eyes, she already had three pieces of mythical equipment in her hands as soon as she entered the space.

A proper RMB player.

"Hmph." The woman quickly put on her equipment, looked at it for a while, and then left with satisfaction.

Regarding the forced recruitment, Goenitz was unusually calm.

She was not a mortal to begin with, and she had experienced life and death countless times.

I thought that I would serve God the Father for life after life, and that the cycle of the sun and the moon would remain unchanged forever, but I didn't expect that I would accidentally escape from the vortex.

While others felt overwhelmed by staying in this restrictive space, she felt as if she had been given a new lease of life.

After a little bit of sweetening, it's hard to let her go now.

The only dissatisfaction is that the strength is greatly reduced after the attributes are weakened.

The ants that could have been crushed with one finger just now actually required her to use Dark Elegy to end the battle.

This can't help but make Baofeng feel very insecure.

Putting on two pieces of high-end equipment, the uneasiness eased a little, but she was obviously not satisfied with this.

Next, Goenitz is bound to make a big purchase to see if he can find some high-end equipment in the market.

To be honest, the one or two attributes added by ordinary equipment have little effect on Goenitz.

Adhering to the principle of "it's better to have less than to waste", either don't buy it, or if you want to buy it, buy the best thing.

If you don’t have the right equipment, you can fill it up with various supplies. These are the tips given in the novice booklet.

As for Fang Bo, I can settle the accounts with him after I get back.

Walking in the Space Square, everything you see and hear along the way is so novel.

"Come on, come on, Breathing of Fire, you can buy it now for only 380 plot points."

"Someone has beaten The King of Fighters 2000. Darling, why are there so many great figures recently?"

"Is there a team? Super shooter please form a team!"

"Boss, do you want to come and relax?"

"King of the Dark Forest, wait for a trap!"

Walking around and stopping, Goenitz was very interested in everything he saw.

After walking around for a long time, she finally saw a decent piece of equipment.

Name: Armguards of Terror

Level: Epic

Category: Wristband

Durability: 118/118

Attribute enhancement: Strength +3, Constitution +2

Conditions of use: Strength 25

Equipment effects: block and parry, solid steel

Place of Origin: Legend of Zeal

Equipment evaluation: 30% of the time, it’s a bare-handed sword!

Strong Steel (Passive Skill): Damage at wrist -70%.

Block and Parry (passive skill): Gain 30% block modifier.

This piece of equipment looks very good and can effectively improve her suppression power in close combat.

As for the price.

"Beauty, the price of 2800 is very reasonable." The stall owner smiled hypocritically.

This piece of equipment is definitely not worth the price. He is waiting for the other party to counter-offer.

As the saying goes, asking for prices all over the place and paying back the money on the spot is called trading when there is going back and forth.

As long as you don't turn around and leave, the psychological game between the two parties has already begun.

However, something unexpected happened to him.

The beautiful woman had no intention of counter-offering. She paid and took the things and left. The whole process was filled with indescribable smoothness.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the stall owner suddenly reacted and lunged towards the opponent with a howl.

"Xia Xia, walk slowly. I have a lot of good things here. Please take a look at them."

It's a pity that the stall owner only had one high-end product in his hand, and the other items failed to attract Goenitz's interest.

After shopping around for a long time, apart from the wristband, she only had the ring provided by the reincarnator.

Name: Ring of Energy

Grade: Excellent

Category: Ring

Durability: 15/15

Attribute enhancement: Spirit +1, Perception +1

Conditions of use: Spirit 12, Perception 8

Equipment effect: energy saving

Place of Origin: So what if I reincarnated into a spider!

Equipment evaluation: It can help you save a lot of mental energy.

Energy saving (passive skill): The mental consumption of active skills is -1 (not less than 1 point).

The small thing could reduce her mental energy consumption. Goenitz instinctively felt that this thing was very good, so she put it on her hand immediately.

"It's a pity that the level is not high enough, and the bonus to strength is a little small."

After looking at the remaining attribute points, she decided to go shopping elsewhere to see if there were any skills that suited her.

As a famous fighter in the King of Fighters world, she has no shortage of various offensive methods.

However, most of them focus on close-range attacks. Once the enemy moves away, it is not easy to succeed.

The short battle before made Gonitz understand many things. For example, the fighting style of reincarnations is very different from that of fighters.

Not wanting to be a stepping stone for others, she knew she had to adapt to the new environment as soon as possible.

After she walked around a lot, she finally remembered that she should go back home and have a look.

I think I just received a message?

As an electronic novice, Goenitz has no concept of replying to messages.

You saw it, you saw it, why did she have to reply?

When the woman opened the door unsteadily, she saw the figure sitting on the sofa.

"I'm back." Fang Bo waved his hand and picked up the little girl who was no taller than the sofa: "Let me introduce you, this is Yaoyao."

"Hello, sister~" Yaoyao greeted politely.

"Okay." Goenitz nodded and calmly walked to the sofa and sat down.

Yaoyao came close and circled around her, her big eyes full of undisguised curiosity.

"Sister, have you really lived for thousands of years?"

"Yeah." Goenitz stretched. He hadn't realized it just now, but now he felt that shopping was really tiring.

Ignoring the exchanges between the old and the young, Fang Bo waited for the arrival of the others.

As usual, now is the time to divide the spoils.

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