Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 269 Attributes of Followers

By the time Olson arrived, Yaoyao, who was already familiar with him, had become completely familiar with him.

“Sister, I’ll treat you to cake.

Taking the strawberry cake in his hand with a smile, Goenitz touched her little head, wondering about something in his heart.

Seeing this scene in front of him, Olson couldn't help but gasped: "How did you abduct her out?"

This aunt is a cruel person. If it weren't for the intervention of the God's Chosen One, she would have destroyed the entire King of Fighters world.

Before coming here, he never expected to see Goenitz here.

"I see, this is your reward for completing the world mission." Olson suddenly realized, and then he saw the woman's deep gaze.

"." He touched his neck unnaturally, walked to Fang Bo and sat down.

Soon, Ali, Dai Lun and others arrived one after another, and finally all the members of the ruthless team gathered together.

Next, it’s the turn of the loot sharing session that everyone is most looking forward to.

Not only Fang Bo, but others will also take out the loot from the previous world.

If there are good things, they must be digested from the inside first, but the things that others bring out are completely incomparable to him.

"Wow, brother, you went to rob the King of Fighters world again."

"Hey, why did I say again?"

While she was still being silly, everyone else started to buy stuff.

In the end, Yaoyao could only grab the Black Lion Summoning Technique without tears.

Blood of Kusanagi Kyo: 3500 plot points

Fighting Storm: 1500 plot points

Frozen World: 1600 plot points

Lei Minghao's Breakthrough: 800 plot points

Demonization (Characteristic): 3800 plot points

Orochimaru Scroll: 800 plot points

Gale Fist: 700 plot points

Scorpion Strike: 600 plot points

Ring of Fortitude: 400 plot points

Black Lion Summoning: 2500 plot points

Kusanagi-style ancient martial arts secrets and basic medical ninjutsu MAX, two items have been put into the public resource area, which can be regarded as a small benefit for everyone by Fang Bo.

There is no way to learn the former directly, while no one is willing to learn the latter, and this thing really cannot be sold.

Of course, Fang Bo really wanted to train a therapist in the team, and it would be best if he could bring Miss Onmyoji over.

Slug summoning + medical ninjutsu is a perfect match for a top healer.

"It would be great if her teammates died accidentally." Fang Bo made a sincere wish.

After this transaction, he earned a total of 16,200 plot points, which can be regarded as making up for the part given to Lao Gao.

Plot points: 51297

"Now I am really rich." For a moment, Xiao Fang was in a good mood, and his whole body was filled with the pride of the nouveau riche.

"Let's go, the ruthless team is having dinner today."

Opening the portal, the group came to the world of Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, one of the campsites.

Here, there is no longer the threat of evil spirits, and even the Demon Slayers themselves have retreated behind the scenes.

That's right, they did not disband, because after learning about the existence of the reincarnation space, everyone knew that sooner or later they would face danger again.

Letting the Demon Slayers remain is to keep a little fire for this world.

Maybe they made too much noise, and soon someone came looking for them.

"It's you." The person who came was none other than Yanzhu Purgatory Xingjulang.

He is now an excellent reincarnation, and his strength is much stronger than before.

If it were a one-on-one fight, Yi Wo Zuo could be killed within a minute.

Everyone is naturally happier when an old friend comes to visit.

Even if some people on both sides were not familiar with each other, the atmosphere was always extremely warm with Yaoyao as a living treasure.

Everyone seems to be celebrating in this way again, and they have once again survived the test of reincarnation space.

Soon after, other team members arrived one after another, and finally even the butterfly ninja quietly sat next to Fang Bo.

"It feels like we haven't seen him for a long time." Her purple eyes stared at him closely, and her cheeks were slightly flushed due to drinking several bottles of sake.

Gently pulling up the hair beside her ears, the Butterfly Ninja looked forward and asked with a slightly expectant tone: "Would you like to go out for a walk with me?"

"Okay." Fang Bo smiled slightly, and the two left the lively Demon Slayer Headquarters and came to the thatched house in the back mountain lake together.

Sitting side by side by the small lake, Butterfly Shinobi took off his coat, tilted his head and leaned lightly on the man's shoulder.

She was telling her experiences in the previous world and her fear of death and killing.

It can be seen that her mental state has always been a bit tense, and she may still be unable to accept the cruel life in the reincarnation space.

But in order to resurrect her sister, she is willing to do anything for it.

He gently put his arm around the woman's shoulders. For the sake of being friends, Fang Bo must comfort her today.

What's the best way to relieve stress?

The answer is simple, find a man.

Fang Bo's trick is to prescribe the right medicine, ensuring that her illness can be cured.

The next day, the radiant Butterfly Shinobu got up early.

Looking at the torn attire, she couldn't help but roll her eyes and took out a similar set of clothes from the space imprint.

After a night of howling to vent, her previously accumulated suppressed emotions were indeed released.

"Continue another day." After saying that, the Butterfly Ninja's figure turned into a point of light and disappeared.

[No. 16672 transfers 50 plot points to you]

[Butterfly Ninja: Sister is very satisfied with your performance last night~]

"What the hell." Fang Bo seemed to feel insulted.

When the next collision is over, I will throw 500 plot points directly to her to see if this little girl can still make fun of her.

He suddenly felt a strange desire to win.

Lying down on the hard bed of the thatched house, Fang Bo looked up the attribute information of his first follower while recalling the madness last night.

As the absolute master, he can check on Goenitz's situation anytime and anywhere.

This is why many reincarnators want to find a follower, whether the other person is willing or not.

Name: Goenitz

No.: 17224

Military rank: none

Merit: 0

Plot points: 7350

Attribute points: 0

Story world: 0

Affiliated team: Ruthless Team

Title: Four Heavenly Kings, Follower

"Hey, this cost more than two thousand?" He continued to browse down with a confused look.

When I saw Goenitz's exaggerated attributes, I couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

"Good guy, these attributes are not bad at all compared to mine."

Life: 260/260 (+70)

Status: healthy

Strength: 32 (+13)

Constitution: 26 (+7)

Agility: 22 (+3)

Spirit: 43 (+24)

Perception: 26 (+7)

Equipment: God's Grace, Prosthetic Eyes of Despair, Bloody Hands of the Gods, Armguards of Despair, Ring of Energy

Except for the huge difference in health points, the two were basically the same in other aspects.

Even if there are some gaps, it is because Gonitz has not completed the full set of equipment.

Once she gets some shoes, a necklace and a ring, she will probably be able to keep up with him in terms of attributes.

"This is right, otherwise we will be sorry for Baofeng's reputation."

Active skills: none

Passive skill: Wind Knife LV4

Basic skills: Basic Melee MAX, Unarmed Combat Mastery MAX, Unarmed Tear Specialty LV6, Basic Prayer MAX, Devout Prayer MAX, Basic Steps MAX, Dodge Mastery MAX

Characteristics: Breathing Arashi (legendary), combat intuition, flesh and blood regeneration

Item: Luxurious pastry × 2

There is nothing much to say about skills. Basic, mastery, and specialization are the three advancement routes for basic skills.

In terms of close combat ability, Fang Bo is currently far from his opponent.

In addition to technical issues, Lao Gao also has a characteristic that is very suitable for fighting.

Breathing Arashi (Legendary): The blood of the serpent gives you the power to control wind, and your mental attributes are permanently increased by 15 points.

Combat intuition: You can always find the most suitable way to fight.

Flesh and blood regeneration: Bathing in the strong wind will gradually regenerate your flesh and blood, restoring 5 health points per second.

Wind Blade: The attack power of the Wind Blade is +8.

Others may focus on the powerful legendary characteristics, but in Fang Bo's eyes, combat intuition is an important reason why Gonitz can be invincible.

As mentioned in the introduction, Lao Gao can always find the most suitable way to fight.

It seems that in her eyes, no matter who the enemy is, they are full of flaws.

The final title was a moderate surprise for him.

Four Heavenly Kings (legendary title) LV1: As a member of the heavenly protoss, you have an extraordinary status, with all attributes +1

Followers: You cannot betray or harm your followers. You can gain benefits from certain abilities.

"It's actually a legendary title. This thing is great." Fang Bo looked at it with envy.

Unfortunately, this seems to be a unique title for the plot character, and he may not be able to get one.

"Then the question becomes, what kind of title can be considered a legendary title?"

Shichibukai, four emperors, generals?

Hokage, captain of Gotei 13th Division?

Or become an S-class hero and an S-class mage?

There seemed to be many roads, but he seemed unable to complete them with his current strength.

"Hey, don't aim too high, just take it step by step."

As for the title of the follower, Fang Bo couldn't see its use.

It was said that he could gain benefits from himself, but he didn't see the specific effect anyway.

In terms of strengthening, Goenitz has not determined the direction of skills that need to be learned.

There is definitely no need to consider close combat, mid-range attacks can be done by directly controlling the power of the wind.

According to Fang Bo's opinion, the most suitable skills for her now should be mobility skills.

Whether escaping, chasing, or approaching the enemy, she needs a means of fast movement.

It's best to be able to fly at the same time, so that you can perform it perfectly while in the air.

"Forget it, let her do whatever she wants." Fang Bo decided not to worry anymore.

Lao Gao is just not familiar with space. She is a very smart person and naturally knows what she needs.

Even if she doesn't learn anything, her attributes and skills are enough to dominate the difficulty level one world.

Back in the small room, Fang Bo called over the little girl who had been wandering around all day.

Facing Yao Yao's big confused eyes, he said calmly: "When this intermission is over, we will go to the Fairy Tail world together."

"Fairy Tail World?"

"Oh, I mean that world of the Magisters' Guild."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little girl rushed towards him with excitement on her face, hugged his calf and wouldn't let go.

"Hehe, I knew my eldest brother was the best."

Looking at the small face pressed against his knees, Fang Bo shook his head helplessly and gave up the idea of ​​exploring other people's privacy.

If you want to design equipment, you must take advantage of its unique characteristics.

Being willing to release tasks across difficulties shows that person's dedication to this equipment.

Considering Yaoyao's existence, the other party can be regarded as a potential ally of the ruthless team.

He would give her the most basic respect, although Fang Bo knew that the little girl would definitely not be able to keep the secret if he forced her.

"Tsk, don't tell her too much in the future, lest everyone knows."

Yaoyao, who was getting tired, suddenly raised her head, looked at him with excitement and said, "Brother, sister is coming down to see us."

A rich woman is here?

Fang Bo's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking that this girl might be the biggest God of Wealth he had ever seen.

Just how arrogant Yaoyao is can be known from the high-end equipment and props all over her body.

[No. 5520 requests to enter your private space]

After receiving a request from an unknown number, Fang Bo chose to agree after asking.

Soon, a woman dressed in a distinctive style walked in outside the house.

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