Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 276 Don’t wander on the street

The Kingdom of Fiore is a completely neutral magical country, where guilds composed of magicians are very popular.

The royal family is responsible for managing ordinary people, and the Magic Council is responsible for maintaining the stability of the magical world.

Apart from occasional riots, the country maintains a peaceful life most of the time.

Without the threat of war, people will be particularly interested in entertainment projects.

Well-known magician guilds often make headlines in major entertainment sections, and people love those magicians like celebrities.

Not long ago, two super guilds launched an earth-shattering battle.

Fairy Tail VS Ghost Ruler, this battle attracted the attention of the entire kingdom.

After a great battle, the former finally won with an overwhelming advantage.

Even Joseph, the former president of the Ten Holy Wizards, was finally defeated by the super magic "Fairy's Law".

Soon after, the Ghost Rulers were ordered to disband by the Magic Council because such large-scale battles were not allowed between regular magic guilds.

After defeating the ghost, Fairy Tail's reputation soared, and it gradually became the strongest magician's guild in the kingdom.

In the small town hotel, Fang Bo sat up in a daze.

"I have to take a forced nap every time." As he murmured softly, his eyes gradually became sharper.

Entering the plot world, Fang Bo's entire mental state began to change.

The laziness he had before was quickly fading away, and he now looked like a sharp sword that had not yet been drawn from its sheath.

I glanced around a few times, but couldn't find any trace of my teammates. I guessed that they should be in different parts of the town.

Summoning the Kusanagi sword and placing it in the specially purchased scabbard around his waist, he couldn't help but make him more like a swordsman who takes a closer approach to battle.

The dark purple pattern shows nobility. Fang Bo doesn't care whether he is low-key or low-key. He only cares about whether his style is handsome or not.

"Just so-so." When the protection time passed, he opened the door with a smile.

Almost at the same time, the door next to him opened and a bald male reincarnation walked out.

Why do you say that?

Who is a good person who carries a big sniper on his back when he goes out?

"Hey, speaking of it, it seems that there is a profession like magic sniper in the Fairy Tail world."

Fang Bo seemed careless, but in fact, he had already locked the bald man. If the other party made any slight movement, he would instantly kill him.

The main reason why he didn't take action was that he didn't want to be targeted by the Magic Council now.

Killing someone in the street is a serious crime in any place with normal values.

If he really lets go, maybe he can only change his plan and join those dark guilds.

On the other side, the bald man was so nervous that he almost peed.

He didn't expect that he would meet a strange reincarnator as soon as he went out.

The most important thing is that the aura of the other party is extremely amazing, it feels like he is standing under the nose of a giant dragon.

Just a random sneeze can kill someone.

Suppressing the panic in his heart, the bald man smiled and said: "Brother, don't be too busy to do anything. Maybe this is a cooperative mode."

As soon as he finished speaking, the space released the first main mission.

[Main mission: Join the Wizards Guild]

[Mission Introduction: You have just arrived in this world, and the first step is to find a suitable place to live, even if it is not an officially recognized institution. 】

[Task requirement: Join the Mages Guild]

[Tip: You can try to find out information from various towns. 】

[Warning: This world is a free exploration mode, and those who attack reincarnation will not be punished! 】

[Warning: Do not disclose information about the reincarnation space in any form! 】

Staring at the word "free exploration", the bald man broke into a cold sweat instantly.

"Damn it, who said that the world of wizards is all about cooperation?!" He wanted to strangle the intelligence agent to death.

"What should I do now?"

When he was hesitating, he saw the swordsman strolling down the stairs.

The whole process was unusually calm, as if he was not taken seriously at all.

But the more this happened, the more the bald man could feel the chill rushing up his back.

"You must not take action, otherwise I will definitely die." He trusted his intuition very much.

Under the man's gaze, Fang Bo slowly left the town.

He was currently considering whether to activate the team's remote communication skills or to slowly search for those teammates.

As for the missions released by the space, they were basically similar to what he expected.

Coming to the world of Fairy Tail, it would be unreasonable not to join the Magisters Guild.

"In this way, there is no need to change the established strategic goals."


A burst of fire suddenly lit up, and then a giant beast appeared at the other end of the town.

It was a giant wolf with blue and white hair, about the same height as the surrounding houses, and its eyes were filled with madness and deathly intent to destroy everything.

Even though they were far apart, Fang Bo could still feel the terrifying heat of the blue flame.

"You are so courageous." He smiled coldly in his heart, thought for a moment and then headed towards the fighting place.

He was too familiar with the origin of this giant beast, and he was certain that the person behind it must be a certain reincarnation.

For making such a big noise in the town, it is estimated that it will be sanctioned by the magicians soon.

He could just take this opportunity to see the strength of the plot characters while waiting for the arrival of other teammates.

Activating the suspension acceleration, Fang Bo instantly turned into a ray of light and shot straight into the sky.

In a few breaths, he successfully reached the top of the giant beast.

[Garurumon (Dark Corrosion)]

[Attack tendency: strong]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, spirit, strength]

[Characteristics: digitization, fighting instinct]

[Threat assessment: slightly inferior]

Digitalization: You have a digitalized body, which can avoid fatal injuries and weaken critical strikes.

Fighting Instinct: As a Beast Digimon, you have a strong fighting instinct.

A giant blue and white wolf, Garurumon comes from the world of Digimon.

Staring at the "dark erosion" in the brackets, Fang Bo casually landed on the roof of a certain hotel, not paying attention to the prying eyes from around him.

After a while, Yaoyao appeared with a propeller on her head.


The little girl fell into a free fall, her smile filled with unreserved trust in him.

You can make whatever noise you want in the space, but here, Fang Bo won't just watch her fall to the ground.

He reached out and gently caught the little girl, placed her next to him and continued to enjoy the performance of the giant beast and the reincarnation.

Garurumon's opponent is a powerful Samsara who takes a close approach to combat.

This guy is holding a long-handled giant ax and is constantly attacking the giant beast in front of him.

"This damn lunatic!" The man retreated step by step, and most of his body had been burned black and scarred by the demon fox's flames.

Even so, he still continued to fight very firmly, just because he had just eaten a magical jelly.

Magic jelly: a recovery prop, health +75 points, constitution +3 (temporary).

Without its recovery effect, he would have died long ago in the flames breathed by the giant beast.

Seeing many onlookers around him, the man knew that he was really in danger today.

Even if the enemy is defeated, other onlookers may attack him immediately in the next second.

"Damn, that's too much!" The Samsara, filled with resentment, finally decided to attack with all his strength without reservation.

Silver thunder and lightning surrounded the ax body, and he jumped up high and struck straight down instantly.

A thunderstorm is coming!

With an angry roar, Garurumon finally fell to the ground.

But within a few seconds, it got up again, and it didn't seem to have suffered much damage.

Unwilling to be reconciled, the ax man immediately used multiple skills one after another, but unfortunately none of them achieved the desired results.

In the end, he died in the hands of the demon fox Flame.

"It seems I'm late." Darren appeared beside him and looked at the giant blue and white wolf below.

From the beginning to the end, the owner of the giant wolf did not show up, and it seemed that he was worried about the possible danger.

Turning his gaze to the south, Fang Bo smiled and shook his head: "No, you came at the right time."

There, a petite werewolf was running quickly across the roof.

Of course, the opponent was not a wolf, but a wizard who used receiving magic.

[Dorothel Connery (The Sorcerer)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength]

[Characteristics: Magic surge]

[Threat Assessment: Evenly matched]

Magic agitation: Always in a state of magic boiling, mental power +5, magic damage +7%.

A wizard named Drossel intervened in the battle, and soon used his amazing flexibility to trick Garurumon around.

Obviously, the strength of this plot powerhouse is not low, otherwise he would not be able to suppress Digimon so easily.

If the controller can appear, and the combined combat power of both parties is high, there is a high probability that the other party can be defeated.

Unfortunately, the unknown reincarnator made up his mind not to show up.

Roar! ! !

Another beast roar sounded, but this time its voice was full of grief and anger.

Soon, the protection measures in the space were forcibly triggered, and Garurumon was sent directly back to the Digimon world.

Looking at the man dispelling the magic below, Fang Bo remained silent, while Yaoyao beside him said softly: "Wow, brother, the characters in the plot here are very powerful."

Of course they are strong. The world of Fairy Tail is the purest magical world, and the number of strong people is far greater than that of ninjas in the Naruto world.

Magic has even been applied to various areas of people's livelihood, such as traveling, eating, decoration, performances, etc.

Here, magic is a very common thing, and children can be exposed to it in many ways.

Maybe the upper limit of strength is not as good, but in terms of power in the middle and lower levels, the magicians in the Fairy Tail world may be stronger than those in the Naruto world.

At least it's easy to get in touch with real magic masters here.


Many ordinary people over there will never see a jounin in their lifetime.

Especially in many small countries, ordinary chuunin can already dominate.

Because of this, you have to be careful in your actions in the Fairy Tail world. A strong person who you cannot resist might pop up from somewhere.

"Remember, don't kill people in public unless necessary."

Of course, it's different if you have a strong backer.

With a powerful magician's guild behind you, not even the Magic Council will touch you easily.

These are benefits that cannot be easily noticed. Only Fang Bo can understand some of the inner doorways.

Next, the team will set off to other towns.

"Go and buy a map." Fang Bo kicked the little girl onto the street.

Ignoring the other person's grinning expression, he looked at a dark figure that was gradually receding on the horizon.

A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he took out his motorcycle Akira from the space mark.

The extremely cool shape instantly attracted countless eyes to it.

Boom boom boom!

The roar of the engine echoed violently, and Yaoyao immediately became excited after returning.

"Wow, I want to ride a motorcycle too."

Looking at the excited little girl, Fang Bo wanted to see what her mobile tools were.

"My things are here." She took out her bamboo dragonfly.

He inserted a propeller into his head, and then tied a pair of rocket thrusters to his legs.

".Very reasonable."

Before he could start his motorcycle, a blocker appeared in front of him.

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