Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 277 Say my name and I’ll scare you!

Seeing the blocker in front of him, Darren subconsciously took out two explosive shurikens.

Thrown in a special way, they produce no less destructive power than sniper bullets.

Her reaction was so great because the person blocking her way was actually a reincarnation.

Appearing in front of the team for no reason is enough to pose a considerable threat.

If she hadn't been in a town, her shuriken would have exploded on the man.

"Wow, everyone, calm down." The male reincarnator raised his hands and used actions to show that he did not have any malicious intentions.

Raising his hand to stop his companion's radical behavior, Fang Bo looked at him and asked, "Explain your purpose."

Glancing at Darren with some fear, the visitor described the whole thing in brief words.

In his story, the attacker just now belonged to a notorious team called Dark Wings.

This group of people is very powerful and belongs to the top level one or two difficulty group of reincarnations. Moreover, they have a very bad habit. No matter which plot world they go to, they will definitely join the villain camp.

Just joining, Darkwing will also use the help of plot forces to attack other reincarnations.

"I can guarantee that this group of people will join the Dark Guild soon. We must unite as much as possible."

After listening to the man's description, Fang Bo finally recalled the relevant information, as if such a reincarnation organization did exist in the space.

These guys are a group of villains, and they are indeed notorious because they often deliberately kill their enemies.

Fang Bo has also killed many people, but he did it for his own benefit and to survive better, and he would not torture anyone intentionally.

Even Jason, who had a deep hatred for him, finally watched him go to hell with a very calm attitude.

Anyone would be disgusted by this kind of attack on reincarnations and aborigines simply for the pleasure of torture.

He often made people angry, but now he can continue to live freely in the space. There is only one reason, the strength of Dark Wings is strong enough.

"Is it similar to the strength of the orphanage?" Fang Bo was silent for a moment and decided to follow him to take a look.

Even if we don't unite together, we should at least remember the characteristics and appearance of other reincarnators.

"Let's go and meet your people."

After putting away his cool motorcycle, Fang Bo and others followed him and left together.

Perhaps considering safety issues, the reincarnators chose the meeting place at a coffee shop along the street.

The whole city is now under martial law. If a battle breaks out, the patrolling magicians can arrive here in a short time.

With such a guarantee, everyone can gather together with confidence.

"It seems there aren't many people." Yaoyao poked her head behind her, but unfortunately she was too small and could only see part of the scene inside the house.

When Fang Bo opened the door and entered the house, the little girl squeezed in from the legs of the two of them. As a result, she saw unfriendly eyes all over the room.

It's just that Yaoyao is not an ordinary child, so this little battle can't scare her at all.

She took out a big hammer that was taller than her, and there was faint purple lightning surrounding her.

An ordinary person would probably tell her not to cause trouble easily. Fortunately, Fang Bo has never been an ordinary person in the ordinary sense.

"To establish your authority, you need to find someone who stands out." He said.

Nodding in realization, Yaoyao immediately approached a gunman on her left: "Hey, it's you, why were you staring at me just now?!"

The other side also has the support of a team, so of course they will not be afraid of the provocation of a little Doudin.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw many golden ripples appearing above his head.

The Noble Phantasms locked onto the few people in front of them, and their powerful deterrence prevented them from making any rash moves.

At this moment, someone from the side suddenly exclaimed: "This is the king's treasure. You, you are the fortune-teller who killed everyone on the space battlefield."

After a world of information fermentation, Fang Bo's name has long spread throughout the reincarnation space.

The code name can be changed and the name can be changed at will, but some of his iconic abilities cannot be covered up.

For example, the ghost mother Yin Ji and her group of ghost spiders have A-level skills that ordinary reincarnators would never learn.

Another example is the space's unique title of Fortune Teller. These things have become his iconic signature.

This is a ruthless man who kills everyone on the space battlefield. How can ordinary reincarnations not feel afraid?

If you are an ordinary reincarnator, you must learn how to identify well-known masters in the space.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, you may easily provoke a powerful enemy that you cannot resist.

Just like the guys in front of them, when they heard that the man was a famous fortune teller, their old faces turned green.

The man who was pointed at by the sledgehammer expressed his apology without hesitation.

"Sorry, I was born with swollen eyes. I didn't mean to glare at you."

The sincerity of his words really brought the art of humiliation to the extreme.

"." Yaoyao was a little dazed, and finally put away the big hammer with a look of resentment on her face.

When he came to his elder brother and grabbed his trouser legs, Little Douding once again felt the pleasure of being a leg pendant.

"It's better to stay with big brother."

On the other side, Fang Bo sat on a chair near the door.

He looked around with sharp eyes, and then began to scan wildly and unscrupulously.

Such a blatant behavior just proves the ruthless team's sufficient confidence.

Due to his prestige, now others are even more afraid to be angry and dare not speak out.

After scanning the whole circle, I found that everyone gathered here was a group of drunkards and ricebags.

Thinking about it, this is the sixth plot world he has experienced, and reincarnations of the same level are not at this level.

Not to mention him and Miss Ninja, if Yaoyao was serious about it, she could defeat the reincarnations in the house one by one.

"Tell me, what abilities the people of Dark Wings have."

He didn't know enough information, most of it was concentrated on a simple name.

Now that we have met, of course we must carefully inquire about the other party's details.

Unfortunately, the intelligence capabilities of the group of people in the room were not good enough.

Everyone discussed it for a long time, and in the end they could only draw a few uncertain conclusions.

First, the members of Dark Wings are summoners.

Second, the enemy can use some means to control the beast.

Third, enemies often attack plot characters who own summoned beasts.

"That's all?" Fang Bo didn't look satisfied.

Enemies can control beasts, but what about creatures with magical abilities?

Recalling Garurumon's information, he knew that it was evidence of being manipulated.

There are many similar abilities. He is currently not very good at judging the enemy's methods, but it seems that it should be the kind of method that can be popularized on a large scale.

Fang Bo, who is not afraid of controlling wild beasts and has the flying thunder god technique, likes to deal with such weak targets.

As long as you can get close to the opponent, it will be a one-sided killing.

The question is, how high is the upper limit of object control?

You can't even control an Ultimate Digimon, that would be too outrageous.

Considering that even the Seraph in the orphanage could be cloned, Fang Bo couldn't help but secretly remind himself that he must not underestimate this group of reincarnation organizations that dominated the second difficulty level.


Ignoring the attempts of these guys to stay, Fang Bo stood up and left the cafe.

He had something to think about, so he took another flying vehicle from Yaoyao.

It was a red helicopter with a somewhat cartoonish shape.

Name: Pilot Shuke’s helicopter

Grade: Extraordinary

Category: Vehicle

Attack power: 6-7

Maximum cruising kilometers: 1500 kilometers

Maximum driving speed: 350km/h

Durability: 200/200

Attribute enhancement: Perception +3

Conditions of use: Perception 15, Basic Driving Level 8

Equipment effects: machine gun fire, lucky shelter

Origin: The Adventures of Shuke and Beta

Equipment evaluation: It can always save the day.

Machine gun shooting (active skill): You can use a machine gun to shoot and can load 2000 ammunition.

Lucky Asylum (passive skill): Greatly reduces the probability of being attacked by plot characters.

".You really can get your hands on anything."

After getting into the helicopter, Fang Bo fell into thoughts of reorganizing his plan.

As for the pilot Yaoyao, she put on her goggles, looked at the direction marked by her brother, and started flying at low altitude.

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Bo suddenly laughed in a low voice: "Do you think those guys entered the plot world alone?"

"Probably not. At the very least, it will be in the form of a three-person team." This is Darren's opinion.

The advantages and disadvantages of the summoner are too obvious. The disadvantages of acting alone are too great, and other professions will definitely be needed to assist.

After hearing her thoughts, Fang Bo nodded in affirmation, and then said: "If it were me, I would definitely leave a back-up man behind to secretly monitor every move of other reincarnations."

"Tell me, what exactly is the enemy's back-up plan?"

Looking at the two thoughtful people, Fang Bo retracted his thoughts. He had already made some fine adjustments to his plan.

Again, as long as he can master a powerful enough plot force, dealing with the mere Dark Wings is not a problem.

Leaning on the soft cushions on the plane, he inquired about the achievements and missions of this world.

[You can obtain the following achievements in this world. 】

[Guild Mage: You have joined a guild. 】

[Betrayer: You betrayed your guild. 】

[Not taking the usual path: You joined the Dark Guild. 】

[Task Master: Complete ten tasks in this world]

[Lost Magic: You learn a lost magic]

[S level: You have become an S level mage. 】

[Master President: You have become the president of the guild. 】

[Holy Ten: You gain the title of Holy Ten. 】

[Official career path: You become a member of the Magic Council. 】

[I want to progress so much: you climb to the top of the Magic Council]

[I have a cat: you have a Transcendent of Edras]

[Dragon Slayer: You killed a giant dragon]

[Justice execution: You destroyed a dark guild]

[Evil Spokesperson: You destroyed a regular trade union]

[Magic Civil Servant: You become an employee of the Kingdom of Fiore]

[Guild War: You win a war between guilds]

[Star Spirit Controller: You successfully summoned a Star Spirit]

[Please upgrade your military rank to unlock more achievements! 】

"There are so many achievements." Fang Bo sighed with emotion.

This world is a free exploration mode. The characteristics of this type of world usually include a large number of tasks that can be triggered.

Therefore, the main gameplay of most reincarnations is actually focused on PVE tasks.

A person's time and energy are limited, so the best way is to cooperate with each other.

Only by gathering the strength of everyone can we complete more wizard missions. For example, the ruthless team can share missions.

Even if Fang Bo does nothing, he can still share the results of Yaoyao's mission. Speaking of which, this is one of the benefits of forming a team.

Other reincarnations can also behave in this way, the only thing that needs to be paid attention to is safety.

Not everyone can gather a group of freaks and form a team like them.

The combat power is already insufficient, and if we continue to act separately, the outcome will only be the destruction of the group.

In order to ensure Yaoyao's safety, Fang Bo decided to let Dai Lun accompany her to perform ordinary tasks.

When they trigger a high-level mission, the two of them rush back to participate together.

Gaining achievements and completing hidden tasks at the same time is a choice that won't waste any time.

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