The black dragon attacked, and the entire Magnolia fell into a panic.

"Dragon?!" Natsu staggered up from the ground, his eyes filled with disbelief.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think back to Igneel, who had raised him, sitting on the ground in a daze, not knowing what to think.

On the other side, Erza had already risen into the sky and began to attack the black dragon.

"It seems a little small." An inappropriate thought flashed through her mind.

Below, Fang Bo looked up at the sky, his eyes mainly focused on the black dragon.

He always felt that this thing looked familiar.

[Evil Dragon Beast (Dark Corrosion)]

[Attack tendency: strong]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, agility, perception]

[Features: Dragon Scale Skin, Dark Blood Flame]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Dragon scale skin: Dragon scales give you super damage resistance, energy damage resistance +35%, physical damage resistance +18%.

Dark Blood Flame: Your transplanted dragonglass provides fire damage.

"It's still a Digimon after all. These guys seem to really like the world of Digimon."

Obviously, the person who came was none other than the Wings of Darkness, and the two sides had met before when they first entered the plot world.

This evil dragon beast is a summoned beast. It cannot be killed or eliminated. Finding a way to deal with the summoner hidden behind it is the right way.

After watching for a while, Fang Bo slowly stood up until Yaoyao's shout came out.

"Brother, I found that person."

After landing on the ground, Fang Bo asked the two of them to get up and leave the cathedral after getting the specific coordinates from Xiao Douding.

The previous civil war was just the appetizer; the battle that followed was the main meal.

What is a battle without killing people called a battle?

"The real game begins."

On the other side, a group of men in black successfully found their target.

"Lucy Heartfilia, we are here to pick you up." Lifting the black cloak, a face covered with scars was revealed.

Looking at the girl's exquisite body, the man couldn't help but lick his lips. He liked this kind of blonde girl with big breasts and fat butt.

"That stinky bitch Siludi always pretends to be aloof. How does she know the true joy of being a woman?"

Facing the man's malicious gaze, Lucy stood up bravely and took out a beautiful golden key from her pocket.

"How dare you attack this city? Who are you?"

When the man didn't answer, she could only use magic power to activate the key in her hand.

"Show up, Aquarius Aquarius!"

Looking at the mermaid appearing in front of them, the man suddenly laughed loudly, and his smile was filled with a kind of sarcasm that they could not understand.

"Do you dare to be called an Aquarius with this little strength? You really should see the vastness of the world."

"But considering your beauty, I can generously spare your life, as long as you two can serve me comfortably."

With such foul language, Akuiya immediately became angry.

Swinging up the treasure bottle in his hand, a large amount of water suddenly poured towards the man, but before he could get close, it was blocked by a transparent barrier.

"Your magic will never touch me."

Unwilling to give up, Akuiya continued to try, but unfortunately, as the man said, her magic had no effect at all.

"It's better to follow me obediently." At this point, the man's expression suddenly changed.

The next second, countless water currents suddenly submerged him.

"Hmph." Seeing this, Akuiya smiled proudly: "Nothing in the world can stop the water from soaking, idiot."

As Lucy's star spirit, her strength is definitely at the forefront. Her seemingly weak attack instantly seriously injured the reincarnator.

If the land hadn't reduced the power of the special move, the man would have been killed instantly.

"Ahem, what a water star spirit." After eating a piece of exquisite pastry, his health was slightly replenished. The man planned to go up and give it a try, but was stopped by a tall and powerful reincarnation next to him.

"Don't waste time, be careful of the experts from the Magic Council coming."

The man took off his cloak, revealing his strong, bronzed muscles. The white mohawk on his head made Lucy want to complain.

"It's so ugly," she muttered under her breath.

"That's right." Akuiya nodded in agreement.

"." Faced with the ridicule of the two women, the strong man gritted his teeth and decided to teach them a lesson later.

After a slight accumulation of energy, the man suddenly rushed out like a cannonball at an incredible speed.

Even though Akuya reacted in time and built a water barrier in front of her, she still couldn't completely defend herself against the heavy punch that was as fast as a meteor.


With just one punch, the star spirit was directly knocked away. The poor mermaid could only keep flopping on the ground but could not get up.

"Star spirit magic determines the user's strength according to the level of magic power. It sounds a bit like the heroic spirits in the Holy Grail world."

The strong man came to Lucy and looked down at her condescendingly, with obvious disdain on his face.

"Following a loser like you is really a waste of the name of the twelve constellations."

After hearing this, Lucy gritted her teeth hard, knowing that what her enemy said was indeed the truth.

In the mother's hands, the golden constellation can exert many times greater strength than it does now, but in the final analysis, she is still holding her back.

"Who are you?!" She looked at the group of magicians around her.

If you dare to attack Magnolia, the enemy is definitely not some ordinary little character.

Suddenly, Lucy noticed a detail. She seemed to see a familiar mark on the strong man's neck.

"It seems so."

At this moment, a man in black in the team suddenly turned around and looked at the spacious river on the left.

"Everyone, be careful, something seems to be coming!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a dark red spider running quickly on the water.

The speed is very fast, only slightly worse than the fully developed reincarnation in the team.

"Where did the spider come from?" The man holding a dagger stood up, intending to take a look at this monster that looked so imposing at first glance.

He is not a member of Dark Wings, but a temporary collaborator.

Well, it can also be called workers who have taken refuge in the past.

By completing the tasks assigned by Dark Wings, you can obtain rewards from others and save your own life.

Why not do it?

Catching the plot character Lucy is their first official mission.

"You will be unlucky if you are targeted by the Wings of Darkness."

Jumping lightly onto the river, he used energy to build a virtual barrier under his feet.

He is not a small ghost spider. He cannot run freely on the water. He can only use a little mental energy to avoid falling.

The man rushed forward with a dagger in hand, intending to end the fight with one blow.

He follows the route of weak point critical attack. As long as he hits the weak point, he will definitely cause considerable critical damage.

Paired with an epic dagger, no matter who you face, the battle can basically be over in minutes.

Not to mention, a little spider that was obviously a summoned object.

With the advantage of speed, the man quickly arrived near the spider,

Just as he raised his arm to stab, the ghost spider's body suddenly glowed red, and its movement speed suddenly accelerated by 30 to 40% in the next second.

The man who didn't react in time was stabbed into the air immediately, and then his body suffered two serious injuries in a row.

[The Orochi Spider's poisonous slash hits, causing 42+40 points of puncture damage]

[The target is affected by poison, causing 4 points of damage per second, lasting 10 seconds]

As a master of the assassin style who specializes in agility, the man's total health points are only 178 points.

Taking into account the effects of the toxin, he was almost on the verge of serious injury.

Mainly, he really didn't expect that this summoned object had not yet used its full speed.

This is an agility battle, and the winner can be decided in a split second.

Fortunately, the spider's attack was not enough, otherwise he would have fallen to the ground long ago.

I originally wanted to save some mental energy, but now it seems that the man has to use all his strength.

"Take the move!"

The man's figure split into four and attacked the spider from different directions.

Four Shadow Burial·Scattering Flash Slash!

This is the ultimate move that he finally reached level six. He usually only uses it to deal with strong enemies, but he didn't expect to use it to deal with a spider today.

With the powerful skill effect, the man's attack really hit the enemy.

However, they didn't seem to be killed instantly by him.

[HP: 127/340]


The man who was poisoned couldn't react in time, and was hit by the summoned creature called the Orochi Spider for the second time. In the end, he could only leave a box behind with a puzzled look on his face.

[You get the killing chest number 12262]

He may never understand until his death why this speedy spider has so much blood.

The death of his teammates made the remaining Samsaras completely vigilant.

"Let's all work together to kill the big spider in front of us first."

No matter how high the attributes are, it shouldn't be difficult to kill each other instantly if several people attack at the same time.

But they soon discovered that they seemed to have thought of things too simply.

I don't know when, a large group of spiders quietly surrounded this place, including three that looked the same as the blood-red spiders.

At the very back of the team, there was a huge female half-human spider, looking at this side with murderous eyes.

"What, what is this?" Some people were scared, and their calves couldn't stop trembling.

Just one of them can kill a reincarnation in an instant. If there are so many of them together, it is conceivable that they will never be able to resist.

If we don't come up with some effective strategies, everyone may be wiped out here today.

"Why are you panicking?" He slapped the target person unconscious and handed the unconscious Lucy to the care of his younger brother. Then the strong man turned around and looked at a teammate next to him.

This person is a candidate member of the Dark Wings. He also takes the summoning route. He may be able to figure out the details of the enemy's abilities.

Seeing this, the young man took off his cloak and stared ahead with a smile: "With so many summons of the same type, the enemy must be following the route of violent soldiers."

"It stands to reason that killing the mother body can bring all the ghost spiders back to their original world, unless..."

"Unless what?"

Glancing at the strong man with a mohawk beside him, the young man said with a smile: "Unless he has the status of a follower like you."

"." The strong man remained silent. After a few seconds of silence, he said, "I am only responsible for arresting people. I will leave other matters to you."

With that said, the strong man took the girl in his hand and took off the satchel from her waist.

Without the Star Spirit in hand, this is just a magician who can fight against the five scum, and he can easily deal with it with one hand.

As for those spiders blocking the road.

The strong man Mohawk's eyes were fixed, and an extremely terrifying sense of pressure suddenly descended on the riverside.

A scene like the ancient universe emerged. When everyone came back to their senses, they found that all seven ghost spiders blocking the road were dead.

"Okay, that's awesome." Someone sighed.

In this regard, the young reserve soldier didn't think anything of it: "If you knew where he came from, you wouldn't be surprised."

Gently moving his muscles, the young man turned his head and looked at the spider group that was gradually approaching.

"Okay, now we need to play with these guys."

"Be careful, the manipulator behind it is probably hiding around."

As soon as he finished speaking, a six-pointed star pattern appeared at the young man's feet.

Shikigami summons!

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