Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 288 Ghost King Ibaraki Doji

As the six-pointed star lit up, a shikigami appeared next to the young man.

"Come out, my dear friend!" The young man's laughter was full of joy.

As a reserve member of the Wings of Darkness, he must also take the summoner route.

If you want to become a formal member, you need to train the summoned beast to a certain level, or capture a high-level summoned beast with great potential.

This is a necessary condition for joining the Wings of Darkness. Many people in the outside world actually know it, but the specific reasons for doing so are unknown.

As the light dissipated, a powerful monster with long white hair, wearing mighty armor, and a crimson horn on his forehead appeared.

The aura of looking down on the world made the bride's eyes flicker slightly.

【Ibaraki Doji (King of Ghosts)】

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: strength, spirit, physique]

[Characteristics: Hell Ghost Hand, Breaking Power]

[Threat Assessment: Slightly Stressful]

Hell's Ghost Hand: Summons the ghost hand of hell, which has the ultimate destructive power. The damage value of the ghost hand is +15%.

Breaking the trend: Attacking a target for the first time, damage value +10%.

"I didn't expect to see Ibaraki Doji, a ghost king, here." Fang Bo sighed with emotion.

After looking at the strong man walking away, he didn't go to pursue him. The Dark Wings attacked the town only after receiving news from him.

With the help of the Dark Guild, Fairy Tail members would subconsciously ignore Laxus' actions.

To these people, there is nothing more important than saving their families.

When the whole incident is over, whether Laxus can still sit firmly on the throne of the president will have nothing to do with Fang Bo.

I'm not a full-time nanny, and besides, Laxus's rebellious phase might be over by then.


The black flames suddenly struck, hitting a ghost spider on the spot until its brains burst.

[Spider Engineer was attacked by black flames, causing 231 points of burning damage]

Even with the effect of the characteristic "Full of Qi and Blood", a first-level Spider Soldier could not withstand a casual attack from the Ghost King.

"Such a strong demonic aura." Ibaraki Doji turned his head and stared sternly at the ghost mother Yin Ji in the distance.

As the black flames continued to rise, his ghost hand began to emit bursts of red light.

Ibaraki Doji was particularly excited when he encountered the familiar aura. The black and red demonic energy continued to seep out of his body, forming a terrifying scene around him.

"Oops." Fang Bo wanted to order the ghost spiders to disperse, but unfortunately the other party didn't give him a chance to issue the order.

"Let's all die, you bastards!!!"

The huge ghost hands came overwhelmingly, crushing five ghost spiders that had no time to dodge in an instant.

The first attack deals +25% damage, and the power when combined with the ultimate move is simply terrifying.

Fortunately, the three giant snake spiders moved at an amazing speed and were not crushed by those damn ghost hands.

On the other side, a passage opened in front of the meeting, and the remaining two reincarnations immediately became energetic.

"Let's go, capture the thief first and capture the king first."

"Kill that big spider quickly."

The two hit it off immediately, and then rushed towards the ghost mother Yin Ji under the cover of their companions.

In this regard, the young man had no idea of ​​taking action. Not every summoner could rush forward and kill someone.

"Big Spider, isn't that the person who came?" He rolled his eyes slightly and quietly took out his flying vehicle from behind.

Anyway, you already have the stuff, so there is no need to waste it blindly.

With Ibaraki Doji around, it was enough to ensure his safety, and besides, there were those two idiots who attracted firepower.

By the time the two teammates arrived in front of the big spider, the young man was already on his flying motorcycle, ready to run away at any moment.

Seeing this, Ibaraki Doji cast a very puzzled look, as if he didn't understand the intention of the Onmyoji's move.

As a result, the next second, he saw the figure of a certain man suddenly appear next to the bride.

The long sword slashed horizontally, and the violent blade impact directly knocked one of them away.

Before the man could hit the ground, countless golden lights pierced the sky and completely nailed the man to the ground.

[You get the killing chest number 12618]

"Alas." Fang Bo sighed softly and stood in front of Luoxin.

He obviously killed a reincarnation of the same level instantly, but he seemed quite unhappy.

"Eight points of mental strength."

Spirit: 24/32

Regardless of the characteristics and the supplement of Yin Seal, similar operations can only be completed three times.

The killing efficiency is indeed high, but it is a pity that it has not become his regular method.

At this moment, he once again came up with the idea of ​​upgrading the Yin Seal, but each upgrade required thousands of plot points. Even he couldn't afford this level of consumption.

"Unless someone can help." Staring at the young man who was about to run, Fang Bo's heart was filled with infinite expectations.

Everyone is a summoner, and everyone knows their own business, so you must always have a lot of plot points in your pocket.

Ignoring the panic-stricken Samsara in front of him, Fang Bo immediately used his Flying Thunder God technique with a thought in his mind.

Using the Noble Phantasm that had just crucified the enemy, he successfully closed the distance between him and the young man.

He held out the Kusanagi sword forward, and the suddenly extended sword instantly pierced the small motorcycle.

The young man jumped down from the air and called out to the shikigami in a panic: "Ah, brother, help me."

Sensing the rapidly approaching threat behind him, Fang Bo squeezed the hilt of his sword tightly, summoned three puppets to surround the young man, and turned around to slash with the crescent-shaped sword.

Evil Light Slash!

There was a brief stalemate between Zhanshou and the Black Ghost Hand, but in the end he was pushed back several meters by the attacking Ibaraki Doji.

Spirit: 15/32

After taking a look at his remaining mental power, Fang Bo knew that it would be difficult to compete with the Ghost King in front of him.

As a last resort, he could only unseal the power of nightmare, allowing himself to gain ten points of attribute blessing, and use the mental power of the Yin seal to replenish his consumption.

Spirit: 42/42

"Ghost King?" Fang Bo smiled slightly. Now he is no longer the weakling who destroyed the world with ghosts.

Even without the help of others, he is worthy of facing the Ghost King-level powerhouse alone.

Ghost King Terminator (legendary title) LV2: Damage to ghost creatures +45%, critical hit rate +40%, critical hit damage +17%, attacks with extreme pain.

After replacing the legendary title, Fang Bo's damage suddenly increased significantly.

He was finally able to show off his ghostly demeanor.

It's a pity that the effects of damage amplification cannot be superimposed, otherwise he would want to rush into hell and kill everyone.

Seeing the will-o'-the-wisp condensed in Ibaraki Doji's hand, Fang Bo summoned several Noble Phantasms and smashed them together.

Due to the bonus effect of the title, the damage of the Noble Phantasm has also been greatly increased.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 98 points of damage to the target]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 102 points of damage to the target]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 95 points of damage to the target]

The three weapons successfully hit the Ghost King, but Ibaraki Doji didn't seem to feel it. The ghost claws just scratched a few bloody marks on Fang Bo's chest.

Relying on the effect of the characteristic "breaking momentum", this claw produces very amazing damage effects.

[You were attacked by Ibaraki Doji's ghost hand, causing 316 points of damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 173 health points]

Regardless of the severe pain in his chest, Fang Bo was trying to control his body shape.

Before he could stand still, a black flame bomb hit his head.

At the critical moment, Fang Bo successfully used the Flying Thunder God technique and teleported to the Noble Phantasm behind the enemy.

Unexpectedly, Ibaraki Doji's reaction speed was very fast, and he immediately threw a second black fire bomb.

This thing can kill the ghost spider in an instant, and its power is very terrifying. Even with the bonus of Heart Steel, it can at least take away more than a hundred of his health.

As a last resort, Fang Bo had no choice but to activate the Flying Thunder God again and avoid the oncoming terrorist attack.

When fighting against the Samsara, his agility was enough to deal with anyone, but in front of such a strong plot player, Fang Bo didn't even have the chance to move around and hide with his skills.

This is the result of attribute differences.

The remaining energy of the Yin Seal continued to be filled in, and Fang Bo activated the equipment skill Tian Congyun, and at the same time activated the Dragon Soul Grant of the Dragon Bone Ring.

"Asshole, stop running around." He shook his robe vigorously, and a large black screen suddenly appeared under Ibaraki Doji's feet.

Before Fang Bo could swing his sword, countless ghost hands made of energy emerged from the darkness.

"Be amazed by my power!" Ibaraki Doji is extremely arrogant. Except for his close friend Shuten, there are few people in the world who would take him seriously.

In his opinion, the swordsman in front of him was nothing more than a bastard with the ability to teleport.

That kind of slow attack speed can be easily blocked without turning around.


The ghost hand exploded, bursting out with powerful energy, and easily knocked the opponent away.

Seeing this, Ibaraki Doji wanted to support his Onmyoji, otherwise the guy would be hacked to death by a woman holding a big sword.

At this moment, a brilliant sword light bloomed in front of him.

The ghost hands were cut from the middle by the sword light, and the seemingly tyrannical energy melted away like snow.

"What?!" Ibaraki Doji instinctively raised his arms in an attempt to resist the powerful oncoming attack.

But in the end, he still underestimated the sword master's powerful slashing attack.

Even though part of the power was forcibly reduced, the remaining slashes still almost cut him in half.

[Your Evil Light Slash causes 362 points of critical damage to the enemy]


The forced space protection measures were activated, and Ibaraki Doji's figure disappeared under the light.

The last shikigami was defeated, and the young man who belonged to the Wings of Darkness was unable to recover.

In less than ten seconds, his erect turtle shell was torn apart by the edge-zero blade.

[You get the killing chest numbered 10169]

"All, all dead." The remaining reincarnation had no intention of continuing to fight at this moment.

Leaving the big spider in front of him, he turned around and ran towards the river.

At this point, no mission reward is as important as your own life.

Feeling the fear of death, the man suddenly raised his head and roared at the top of his lungs: "Come and save me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a harsh sound broke through the air from above.

A strong sense of threat enveloped him, Fang Bo's face changed drastically, and he used Flying Thunder God without hesitation and left the place.


As soon as the front foot left, the back foot produced an explosion like seven high-explosive grenades gathered together.

It was so powerful that it directly blew the road by the river into pieces.

"Oops." Fang Bo seemed to have guessed the other party's identity.

I originally wanted to use the existence of star spirit magic to attract the wings of darkness that prey on summoned beasts everywhere, but I didn't expect that the other party also found powerful plot characters.

It seems that these guys want more than just the Celestial Spirit Mage.

"That's fine. If it doesn't cause public outrage, how can I complete the hidden mission?"

Looking at the bride on the side, the ghost mother Yinji nodded understandingly, and then controlled the remaining ghost spiders to gather in front of her.

Use them as barriers to provide the summoner with an opportunity to escape.

The visitor is obviously a master of the Gate of Hades, an existence that is completely unbeatable at this stage.

At the current time, the Fairy Tail generals basically do not have the strength to compete with each other.

A weak final Saint Ten can only rely on Erza to risk her life to resist, let alone other magicians who are still in the development stage.

Even if a few S-class people show up, the chance of winning in a one-on-one situation is no more than 30%.

"Hey, hey, why is it like this?" A male voice suddenly sounded in the smoke.

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