Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 298 Gildarts wants to destroy the dragon

Fairy Tail Guild, bar.

"What do you need to drink today?"

Mira was smiling and seemed to have no memory of what happened last night.

Seeing that she didn't say much, Fang Bo skipped the matter wisely.

Just treat it as a dream after drinking too much. Now that you wake up from the dream, you don't have to cling to what happened before.

"Have a cup of coffee."

While waiting for the coffee to be served, he played with the mysterious coin in his hand.

During this time away, a lot of interesting things happened.

The Balam Alliance united together and began to launch a sweep of regular guilds in the kingdom.

In order to deal with the threat of the Dark Guild, each team of Fairy Tail began to leave in batches and went to different locations to block the enemy.

Resistance is on the one hand, and on the other hand it is to obtain information and find out who actually captured Lucy.

Because of this, there are actually not many magicians left in the guild, and the surroundings are no longer as lively as when they first arrived.

"It's better to practice more, otherwise the strength you have now will just be used to deliver food."

Of course, everyone cannot leave, otherwise it would be terrible if the enemy attacks Magnolia.

Except for the three Mira siblings, Laxus and the Thunder Gods, as the new president, all stayed in the city.

Now that Laxus got his wish, he must shoulder the heavy responsibility of protecting the guild.

While others went out on missions, he began an almost masochistic and crazy practice alone.

As a classic representative of "whitewashing and strong three-pointers", Laxus, after reforming his evil ways, will definitely have a combat effectiveness that far exceeds his previous performance.

In the final analysis, he is no different from other members of the guild, and his love for Fairy Tail even exceeds that of many others.

Carrying huge responsibilities and pressure, Laxus must become a strong man above everyone else.

After drinking all the coffee in the cup, Fang Bo looked at the busy Mira: "Do you know the whereabouts of the most powerful magician?"

Unfortunately, Mira couldn't answer this question because she didn't know the specific whereabouts of Gildarts.

"That person accepted a hundred-year mission and has been gone for almost three years."

The implication is that no one can currently contact Kildas.

"That's it." Fang Bo secretly said that it was indeed the case.

Under normal circumstances, Gildarts would not return until the end of Tower of Paradise.

By then, Fairy Tail would have been wiped out by the Balam Alliance.

In order to ensure that the mission can be completed, Fang Bo decided to take the initiative to find traces of Kildas.

Gently crushing the coin in his hand, a red line of fate instantly appeared in front of him.

Fate Survey (1): Find the object favored by fate.

Following its guidance, you can quickly find Gildarts' location.

However, the Destiny Token is so precious that it cannot simply be used to find someone. Gildarts must find a way to compensate himself.

[The target has set off. I will send you the specific location later. 】

This is a message from Goenitz. Through the team's communication skills, the two parties can communicate in non-combat mode.

Of course, it definitely comes with a fee.

[I know, I'll be leaving soon. 】

After thanking Mira, Fang Bo turned around and left the guild hall.

Fairy Tail's main team is all out. I believe that after a period of fighting, everyone's strength will be improved to a certain extent.

But the key to victory or defeat always lies with those few people.

That is to say, Fairy Tail's S-class magicians. As long as these people don't fall, they can fight no matter what kind of opponent they face.

In the bar, Mira watched the man leave.

When the other party's figure disappeared completely, her face suddenly turned red.

"Oops, I seemed to have drank too much last night."

When her sister Lisanna returns, the sadness is followed by unspeakable ecstasy.

Even Mira, who had always been reserved, couldn't help but get drunk this night.

When she heard about the arduous process of saving her sister, she thought about thanking that man.

For some reason, she found him by accident.

Under the influence of alcohol, things happened naturally.

Looking back now, Mira couldn't help but feel that her legs were weak, and she secretly blamed herself for not drinking too much.

"Don't drink alcohol next time."

Because she was too shy and had never had any similar experience, she could only pretend to be calm and behave like an adult.

Gently stroking her belly, Mira frowned and muttered hesitantly: "Do I need to go see a doctor?"

"Forget it, I guess it's fine. How could you get pregnant so easily?"

Putting this matter behind her, she began to work seriously.

Centennial tasks refer specifically to tasks that no one has completed in a hundred years.

As Fairy Tail's strongest combat power, a man who regards super magic as an average, Gildarts naturally wants to challenge the most difficult mission.

So he took on this mission and went on an expedition to Lingfeng Zhuoniya, which lasted more than three years.

With his strong strength, Gildarts almost completed the century-old mission. Just when he was about to succeed, he encountered the attack of the black dragon Acnologia.

What about Fairy Tail's strongest mage?

Gildarts was seriously injured in the moment of the fight, and he tried his best to barely save his life.

He fled all the way to the south, fainting several times along the way, but was rescued by a group of passing villagers.

There was no way, the damage caused by the black dragon was too serious, and he was lucky to be able to survive.

In a short period of time, Gildas may not be able to recover.

As the saying goes, when the house leaks, it rains all night. Unlucky Uncle Ji happened to encounter a group of black magicians.

With his current physical condition, he might not even be able to defeat a well-trained soldier, let alone these black magicians who have mastered the dragon.

Roar! ! !

It was an undead dragon that had been awakened by this group of people for unknown reasons, and was now wreaking havoc on nearby villages along the national border.

"But, damn it." Gildarts, who was forced into the cellar by the villagers, escaped by chance, but his anger could no longer be suppressed.

Staggeringly standing up from the ground, he had never felt such anger.

Because he was so excited, blood began to flow out of the wound under the bandage.

After struggling for a few steps, Gildarts fainted among the ruins.

When he regained consciousness, he found that he was being carried to the open space.

Just as he was about to say something, Gildas saw the guild logo on the man.

"Hey, I don't think I've seen you before." He was a little curious.

Slowly taking off the man's bandage, Fang Bo stared at the pile of rotten flesh on the other man's chest, and said in a calm tone: "It's a miracle that you can survive until now. As for me, do you know how long it has been since I last returned to the guild?" ."

"Ha, haha." Gildarts scratched his head, looking like the idiot next door.

"." Fang Bo ignored the man's idiotic breath and slowly placed his hand on the other person's body.

In fact, when Gildarts was first discovered, he could use the recovery spell to heal him.

But how did you say that?

You can help others, but you must let them know your hard work.

Otherwise, I would have thought that he could heal all the injuries casually.

"do not move."

[The recovery skill was used successfully. You consumed 268 health points and successfully restored Gildarts' 756 health points. 】

Feeling the warmth gradually rising in his body, Gildarts couldn't help but widen his eyes and stared at the rapidly healing wound on his chest.

"This, what kind of magic is this?" Healing magic is a type of lost magic, so he was so surprised.

Just as he was about to praise the other person, he noticed the cold sweat on the young man's forehead and his slightly trembling body.

Every body movement seems to tell the pain suffered by the young man.

"Is it because you are helping me with my treatment?"

The smile on Gildas's face slowly disappeared, and his fists under his robes clenched a little unconsciously.

[Gildas Clevy’s favorability towards you +30]

Even after just a brief contact, he was already sure that the other party must be an outstanding young man who was willing to sacrifice himself for others.

"The president has found another good boy."

[Unarmed combat proficiency experience value +756]

Another amount of experience points was recorded, but it was a pity that the skill level could not be improved.

As for the pain caused by the treatment, Fang Bo has long been used to it.

The shaking of his body was an instinctive reaction, and Fang Bo couldn't control it. It wasn't that he was intentionally trying to gain gratitude.

While Gildarts' face was filled with guilt, he curiously threw over a piece of information to sense it.

I want to see what is so special about this strongest person from Fairy Tail.

[Gildarts Clevy (Smasher)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: spirit, strength, physique]

[Characteristics: Super Destroyer, Super Magic]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Super Destroyer: The consumption of Crash magic is reduced by 90%, and its power is greatly increased.

Super Magic Power: You are born with terrifying magic power that is beyond ordinary people. Your mental power is +10, and your mental recovery effect is doubled.

"This attribute is indeed amazing."

The consumption of high-level magic has been reduced by 90%, and there is also a natural magic bonus. No wonder the entire Magnolia will pave the way for Gildarts.

If you are really determined, you can demolish the entire city in a matter of minutes.

"A terrible man."

Now that his injuries were healed, Gildarts immediately wanted to rush over to take revenge.

After listening to his story, Fang Bo realized that this place had been attacked by a giant dragon.

"It stands to reason that the dragon clan would have been wiped out by Acnologia long ago."

Without thinking for too long, Fang Bo knew that the attacker in this incident must be related to the reincarnation.

Thinking of the news he had received earlier, he could basically guess who was responsible.

"It's those bastards from Darkwing again."

In the early years, Acnologia launched a massacre against the entire dragon clan, which resulted in them being almost invisible in the world.

These creatures that have long since disappeared from the world, only this group of reincarnations can take out the dragon bones and reuse them.

Gildas obviously wanted to take revenge, but Fang Bo still had a little doubt about his strength.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Crushing magic is very powerful, but it cannot work on creatures with super magic immunity effects.

It just so happens that dragons are creatures with immunity to magic.

"Don't worry." Gildas laughed loudly and raised his arms to show off his muscles: "I am very strong."

Everyone has said this, so Fang Bo will naturally not question it.

According to Gildas, the attacker was actually an undead dragon, far less powerful than it was in life.

The implication is that he has the confidence to defeat the dragon.

As for Fang Bo, he was more concerned about whether he could complete the achievement task.

[Dragon Slayer: You killed a giant dragon. 】

"You'll probably get a rare title."

Originally, he planned to use his "daughter" as a clue to coerce Gildas to help him defeat a demon.

Unexpectedly, the demon was not found, but instead he encountered a resurrected undead dragon.

It seems that the other party is under the control of the Dark Wings Reincarnation. Maybe the outgoing Hades Demon is around.

"I hope they won't gather together." Fang Bo prayed sincerely.

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