Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 299 Undead Hell Flame Dragon

If you want to pursue the enemy, just follow the traces of the burned earth.

Those guys clearly wanted to destroy. No matter where the dragon flew, the emerald green flames would spit out.

This undead fire is extremely corrosive. Once the flames fall to the ground, even stones will gradually melt under its corrosion.

Even after a few months, you can still see its traces on the earth.

"What a bunch of bastards." Gildas couldn't help but cursed a few times.

At this moment, he was riding a horse, following the traces of the dragon's flight.

The tragic scenes along the way made Fairy Tail's strongest mage completely angry.

He has seen a lot of black magicians, many of whom are cold-blooded and ruthless, but he has never seen such a butcher who kills everyone he sees.

The group seemed to have no clear goal and was just wandering around aimlessly.

To be honest, this kind of person is very scary because you can't predict the other person's next move at all.

Rather than face the powerful Dark Guild, Gildarts was unwilling to pursue blindly from behind. He didn't even know whether such a blind pursuit would be useful.

However, Fang Bo has a different view.

The reincarnators are definitely doing things for some predetermined goal, and now it seems that the group is choosing villages to attack.

"Do you want to use killing to obtain some kind of benefit?" This was Fang Bo's guess.

He is too familiar with this behavior. Every time he enters a new world, the ghost mother Yin Ji will basically take the same action.

It's just that the noise wasn't that big, because Fang Bo didn't want to attract the attention of the plot forces.

"The fact that these people are so high-profile only means that certain conditions must be met as soon as possible. It seems that we have to hurry up."

When the two came to a destroyed village, they finally found the target.

Staring at the blazing flames, Gildas abandoned his foaming horse and began to track the enemy along the remaining magic factors in the sky.

Seeing this, Fang Bo put away his motorcycle and followed him all the way.

Undead creatures are tireless, but reincarnators need a certain amount of rest, which gives them plenty of opportunities to take action.

On the edge of the cliff, a huge undead bone dragon was crawling on the ground.

"Alas." A certain man's sigh echoed for a long time.

Unlike normal reincarnator organizations, Dark Wings emphasizes a contribution system.

No matter what bullshit talent you have, if you want to join, you must submit a certificate.

In other words, this is a company where you have to pay money before you can work.

Either it is a summoned beast with great potential, or it helps regular members complete certain special tasks.

Only those who meet a certain level of contribution can be allowed to join.

It seems unreasonable, but in fact there are countless reincarnations who want to join.

The reason is simple. As long as you pass the test of Dark Wings, you can immediately capture a powerful dark summoned beast.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it as reaching the sky in one step.

It is this unique operating model that makes Dark Wings a powerful team that can compete with Sound Nest.

The man who is sighing is a reincarnation who has accepted the test of "Siludi".

His mission is simple, continue to cause carnage at the border, and enhance the strength of the bone dragon by sucking souls.

Of course, the ownership of this thing does not belong to him. The man is just a wage earner and can only simply control the direction of its movement.

It is said that this is the skeleton of a giant dragon in the native world, which was somehow found by the Wings of Darkness.

I wanted to transform it into a super creature, but unfortunately the experiment didn't go well.

He didn't know the details, but he knew that every time he entered the plot world in the future, he might need to repeat today's operations.

"I won't become a specialized breeder, right?!" The man finally came to his senses.

But looking at the mighty size of the bone dragon, he felt that there seemed to be nothing wrong with doing so.

Lying lazily on the ground, the man was calculating the time when the power of the plot might arrive.

No matter in any world, engaging in such large-scale massacre will definitely attract the intervention of plot experts.

Before the enemy arrives, the man must pack his luggage and prepare to run away.

It's just that he was busy for two days and one night, and his mental state was really bad. He had to take a short rest before continuing.

"Maybe I can go to other countries."

"I remember there was also the Alvarez Empire."

After thinking about it, the man fell asleep in a daze.

Roar! ! !

In a daze, he was awakened by a huge roar.

Opening his eyes suddenly, the man quickly stood up from the ground.

When he touched his waist with his palm, a sharp long knife appeared in his hand.

"Who?!" The man suddenly turned around, and the long knife brought out a pale red light.

Obviously, his perception attribute is very high and he can detect the invisible Shadow Moon Cross.

The golden Noble Phantasm was chopped away with one strike, but unexpectedly various attacks came one after another from behind.

"Summon flow attack?" The reincarnator held his left hand empty, and a ball of dark golden energy suddenly turned into a sharp sword.

Using his skillful two-sword technique, he perfectly defended against the oncoming attack.

"Hmph, you want to hurt me with such a direct attack?" He casually held a sword flower in his arm, and the man's smile was full of pride: "I tell you, I will take all the bullets."


Before he could finish his sentence, a big gun penetrated his body at supersonic speed.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 152 points of penetrating damage to the target]

"The damage is pretty good." With a chuckle, Fang Bo's figure fell to the ground.

Speed ​​is power. With twice the speed of sound activated, the sonic gun can naturally cause terrifying damage.

It may not be as good as the Kusanagi Sword, but it is much stronger than other Noble Phantasms, so he said that this thing was born to be his Noble Phantasm.

"The knife in your hand is pretty good." Fang Bo looked at the man and said to him with a smile on his face: "I can feel that this knife is destined for me."

"You are destined to be your mother." The weapon in Samsara's hand slashed horizontally and vertically, drawing a cross-shaped attack and rushing towards him.

Cross cut!

"So uncivilized?" Fang Bo didn't move. Someone would help him block such an attack.

The Breath of the Sun is in the shape of Shisan·The scorching sun!

Yuan Yi Zero also held two swords and used the breathing method of the sun to block the attack.

He took a few steps back, then rushed towards the man with a knife.

Before it arrived, Emperor Guan Sheng's sword had already struck in front of him.

Even without activating the Martial Saint form, it can combine with the puppets to easily kill the opponent.

After a while.

"Why, how could this happen?" Following a burst of unwilling shouting, the body of the reincarnator fell into a pool of blood.

[You get the killing chest numbered 12170]

"Look, this knife must be destined to me."

Bending down to pick up the box, Fang Bo couldn't stop sighing in his heart.

To be able to control such a powerful dragon, the opponent's strength should be pretty good. I didn't expect that he would die in his hands so easily.

Is he too weak, or is his puppet too strong?

He looked up and saw that Gildarts was cooperating with the Wind Shadow Puppet to attack.

It has to be said that the effect of rosary control is powerful, and it knows how to act with just a simple command.

"The summoned beast has not disappeared. It seems that this person is not its main summoner."

After a little investigation, Fang Bo saw the basic information about the undead dragon.

[Undead Hell Flame Dragon (Destroyer)]

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: mental, physical, perception]

[Characteristics: Swallowing Spirits, Bone Dragon Body]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Swallowing Soul: Devouring souls to enhance mental power, upper limit 10 (current bonus: 3), duration is one plot world.

Bone Dragon Body: You have no flesh and blood and will not be affected by negative effects such as weakness, disease, and bleeding.

"It is indeed a summoned object. It seems to be somewhat similar to the development path of the New Lady."

Both require a certain amount of accumulation of killing before they can display their true strength.

It's just that one needs to increase mental power, and the other needs to silently develop troops.

There was no need for him to intervene in the battle in the sky, so Fang Bo chose to directly open the Samsara's killing chest.

[You are opening the killing chest numbered 12170]

[You get 855 plot points]

[You get the Blade of Glory]

[You get the Cross Cut Scroll]

"Only over 800?" Fang Bo's eyes were full of disgust.

After all, he is a being who controls a giant dragon. How come his worth is so shabby?

If it weren't for the sake of that piece of equipment, Fang Bo would have wanted to go up and kick it hard.

Plot points: 13103

Looking at the current accumulation, he always felt unsatisfied, mainly because the money given by this guy was too small.

In comparison, this piece of equipment is not bad, at least it can be used as a filling item in the treasure house.

Name: Blade of Glory

Level: Epic

Category: One-handed weapons

Attack power: 15-16

Durability: 150/150

Attribute enhancement: Strength +2, Agility +1, Spirit +1

Conditions of use: Strength 15, Constitution 12

Equipment effect: Dawn

Place of Origin: Sword Art Online

Equipment evaluation: You are the hope in people's eyes, provided that you are really strong enough.

Morning Light (Active Skill): Consumes 3 points of mental power to activate the Holy Light effect, causing 150% additional damage to evil spirits.

"I just said I was destined to it." Fang Bo transformed the blade into a treasure.

Weapon storage capacity: 18

Although the speed is relatively slow, the inventory of the treasure house is still increasing little by little.

As for the Cross Slash Scroll, he didn't even bother to look at its attributes. He could just wait until he returned to space and throw it to someone to sell it to the outside world.

In the sky, Gildarts was still chasing the dragon and beating him up.

Without super magic immunity, the Undead Hell Flame Dragon is no match for this man.

The undead dragon sounds very impressive, but in fact it cannot be compared with its strength in life.

Seeing it wailing and falling into the sky, Fang Bo quickly summoned all the treasures to add a round of output.

This thing has not yet been converted into a follower. Maybe the enemy is considering the problem of suppressed attributes, so there is a possibility of it being killed.

The little damage Fang Bo caused was nothing but a drop in the bucket, but what he did was not for the box, but for the achievement of assisting the kill.

The judgment in this regard is not as harsh as the one dropped from the treasure chest.

[Dragon Slayer: You killed a giant dragon (completed)]

[You get the title "Dragon Killer\

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