Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 300 Fang Bo, a ghost who sees sorrow, appears!

After being stunned for a moment, Fang Bo finally understood the meaning in his eyes.

"Are you a fool? Of course it can't be me."

Hearing this, Gildarts breathed a long sigh of relief and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with some fear: "That's good, that's good."

As if he felt the resentment of the other party, he grinned a few times and asked in a low voice: "Aren't you lying to me?"

When Fang Bo accurately told the name of his old sweetheart and the approximate date and time of the child's birth, Gildas finally believed him.

How calm he had been before, now he was so panicked, standing there alone and mumbling something.

"I have a child"

Ignoring the middle-aged man's pain, Fang Bo said calmly: "I can tell you the name, but you have to help me deal with one person."



In the city, people's cries resounded.

The actions of Hades are far from over, and the action of destroying the scales of the Snake Princess is just the beginning.

This time, it was the Cyan Pegasus' turn to suffer the guild's turn.

"Men!" With an angry roar, the giant transformed into a man and beat away several invading black magicians overnight.

"Teacher Ichiya!"

"Damn, how powerful are you?"

"Teacher Ichiya is the best."

Even if the situation is critical, the bottomless flattery of these guys is still very painful.

Cyan Pegasus, the prestigious Mages Guild in the Kingdom of Fiore.

The guild owns a magical blast boat "Christina", which has extraordinary strategic significance, but the strength of its members is generally not very strong.

Even so, it still does not hinder the pursuit of magicians, and many reincarnations even choose to join them.

The Dark Wings are indeed terrifying, but not everyone will be afraid of these guys.

Some people choose to take refuge in the past, and naturally some people choose to fight with all their strength.

The Samsara Team "Zoo" is such a group of people.

"Hmph, Gouri's Wings of Darkness, I won't tolerate their shortcomings."

The man waved his fists and concentrated all his mental power on his fists.

After finishing this plot world, Tiger will be able to challenge the golden main quest.

If he successfully passes the customs, he will join the core team of the organization, and his safety and customs clearance benefits will be greatly guaranteed.

"When the time comes, I will propose to her and we will travel together in the space."

Aura bomb!

Three spiritual energy beams burst out, directly hitting the black magician who tried to attack until he vomited blood and fell to the ground.

Under the brilliance of love, Tiger looks particularly brave today.

Just as he was about to step forward to finish the attack, he suddenly found that the man's body was enveloped in a burst of black energy.

In the blink of an eye, the opponent turned into a devil with horns.

This is the special ability of the Gate of Hades, which can forcibly transform living people into demons.

Some people in the team speculated that maybe Darkwing joined Hades just for this "technology".

"What a demon." Tiger tried to fight, but was quickly kicked back several meters.

Knowing that he was no match for melee combat, he simply made the classic shooting gesture.

A large amount of spiritual energy began to gather, slowly condensing into a blue-white energy ball at his fingertips.

Spirit Pill!

The huge spiritual energy bomb blasts the enemy away, causing up to 72 points of energy damage.

However, demonization will increase the additional health bonus, and this attack alone cannot kill the opponent.

"Hahaha." The devil rushed in front of Tiger, and after a few rounds of fighting, he successfully knocked the exhausted man to the ground.

In the original work, due to Fairy Tail's surprise attack, Hades had many trump cards that were not used.

The more critical point is the army of demons they have created over the years.

Although there are not many in number, each of them is an elite. These demons can definitely affect the trend of the battle.

Thanks to the unprecedented unity of the Balam Alliance, these reformed demons were finally sent to the battlefield.

The Scales of the Snake Princess suffered a disaster, and it seems that the situation of the Cyan Pegasus is not much better.

Lifting Tiger's neck, the demonized man clearly wanted to make fun of him.

Unlike the highly utilitarian reincarnations, these plot characters enjoy the pleasure of killing and torture.

If he couldn't be tortured properly, wouldn't all the torture he endured in order to become stronger be in vain?

The sharp nails pierced the skin, and he wanted to pull out a section of the man's intestines first.

"Maybe we can change the game today and let him eat his intestines one bite at a time." The devil's smile was full of malice.

But the next second, a golden spear penetrated his body, causing much more horrific damage than the magic pill.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 121 points of penetrating damage]

"We finally meet, demon." A strange chuckle rang out, and before the demon could turn around, the long sword wrapped with golden thunder penetrated him again.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 272 points of critical damage]

The Thunder God's Sword caused a terrifying attack effect on the enemy.

Such an astonishing attack immediately caused the demon to suffer heavy losses. He even thought that the president of the Cyan Pegasus had taken action against him.

Holding back the paralysis of his body, the demon condensed a black magic ball filled with the aura of chaos.

Just as he was about to attack, he discovered that the enemy in front of him had disappeared.

By the time he realized something was wrong, the man holding the sword had already swung a fatal slash from behind.

Evil Light Slash!

A violent slash of more than two meters long roared out, directly tearing the demon's body apart, and even the reincarnation in his hand was almost affected by the attack.

[Your Evil Light Slash causes 381 points of critical damage to the target]

[The damage value exceeds the critical point, and Demon Dick dies! 】

In Tiger's extremely shocked eyes, this demon that he was completely unable to deal with was so easily beheaded by the attacker on the spot.

"You" looked at the strange reincarnator next to him. He had completely lost the ability to speak.

Due to his hidden appearance, Tiger could not recognize him at all. The person in front of him was the novice reincarnator he had led before.

"The legendary title is so powerful." Fang Bo came to the demon and sealed its body, while picking up the golden treasure box that had just fallen.

This kind of thing definitely cannot be called the King of Ghosts, but considering the nutritional value of the meat, it is better to leave it to the ghost spiders to enjoy.

Maybe, an additional giant snake spider will be born.

For a player as big as the leader Tiger, a giant snake spider is enough to kill him alone.

But Fang Bo has never been a stingy person. After all, he did his part, so how could he just take the box without asking.

Gently flicking the Kusanagi sword in his hand, he looked at Tiger with an indifferent expression, giving him terrible mental pressure.

"." Tiger was stunned, and hurriedly transferred the three hundred plot points to express his gratitude: "Thank you for the rescue. You can just take the box."

"Thank you very much."

Seeing him being so polite, Fang Bo didn't bother to say anything more.

Things were given to them on their own initiative, and he didn't reach out to ask for them, but would he still do it even if there was no favor fee?

"Well, the world always misunderstands me."

Fang Bo, who transformed into the Lonely Faction, casually opened the box while walking towards the fiercest battlefield ahead.

[You are opening the plot treasure chest (gold)]

[You get 500 plot points]

[You get the devil's potion]

[You get magic detection]

[You get the devil’s horn]

Including Tiger's filial piety, Fang Bolu's injustice directly brought him an intuitive benefit of 800 plot points.

If the remaining equipment is included, this number may be three or four times greater.

Demonic Potion: C-level blood potion, which can gain the characteristic "Demonization" after swallowing it.

Demonization (Characteristic): You successfully transform into a demon. The power of dark attribute skills is +10%, the consumption is -20%, and it is restrained by the abilities of light and holy attributes.

Fang Bo didn't like it at all because of its mediocre bloodline characteristics, but for most reincarnations, it was already the best of the best.

Magical power detection: D-level passive skill, which can detect magic power fluctuations within a certain range.

The passive skill of perception is unfortunately of no use to him, and its effect is not even as good as Dou Qi perception.

At the stage of Fang Bo's strength, he can no longer use ordinary things.

Instead of keeping them for admiration, it is better to sell them all for plot points.

Regardless of other factors, skill upgrade is the most intuitive improvement for him.

If the Yin Seal could be raised to MAX, Fang Bo would dare to challenge the S-class wizard alone. Unfortunately, this wish will not be realized for a while.

Devil's Corner: Crafting material, which can be added when crafting items.

It's still useless stuff, maybe it can be sold to someone else on the team.

After careful calculation, he gained nearly 4,000 plot points this time.

The price is just a little bit of mental strength.

Of course, the enemy's strength is definitely not that weak. In terms of attributes alone, it may be much higher than Fang Bo.

The reason why he was able to kill so easily was because of his surprise and the huge blessing given by the legendary title.

"The effect is as expected." Fang Bo's expression gradually became excited.

Admittedly, the title is too limiting.

When dealing with non-ghost kings, demons, undead and other creatures, it has no effect at all, and the effect is not even as good as his Chunin title.

But once he finds the right enemy, with the mobility given by the Flying Thunder God, Fang Bo may be able to fight across several levels of strength.

A demon with slightly stronger attributes is no match for him. Maybe he should look for a stronger target.

"The Nine Ghost Sect is too strong and can easily be killed instantly. If it's a little bit lower level, it should be about the same."

The scary thing about the powerful people in the Fairy Tail world is the weird and unpredictable magic.

If you are not careful, even a strong person with superior attributes will capsize in the gutter.

Just like the Fairy Tail Civil War, if the two S-class magicians are not careful, they will be completely controlled by the petrification magic of the Thunder Gods.

Therefore, the proportion of intelligence in combat is very large.

If you know the opponent's capabilities and characteristics in advance, you can virtually avoid a lot of risks.

Combining the lethality conferred by the title and the flying thunder god's ability to advance and retreat freely, Fang Bo dared to challenge the demons of the underworld.

If any of the above points were missing, his actions on the battlefield would be tantamount to death.

Let alone him, even if Laxus is called over, he still doesn't have the strength to start a war with the Nine Ghost Sect.

However, Fang Bo perfectly explained the meaning of coming to whatever you fear.

While he was trying to find the enemy, he unexpectedly came to a place where the battle had ended long ago.

It was said to be the end, but in fact no one at the scene was dead, it just seemed that all these people were worse off than dead.

"stop it!"

"Asshole, just kill me."

"Ah, I must kill you with my own hands, devil!!!"

The target of everyone's insults was a beautiful devil with a curved head.

Just standing there, you can feel the terrifying pressure like a roaring mountain and a tsunami.

The strength level of the female demon is completely different from the group of people encountered before.

"Death?" She chuckled and shook her head, but there was no smile in the female devil's eyes: "Isn't that too easy for you?"

"Killing the humans you are supposed to protect with your own hands is the best punishment for you."

The cruelty revealed in the words made the magicians of the Cyan Pegasus tremble uncontrollably.

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