Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 301 The terrifying Nine Ghost Sect, Liangyue Tiansela!

Sera, one of the members of the Nine Ghost Sect, is a demon transformed from the Book of Zeref.

It is so powerful that even Mira, who summons the strongest Satan Soul, will be tyrannized by it.

The spell he uses is "command", which can give absolute orders to others and even himself.

"Attack." Sera issued a new order.

Lian Chiyue, who was about to commit suicide, had no choice but to attack the panicked people on the side.

"Stop it!" He couldn't help shouting loudly.

Even so, he still couldn't disobey the devil's orders.

Lian's magic can control the air, but he has not yet mastered it. He is a third-rate magician in the Fairy Tail world.

However, it is lethal enough to deal with ordinary people.

The illusion of space!

Creates an air sphere centered on itself, and then rapidly expands outward, causing strong vibrations in the atmosphere to damage enemies.

This move is so powerful that ordinary people who come into contact with it will explode into a ball of blood mist almost instantly.

When the wind subsided, the streets were already covered in the smelly rain of blood.

When Fang Bo arrived at the scene, he saw such a tragic scene.

【Sela (Nine Ghost Gate)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: mental, physical, perception]

[Characteristics: Liang Yuetian, Book Demon]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Liang Yuetian: Possessing the spell "Command", he can control all things with words.

Book Demon: The demon born from the Book of Zeref, has the terrifying ability to rise from the dead.

"Sure enough, I can't handle an opponent of this level." Fang Bo sighed and did not choose to attack immediately.

Even if he uses the Flying Thunder God Technique, the few tenths of a second from when he appears to when he launches his attack is enough for the enemy to kill him several times.

As for the cyan Pegasus and the people around them, they can only pray secretly now.

Pray that Gildarts can get here quickly.

As soon as the guy entered the city, he immediately launched an attack on the raging demons around him, so fast that Fang Bo had no room to intervene.

Since he couldn't get anyone, he naturally chose to act alone. Unexpectedly, he met a master from one of the Nine Ghost Sect.

Fang Bo didn't want to take action, but he couldn't bear to be disliked by others.

Perhaps the snooping behavior aroused the female devil's dissatisfaction. Sera slowly turned around and looked at the human wizard in the distance.

"Here comes another guy who wants to die."

As soon as she finished speaking, she appeared in front of her opponent.

With a slight stroke of his palm, a claw-shaped chasm several meters deep appeared around him.

"Huh?" Sera turned to look to the left and asked with a slightly curious look, "Is this a teleportation magic?"

The second before she was about to attack the opponent, the human appeared inexplicably at another location.

During this period, she noticed no trace of movement at all, which could only mean that the other party used space magic.

The magical civilization in the Fairy Tail world is very prosperous, there are countless types of magic, and spatial abilities are not that rare.

At least simple teleportation is not enough to affect Sera's battle.

Raising one hand, he condensed a ball of surging magic energy. The devil's attack method was so direct and brutal.

She will figure out the opponent's movement pattern, and when she is sure, she can kill him with one strike.

But before Sera could take action, three figures suddenly descended from above.

The two swords entwined with flames slashed straight down, Yuan Yi Zero habitually wanted to chop off the enemy's head.

However, before its attack could come, the figure of the puppet was directly swallowed by the magic ball.

The terrifying burst damage instantly knocked it back into the treasure house.

Taking this opportunity, the Wind Shadow Puppet controlled a large amount of sand iron, preparing to control the enemy's rapid movement.

Sand iron Shigure!

You don't want to hurt the enemy, just block it for a moment.

Unlike Yuan-Zero's powerlessness, the attack of the Wind Shadow Puppet is obviously not that easy to solve.

Even if she wanted to cast a spell, she couldn't because Sera's command recipient could only choose one target at a time.

These millions of sand and iron in the sky are beyond her control.

"There is a way."


A terrifying wave of magic power came, so powerful that it even knocked away all the surrounding sand and iron.

When Sera's figure reappeared, she had revealed her true form as a demon.

In an instant, she was in mid-air and grabbed the wind shadow puppet's neck. The devil's eyes revealed a slight surprise. She had never seen such a strange creation.

Under Sera's gaze, the machine puppet's mouth suddenly opened, and a bullet whizzed towards her forehead.

The attack method was very strange, but it was a pity that such a slow thing was completely ignored by her.

Opening her mouth slightly, Sera directly bit the bullet with her teeth, but she obviously underestimated the special effects of the Dragoon.

Holy bullets are like sulfuric acid to any demon.

"Ah!" Sera finally screamed for the first time since the war started.

At this moment, the cyan Pegasus wizard suddenly realized that he seemed to have regained control of his body.

Others were still rejoicing, but Lian was the only one who couldn't wait to attack the enemy.

"Still not running?" Fang Bo was not that bellicose. He turned around and planned to leave the area.

As a result, no sooner had he taken two steps than the mage's screams were heard from behind.

Without being able to clearly see the strength gap between the two sides, rushing forward hastily will result in death in vain.

Lian died and was instantly killed by the demonized Sera with one strike. This is the true strength of the Nine Ghost Gate.

Moreover, she is not the kind of demon who specializes in fighting. If you really want to count, Sera is actually a spiritual mage.

If it were those melee experts, Fang Bo might not even have the chance to use Flying Thunder God.

"Want to leave?" The female devil looked at the man's back.

She was so focused that she ignored the threat behind her.

The human puppet who had been silently waiting for the opportunity since the moment he landed suddenly activated his strongest characteristic when she was distracted.

Martial Saint Hegemony, open!

Feeling the strong aura fluctuations, Sera realized that there seemed to be a strange guy who never took action.

The other party was too quiet and lacked any breath of life, so she couldn't help but ignore the existence of the puppet.

It wasn't until she turned on the Martial Saint Hegemony that she suddenly realized the problem.


"You want to hurt me with such a slow attack?" Sera turned around, stretched out two fingers and blocked the incoming Yanyue Sword.

No matter how hard the puppet exerts its strength, it cannot break free from the devil's control.

Clasping the claws on the puppet's face, Sera wanted to crush the damn thing bit by bit.

Fang Bo, who had not run far, suddenly stopped and looked up at a figure approaching quickly in the sky.

"It's finally here."

Kildas, filled with rage, finally arrived at the scene.

As soon as he appeared, Uncle Ji immediately summoned up all his magic power to deliver a powerful and heavy uppercut to Demon Sera.

Destroy evil and reveal righteousness in one day!

Concentrating magic power on the fist, knocking the opponent away and increasing the acceleration, it can smash any object.

Its power is strong enough to instantly knock the opponent thousands of kilometers into the air.

This is Gildarts' strongest single magic, and it is also a symbol of his extreme anger.

In front of Fang Bo, the demon Sera is a terrifying strongman with no blind spots in all directions, but in Gildas's view, the opponent is a demon who is not very outstanding except for command spells.

At least not to the point of being immune to crushing metamagic.

Then, with his power, he can achieve an instant kill with one blow.

This is true under normal circumstances, but the second before the body disintegrated, the demon Sera gave himself a command spell.

With the power of the spell, she managed to fuse her broken body back together.

"What a scary guy." Sera's face was solemn, and she was unwilling to continue fighting to the death with him.

Although she can be resurrected indefinitely, death is never a comfortable thing.

The Cyan Pegasus has been destroyed, and the purpose of this trip has been achieved. Sera will not sacrifice his life for the bullshit Balam Alliance.

Why can the dark camp never defeat the light camp?

It's not that bullshit justice must win, but because the light camp understands the importance of unity better.

Regardless of whether they are dealing with the Balam Alliance or the future Albares Empire, regular guilds will unconsciously join forces.

On the other hand, the three major dark guilds are basically Calabash Boys saving Grandpa, and going up one after another to kill him.

Even if they are united now, everyone is basically just communicating with each other.

If I'm going to attack somewhere, you guys shouldn't get involved. That's about it.

If it were for the Gate of Hades, Sera would not hesitate to die with the enemy, but if it were Balam's alliance, forget it.

Looking at the body that was about to be repaired, she planned to give herself a flying spell.

But she seemed to have forgotten that before her body was broken, she seemed to have been holding something in her hand.

By the time Sera reacted, Emperor Guan Sheng had already finished charging the move.

Emperor Guan is about to attack Can Guang!

The terrifying energy was swirling outside the body, and finally it all converged on the Yanyue Qinglong in his hand.

The blade was wrapped with red energy and struck down heavily. The moment the two sides came into contact, terrifying ripples immediately rippled around, and the powerful impact caused the surrounding clouds to shatter a little.

[Guan Sheng Dijun’s Guan Di Lin attack residual light caused 488 points of critical damage]

Compared with Dou Shen Rock Slash, this move is a special move that can only be used at close range. The impact area is very small, but the power is slightly higher than the former.

Demon Sera was not aware of it for a moment and was almost cut in half by a broadsword.


She had the intention to fight back, but unfortunately her body fell uncontrollably downwards.

As a last resort, Demon Sera could only forcefully use the spell: "Fly!"

The falling body slowly stopped. She didn't want to face the human wizard who mastered super magic.

Let's leave this guy to other guilds to deal with.

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Demon Sera's expression suddenly changed, and he looked up at the two figures who suddenly appeared above.

"Hey, what a coincidence." Fang Bo greeted her and then threw the object in his hand.

Gildarts, who transformed into a throwing object, touched the woman's head with his hand.

"Repent for your sins, devil."


The powerful super magic directly cut the demon Sera's body into more than a hundred pieces.

This member of the terrifying Nine Ghost Sect eventually died in the hands of Gildarts.

He activated the suspension acceleration, caught the man who was about to fall, and then used the flying thunder god technique to return to the ground together.

"Your magic." Gildarts hesitated.

Seeing this, Fang Bo nodded without hesitation while using the summoning technique: "Yes, I can only move to the location with the coordinates engraved on it."

"I see."

The shikigami summons, the new bride!

When the big spider appeared, he immediately began to happily accept the pie falling from the sky.

Or a pie of pure demon flesh and blood.

After a delicious meal, all the corpses of the demon Sera were swallowed by the bride.

[Task requirement: Hunting 4/9 ghost king and big demon]

The task request that had been untouched for a long time finally took a serious step forward.

"There are still five ghost kings left."

Let the ghost spiders deal with other enemies, while Fang Bo thinks about the next plan of action alone.

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