Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 309 Beast Girl Little Loli

After defeating an enemy forcefully, Laxus wanted to challenge the enemy's boss.

In his opinion, this is the counterpoint relationship that should exist.

It's a pity that in the eyes of Hades, his identity is still Makarov's grandson. How can a young boy be qualified to compete with him.

Ever since, the vice-president of Devil's Heart appeared, and Brunotte, who mastered gravity magic, took the initiative to meet his opponent.

In the face of his gravity magic, Laxus's proud speed was completely useless, and was even knocked off the airship by the opponent's gravity ball.

Getting up from the ground in some embarrassment, Laxus realized the power the other party possessed.

I have to admit that it would be difficult for me to get through this.

Feeling the terrifying magic power fluctuations in the distance, Laxus took a deep breath and gradually focused all his attention on his opponent.

This is a powerful enemy that he must go all out for, and he has no ability to consider other issues for the time being. As for the threat of Hades, he will leave it to his uncle to deal with.

"Come, let you see the wrath of the goblin."

Golden thunder and lightning spread wantonly, and Laxus used all his power as soon as he came up.

The battle between the two sides caused quite a stir, but it pales in comparison to the other location.


Following Gildarts' movements, a hill in front of him suddenly collapsed into piles of debris.

The scene was so exaggerated that even Hades, who was sitting in the main control room, couldn't help but frown.

"I didn't expect that Gildarts would be so powerful."

However, his brows were soon able to relax, and no matter how strong he was, he was only at Makarov's level.

"After all, this is the realm of mortals. How can we speculate on the abyss of the devil's path?"

Hades can ignore his opponents, but Azuma definitely does not have this qualification.

In the face of Gildarts' unreasonable super magic, the magic he was proud of completely lost its use.

Even if you hide deep in the earth, you still can't escape the crushing effect of super magic.


Along with the violent roar, another mountain collapsed, and Gildarts came across the mountain dozens of meters behind to attack the cow across the mountain.

He just used his super magic to cut Azuma's body and the mountain into countless pieces.

"It's finally over." Gildarts scratched his head irritably. He was fed up with the opponent's fighting style of running around.

He never understood that the purpose of fighting was not to knock down the opponent?

Running around, when can I defeat him?

"Forget it, he is already useless anyway." Looking up at the huge airship, Gildas was thinking about whether he should go to challenge Hades.

Or should we help others deal with their opponents first?

Before he could decide his next move, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Gildas, come up to me."

Hearing a certain voice from his memory, Gildarts' pupils instantly dilated, and his fingers trembled slightly unconsciously.

"Eat my hammer!"

The war hammer hit hard, smashing the head of the goat protoss into pieces.

Seeing this, Yaoyao immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and made a sudden change on the spot under Miliana's curious gaze.

Lying on the ground, breathing heavily, Little Douding looked really exhausted.

Even with the help of Gajeel and Miliana, this battle was just a narrow victory. If the magic rope hadn't successfully tied the opponent at the last moment, Gajeel's body might have been taken away.

If that was the case, Yaoyao would have escaped immediately. Fortunately, the worst thing did not happen.

She lay on the ground for a while, and then slowly stood up after her mental strength recovered a little.

Walking to the horrible corpse of the Goat Man, she picked up the red-level box completely and chose to open it on the spot.

As expected, the lost magic was revealed, but its effect made Xiao Douding's eyes widen.

With a tap of his little hand, he turned it into his own skill on the spot.

Humanity Subordination, a skill that can sign a contract with humans, is essentially a branch skill of summoning.

If used on a non-human target, the user will become one with the target.

As for signing a contract, there are strict restrictions. The first one is that it cannot exceed the total attribute value of the reincarnation.

This restriction alone greatly reduces the value of skills.

However, human subordination still has certain merits. At least it can enrich the summoning system of the reincarnation and summon multiple strong human beings to fight at one time.

Under normal circumstances, humans will generally not choose to become the summons of others unless they are recruited to become followers.

Perhaps only those beings such as artificial humans are more suitable to be contract objects subordinate to human nature.

Originally, it was a summoning technique used to contract humans, but Yaoyao wanted to try another use.

That is to copy what the Goat Man does and see what it feels like to merge with the summoned beast.

Touching her black lion, Yaoyao resolutely activated the human nature she had just acquired.

With a burst of strange light, her figure gradually merged with the black lion Kane.

"Huh?" When the fusion was completed, Xiao Douding felt that there was no special change in himself.

It wasn't until she lowered her head, saw the furry palms, and raised her hands to touch her round ears that she finally knew that this attempt was actually successful.

In the eyes of outsiders, the little girl first swallowed the black lion whole, and then transformed into a little loli in the form of a beast mother.

Miliana couldn't stand the cute furry look, so she rushed forward and hugged her tightly.

While resisting the opponent's unusual enthusiasm, Yaoyao took the time to look at the changes in her attributes.

[Subordinate Fusion (Temporary Feature): You gain 10% of the summoned beast’s attribute bonus, and gain access to active and passive skills]

She did not inherit the basic skills of the summoned beast, but she could use all the basic skills of the Black Lion.

"Explosive attack!" Xiao Douding shouted the name of the move with perfect accuracy.

After a simple test, she found that her strength had improved visibly.

Especially in terms of strength attributes, with the blessing of summoned beasts and equipment, it has now exceeded the fifty mark, making it the most violent Xiaodoushi in the world on difficulty level one.

Taking out her own bamboo dragonfly, Yaoyao became more confident and decided to support her elder brother.

"Sure enough, everyone still has to rely on me in the end."

But before she could fly far, she fell from the sky because the fusion was released.

"You're short, my butt hurts~"

After rubbing her butt, Yaoyao gave up the idea of ​​flying, rode on the black lion and started running towards the distance.

The eldest brother is invincible in battle, and going by himself is simply adding to the chaos. If you have the time, why not go watch Sister Dai Lun's battle.

If it's not over yet, maybe she can still help?

Next to the trap, Daeron fell in a pool of blood, looking like he had just been tortured.

There is almost no intact part of the exposed skin, and there are traces of smoke and blade cuts everywhere on the body.

Unlike her physical mess, her face was filled with a happy smile.

"I won after all."

She and Meldy were fiercely competitive, and both sides fought with the mentality of dying together.

The only difference is that Darren was born to die, while the girl had quietly developed a desire to die.

The end result was that she had the last laugh.

The potion was on cooling, and all means of replenishing health were ineffective. Although he knew it was not advisable to stay here for a long time, Darren really didn't have the strength to stand up.

Even if she wins this battle, it will be an extremely miserable victory.

In fact, both parties are only one step away from perishing together.

Mobilize the chakra in the body and try to prevent the bleeding state from deepening. Darren is in urgent need of rescue from the outside world, otherwise the bleeding state alone will kill her.

Unfortunately, it rained all night. Just when she was trying to think of a solution, a sound of footsteps suddenly came from far away and soon came to the place where she and Melty were fighting.

"Hey, that little girl seems to have been defeated."

"What a useless guy. I shouldn't have rescued her back then."

"It's a pity, I quite liked her originally."

Kavaz, an elite Vanguard member of Demon's Heart, is a rooster-like monster that can do all kinds of damage by spitting eggs.

Yumaz is good at swordsmanship and special word magic. The combination of the two can break Gajeel's iron scales and penetrate the iron dragon's body and arms.

The combination of the two was enough to seriously injure Iron Dragon Gajeel.

If it hadn't been for the protection of the "Fairy Tree", the outcome of this battle would have been uncertain.

Darren knew this information very well, but she didn't expect that she would meet these two guys when she was exhausted.

"Damn it." The female CEO cursed fiercely, her eyes wandering around as she considered the possibility of a successful escape.

Two against one, let alone her current half-dead state, even if she returns to her prime, she may not be able to win.

"Kawaz, she seems to be running away."

"Yumaz, it's better you kill her."

Listening to the two people talking about how to kill him, Darren's expression remained unchanged and he quietly held two explosive shurikens in his hands.

Even if I die today, these two ugly front teeth will be broken.

Just as she was about to take action, a familiar figure suddenly appeared in front of her.

Jumping off the back of the black lion, Yaoyao turned her head and looked at Sister Dai Lun who was lying in a pool of blood.

There was obvious fear in her eyes.

Little Douding thought again of his companions who died tragically on the space battlefield.

".I swore I would never let anyone hurt my family again."

Purple thunder and lightning began to rage, and in the blink of an eye she transformed into the form of a mature royal sister.

She threw out a bottle of potion without looking back, and then she and the black lion rushed towards the two enemies.

During this period, she merged with the summoned beast again, and once again experienced the pleasure of soaring power.

However, the enemy is by no means an ordinary person, he is a ruthless person who will seriously injure even the Iron Dragon who attacks with all his strength.

Anger alone cannot change the huge power gap between the two sides.

Less than ten seconds into the fight, Yaoyao was pierced through the abdomen with a long sword. If it hadn't been for the defensive characteristics of a lion, she would have been cut in half.

Severe pain kept attacking her mind, but Yaoyao still worked hard to deal with the enemy.

Finally, a familiar white light appeared, and Darren returned with full health after taking the perfect recovery potion.

Looking at her teammates who were pierced by the sharp blade, she used the skeleton's arms to push them back, protecting the little Douding who had released the fusion state behind her.

"Sister Dai Lun~"

"Don't worry, I will definitely kill both of them today to avenge you."

As she spoke, she threw out a book, which was the lost magic "Guilty Feelings" revealed by Melty.

The moment she saw it, Yaoyao's eyes suddenly lit up, thinking that this was the high-value trophy her sister mentioned.

The situation was urgent now, and she had no time to shirk it, so she immediately took out a card from her belly pocket.

Choosing to use it on the spot, Yaoyao directly washed away her first active skill.

It's that crazy circling attack method.

With a tap of the magic book, she immediately turned her "sinful feelings" into her own skills.

Then he took out a bunch of upgrade scrolls and sat on the ground as if no one else was watching and started upgrading his skills.

Dai Lun was forced to turn her head away from her heroic behavior. She was afraid that her Taoist heart would be affected.

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