Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 310 The most powerful auxiliary skill

After drinking the potion given by Yaoyao, Miss Ninja immediately returned to the state of her heyday.

She knew how precious potions were, so she regarded the skill book as compensation for Xiao Douding.

But she didn't expect that Yaoyao would wash away a skill on the spot, then take out the upgrade scroll and start operating it.

The scene of such a rich man made her feel slightly uncomfortable as the president, and she suddenly understood the psychology of those jealous people.

The Mangekyō Sharingan was activated, and she stared at the two enemies in front of her. The white skull protected Little Bean as much as possible.

"It must be resolved quickly."

Susan raised his arm high, and in his palm, a pure white energy sword suddenly condensed.


Seeing this, Yumaz raised his sword without hesitation and used his best word magic.

Three-dimensional text "through"!

The extremely penetrating sword slash actually cut the Susanoo sword into two pieces.

The remaining sword power fell to the ground, but it no longer posed any threat to the two enemies.

"Well done, let this ignorant woman see what we are capable of."

Kavaz flaps his wings and launches countless exploding eggs from mid-air.

The power of a single one is nothing, but there are too many of them.

Soon, cracks began to appear in Susan's skeletal torso, and it would not take long before it would completely fall apart.

Protecting Little Douding while fighting two powerful opponents was still too much for Darren now.

"Do we have no choice but to retreat?" She looked a little unwilling.

At this moment, Darren suddenly noticed the red heart mark appearing on her wrist. She was very familiar with this thing. The girl just used it to connect to herself.

She turned to look at Xiao Douding sitting on the ground. Before she could ask, a stream of pure energy poured into her body from the connection.

In the blink of an eye, the mental energy consumed by Darren was replenished, but the infusion of energy still did not stop, and soon her attribute upper limit was increased by a full sixteen points.

"." Knowing that now was not a good time to ask, Darren turned around simply and looked at the two enemies who were waiting for him on the opposite side.

When the potion's cooldown time expired, she took a pill that increased her mental limit, and in one fell swoop her attributes were stacked to unprecedented heights.

The next second, white light soared into the sky, and flesh, meridians, skin and other substances began to appear one after another, eventually wrapping the skeleton into a giant monster with chakra skin.

Susanoo, second stage!

"It's not over yet." As Darren murmured, the white energy suddenly turned into a pair of huge bows and arrows.

With his Sharingan staring at the enemy's movements, Susana drew the bow string and aimed the arrow at the big rooster Kawaz who looked panicked.

Waving its wings vigorously, the big rooster tried to escape the enemy's lock by flying.

But it didn't know that such a move was meaningless to the Sharingan.


Before the words could reach his ears, Qawaz's body was already hit by an arrow.

[Your Susanoo arrows cause 476 points of penetrating damage to the target]

It wasn't enough to kill him instantly with one blow, but he managed to seriously injure the poor big cock.

Kavaz's physique is not very high to begin with. If Darren's mental attributes were stronger, this arrow would be enough for him to ascend to the sky.

But it seems to be fine now. Judging from the way it keeps vomiting blood, it is estimated that it will be unable to get up and fight for a while.

He drew his bow and nocked the arrow again, and Susan aimed the arrow at another target.

"A very sharp attack." Yumaz didn't seem to be panic at all, and he wrote down another word magic in a leisurely manner.

Three-dimensional text "defense"!

As soon as the defensive wall was rolled out, a white arrow hit it.

However, this time it failed to break through the enemy's defenses.

The effect of the three-dimensional text is very strong, it can perfectly defend against Gajeel's iron dragon roar, and the same is true if the target is Susan's arrow.

Just as he was about to continue trying, Dai Lun suddenly felt that the transmission connection of mental power was broken.

Without the blessing of attributes, she could no longer maintain the operation of the second stage Susan.

As the skeleton slowly disappeared, Yaoyao over there held her head in her hands and fell to the ground with a face full of pain.

"Ouch, my head hurts so much."

Darren knew that she must have consumed a lot of mental energy, after all, the exaggerated effect just now was so amazing.

If it could be used without restriction, I would probably be able to go beyond level three or four to kill shadow-level powerhouses.

"It seems that skill is stronger than I thought."

Taking out her kunai, Miss Ninja planned to have a close combat with the opponent.

"protect yourself."

With that said, she rushed forward and fought with the enemy.

On the other side, Yaoyao drank a bottle of potion and her mental state finally recovered slightly.

Glancing at the two people fighting fiercely, she began to think about her new skills.

Name: Guilty Feelings


Grade: A

Effect: Use "love" as the connection to link the selected target into a whole.

Conditions of use: Consumes 1 point of mental power per second.

Learning conditions: Spirit 25, Perception 20

Place of Origin: Magisters Guild

Skill evaluation: Magical magic that connects people's minds and bodies.

Level 3 effect: Sword of Darkness, consumes 3 points of spiritual power to create a spiritual sword with real damage effects.

Level 6 effect: Feeling stretched, consuming 4 points of mental power, can increase the number of people connected, and the consumption will increase year-on-year.

Level9 effect: Feeling shared, connecting both parties together, sharing skills and lives.

Level 12 effect: Magic connection, transporting mental power to one place (the total amount transported is two-thirds of the upper limit of the attribute).

It has a very powerful auxiliary effect. No wonder my sister said this thing is one of the most valuable items in the world.

It's just that the demand for use is too high. She can't bear the requirement of consuming a little mental energy every second, not to mention that the consumption increases correspondingly for each additional person.

The effect is indeed excellent, but it is obviously not a skill that can be used in the first difficulty world.

At least wait until you advance to the second level of difficulty and stack your personal mental attributes to the extreme state before you can truly unleash its power.

Taking out her big hammer, Yaoyao, after resting, was ready to step forward to help.

This time she chose to fuse with the Black Lion, and her skyrocketing strength attribute can definitely successfully suppress the enemy.

Regardless of Yumaz's sharp swordsmanship, he is also a strong plot player who takes a spiritual route. With Black Shiyao's current attributes, it is not difficult to suppress the opponent.

After about seven minutes of fierce fighting, Yaoyao successfully seized the opportunity and knocked the enemy to the ground with a big hammer.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Daeron used a powerful fireball to drown the enemy, and then began a round of inhumane ravages.

When the cooling time of the potion ended, Yaoyao drank the blue-replenishing potion again luxuriously, and then used sinful feelings to reconnect the two.

This time, Darren did not use Susanoo, but used the power of his left eye.

Eye Technique: Subhiru!

Before Yumaz could react, a big explosion suddenly occurred at its feet.

The big rooster in the distance that had just recovered had its body severely penetrated by a sharp thorn.

There was no warning in advance, and they only reacted belatedly until the attack came.

Subhiru, changing the past of things can only have an effect on inanimate objects.

The greater the mass of the object being changed, the more terrifying the mental power consumed.

Just this time, Dai Lun directly reduced a full ten points of mental power.

The effect is naturally very good. The big cock penetrated by spikes has turned into a golden treasure chest.

As for the pupil skill of Dai Lun's left eye, it is the Great God of War, which can slow down everything that comes close to him.

Whether it's an attack or something else, as long as she has enough mental power, nothing can touch her.

These are the two eye skills that Dai Lun possesses. They are not direct attacks, but their effects are both first-class and powerful.

When she becomes the top of the second difficulty world, that's when the kaleidoscope will truly show its power.

Covering his right eye, which was in severe pain, Darren looked at the enemy who was scorched black by the explosion: "It seems that you are going to die here today."

These words put a lot of psychological pressure on the enemy. He was accidentally distracted and was immediately slapped to the ground by Hei Shiyao's heavy hammer.

This time, it never got up.

Although the process was a bit scary, fortunately, the result was still very good. Two gold-level plot treasure chests were successfully collected.

"Huh, I'm so tired." Yaoyao lay on the ground, not wanting to move.

She complained that she was tired, but her expression seemed to be quite happy.

After this battle, Darren only gained some plot points and equipment, but she got an auxiliary skill that was enough to be used in the second difficulty level.

Yaoyao doesn't like fighting with others, so the route of assistance + summoning + mission decryption seems to be more suitable for her.

At least the sharing of this "guilty feeling" mental power is enough to make her the most popular helper in the team.

Not to mention other people, if Fang Bo knew about it, he would probably tie Xiao Douding to his side immediately.

There is no way, this kind of skill that can increase the upper limit of mental power is too practical.

As long as the attributes meet the requirements, several of the stunts he has copied can be used successfully.

Raising his hand to rub the little girl's head, Darren turned his head to the side and began to think about where to go next.

In the entire Tower of Paradise, there are now two locations where the battle is fierce.

First, Laxus VS Brunotte, the two sides are evenly matched in strength, and I’m afraid they won’t be able to tell the winner for a while.

Secondly, Gildarts VS Hades, the battle between these two people is even more terrifying, everyone can feel the vast and terrifying magic power like smoke.

Dai Lun wanted to help, but he simply didn't have the strength to set foot on the battlefield.

After thinking about it, she suddenly raised her head and looked at the airship above.

Darren recalled his friend's instructions, maybe the two of them could go over there and check out the situation.

"Come on, let's sneak in secretly."


In this way, two women, one large and one small, sneaked into the airship.

"it's over!"

Five-fold magic circle·Mikagura!

With excellent magical attainments, Mistgang successfully put the enemy into sleep.

After sealing this ugly man, he raised his head and looked into the distance where the terrifying magic power fluctuated.

There, Gildarts was struggling to resist the attack of President Hades.

You know, the second generation is a ruthless character who can seriously injure Makarov in a few rounds. Gildarts alone cannot be his opponent.

If it were not possible to normalize super magic and fight through constant decomposition of magic, this battle would have ended long ago.

Knowing that the enemy was in trouble, Mistagon decided to go there to support his companions.

The one who had similar thoughts to him was the demon Mira, who was also heading to the main battlefield over there.

As long as Hades can be defeated, the Devil's Heart can be completely defeated, the Balam Alliance can be severely damaged, and those who died in vain at their hands can be avenged.

When he arrived at the scene, he realized that Tie Long had been here a long time ago, but unfortunately he was beaten to the ground by the enemy after just a few moves.

"Let's go together and defeat him."

On the other side, a mysterious man secretly came to the Tower of Paradise.

When Fang Bo found Xiu alone and prepared to take the life of the leader of the Seven Families, he did not expect to encounter this unexpected enemy.

"It's actually you?!"

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