Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 311 The third source of magic, me from the future!

Holding the young man's throat tightly, this woman was an old acquaintance of Fang Bo.

The reason why the ruthless team chose to come to the Fairy Tail world was actually because of the crystal ball in her hand.

"Hasn't he been arrested already?" Fang Bo looked at the young man "Xiu".

Looking at the card that the other party was protecting with all his strength, he suddenly felt something in his heart and threw an information detection towards the woman.

【Urudia Milkovich (Missing Body)】

[Attack tendency: low]

[Attribute tendencies: Spirit, Agility, Perception]

[Characteristics: Arc of Time (Legendary), Incomplete Magic]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Insufficient magic power: As a missing person, you cannot exert all your magic power.

"It is indeed the missing body. The woman's true body is in that seal card."

After taking a sip of Zhenyuanzhai's strong wine, Fang Bo knew that another tough battle was coming.

Jellal also created a missing body. With incomplete magic power, he could still obtain the title of Holy Ten.

As the leader of the Seven Families of Purgatory, Urrutia's ability cannot be underestimated.

The figure of the bride appeared behind her, and all the remaining ghost spiders gathered around her.

Golden ripples emerged, and the Wind Shadow Puppet took the lead in attacking the enemy.

Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Boundary Technique!

Black sand iron spikes kept popping up, instantly blocking all the woman's dodge routes.

"Interesting magic." Urrutia threw the crystal ball calmly, and various spheres from the future emerged around it.

Time Arc·The future flashes!

These are all her weapons, but they all come from different points in time.

With the ability she has mastered, she can summon them instantly to fight against the enemy.

The seemingly ordinary attack was actually extremely powerful. Zeref, the unawakened black mage, was knocked unconscious by this attack on Sirius Island.

Therefore, the surrounding sand and iron were unable to resist at all, and were blown to pieces by the opponent's magic in a matter of seconds.

Due to the previous battle, the puppet's energy value was exhausted early. After this move, Feng Ying immediately lost his strongest method.

As for its melee fighting ability, it can basically be ignored.

However, Emperor Guan Sheng had a strong desire to fight. Taking advantage of the gap between the enemy's final moves, he rushed forward and launched a powerful and heavy downward slash.

Emperor Guan is about to attack Can Guang!

The attack was brutal, and even Urrudia would be in pain if it hit.

Provided it can actually hit the opponent.

Similar to the situation of the Wind Shadow Puppet, its energy value is also close to depleted, at least it cannot activate the strongest Martial Saint Hegemony.

This caused Yanyue Qinglong to be knocked away by the crystal ball before his attack could land.

The woman showed great fighting prowess, but it didn't seem to be beyond the point where she couldn't handle it.

Under a volley of shots from the Noble Phantasms, in order to protect itself, the crystal ball was directly shattered on the spot by successive blows.

"What a rude man." Urrutia smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and gently tickled his index finger.

Soon, the crystal ball was restored to its original state under the influence of magic.

Re-summoning many spheres from the future time, she knocked away the attacking ghost spiders around her. She turned to look at the boy in her hand, and a ferocious smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Aren't you still willing to release my true form?"

"Then no wonder I'm so cruel."

After saying that, she actually broke Xio's neck on the spot.

When the magician died, his magic could not be maintained. Soon, Urrutia's body was released.

The two sides merged together, and the magic power instantly increased by 70%, and the danger assessment also changed to "extremely lethal", which required escape.

Of course, Fang Bo would definitely not escape, he also wanted the equipment in the woman's hands.

As long as it causes enough damage, it doesn't matter if you don't die by your own hands.

"The rest is up to you, Jellal."

After hearing this, Urrutia's expression changed instantly.

Above her head, seven magic light pillars like the Big Dipper appeared.

Not far away, a man was looking at her with angry eyes: "Witch, accept the punishment of the Seven Stars."

Seven Star Sword!

The person who came was none other than Jellal, the owner of the Tower of Paradise.

The sword rain like light spots fell one after another, and its power was so strong that the entire mountain peak seemed to be shaking violently.

When Jellal and his missing body merge into one, the power he displays can definitely rank among the top five of the Holy Ten.

Even though Urrudia tried her best to resist, her body was still pierced by a lot of sword rain.

I checked Jellal's information and found that the evaluation was also extremely fatal. However, it was obvious that under similar evaluations, the strength gap between the two sides still existed.

This is destined to be an unfair contest.

Fang Bo knew that Urrutia, as a witch, would naturally know this.

"Bad luck?" She clenched her fists unconsciously.

To this day, she still doesn't understand why the plan was exposed and why she seems to be targeted at every turn.

So much so that now we have finally reached the end of the road.

"No, I haven't lost yet, I will never lose!!!"

Urrutia lowered her head, and outsiders could not see her expression clearly.

Even if the Noble Phantasm penetrates her body, the woman doesn't seem to care at all.

"Have you lost your fighting spirit?" Fang Bo frowned.

Of course, doubts are doubts, and he will definitely not have the idea of ​​showing mercy.

This woman is so powerful that she can definitely explode the top red level treasure chest.

The higher her output contribution, the greater the value of the spoils, so there is no time to consider her inner activities.


The puppets rushed forward with the Noble Phantasm, but they were quickly bounced away by the sudden burst of magic power.

Under Fang Bo's gaze, Urrutia's already plump figure became a bit hotter, and she seemed to have a special charm belonging to a thirty-year-old mature woman.

This was not the most important thing. What really shocked him was the destructive magic power fluctuation in the woman's body.

【Urudia Milkovich (future body)】

[Attack tendency: strong]

[Attribute tendencies: mental, physical, agility, perception]

[Characteristics: Arc of Time (Legendary), Second Magic Source, Third Magic Source (Temporary)]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Second magic source: can store an additional treasure house of mental power (does not affect the bonus of the attribute itself)

The third magic source (temporary): Activate the future state and obtain magic power far beyond the present. The magic power will be sealed for a long time after use.

In other words, Urrutia at this moment has the strength that he should have many years in the future.

With her talent, all these years of practice must have transformed her into a completely different person.

Didn't you notice that Jellal's face looked a little ugly?

“An accident still happened”

Before he could take action, purple ice roses suddenly covered everything around him.

Ice shape·Rose garden!

The purple ice spread so quickly that Fang Bo didn't even have a chance to activate the Flying Thunder God.

When thorns penetrated the body, ice roses bloomed in the body, and now only the woman's laughter echoed for a long time.

[You are attacked by Urrutia's Rose Garden, causing 452 points of penetrating damage. 】

[The talent characteristic "Heart of Steel" is activated, restoring 201 points of health]

Life: 169/420 (+230)

Except for him, all the ghost spiders including Luo Xinwei were killed in one blow, leaving even a hideous blood mark on Jellal's chest.

Knowing that he couldn't delay any longer, he suddenly crossed his hands upwards, and everything around him, including the shadows, stretched crazily in the opposite direction.

Soon, a black hole appeared above the head, as if it could absorb everything and destroy it.

Super magic and dark paradise!

Urrutia had to fight even if he lost his magic. Naturally, Jellal would not be so naive as to think that he could defeat the woman in front of him casually.

He took out a bottle of wound repair fluid and drank it, instantly recovering 30% of his health, and the recovery effect continued for a long time.

The potion from the red box is so powerful that it is enough to support Fang Bo's next actions.

No matter what method he uses, he must cause enough harm to the woman.

The Noble Phantasms emerged again, and with the help of the black hole's attraction, their power became even more powerful.

However, Urrutia was too strong at this moment. Even if she could not escape the attraction of the black hole, she could still draw out her hand and knock away all the Noble Phantasms.

It wasn't over yet, she raised her hand and pointed, and the crystal balls in the sky suddenly submerged Fang Bo.

This kind of attack is enough to kill him instantly even if he is at full health.

Fortunately, Fang Bo was well prepared and disappeared as soon as the crystal ball appeared in the sky.

Use the Flying Thunder God to reach two meters in front of the woman through the coordinates carved in advance.

Golden ripples rippled, and the anode locks shot out instantly, tying up the unable to move Urrutia on the spot.

It's a pity that a woman's magic power is so terrifying, it's like breaking the chain with a few instigations.

Just two seconds seemed to be only enough for him to swing Evil Light Slash once, and Fang Bo himself would be affected by the black hole. At this moment, both of his feet were forced to leave the ground.

If this continues, let alone consuming health points, he needs to find a way to get rid of the bad luck of being destroyed first.

"There's nothing we can do." Fang Bo's eyes darkened, and he immediately started the gas injection of his shoes.

With the help of suspension acceleration, he rushed forward and hugged the woman tightly in his arms.


[Your health +18]

[Your health +18]

[Your health +18]

"Bastard!" Urrutia activated a magic shock, trying to fly away the man holding him.

But the other party still refused to let go, even though her orifices were bleeding due to being washed away by the magic power, she still hugged her waist tightly with both hands.

Urrutia's strength attribute was very poor and she was unable to break away from the man's embrace.

Under normal circumstances, she would be able to kill the other party with just a random use of modeling magic, but now she needed to resist the huge gravity from the black hole. That damn man actually shamelessly intertwined with her.

Since the palm cannot move, condensation modeling magic is naturally out of the question.

Feeling the severe pain in her body, Urrutia almost collapsed, but her eyes were still fixed on Jellal.

As one of the founders of this magic, she had studied the "Dark Paradise" with Jellal, so she naturally knew the consequences of being absorbed into it.

Because of this, she understood that Jellal was the enemy that needed attention.

Even if you let the man continue to hold her, you must not lose the big for the small.

"Asshole!" He controlled the crystal ball and hit the man on the back. Unfortunately, he didn't intend to use this drizzle attack at all.

With the blood regeneration effect of Heart of Steel and the continuous feeding of Plunder, it can return to full health within a few seconds.


Another terrifying burst of magic power caused Fang Bo's ears and nose to spurt out a large amount of blood at the same time. He had been added to persistent negative conditions such as blindness and deafness.

However, he still did not let go of his hand, and even kept his fingers intertwined with the woman's.

Time passed by, and just when Urrutia was on the verge of despair, a hint of sarcasm suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"You think you can win this way?"

She was already dying at this moment, and the 18 points of health absorbed per second would be uncomfortable for anyone.

But Urrutia's expression was the same as at the beginning.

It felt like she never thought she would lose.

"Let me show you something interesting."

I’m so tired. I’m still going to the hospital for a checkup today.

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