Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 316 SP Shikigami, ascended ghost mother Yin Ji!

The crusade against the devil's heart is over.

The Fairy Tail Guild won, defeating everyone including the guild leader Hades.

The news spread quickly, causing quite a shock within the Balam Alliance.

There was no way, who made the group of people too showy, so they directly drove the devil airship back to the city.

It was difficult for the officials to conceal the news, so they simply publicized the whole thing later to boost the confidence of the alliance members.

Facts have proved that this is indeed effective, and many regular guilds have begun a comprehensive counterattack.

For a time, the previously arrogant Balam Alliance was beaten back steadily.

As for the downside, it's not that the enemy is completely focused on Fairy Tail, and they will definitely be targeted in future actions.

However, there was no need for Fang Bo to worry about these things. Makarov was arranging strategies, and Laxus, who felt deeply that he was powerless, began a new round of retreat and hard training.

South of Magnolia, Mount Hakoba.

This is a mountain range that can still get a lot of wind and snow even in the summer.

There are many gorillas named "Balkan" living in the mountains. They are cruel and violent and like to deal with outsiders by bullying others.

If you don't pay attention, you can easily get beaten by them.

But in the past few days, the Balkans have been very docile, because a group of giant spiders that are even more cruel than them have come to the mountains.

At first, the gorilla thought about resisting, saying that no outside beasts would be allowed to intervene in his territory.

However, when the Balkan King challenged it alone, most of his body was corroded by the acid spitted by a certain spider. Only then did they realize that he was really a fierce spider crossing the river.

If you can't beat them with your hands, you have no choice but to sue for peace.

They thought they could live in peace, but not long after, a huge building of flesh and blood appeared on Hakobe Mountain.

It looks like a big crawling spider, but it has no skin and is full of exposed muscle tissue.

From what those humans said, this thing seems to be called the main nest?

The Balkan gorilla is very smart and can understand various languages, so he knows the true name of this flesh-and-blood building. He even knows that the acid-spitting spider is called "Elite Engineer".

The specific meaning is unclear, but that’s what those humans called them anyway.

The long-term comfortable life has wiped out the wildness, and they are not aware of the danger at all.

It wasn't until the population began to decline significantly, and the Balkan gorillas that went out to hunt began to disappear one after another, that they finally understood their current situation.

The gorillas, sensing that their survival was threatened, began to fight back.

From their point of view, as long as they can unite as one, they have nothing to fear from spiders that can spit acid.

Some smart orangutans will also use some cover as a shield. It turns out that the effect is really good, perfectly suppressing the acid spewed by the enemy.

The dawn of victory was right in front of them. Just when they wanted to touch it with their own hands, they were destroyed by a group of small spiders with wings.

According to those humans, these little things are called "exploding ghost spiders".

The Balkan gorillas don't understand. Aren't you a group of spiders? Why do you grow wings out of thin air?

These damn exploding ghost spiders are terrifying, and can kill a large number of orangutans every time they self-destruct.

As a last resort, the Balkan gorillas had no choice but to change their combat strategy from a frontal attack to a planned ambush.

As long as you kill them at medium range, these spiders will not choose to self-destruct.

At the beginning, they did take some advantage. Unfortunately, when their opponents reacted, the situation took a turn for the worse again.

The reason is simple. A group of invisible "reconnaissance spider soldiers" suddenly appeared in the enemy camp.

It’s not that they are invisible, but they can change their body color according to the environment, and even automatically eliminate odors and traces of breath.

Unless you have advanced detection capabilities, it is really difficult for ordinary people to detect them.

Not a single Balkan gorilla can escape the hunt of these scout spider soldiers.

Under the accumulation of countless flesh and blood, two more "main nests" were built.

Later they found out that this thing was used to produce large spiders. Each main nest can accommodate about ten units of spider soldiers.

There are currently about three main nests in Hakobe Mountain, which means that they alone can breed thirty units of spider soldiers.

The huge spiders all over the mountains and plains have completely deprived the Balkan gorillas of their living space.

The most terrifying thing is that they have nowhere to run, because they can't escape the pursuit and encirclement of the scout spider soldiers.

Within a week, the once-popular Balkan gorillas were exterminated, and Mount Hakobe was already the territory of the spiders.

On the demon airship, Fang Bo was leisurely drinking tea.

The tragedy at Hakobe Mountain was naturally his work, in order to experiment with new arms and abilities.

After devouring the flesh and blood of the demonic aggregation, the bride finally completed her destiny and is now a powerful SP-level shikigami.

[Shikigami name: Luo Xinfu (Ascended Ghost Mother Yinji)]

[Level: SP]

[HP: 460 (+100)]

【Strength: 18】

[Physique: 36]

[Agility: 20]

【Spirit: 46】

[Perception: 34]

[Characteristics: Ascension of flesh and blood, Ghost Spider Queen, full of energy and blood]

[Skills: Ghost King Needle, Spider Mark, Heart-eating Marrow]

Flesh and Flesh Ascension: Obtain super recovery. After death, you can be resurrected through the body of your offspring. The cooling time is 24 hours.

The attributes have been greatly improved, and an additional skill "Flesh Ascension" has been added.

As long as it is within the cooling time, even if the new bride dies, she can be revived on the body of any ghost spider.

The effect is very powerful, and it is definitely the best way to save life.

Of course, these are just tacks on. What Fang Bo really cares about are the ghost spiders.

After advancing, the types of ghost spiders that the ghost mother Yin Ji can give birth to have new changes.

Level 1: Exploding Ghost Spider

Level 2: Elite Engineers, Scout Spider Soldiers

Level 3: Ghost Spider Main Nest

Level 4: Ghost King Spider, Flesh Demon Spider

Level 5: Death Spider

A total of seven new ghost spider units have been added.

[Name: Exploding Ghost Spider (Summon)]

[Level: First Level]

[HP: 150 (+100)]

[Strength: 6]

[Physique: 5]

[Agility: 12]

【Spirit: 3】

[Perception: 6]

[Characteristics: Full of Qi and Blood]

[Skill: Self-destruction]

Self-destruction: Causes explosion damage of 100% of health.

The Exploding Ghost Spider is the kind of flying soldier that can self-destruct.

It has a special skill "self-destruction" that can cause fixed damage based on its own health.

You must know that they have been blessed with the characteristic of "full of energy and blood", and their health points will be increased by an additional hundred points on the original basis.

The power of self-destruction will be greatly enhanced.

If given the right time, it might be able to cause quite astonishing damage.

[Name: Elite Engineer (Summon)]

[Level: Second Level]

[HP: 240 (+100)]

【Strength: 12】

[Physique: 14]

[Agility: 6]

【Spirit: 5】

[Perception: 16]

[Characteristics: Flesh collector, sensitive sense of smell, full of energy and blood]

[Skills: Acid spitting, poisonous needle, spider running]

Acid Breath: Releases a stream of concentrated sulfuric acid, causing 8 points of acid damage per second for 16 seconds.

Flesh Collector: Can store a large amount of flesh and blood in the body, improving the nutritional value of the stored flesh and blood.

Sensitive sense of smell: It is easier to capture the smell of high-quality flesh and blood.

The elite engineer is a long-range unit that can spit strong acid, causing continuous corrosive damage.

It doesn't have much effect individually, but if it can be turned into a group army, it will be completely different.

[Name: Scouting Spider Soldier (Summon)]

[Level: Second Level]

[HP: 200 (+100)]

【Strength: 12】

[Physique: 10]

[Agility: 18]

【Spirit: 7】

[Perception: 16]

[Characteristics: breath concealment, compound eyes, full of energy and blood]

[Skills: Poison Needle, Continuous Slash]

Aura Concealment: By blending into the environment, it is more difficult for others to detect your presence.

Compound Eyes: Can clearly see distant scenes.

Scout Spider Soldier, a color-changing scout who is good at hiding.

If the new woman becomes a follower and starts to act alone in the future, these little things can become an excellent helper for her to detect the surrounding environment.

It can even receive signals from ultra-long distances and is the only unit that can perform overseas missions.

The Ghost Spider Main Nest is a newly added third-level unit. Its combat effectiveness is not very strong, but it is the key to building a legion.

[Name: Main Nest (Summon)]

[Level: Level 3]

[HP: 350 (+100)]

[Strength: 6]

[Physique: 25]

[Agility: 5]

【Spirit: 20】

[Perception: 18]

[Characteristics: flesh and blood building, full of flesh and blood]

[Skills: Hatching, Devouring Flesh, Rooting]

Flesh Building: Gain 20% physical damage immunity.

Hatching: Can hatch 10 units of ghost spiders.

Devouring flesh and blood: You can obtain sufficient nutrients by devouring and decomposing flesh and blood.

Rooted on the ground: You can change the location of the base at any time, and obtain the "immovable as a mountain" effect while rooted.

Forget about other abilities, the most important thing is that it can hatch ten units of troops.

what does that mean?

The evolved Ascended Ghost Mother Yinji has up to 46 points of spiritual power, which means she can hatch 23 units of ghost spiders.

If you all choose to hatch the main nest, you can get 230 units of ghost spider soldiers.

This is what violent soldiers should look like.

Of course, this is only a theoretical possibility. After sweeping the entire Hakobe Mountain, they could barely fill the three main nests with troops.

Most of them are first-level units, and a very few evolve into second-level units. Higher-level ones are even more difficult to obtain.

If you want to obtain troops, you must launch a large-scale war. Otherwise, it will be difficult to form a group army to fight.

These are all primary and intermediate-level arms, and the real high-level ghost spider Fang Bo has not yet been able to hatch them all.

Especially the fifth-level death spider, Fang Bo was very interested in this little thing.

Unfortunately, the flesh and blood he has accumulated so far is not enough, probably because the strength of the gorillas in the mountains is too low.

So far, there is only one Ghost King Spider around Fang Bo.

[Name: Ghost King Spider (Summon)]

[Level: Level 4]

[HP: 360 (+100)]

【Strength: 30】

[Physique: 26]

[Agility: 18]

【Spirit: 20】

[Perception: 15]

[Features: Super-speed regeneration, full of flesh and blood]

[Skills: Blood Fury, Flesh Tentacles, Dark Energy Roaring Bullets]

Super-speed regeneration: Recover 5% of health per second.

Blood Rampage: Attack power +20%, can restore life equal to 5% of the damage value, the skill lasts ten minutes.

Granulation Tentacles: Three tentacles up to twelve meters long extend from the body.

Dark Energy Roar Bullet: Gather dark energy and launch powerful energy attacks.

This is a ghost spider that stands upright about 1.9 meters. Its black body is full of oppression, and the fleshy tentacles that occasionally come out of the skin make people feel numb.

The movement speed is not fast, but the Ghost King Spider's strength and attack power are very strong.

As long as it is tied up by the tentacles, it is difficult to break free easily, not to mention that it also has a very powerful ultimate move.

The Dark Energy Roaring Bullet can cause about 200 points of magic damage, and can kill most of the first-difficulty reincarnators instantly.

If the Orochi Spider is a speed killer, then the Ghost King Spider is a typical berserker.

If the two sides PK, it's hard to say the outcome, but Fang Bo still prefers the powerful trick of Ghost King Spider.

It would be great if we could hatch a few more. A single salvo can definitely kill several top-notch fighters.

He has not been able to hatch the remaining flesh-and-blood demon spiders and the fifth-level death spiders yet, but Fang Bo is very much looking forward to the moment when he successfully meets them.

The names of these little guys sound very awesome. If you have the chance, you must hatch them one by one.

Now that the network bride's destiny has been fulfilled, he can turn her into his followers at any time.

[Do you want to consume 80 merit points to convert the bride into your follower? 】

Merits: 104

His current remaining merits are enough. If the transformation is completed, there will be a free skill bar for learning the arc of time.

However, considering the problem of reduced attributes, Fang Bo does not plan to convert it yet.

Reduced mental power will seriously affect the number of ghost spiders hatching. What's more, the bride has not accepted the mission, so she will not get any benefits even if she becomes a follower.

In this case, it's better to let her continue to be a shikigami and wait until she returns to the space to transform.

The Arc of Time plays little role in the early stages, and it requires a series of upgrades to truly unleash its capabilities.

Only when the skill entries are unlocked can the power of time magic be truly unleashed.

There is another more important issue, that is, regarding the equipment of the bride, a set of equipment must be prepared for her to improve her survivability and mental attributes.

Otherwise, if an accident occurs, she will have no space protection measures as a follower.

"In the future battles, we must try our best to hide the true form of the ghost mother Yin Ji."

"She is not a combatant anyway. There is no need for the main body to be deployed personally during the battle."

As long as the military units are properly matched, the new bride can control her Zerg to fight just like playing "StarCraft".

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