Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 317 The strongest team was intercepted and END was arrested!

Fairy Tail's victory in the first battle undoubtedly greatly stimulated the members of the Balam Alliance.

Soon, revenge from the Dark Guild arrived.

Many cities have been attacked by unknown forces. These guys are very ruthless. More than a thousand ordinary people have been killed so far.

Later, news came out that the person who took action was none other than General Six Demons, one of the three major guilds in the alliance.

In order to prevent the situation from escalating further, the reorganized Snake Princess Scales is preparing to hold an alliance conference, hoping to form a super team to defeat the Six Demon Generals.

Fairy Tail is naturally among those invited.

Since the strongest team has not returned from the trip, the Union Army's affairs can only be left to others.

With their previous active participation in the Tower of Paradise battle, three members of the ruthless team were successfully selected, and one additional guild member could be invited to join them.

As for the invited members, in addition to their own availability, their goodwill with each other is also crucial.

So the question becomes, who in Fairy Tail has the best relationship with Fang Bo?

It’s not Mira who has a physical relationship, nor is it Mistagon who has helped many times, nor is it Gildarts who has been saved by him.

It was Laxus, the fourth-generation president who seemed not very close to him, but actually had a high affinity for him.

From starting the civil war, to helping him successfully ascend to power, to planning the decisive battle with the devil's heart, everything he did has successfully won Laxus' favor.

Unknowingly, the friendship level has reached a very high level. The most important thing is that Laxus thinks that Fang Bo is someone who understands him.

To a certain extent, he has turned Xiao Fang into a confidant.

When he heard that he needed to take action, Laxus gave up the retreat without saying a word. After packing his luggage, he set off with the ruthless team.

After not seeing each other for a while, Fang Bo could clearly feel that this guy was getting stronger. It seemed that responsibility was really the only way to make a man mature quickly.

Laxus decided to shoulder the responsibility of protecting the guild, so he would never allow himself to fail.

"Let's go and see the power of other guilds."

In this way, they headed to the meeting point of this joint combat operation.

On the other side, the strongest team gradually approached Hades' lair.

Ever since Lucy's accident, Natsu seemed to have lost his soul and looked listless all day long.

He didn't even participate in the Battle of Paradise Tower, which shows how eager he is to find that person.

With their strong relationship network, the team successfully locked onto a certain dark guild. It is said that these guys are the subordinate forces that obey the orders of the Gate of Hades.

Finally finding the clue, Natsu and the others couldn't wait to go to the guild called "Dark Raven".

The roar of the fire dragon!

The roar of the dragon filled the sky, and Natsu greeted his enemy in his own way.

"Natsu." Gray stopped his comrades who wanted to continue attacking, and said with a somewhat hateful tone: "Be gentle, we still need to interrogate the underworld for information."

"Well, it seems so, hahaha."

Natsu forced a few laughs with an awkward expression, and began to restrain his behavior, otherwise this place would have been littered with corpses.

Even so, the Dark Raven's magicians were knocked to the ground one after another, and they were no match for this group of people.

"Too weak." A trace of fire burst out of Natsu's mouth, and he asked in a threatening tone: "Tell me, where is your guild leader?"

"Yes, President, she is here."

Natsu, who was concentrating on listening, was unaware of the threat lurking in the dark.

However, the Fairy Queen, who had been watching indifferently from behind, immediately noticed the abnormal flow of air.

"Be careful!" She kicked the fire dragon away.

The next second, a sharp and unstoppable whirlwind like a blade appeared out of thin air. If he slowed down for a moment, Natsu would probably experience the pain of Ling Chi.

"The real master has finally appeared." Erza raised her head and looked at the woman riding the strong wind in the sky.

Dress up·Heavenly Wheel Armor!

After a simple transformation, Erza held two swords and flew into the sky.

As she flew, dense numbers of long swords began to appear around her.

Heavenly Wheel·The Sword of Chaos!

Feeling the coldness on the sword's edge, the blond woman above her couldn't help but change her expression in surprise.

With a slight wave of her hand, a black tornado wind suddenly set off around her, forming a wind barrier around her.

It's just that this method is completely ignored by Erza. She knows that this black tornado cannot withstand her Ten Thousand Swords Pierce the Heart.

Sure enough, the tornado was quickly defeated by countless sharp blades, but the trace of the blond woman was lost before her eyes.

Only then did she understand that the other party created such a flashy tornado in order to block her own perception.

At this moment, Erza could feel the presence of the enemy's presence in front, back, left and right.

In a hurry, she could only choose to protect her vital points as much as possible, and leave the rest to the Heavenly Wheel Armor.

This is a very high-quality armor that even she can't chop into pieces, and it can completely withstand the enemy's attacks.

It only takes a moment for Erza to adjust to her condition, and then it will be the enemy's turn to bear her attack.

The long sword was swung out, smashing several squally blades created by the enemy, and Goenitz's figure quietly approached behind the enemy.

The sharp claws were swung out with the power of the wind, immediately tearing a bloody mark on the enemy's body.

MAX Super Special Moves·True Eight Girls·Reality Knife!

So what about the Heavenly Wheel Armor? Her divine blood hand has the special effect of being "indestructible". No matter how high your defense is, you can never be completely immune to damage.

Indestructible (passive skill): Convert 10% of the damage value into true damage.

Affected by this mythical weapon, the Fairy Queen's proud defense lost its effect, and blood spilled in the air under the claws of the storm. She looked extremely embarrassed.

"Erza!" Gray's eyes showed shock, he couldn't believe that the opponent was so powerful.

In fact, Erza's injuries only looked serious on the outside.

With her astonishing physical attributes, she would be fine even if she ate a full meal of eight young girls, not to mention only 10% of the real damage.

The enemy's attack could not kill her. At most, she suffered some superficial injuries, but the blood-soaked appearance looked a bit miserable.

"I'm fine." The Fairy Queen waved her sword, forcing the blonde woman who wanted to pursue her back.

She found that the enemy's attack speed was too fast, and she might not be able to gain the upper hand if she fought closely.

If you want to win, you must take full advantage of her weapons.

Dress up·Thunder Emperor's Armor!

This suit of armor is equipped with a weapon, a thunder gun, which can increase resistance to lightning and release lightning-type attacks.

The most important thing is that it is long enough to suppress the enemy at close range.

After two simple rounds of fighting, Goenitz suddenly became invincible. Even her despair ray was blocked by her opponent.

If she hadn't been quick enough to defeat the enemy's many attacks, she might have been defeated long ago.

Only quick and unbreakable (passive skill): Shot speed +30%, reducing wind resistance and friction.

The equipment of the God Clan's Bloody Hand is indeed very effective and greatly improves her combat effectiveness, but it still cannot make up for the huge attribute gap between the two sides.

Erza can make many mistakes, but she only needs to seize one opportunity to successfully deal with Goenitz.

This was never a fair duel.

"There are not so many fair things in the world, I understand this very well." Storm looked at her opponent, and a sarcastic arc slowly formed at the corner of her mouth: "So don't blame me for being cruel."


A violent explosion sounded, and Erza subconsciously looked down and found that Gray had fallen to the ground wrapped in thick smoke.

"Hahahaha." The iconic laughter sounded, and a man with shit-yellow hair came out.

Swinging his long tail, Cai Lang looked at the young man who was glaring at him, his eyes full of enthusiasm that outsiders could not understand.

"That's you, right?!" Although he was asking Natsu, he turned to look at the woman in the sky.

"That's right." Goenitz nodded, the smile on his lips blooming little by little.

She was about to complete a new hidden mission, and she naturally felt very happy.

Due to different factions, not all tasks can be shared with her, but the hidden tasks of "The Strongest Demon END!" can still be completed.

With the information provided by Fang Bo, she can easily grasp the movements of the strongest team.

Just reveal the specific address of Dark Raven, and the target will pounce like a shark smelling blood.

Capturing Natsu Dragneel was tantamount to completing this mission, and she had no control over what would happen next.

Stopping the Fairy Queen who wanted to go down to support, Goenitz drank a bottle of potion, which temporarily increased his mental power by three points.

Then she saw a beam of white light covering her, and her already powerful aura suddenly increased greatly.

Divine Favor (Active Skill): The specified attributes are increased by 20%, duration is 10 minutes, and cooling time is 8 hours.

This is the effect given by the mythical equipment "God's Grace". It is regarded by Goenitz as a means of suppressing the enemy and will only be used when facing an invincible strong one.

Mental strength: 62

At this time, her mental attributes had reached 62 points, and she finally regained some of her demeanor as the leader of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Even Erza couldn't help but look solemn, she had a premonition that this battle might not end so easily.

Staring at the woman in armor, Goenitz knew clearly that he might not be able to win just by relying on his mental attributes.

The only thing she could do was to cause as much damage as possible and see if she could cooperate with the jackal to kill this woman.

Thinking of this, Goenitz opened his arms and fully mobilized the power of the wind between heaven and earth.

At this moment, she seemed to be the incarnation of a god, and nothing could stop the strong wind.

"Wake up."

MAX2's super special move: Blow for eternity!

In Black Tornado, Goenitz completely transforms into a storm, and his figure can appear anywhere at will.

Facing this kind of attack, Erza had no way to resist. All she could do was protect herself as much as possible.

Dress up·King Kong Armor!

This is the Fairy Queen's armor with the strongest defense, and it once blocked an attack from the "Ghost Dominator" magic cluster cannon.

No matter how Gonitz attacked, Erza remained motionless and relied on the defensive power of her armor to survive the attack.

[Your Breath Blowing Eternity causes 446 points of tear damage]

Even with the bonus of true damage, Goenitz's attack still failed to defeat the enemy.

Dress Up·Flying Armor!

Taking advantage of the enemy's exhaustion, Erza, who was covered in blood, rushed forward and cut him off with a single blow.

The Fairy Queen's attacks are not so easy to catch. If she fails to do so, she will be easily killed by the opponent.

Just when Goenitz was about to put up a desperate resistance, who knew that Erza just fired a feint shot, seemingly aimed at her, but in fact the focus of the attack fell completely on the demon jackal's head.

Using the speed bonus of the flying armor, she cut off the jackal's right arm with one sword before the enemy could react.

The severely wounded demon turned around and looked at the woman with unyielding eyes. The corners of his mouth slowly raised, and his smile was full of ridicule for these humans.

"Is it really okay to touch me so recklessly?"

As soon as they finished speaking, Erza and Natsu's bodies suddenly exploded.

The former was protected by armor and was finally knocked to the ground. Unfortunately, the latter could not withstand the explosion.

In the final analysis, Natsu's strength is still insufficient, and he is simply unable to face the demon in the Book of Zeref at this time.

If the jackal hadn't been merciful, he might not have been knocked unconscious just now.

Looking at Natsu and Gray lying on the ground, Erza, who was seriously injured, couldn't help but tighten her sword tightly.

She wanted to stay and fight, but her two companions had already fallen into the hands of the enemy.

"If they move again, they will be dead."

Facing the threat of the jackal, no matter how reluctant she was, Erza knew that she might not be able to save him by herself.

Grabbing the little blue cat who was about to rush forward, Erza switched to her flying armor and disappeared in front of the two of them in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the reminder to complete the task sounded, and the ruthless team who accepted the task once again gained a lot.

After briefly glancing at the reward list, Goenitz chose two rare rewards without hesitation.

4 attribute points, and a mythical garment, the Yuanyou Clothes.

Name: Faraway Clothes

Level: Myth

Category: Suits (clothes and pants)

Durability: 280/280

Attribute enhancement: Spirit +4, Perception +3, Physique +3

Conditions of use: Spirit 34, Constitution 28

Equipment effects: mental resistance, magic damage avoidance

Place of Origin: Magisters Guild

Equipment evaluation: Maybe it's not as flimsy as it looks.

Mental resistance (passive skill): greatly improves the resistance to negative status and is immune to the control effects of mental skills.

Magical damage avoidance (active skill): Damage received can be replaced by mental power.

This thing has good attributes, but it is not suitable for agile warriors like Goenitz.

On the contrary, the Clothes of Distant Era is more suitable for reincarnators who need life-saving abilities, such as some true long-range spellcasters.

"Maybe I know where it goes." Goenitz fell to the ground and looked at the excited demon jackal.

It is foreseeable that in the next period of time, there may be a lot of turmoil within the Gate of Hades.

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