Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 319 You are my benefactor

In the abandoned church, a group of magicians each occupied a corner, and they were obviously wary of each other.

The formation of the coalition this time was an action initiated by the regular guild Cyan Pegasus, but for some unknown reason, they, as the organizers, have not shown up yet.

No, the tone of many people present began to change.

"Huh, that's a big deal."

"They are a big guild, and we still have to rely on them."

"Don't say that. You should be grateful if you can take us to play together."

In addition to the plot experts from each guild, there were also a lot of reincarnations on the scene.

At first, it was just a joint operation of several guilds, and the Cyan Pegasus wanted to take the elite route of a small team.

However, under the operation of the reincarnations, there are currently sixteen guilds that have come to join together.

If we take the elite route, we will openly use our numerical advantage to crush the enemy.

But when there are too many people, things get mixed up, and those who are arrogant at the scene are basically members of the small guild.

On weekdays, more than 80% of the commissions are snatched away by large guilds, and they can only rely on cheap labor to attract clients to place orders.

Over time, they naturally became full of hostility towards guilds such as Cyan Pegasus and Snake Princess Scales.

"Oh, why is it so?" A certain reincarnation stood up and attracted everyone's attention by clapping his hands: "Hello everyone, I am the magician of the Cyan Pegasus. You can call me Tiger."

The reincarnation person who stood up was a relatively well-known professional guide in the space, and the reincarnation organization "Zoo" could be considered a second-rate organization.

Considering the identity of the other party and the power behind it, the reincarnations present would give him some face.

After they stopped those people's complaints, the atmosphere in the church finally became a little more peaceful.

Seeing that everyone was quiet, Tiger explained in a serious tone: "Everyone, it's not that we deliberately chilled everyone, but an unexpected incident just happened."

A few minutes ago, the core members of the Cyan Pegasus caused an attack. They worked hard to find the enemy, but unfortunately they could not find any trace of the enemy.

Therefore, the rendezvous time was delayed.

After hearing his explanation, the magicians who had previously looked indignant suddenly became nervous.

"What, the enemy appears now?!"

"How brave you are, how dare you come to our base camp and act wild."

"Are the people coming from the Six Demon Generals?"

"Tch, you can tell by their looks that they definitely haven't found any useful information."

The words of these third-rate magicians made the reincarnations present wish they could kill them all with knives.

Are you still in the mood to fight for position when the enemies are knocking on your door?

Ignoring the words of these losers, a reincarnation man holding a dagger immediately grasped the point: "Do you think those people are coming?"

Although he didn't say it clearly, everyone knew that this person was asking about the guys from the Wings of Darkness.

There is no way, the deterrent power of the top team is too terrifying, not to mention that those people also control a large number of reincarnations.

If you intervene in this battle, it will definitely affect the balance of victory.

Tiger knew this, so he gave everyone a clear answer.

"Don't worry, the reincarnations of Dark Wings don't care about this. They seem to be looking for some kind of prop."

There are many reincarnations who are forced to be loyal to the Dark Wings, and most of them have resentments, so it is easy to buy relevant information.

As a veteran who has been around the space for a long time, even though Tiger failed to challenge the golden main line, which caused the overall harvest of the plot world to be halved, he still managed to save a life.

His fighting ability is not good, but his abilities in other aspects are very outstanding. If it were anyone else, it might not be so easy for him to come into contact with the reincarnations of the enemy camp.

The fact that people are willing to trust you is enough to explain some problems.

After receiving a positive answer, everyone felt relieved and their expressions became less stiff.

No matter what the other party is doing, as long as it doesn't affect your mission.

As for the behavior of those who like to hunt all reincarnations, in everyone's opinion, the territory of Fiore Kingdom is so large that it is not easy to catch him and others.

At worst, stay away from the guild as much as possible when you move forward, and just stop wandering around the city if you have nothing to do.

The Dark Wings family has a great cause, so they can't just chase themselves around the world.

If the King of Fighters was like that and limited the tasks to a fixed range, everyone might not be as relaxed as they appear now.

The good thing about the Fairy Tail world is that it is free and open. As long as you want, you can spend a month in the old forests of Moriyama.

Soon, the plot masters of Cyan Pegasus appeared, and the scarred night attracted the attention of many people.

It seems that the situation is more serious than imagined.

But it doesn't matter, there is a real boss-level figure in our own camp, that is, the bald strongman Jiula who holds the title of Holy Ten from the Scales of the Snake Princess.

While waiting, many reincarnations tried to talk to him to see if they could get some benefit from the Holy Ten.

However, they are very cold and don't want to talk to minions from other guilds at all.

Only the well-known magicians present could get Jula to look at him differently.

This reflects the importance of reputation. Without a high reputation, it will be difficult to get the attention of plot experts in the first place.

In many cases, whether a task can be triggered is closely related to timeliness, so many reincarnators will find ways to improve their reputation in this world.

Slowly looking around, Ichigo endured the pain and made a coquettish pose and asked, "It seems that only the members of Fairy Tail and Demon Cat's Stay have not arrived yet."

Fairy Tail's name is very resounding. Forget it about pomp and circumstance, why on earth does the Demon Cat's Inn make everyone wait?

Just as everyone started talking, a panicked little girl ran in from outside the gate.

"Yes, sorry, I'm late."

Perhaps because she was too excited, she even did a classic flat throw when she got close to everyone.

It was not until the appearance of the white kitten "Xia Lulu" that the dead atmosphere at the scene was finally relieved.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" the little Loli kept trying to apologize.

At this moment, many powerful men in the church suddenly raised their heads and looked at the huge shadow shrouding the sky.

"That, that is the airship of the Devil's Heart." A plot character recognized the origin of the vehicle.

Of course, those are all old facts, and now everyone knows that the devil's heart was destroyed in the hands of Fairy Tail not long ago.

Then the identity of the visitor is already obvious.

Standing at the front of the airship, Fang Bo looked calmly at the dilapidated church below, focusing mainly on the well-known strong men.

"Almost." Without letting the airship land, the members of Fairy Tail jumped from the deck onto the grass.

After they landed safely, Yaoyao controlled the airship to rise into the sky again.

If anything goes wrong, she'll release flying Explosive Ghost Spiders.

"Blow you to death."

On the other side, Laxus walked into the church without hesitation.

He is the most reliable supporter for his guildmates, but this is not the case when it comes to outsiders.

The black cloak swayed in the wind. Just by standing there with arms folded, the scene became silent almost instantly.

Secretly wiping the sweat from his forehead, Tiger saw his savior at a glance.

When facing the attack of Hades, if the other party had not come to rescue him, he would have died in the hands of the enemy.

Although he had paid the plot point, Tiger was still very grateful. If it had been anyone else, he might have chosen to kill his treasure chest immediately.

The fact that they didn't do this shows that their character is very strong.

Having seen too much intrigue, Tiger values ​​this type of quality very much.

Although his strength was low, he wanted to be friends with the man in front of him.

Just as he was about to step forward to say hello, Tiger suddenly saw the other party pull out the long sword from his waist.

"Benefactor, you."

The suddenly extended sword blade almost touched his cheek.

The target of the attack was obviously Yiye, who was struggling to even stand up behind him.

"Mr. One Night!!!"

In a seriously injured state, it stands to reason that it would be impossible to escape Fang Bo's sudden attack overnight.

But not only did he dodge, but his skills were actually a bit more flexible than usual.

The extremely abnormal situation immediately aroused everyone's vigilance.

No one is stupid. A seriously injured person cannot recover for no reason. The person who attacked must have seen something.

"Mr. Yiye, what are you..."

"He's fake."

Fang Bo stepped forward, pointing his sword directly at the livid "Yiye", and golden ripples began to appear around him.

This scene instantly revealed his identity to everyone.

"This seems to be the king's treasure?"

"It's him, the fortune teller!"

"Great, it turns out he's here too."

"Haha, no wonder you can see through the enemy's disguise."

"The sense of security is so satisfying."

On the other side, Ichiya saw that he could no longer hide it and immediately lifted his disguise.

Soon, a cute star spirit with a blue body and two tentacles on its head appeared in front of everyone.

One is named Jamie and the other is Minnie. They are the Gemini stars of the zodiac.

It doesn't have very strong attack power on its own, but the two of them can transform into anyone they touch, and can even copy and understand the other person's abilities and thoughts.

It can be said that it is very powerful and cannot be seen through by ordinary means. Unfortunately, they are facing a person who can see the "future".

Even though he is as powerful as the Six Demon Generals, he is very afraid of enemies at the Holy Ten level, so he sends "Angel" to ambush his opponents.

Angel, whose real name is Sorano Agulia, is a member of the Six Demon Generals. In fact, like Jellal, she was once a victim of the R system.

It can be seen from here that the strength of the Six Demon Generals is basically at the bottom of the three major dark guilds.

With a devil's heart, he doesn't care about any bullshit Holy Ten.

Without this level of strength, President Hades might not even bother to take action.

Because of this, Fang Bo came to participate in the alliance. The target was changed to the Gate of Hades. He did not dare to set foot on the battlefield with this group of losers.


Following his instructions, Miss Ninja suddenly threw out a few cards.

They drew a beautiful arc and finally successfully touched each other in front of the Gemini star spirit.

The superimposed power of the explosion directly caused damage that they could not bear.

Defeating Gemini is easy, all she really has to do is force her enemies to reveal themselves.

Angel, one of the Six Demon Generals, must be hiding nearby.

Facts have proved that Fang Bo's guess was correct, Angel was hiding behind the church at the moment.

However, he was still a bit wrong.

Angel was not the only one to attack the coalition forces this time.

"Too weak."

Along with a chuckle, countless phantoms suddenly appeared around him.

Fang Bo even saw the enemy in the devil's heart killing him.

"Is this a phantom released by the dark night?" He Zang tried to wave the blade and avoid the enemy's attack.

There was no way, he couldn't be sure if there was really an enemy behind him.

Maybe someone used the effect of light and shadow to secretly launch a sneak attack on him?

Except for Darren, who has the Sharingan, no one else can tell whether they are real or fake.

"You go find the enemy's true form, and I'll deal with these things."

After Miss Ninja left, Fang Bo summoned his three puppets.

Magnetic Release·Sandite Shigure!

Whether it's true or not, just greet the enemy together.

The phantom will naturally not be affected, but those hidden enemies will definitely take action to defend Sand Iron.

Sure enough, the sand iron was soon shattered by the enemy. It seemed that Lao Liu was hiding in the secret and preparing to launch a sneak attack.

Upon seeing this, everyone naturally took action and quickly killed all the hidden guys, including an unlucky reincarnation.

As he continues to experience life and death fights, Fang Bo's combat experience is increasing rapidly.

From a street cartoonist, he gradually grew into a reincarnation who is good at killing.

Previously, he and Lao Gao met secretly and shared with each other the hidden tasks at hand.

Goenitz received the mission of END, while Fang Bo took over the hidden mission of destroying "Nirvana".

Nirvana is a super magic that can replace light and darkness.

The purpose of the Six Demon Generals is to activate Nirvana and completely turn the darkness and light between heaven and earth.

When the time comes, evil turns into good, and good turns into evil, and "leader" Brian can use this to control the entire world.

It's boring and stupid, but that's what most villains do.

Fang Bo couldn't quite understand what these guys wanted to do after conquering the world.

"Dark Night appears, and An Jie'er is also here. It seems that the Six Demon Generals will fight to the death as soon as they come up."


Flames rose in the distance, which was the unique effect of the fireball technique, indicating that Dairen had successfully found the enemy's identity.

Fang Bo was about to go to support him when he suddenly received a spiritual message from Luo Xinfu.

Someone attacked the demon airship!

"You really know how to grasp the key points." After learning the other party's identity, Fang Bo immediately activated the suspension acceleration and rushed to the other side.

With Yaoyao and Luo Xinfu on the airship, the attackers couldn't take any advantage. He was still worried about the situation on Miss Ninja's side.

In the chaotic smoke, the battle between the coalition forces and the Six Demon Generals officially begins!

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