Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 320 The power of the Ghost Spider Group

On the deck of the airship, the enemy has begun to cause wanton destruction.

"Is this the airship of the Devil's Heart?" Under the goggles, Lisa's eyes were full of sarcasm.

It is said that the Devil's Heart is the strongest dark guild. Not only has it been annihilated by the enemy, but even the symbolic airship has become a trophy.

In Lisa's view, these guys simply insulted the reputation of the Balam Alliance.

"Let me execute you personally." He took out a sharp dagger that vibrated at a high frequency.

Seeing this, Yaoyao was very cautious and did not push forward, but chose to release a large number of first-order ghost spiders.

At first glance, this guy is the main player of the Six Demon Generals. He must have some kind of weird magic. Before getting the information, it is easy to suffer losses from the enemy's unknown magic.

Even though Yaoyao is usually in a daze, at the critical moment she is smarter than anyone else.

Anyway, the eldest brother's ghost spider doesn't want money, so no one can stop her from bullying the few today.

Facing the oncoming swarm of ghost spiders, Lisa sneered, and her figure suddenly turned into nothingness. In an instant, she used a dagger to pierce the heads of four ghost spiders.

Its movements were so fast that Yaoyao couldn't react at all, let alone those little guys who could only self-destruct.

"Sure enough, he is not a small character." She held a certain scroll, planning to use life-saving measures at any time.

As for the issue of attacking the enemy, let's leave it to the group of ghost spiders from the eldest brother.

Seeing that the self-destruction attack had no effect, all the troops responsible for long-range attacks were quickly in place.

Seventeen elite engineers lined up on the deck, opened their huge spider mouths, and continuously sprayed light green acid from inside.

If he accidentally got some of it, the enemy immediately felt the heartbreaking pain, which made him act more cautiously.

"Huh?" Yaoyao widened her eyes curiously, her dark eyes full of doubts.

Logically speaking, the enemy should not be attacked. Why did he suddenly lose the speed he had just now?

Is it because the magic power consumption is too high, or is this guy not mastering speed magic?

After changing the investigation equipment, Yaoyao inquired about the other party's specific information, and soon found that her guess was indeed correct.

【Sawyer (Six Demons General)】

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendency: spirit, strength]

[Characteristics: slow motor, motorcycle boy]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Slow Motor: You have mastered slow magic, which can slow down the human body's perception many times.

Motorcycle Boy: You have extraordinary control over motorcycles.

"It turns out to be slow magic." She probably understood the enemy's method.

Obviously, this is a magic that specifically targets living creatures, so it will lose its effectiveness when faced with strong acid sprays.

Understanding this, Yaoyao wanted to stop the big spider rushing out, but unfortunately these things would not obey her instructions.

"Don't worry." The bride came to Xiao Douding, stretched out her finger and flicked her forehead: "My children are not that fragile."

After evolution, the spirit of the ghost mother Yin Ji is completely different, and she has the calmness and calmness of a strong person.

Looking at the big spider head under the woman's seat, Yaoyao swallowed and decided to forgive her for playing with her head.

On the other side, the ghost spiders continued to use long-range attacks to suppress the enemy, while the soldiers responsible for melee combat had already rushed out.

The three big snake spiders that activated the blood rampage rushed forward and started to deal with the enemy.

Affected by slow magic, they cannot catch the target at all, but they can effectively block the enemy's dodge space.

If you choose to kill by force, what awaits the enemy will be an overwhelming acid attack.

"The cooperation is very good." Lisa smiled slightly, and a light red magic circle suddenly appeared under his feet.

Slowness and speed!

He was just playing around just now. Did he really think he could stop him with three spiders?

With a flash of figure, Lisa disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

It is true that acid is not controlled by his magic, but don't forget that soldiers who spit acid will also be affected by the slow effect.

As long as the magic effect is slightly strengthened, these giant spiders will not be able to track his whereabouts.

With the dagger given by the newcomer, Lisa made up for her lack of attack power.

After some operations, seven or eight elite engineers were eliminated on the spot, but the enemy did not have the slightest impact on him.

"Too slow, you are really too slow." While shouting loudly, he stabbed the body of a large ghost spider with a dagger.

But he soon discovered that this wave of attacks did not seem to have the expected effect.

Although a large piece of flesh and blood was cut off, the big spider in front of him did not fall down. Instead, many wet and disgusting tentacles emerged from the body.

What appeared in front of the enemy was the brand-new fourth-level soldier Ghost King Spider.

It's not fast, but its attack power is powerful enough, and it can use an extremely large number of tentacles to block the enemy's movements.

Lisa's attack failed, and she was accidentally entangled by many tentacles.

Dark golden energy gathered crazily, and a roaring bullet from the Ghost King Spider directly hit the enemy's face.

[The Ghost King Spider's dark energy roar bullet causes 208 points of magic damage]

The terrifying impact caused him to fall off the deck. He was still floating in the air when countless acid shots completely submerged him.

"Where to go!" The bride raised her palm, and the spider's thread accurately hit the man who was falling downwards.

Slow magic is very powerful, but it only works on living creatures, so the best way is to use radioactive attacks.

Just like the spider threads that tangle the bride, the opponent is unable to dodge. After all, Lissa's own speed is actually not fast at all.

Why is it said that the strength of the Six Demon Generals is at the bottom? Because their lower limit of strength is too low. Lisa is the best example.

"Damn it." Looking at the spider silk wrapped around his arm, the man took out a sharp dagger and cut it off instantly.

However, within a moment, he was surrounded by flying Explosive Ghost Spiders.

There is no way to hide, no way to escape, the only outcome waiting for Lisa is to be bombarded to death.

【You killed Lisa】

[The reputation of the Six Demon Generals is reduced by 75 points, and the current relationship becomes a mortal enemy. 】

[You got a plot treasure chest (gold)]

"Hey, are you dead now?" Xiao Douding stared at the corpse pulled back by the spider silk with wide eyes.

He was obviously a very strong enemy, but why did he feel like he was killed so easily?

Turning to look at Sister Spider with a calm face, Yaoyao always felt that after completing her destiny mission, her combat power seemed to be somewhat exceeded.

Perhaps seeing the little girl's doubts, Luo Xinfu smiled and said: "This is the power of a group army in combat. As long as you seize the opportunity, you can annihilate the enemy in one fell swoop."

"Of course, this also has something to do with the enemy's ability. My children just happen to be very restrained against this type of guy."

If it were replaced by a turret-type magician, even if he could win in the end, most of the ghost spiders present would probably die.

There is no way, who makes poor Lisa have no AOE skills?

It doesn't matter if their strength is not good, they are still so arrogant, doesn't the airship under them still explain the problem?

After explaining, the bride lifted the enemy's body up and threw it to the third-order Killing Spider Guard, which was the closest to its evolved form.

After swallowing the enemy's corpse in a few mouthfuls, it soon began to mutate into a new form.

In Yaoyao's shocked expression, a huge meat mountain over three meters high appeared on the deck.

[Name: Flesh Demon Spider (Summon)]

[Level: Level 4]

[HP: 420 (+100)]

【Strength: 24】

[Physique: 32]

[Agility: 12]

【Spirit: 14】

[Perception: 16]

[Features: Super-speed regeneration, full of flesh and blood]

[Skill: Meat Tower Healing]

Super-speed regeneration: Recover 5% of health per second.

Flesh Tower Healing: Devouring its flesh can effectively restore health.

This is clearly a healing ghost spider. An injured ghost spider can restore its health by devouring its flesh and blood.

With its existence, the endurance of soldiers will be greatly improved.

Glancing at the shocked little girl, Luo Xinfu suddenly said softly: "Would you like to take a bite and see if it can heal your injuries?"


"Haha, just kidding, its flesh and blood is highly poisonous to humans."

"I won't eat it if it's not poisonous." Xiao Douding vomited, and then looked down, his eyes full of eagerness to try.

Since the bride is strong enough, she wants to rush down to support her eldest brother and Sister Dai Lun.

Yaoyao, who has become a top support player, wants to continue to play her role and help her teammates kill powerful enemies one after another.

What's more, she knew that Sister Dai Lun owed a huge sum of money. If she killed a few more people, she could pay off the debt faster.

She put away the gold box that exploded and handed it to her elder brother when the battle was over. She was about to rush down, but she saw a sniper shooting coldly below.

The terrifying bullets whizzed in, instantly blowing up a poor ghost spider on the spot.

If the opponent is allowed to continue attacking, it won't be long before Luo Xinhu becomes a polished commander.

"...I'd better stay." Yaoyao pursed her lips and finally decided to protect her airship.

It doesn't matter if there is no trophy, she will definitely fulfill her duty.

Come to the cab and connect to the airship's control system.

In Xiao Douding's field of vision, the entire battlefield below was suddenly clear, and she could even clearly see the two teammates who were fighting together.

The airship's cannon moved slowly and quickly locked onto the man who looked calm and unhurried.

"Magic cannon, fire!" She shouted loudly and danced.

The next second, the pulse of magic energy blasted towards the enemy.

Magic Cannon (Active Skill): Consumes 50 units of energy to launch a large-scale magic bombardment with 150-280 damage.

The attack was very sharp. The problem was that when the magic energy pulse approached the enemy, it turned an inexplicable turn in the air and finally landed in the open space beside it.

"Huh?!" Xiao Douding was dumbfounded.

Then she saw her eldest brother making gestures towards her, which meant asking her to attack other targets.

"Okay." Yaoyao nodded and turned around to search for a suitable target again.

Soon, she saw the woman using Celestial Spirit magic.

"(ω)That's right!"

The magic energy cannon was reloaded, and with a roar, this time it knocked Angel down on the spot.

This woman can use star spirit magic, which is just suitable for Yaoyao to use. It would be great if she could reveal the Gemini key.

Isn't the ability to imitate others similar to the elder brother's ability to memorize armor?

On the other side, Fang Bo finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the airship had changed its attack target.

The enemy's abilities are very tricky, and they are particularly good at dealing with inanimate objects. You can easily blow up the airship if you want to.

【Macbeth (Dark Night)】

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: spirit, perception, agility]

[Characteristics: Magic Genius, Sleeping Boy]

[Threat Assessment: Dangerous]

Magic Genius: Your understanding of magic is beyond ordinary people.

Sleeping Boy: While sleeping, mental recovery +180%.

An Ye, one of the Six Demon Generals, possesses the lost magic "Zigzag" and is known as the strongest magician besides the president.

It's a pity that the gold content is a bit low. If I have to make an analogy, it may not be as good as the vice president of Devil's Heart.

The Six Demons are so far apart that they can be beaten to death by Jellal alone. They have a damn strength.

As for the twists and turns used by Dark Night, they are actually a form of space magic.

It can bend and bounce light or any object. The disadvantage is that it cannot distort living bodies, and it can only distort one space at the same time.

Once you know this, the battle won't be so difficult.

The chance of winning one-on-one is too low, but if you bully the minority, the winning rate will increase many times in an instant.

Just like this moment, Fang Bo keeps attacking with the Kusanagi sword. As long as the opponent dares to use magic, Dai Lun on the other side will see the opportunity and throw out the card.

After several rounds of bombing, the enemy's health was almost wiped out by more than 200 points.

"Bastard!" An Ye was furious and raised his hand to release a powerful space tear.

The power of this move was terrifying, but Fang Bo had been prepared for it, and successfully used the Flying Thunder God technique the second before he sensed the attack.

He hid far away, and then saw Darren throwing the sealing gun in his hand.

For her with the Sharingan, her ability to grasp timing is definitely T0 level.

The moment the magic bloomed, the sealing gun hit the enemy's body.

The seal duration of 1 second is enough for her card to explode blood flowers on the enemy.

Following Fang Bo's instructions, Dai Lun kept a distance from the other party from beginning to end.

At first, she wanted to use the Great God's pupil technique to resist harm, but was severely stopped by Xiao Fang.

Facts have proven that this type of ability cannot protect against space damage. If she had done this, she would have become 2.5 Lun long ago.

As a strong master of space magic, An Ye can also use the ability to teleport, but his attainments in this area are obviously insufficient.

The space must be curved in order to move on the curved surface. Not only is the process cumbersome, but it is also easy to be penetrated by strong people with the same ability.

Every time An Ye wants to move, Fang Bo will rush to his friends in advance.

As long as the opponent dares to attack, the Kusanagi sword can cut off your head instantly.

In the miserable dark night, I really met the two most restrained people in my life.

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