In the forest, Goenitz stared at his body for a long time without saying a word.

"I promise you."

After several contacts, she roughly knew what kind of woman Siludi was.

To put it simply, he is a reincarnation who treats others as mere tools and has an extremely cold and ruthless temperament.

Cassios had done a lot of things for her before and after, but this attack assignment was more like a suicidal act.

Even if he didn't show up to stop him, that guy could chop off his head with the long sword in his hand.

"Extremely stupid." This is Goenitz's evaluation of the man.

To be honest, her sense of Siludi was pretty good, but considering Cassios's gift before his death, maybe the two sides were destined to fight to the death.

Well, it's actually Goenitz who covets the money in other people's pockets.

Of course, she would never admit this, but when she thought of the female reincarnation, Fang Bo's kind reminder could not help but appear in her mind.

"Summoners usually have a lot of money in their pockets."

This sentence was like a devil's whisper, it would pop up every time she saw Siludi.

Now that he had a suitable excuse, Goenitz decided to fulfill his promise.

Taking out the gift from Cassios before his death, she put the equipment on herself.

"This stuff is pretty good."

Name: The Broken Arm of the Dragon King

Level: Myth

Category: Embedded off-hand weapon

Attack power: 25-30

Durability: 280/280

Attribute enhancement: Strength +5, Agility +3, Spirit +2

Conditions of use: Strength 35, Spirit 30

Equipment effects: primary artifact, dragon power

Place of Origin: Magisters Guild

Equipment evaluation: The Dragon King's arm contains Acnologia's true power.

Primary artifact (passive skill): final damage +20, critical hit rate +30%.

Dragon Power (active skill): Activate the Black Dragon King mode, strength +10, spirit +6, the arms can swallow energy (maximum 400 points), lasts for five minutes, cooling time is 24 hours.

Embedded off-hand weapons, as the name suggests, can be integrated into the user's body.

Therefore, it will not cause any conflict with her divine blood hand, and it is an off-hand equipment that can be perfectly adapted to other weapons.

As for the bonus provided by Dragon Power, it directly increases the user's attributes, and can be perfectly superimposed with the percentage bonus of "Divine Favor".

The attribute bonuses provided directly cannot be superimposed with abilities with the same effect.

The ability to increase the percentage of a certain attribute cannot be superimposed with skills of the same percentage.

However, the two can interact with each other. This is the special mechanism of the reincarnation space.

Equipped with this weapon, Goenitz's attributes have been slightly improved.

Life: 260/260 (+70)

Status: healthy

Strength: 37 (+18)

Constitution: 26 (+7)

Agility: 25 (+6)

Spirit: 51 (+32)

Perception: 28 (+9)

Equipment: God's Grace, Prosthetic Eye of Despair, God's Bloody Hand, Dragon King's Broken Arm, Panic Armguard, Energy Ring, Faith Prayer, Hill's Alchemy Ring.

If dragon power and divine grace are activated at the same time, her spiritual attributes can reach as many as 68 points.

In terms of mental strength, she has gained strength that is close to its peak, but the duration is too short and can only be used as a desperate measure at critical moments.

After burying Cassios' body, Goenitz did not choose to return to Dark Raven.

If you kill Siludi's follower, the other party will receive her reincarnation number.

At such a critical moment, even a fool would know that there was something wrong with her. Wouldn't it be just asking for death if she returned there?

In the next period of time, Goenitz will hunt alone, with the goal of getting rid of as many reincarnators in this world as possible.

He casually opened Cassios' box. Except for more than two thousand plot points, the remaining two items were all skills.

If you sell it, you can get a little money, which obviously won't satisfy Baofeng's appetite.

Every time she recalled Fang Bo's lavish spending of ten thousand dollars, she felt that the plot point of eight hundred thousand dollars was not worth money at all.

"It seems that the nemesis of the dragon beast is not on him." Goenitz sighed, seeming to be a little greedy.

If this thing can explode, she can change her job to become a dragon slayer in the future.

That kind of big lizard is of a very high level, and you can sell it for a good price just by killing one.

Glancing at the quiet battlefield in the distance, Goenitz rode the strong wind and left gracefully.

To complete the mission, she still needs to destroy the Nirvana left behind by the Six Demon Generals, so there is no need for her to intervene in this matter.

As for the reward for completing the task, it is nothing more than attribute points and an item for sale, which she has gradually taken lightly.

Unless you can obtain some kind of high-grade, high-compatibility item, it will not greatly improve Gonitz's strength.

Baofeng left gracefully, but the members of the regular guild were still responsible for the aftermath.

【I understand. 】

After closing the communication connection, Fang Bo smiled slightly, but he didn't expect that Lao Gao's gains were no worse than his own.

"The Black Dragon King's broken arm, I didn't expect those guys to be so courageous."

I am thinking about how to deal with Zeref's fanatical fans, who have already begun to deal with the world BOSS. The key is to be able to successfully slay the dragon just a little bit.

"Sure enough, I can never be the only one doing something."

After feeling a little emotional, Fang Bo began to deal with the device that caused nirvana with everyone.

In fact, the battle ended sooner than expected.

When the leader Brian's ability was known in advance, there was no chance for him to break the seal of his personality.

Combining the power of everyone, he successfully killed the BOSS before he unleashed his true power.

The bosses were all dead, and the remaining members of the Six Demons immediately lost their fighting spirit and quickly broke out from different directions.

Upon seeing this, the Allied forces immediately got up and chased, but unfortunately they were unable to keep everyone behind in the end.

"Forget it, the Six Demon Generals no longer pose a threat anyway."

When Fang Bo successfully returned to the airship, Xiao Douding immediately began to show off how wise and powerful he was and how many people he had helped during the battle.

Smiling and touching her head, Fang Bo gave her the gold box that the fast man had exploded.

Although the man was killed by the ghost spider, Yaoyao made a lot of sacrifices for the stability of the overall situation. If it were anyone else, she would definitely not watch others eat meat and chew vegetables by herself.

The little girl is very sensible, so Fang Bo won't be stingy. He doesn't care about a gold-level treasure chest.

Just make the child happy.

"Hey, thank you, brother~" Yaoyao looked really happy.

In the next two days, everyone finally cleaned up everything.

Of course, the main work was done by others, so Fang Bo took some time off from his busy schedule and slept in his room all day long.

Nowadays, his understanding of space has grown explosively, and he is eager to learn the art of Flying Thunder God. How can he think about any demolition projects?

Anyway, everyone does it. He was very happy to see Little Douding playing, and he kept driving the airship and bombarding him everywhere every day.

On the deck, Fang Bo is trying out the latest achievements of his practice.

"The effect is indeed very powerful." He smiled, very satisfied with the speed of his strength improvement.

After several days of hard training, Fang Bo's understanding of the art of Flying Thunder God improved to a higher level, and he successfully developed a new fighting method.

I tried it out before and found that the effect is pretty good. If I have the chance, I can apply the new ability to actual combat.

Just as he was about to return to the room to rest, a message that the task was completed suddenly came from the space.

[Hidden Mission: Destroy Nirvana (Completed)]

[Results are being calculated. Rewards are being generated]

[Based on your contribution, you can choose any two rewards from the following options! 】

[Option 1: You get 1,000 plot points]

[Option 2: You get 3 attribute points]

[Option 3: You get a talking skull scepter (damaged)]

[Option 4: You get the ever-dark guardianship]

[Option 5: You get 10 merit points (rare)]

He first selected three attributes, and then looked at the remaining options.

The talking skull scepter was originally a very high-level piece of equipment, but unfortunately he got a damaged version because the intelligent soul inside had dissipated.

If you look at the memory armor, you will know that repairing equipment is a time-consuming and labor-intensive project, and Fang Bo doesn't want to waste plot points to repair it.

Ever Dark Guard, a B-level defense skill, releases an energy shield that can withstand damage, and provides 30 points of durability for each point of mental power.

In other words, spending ten points of mental power is enough to withstand an attack equivalent to three hundred damage.

The effect is quite good, and it is a defensive skill that is very suitable for mages to use.

The assassin has movement speed and the mage has defense. I believe this thing can be sold for a very high price.

But after looking at the merit points of ten points, Fang Bo felt that this thing was more important.

He has four followers, but now only two have been used. In the next process, Fang Bo wants to replenish the quota as soon as possible.

"It would be great if we could produce Seraphim."

In a daze, he once again came up with the idea of ​​going to the pirate world.

Not only can he decipher Seraph technology, but he can also upgrade his memory armor.

The set he is wearing is a trial version, and it is definitely different from the original equipment. I believe that it will have better effects after the upgrade.

Considering the problem of skill learning, Fangbo has no plans to replace it in the short term, so it is the last word to find ways to upgrade and iterate.

After receiving the mission reward, he looked at his remaining savings.

Merits: 114

Plot points: 20363 (22000 owed)

Attribute points: 42

It seemed like a lot, but when he thought about the pile of skills that had not yet been fully upgraded, and the bride who was waiting for him, Fang Bo felt like he was burdened with mortgages for several houses.

This amount of money is definitely not enough at the moment, and he will focus on dealing with the reincarnators next.

The collapse of the Balam Alliance is a foregone conclusion, and how to maximize benefits is the key.

But he couldn't figure out why Dark Wing didn't come in person.

The plot characters in Hades are stupid and do not understand the principle of strength in numbers, but this problem will never occur to reincarnations.

Facing an opponent who could destroy the devil's heart, and still dare to allow the opponent to continue destroying other alliances, it can only mean that the opponent is completing a crucial thing.

It may be greater than the profit from destroying the guild alliance.

Other than that, Fang Bo really couldn't think of any other answer.

Considering that the opponent was a ruthless character who dared to ambush Acnologia, he couldn't help but secretly increase his vigilance and decided to find an opportunity to test the enemy's strength first.

Let’s see what other trump cards these guys have besides Digimon.

On the other side, an unexpected battle is quietly taking place.

With the help of many means, Siludi successfully controlled the spiritual body of the Celestial Spirit King.

It's just that due to lack of strength, she couldn't summon all the other people's bodies.

In other words, this is a growth-type summoned beast that will slowly reveal its full power as its strength increases.

The plan failed again. She lost the means to subdue the black dragon one after another, and she would inevitably suffer corresponding punishment after returning to the space.

There is no way, the interior of Dark Wing is so cruel.

If you want to survive here, you must continue to prove your worth, even for a high-ranking person like Siludi.

The woman couldn't help but feel flustered at the thought of the possible punishment she might face.

"I have to come up with something to make up for it."

Pure plot points are completely useless. To get them, you must come up with items that have real strategic value.

"The matter must be resolved step by step." Siludi regained her calmness.

Putting away the controlled shadow of the Star Spirit King, she began to use her command authority to arrange an invasion.

Target, Magnolia.

Siludi wants to seize control of Hades, and maybe capture a few demons to play with.

Of course, even if someone is on her side, the chances of winning against Hades Maldo are not very high.

To do this, she needs outside help, and the guild that successfully destroyed the demon's heart is a good fit.

A disaster struck without warning. As the demons of Hades appeared, the entire Magnolia immediately fell into a sea of ​​fire.

The Demonic Cat's Place, Lobby.

"This little thing is very good." Putting away the potion obtained from the mission, Goenitz looked at the undead from 400 years ago.

She completed the task assigned by the other party and successfully destroyed the Nirvana system. While saving the continent, she also helped Robin Lu complete his redemption.

Three attributes and a bottle of potion were not enough to satisfy her appetite.

In this old guy's body, Goenitz felt something like a "ghost" aura.

If you kill him, your mental attributes will definitely increase.

As if he didn't feel the killing intent in the woman's eyes, Robin Lu was like a dying old man, recounting his unbearable past bit by bit.

During the whole process, Goenitz never made any move. She saw the old man's mentality of begging for death, and listening quietly was the last respect she gave him.

After a long time, Robin Lu finally poured out all his obsessions, and his figure began to slowly disappear.

"Finally, I would like to ask you a favor."


"Please send Wendy to a safe place."


"Thank you young man."

Looking at the old man's free and easy smile, Goenitz was silent for a moment, and laser rays suddenly burst out from his pupils.

[You successfully kill the ghost Robin Lu, and your mental attributes will permanently +1]

Spirit: 52 (+33)

The attributes have been improved, but Goenitz is not happy at all.

Looking at the unconscious little girl on the ground, she sighed and picked up Wendy.

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