Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 324: Celestial Beast or Demonic Beast, merge and evolve!

Demon airship, deck.

After learning the truth, Wendy was crying loudly, with a little white cat next to her constantly comforting her.

"Oh, she is so pitiful." Yaoyao couldn't bear it, but she kept staring at the white kitten.

So cute, I want it so much~

She looked at her eldest brother for help, but unfortunately he didn't pay attention to her at all.

When they were preparing to return, the wizard of the Cyan Pegasus found them and said that Magnolia had been attacked by the enemy not long ago.

Judging from various details, the people who did it were the demons at the Gate of Hades.

It is said that the battle situation was very tragic, and the "magic miasma particles" alone were enough to cause large-scale destruction.

This is a large-scale magic pollution, and no matter how strong it is, it is difficult to withstand its erosion.

Once it spreads over a large area, even if Sheng Shiquan comes, they will probably all be killed.

Crucially, it's just as deadly to ordinary people.

In the original work, Laxus risked his life and sucked in all the magic energy particles into his belly, thus avoiding a tragedy.

Even so, more than a hundred lives were still taken away by the enemy.

Now this man is sitting on the deck, wondering who else can save this city from the hands of the devil.

"Are we going to attack Fairy Tail's base camp while we're dealing with the Six Demon Generals?"

He always felt that this matter was not that simple, and there should be things hidden in it that he didn't know.

Otherwise, there is no need for Hades to deliberately target anyone. The ultimate goal of these demons is to destroy the "magic power".

When there is no magic in the world, these demons who use "spells" can easily dominate the world.

In the face of such great achievements, the Balam alliance is not important at all, not to mention that the demons in the underworld themselves will not die.

Looking in the direction of Magnolia, one could vaguely see the red-hot sky.

When the demon airship gradually approached, everyone saw the burning town.

"The battle is not over yet." Fang Bo subconsciously stroked the hilt of the sword at his waist.

Fights always come unexpectedly, and he has no right or idea to avoid them.

If an enemy appears, just kill it with one sword. This is not the poor place at the Gate of Hades.

As long as there is no large-scale massacre, Fairy Tail will definitely be able to defeat this group of enemies in the end.


Along with thunder and lightning, Laxus turned into golden lightning and rushed downwards.

The enemy actually attacked while he was away, and caused so many casualties that he could no longer continue to observe.

Locating a few places where fighting was still going on, Laxus was like a violent giant beast, instantly beating a demonized enemy into powder.

Seeing this, Fang Bo turned his head and signaled, and the demon airship slowly landed in a square.

The main nest on the deck opened, and a large number of ghost spiders began to swarm out, heading straight for the enemies raging in the city.

"You two can stay." With that said, Fang Bo replaced the title of Legend, held the Kusanagi sword and headed towards several locations where the battle was taking place.

As long as the attack hits, there is basically no demon that can't be stopped in front of him. If there is, then another round of Noble Phantasm volley will be enough.

Cooperating with the magicians in the guild to fight together, it took about an hour and a half to finally eliminate all the remaining demons.

During this period, he did not encounter any members of the Nine Ghost Sect, and those who showed up were basically minions-level demons.

Even so, it still caused terrible damage. If Fang Bo hadn't joined, it might not have ended so quickly.

This legendary title has once again proven its worth.

As for the devil's flesh and blood, all of it has entered the ghost spider's body at this moment, and the number of main nests on the airship has reached five.

The full force is fifty, including the four newly evolved Ghost King Spiders.

When Goenitz returns, the team's strength will reach its peak, and then there will be a decisive battle at the Gate of Hades.

When Fang Bo returned to the guild and saw the ruins and wounded everywhere, he knew that the decisive battle might come sooner than he thought.

Sure enough, the extremely angry former president Makarov immediately announced that he would have a decisive battle with the Gate of Hades.

Even if they don't hesitate to offer huge rewards, they must know the hidden location of the enemy's base camp as soon as possible.

At this moment, Fang Bo in the corner suddenly received a summons from Lao Gao.

People lurking inside Hades told her that the Jackal, one of the Nine Ghost Sects, had rebelled and was leading a group of people in a fierce battle with Hades Maldo.

If we launch a surprise attack at this time, we can probably catch the enemy off guard. The most important thing is that as an insider, the Nine Demon Gatekeepers will shut down all the base defense systems.

"Very good." Fang Bo's eyes lit up, and he immediately stood up to show that he had found the enemy's location.

At the cost of a destiny token, the Fairy Tail generals boarded the demon airship and began to move towards the enemy's base camp.

No matter what, this time we must completely dismantle the evil Balam Alliance.

Gate of Hades, base.


An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the living base, one of the strongest trump cards, exploded into a ball of powder out of thin air.

The initiator is the demon jackal who uses the explosive spell.

Looking at the demon holding the Book of Zeref in front of him, Jackal began to question the other party's purpose and why he deliberately concealed the information about END.

At this point, Pluto simply stopped hiding it and revealed the fact that he wanted to get rid of Zeref.

Gently flipping through the book in his hand, Maldo looked at the demons in front of him, his tone full of unabashed ridicule: "Don't you dare to admit it until now? You are just a group of puppies abandoned by your masters."

"And he is the devil who is truly favored by Zeref."

After he finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared behind him.

That was the protagonist Natsu Dragneel whom he hadn't seen for a long time, but there was something slightly wrong with his current state.

Whether it was the dark brown skin or the horns on the top of his head, both seemed to indicate one thing. The person in front of him was no longer Natsu, but the strongest demon who had transformed into END.

Seeing this situation, the jackals and other demons looked very ugly. After all, they all knew that what the other party said was actually true.

They are indeed a bunch of lost dogs.

"That's why we want revenge."

Looking at the indignant demons, Siludi's eyes were filled with unspeakable disappointment.

I thought that the Gate of Hades was so powerful, but now it seems that they are just a bunch of Zeref's licking dogs. It's a pity that I still wasted so much time here.

Now she is full of disappointment with the demons of Hades, and has even lost interest in ruling here.

A group of demons who have lost their faith have no meaning in continuing to live.

Compared with these wastes, the boy with the scarf aroused her interest even more.

At first, they wanted to use Natsu's existence to force Hades. Unexpectedly, they used the Book of Zeref to directly awaken END's potential demon factor, thus creating the situation in front of them.

But it doesn't matter, the living base has been destroyed, and one END alone cannot stop the collective attack of the Nine Demon Gates.

At the same time, this is also something that Pluto Maldo can't understand.

It stands to reason that the Book of Zeref can control these demons. Why can't he control these guys now?

With a strange arc at the corner of her mouth, Siludi turned her head and looked at the plot experts beside her.

"Hurry up and do it, my black gear won't last long."


Jackal and the others didn't waste much time and immediately rushed forward to start a fierce battle with Hades.

At this point, both sides have no room for maneuver. Only the complete death of one side can end the war.

Under normal circumstances, Pluto Maldo is no match for the Nine Ghost Sect, no matter how strong he is.

However, the demon Natsu, who was activated by the Book of Zeref, showed terrifying combat power that far exceeded anyone's expectations.

With his own strength, he managed to withstand the combined attacks of six great demons.

"Hahaha, you see, this is the devil blessed by Zeref." Maldo smiled happily, and there seemed to be some unknown emotion hidden in his smile.

Of course, no one cares about all this. The demons just want to kill this guy who deceived them.

As for the reincarnations headed by Siludi, everyone basically wants to gain some benefits from this battle.

"What an END." The woman took out the black key and started the summoning ritual, summoning part of the phantom of the Celestial Spirit King.

She wanted to try it and see if she could control the strongest demon.

If it succeeds, the next thing will be much easier to handle, but this thing is obviously not that easy to do.

The Nine Ghost Sect rebelled collectively, but that didn't mean that Pluto Maldo became a loner.

At least in the enemy's hands, he still has a large number of basic troops, enough to contain part of his own combat power.

The Nine Ghost Sect joins forces to fight against END, and these low-level demons can only be left to the reincarnations to deal with.

The phantom of the Star Spirit King is very strong, and its combat power is very close to that of a demon at the level of the Nine Ghost Sect, but it alone is not enough to win a complete victory.

Siludi does not have the legendary title in hand, so it is difficult to form a particularly effective blow against the devil, and it is difficult to defeat the enemy's troops in a short period of time.

Unless she can show enough power to change the situation of the battle.

"There is nothing we can do." She turned to look behind her, and saw the beautiful Celestial Beast standing quietly next to her.

Siludi does have a hidden trump card, but after using it, Celestial Beast will have a high probability of breaking free from the shackles of the black gear.

But for the sake of the demon of fire in front of her, she thought she could give it a go.

Another hexagram pattern rose, and the third summoned beast, the female demon beast, appeared next to Siludi.

As soon as she appeared, she immediately aroused the instinctive disgust reaction of Tiannumon.

If it weren't for the control of the Dark Gear, the Celestial Beast might have just greeted him with a sacred arrow.

Seeing that the two Digimon were not having trouble dealing with each other, Siludi smiled slightly and took out a small thing from the mark.

That was a reward specially given to her by the leader, called the Dark Digimon Machine.

By using it, the combined evolution of Digimon can be realized, allowing the originally opposing Eight-Winged Angel and Fallen Angel to merge into a brand new Digimon.

Pure dark energy is continuously infused into the two Digimon, triggering their ultimate evolution.

When the light of evolution dissipated, a Digimon with six black wings and six white wings appeared in the sky.

According to legend, when the Digital World is faced with an unprecedented crisis, completely incompatible angels and fallen angels will fight together, achieve combined evolution, and control the angelic Digimon from other worlds.

This fused existence is the ultimate Digimon of the angel clan, the twelve-winged archangel "Mostmon".

This is a Digimon with divinity, and can be called a god-like existence.

Of course, it can also be seen as an evil god.

Although it has the light of the Celestial Beast, it reveals more of an evil aura.

Affected by the Dark Digimon Machine, Mostemon's combat power has already exceeded its limits, reaching a level that would arouse Pluto's vigilance.

If nothing else, at least we can deal with the group of soldiers in front of us.

Waving its twelve wings, the Mostimon Clash Demons began a killing spree.

Waving his right arm, sacred arrows continued to harvest the demon's life.

Waving his left arm, every demon caught by it will shatter into slag like glass.

When the arms were fused together and the special move "Chaos Reduction" was used, the fusion energy of light and darkness immediately created a door, sending a large number of demons to another dimension.

Seeing the Mostimon killing everyone, Siludi's eyes showed a hint of fanaticism.

"It would be great if it could be kept forever." Her tone revealed emotion.

The combined evolution is indeed very powerful, but the power of the Tyrannosaurus is too overbearing, and there is a high probability that it will break free from the shackles of the Dark Gear afterwards.

According to past experience, the Digimon will be transported back to the Digital World three minutes after breaking free.

Unless it can be subdued within this period of time, this Ultimate Digimon will be completely lost.

In fact, let alone subduing it, Siludi should consider how to save his life.

Having been commanded and controlled by someone for so long, Mostimon's heart must be filled with rage, and he will take revenge on her as soon as he breaks free.

Siludi knew it in her heart, so before the dark gear is broken, she must find a way to control the demon of fire.

"Lord Siludi!"

At this moment, a reincarnator came running over, pointed at a tablet and said, "Fifty kilometers away, there are many energy reactions approaching here quickly."

"What?!" Siludi's face changed drastically.

It didn't take much thinking to know that the enemy's revenge must be coming, but I didn't expect that those guys would counterattack so quickly.

According to her original idea, after the civil war in Hades ended, she would take control of the life and death of the demons, and then find a way to get rid of the reincarnations.

I just didn't expect that they would knock on the door so quickly.

"Damn it, didn't you say no one can find this place?"

Before she could curse a few words, a dazzling light lit up on the horizon.

The next second, super magical light suddenly enveloped everyone.

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