Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 330 Niu Niu Fruit Phantom Beast Species

As he chuckled, a thick black mist began to spread around him.

The bulletproof car body, which could withstand even heavy machine guns, seemed to have encountered a natural enemy at this moment. After a few breaths, the black mist corroded large areas of rust.

Taking out a long sword as white as jade, Xiang Jun looked at the woman with indifferent eyes: "Don't blame me for bullying you, who made you newcomers jump too much."

Obviously, the man is a reincarnation from the second difficulty world.

Not a castrated version with suppressed attributes, but a super master with enough attributes to crush him.

Li Qingshui's villa is located in the suburbs, with few people around, which gives the other party an easy opportunity to take action.

If the attack took place in an urban area, the Samsaras would definitely not dare to start a war so brazenly.

He grabbed the bullet and flicked it lightly without looking back. The old man who was running around eighty meters away was immediately hit until his brains burst.

"Huh?" Xiang Jun, who seemed like nothing happened, suddenly looked at the woman's slightly trembling hands: "Are you afraid?"

He always felt that something was not right. The other party's reaction was not like someone who had experienced many battles, but like an ordinary person who had not experienced many hardships.

Suddenly, the man seemed to have thought of something, and waved the snow-white sword in his hand with a gloomy face.

Li Qingshui was beheaded with a sword, and hot blood spurted out more than two meters high.

The target was successfully killed, but there was no trace of happiness on Jun Xiang's face.

After catching the fallen head, he stretched out his hand expressionlessly and kept groping for something on the face of the corpse.

After a while, a lifelike human skin mask was taken off.

"Very good, you really gave me a surprise." The man's attitude was neither sad nor happy, and he didn't seem to be affected too much.

After countless efforts, the organization finally successfully locked the target through clues on the day of the attack.

Knowing the woman's identity, she can no longer hide in reality.

Even if you follow the clues, you will be able to find out the other members of the ruthless team sooner or later, unless they have no intersection at all in reality.

"You have offended Yinchao and you still want to live?" Xiang Jun's eyebrows were cold and he turned his head to look in the direction of the villa area.

After killing a few wastes with sealed attributes, do you think you can compete with the reincarnators in the second difficulty level?

If you really think so, Xiangjun can only say that these guys are too naive.

As a top player with extreme agility, Xiangjun's naked attributes reached 49 points. With top-notch equipment, his agility reached a full 72 points.

He really moves like the wind, coming and going without a trace, not to mention that he is also proficient in the strengthening telekinesis ability.

Strengthening system·Steel Moon: In a short period of time, the attributes of strength, agility, and constitution can be increased by 12 points respectively.

This is a unique ability among full-time hunters, and it is also one of the core skills in building his tactical system.

Gently waving the mythical weapon Jade Bone White Fang, the man's whole body began to be wrapped with a layer of invisible telepathy.

At this moment, Xiangjun's agility attribute has soared to 84 points, which is completely beyond the conventional sense of power.

In any sense, no reincarnation of the first difficulty level can fight against such a terrifying enemy.

After identifying a certain direction, the man's figure disappeared instantly, looking like he had used some kind of space movement skill.

In fact, he was just moving too fast.

After disappearing for half a second, a terrifying sonic boom erupted from the surrounding area.

"You can't run away."

"I see."

Putting down the walkie-talkie in his hand, Li Qingshui's eyes flashed with a stern look.

What she expected was right, the enemy had indeed targeted her.

However, the other party underestimated the power of money and did not understand what a wealthy family like theirs could do.

Li Qingshui was indeed worried about the safety of her family, but she didn't have to do anything herself.

With a simple phone call, her family would immediately disappear into the vast sea of ​​people.

With dozens of passports in hand, no one in the world can trace the whereabouts of her family, including herself.

"Even I don't know where the real safety is."

Now that there are no worries, it’s time to settle accounts.

If nothing else goes wrong, the enemy who failed in the attack will have arrived at the villa and will step on the gift she specially prepared.

Even if the explosion doesn't kill anyone, it still ensures that the other party can peel off a layer of skin and experience the baptism of gunpowder smoke.

Taking out his mobile phone and checking the time, Li Qingshui opened the car door and walked out, preparing to welcome his companion in person.

To be on the safe side, she didn't choose any meeting place that was relevant to her.

In this way, the enemy will not be able to ambush in advance.

If it had been anyone else, I would have been hiding in the reincarnation space at this moment, but Miss Ninja's character is a bit extreme, and she does not allow herself to escape reality like a bereaved dog.

The enemy thought she would leave, but she decided to fight back to see what the real second-difficulty master was capable of.

Sitting on an empty table at a roadside stall, Li Qingshui, who put on ordinary clothes, casually ordered some fried skewers for two.

She seemed to be fiddling with the cup aimlessly, but in fact she had been paying attention to the news in the villa area.

When she saw the news that the house was blown up, she couldn't help but smile with joy.

While waiting, customers continued to sit around her.

Li Qingshui didn't pay attention at first, until someone sat down opposite her, which finally aroused the woman's vigilance.

He slowly raised his head and stared at the muscular man in front of him.

Just one look at the other party's wild aura, like a ferocious beast, made her hair stand on end.

However, before she really noticed the other person, she was not even aware of it, which only meant that her sensory abilities were suppressed.

Holding an exploding card, Li Qingshui's eyes suddenly turned blood red.

She had no time to think about why the enemy could accurately find her.

Now that we are facing a formidable enemy, let’s think about how to fight next.

Seeing the other party looking directly at him without hesitation, Li Qingshui could not be polite to him, so he immediately released the illusion through his Sharingan.

Magical Tree Binding Killing!

In the man's eyes, the surrounding space began to shake irregularly.

The woman's figure disappeared, and he was wrapped around a tree rising from the ground.

"Illusion?" The strong man lowered his head with interest, as if he was studying the material and structure of the trees.

After a while, he seemed to lose his patience, and his whole body began to be filled with a purple-black terrifying aura.

Even though the effect of the illusion has not disappeared, the strong man still accurately grasped the woman's location.

Surrounded by the purple-black gas, the arms that swelled suddenly broke free from their restraints, and then forcefully closed their palms in front of him.


The terrifying force rushed in all directions, and the surrounding ordinary diners instantly exploded into balls of blood mist.

Even Li Qingshui felt like his head was in a daze, and streams of heat suddenly poured out of his mouth and nose.

By the time she adjusted herself, the enemy had already broken free from the illusion.

Raising his hand to wipe the blood on his face, Li Qingshui looked around, seeing passers-by lying in a pool of blood.

She really didn't expect that these guys were so courageous. Aren't they afraid of punishment from space?

Perhaps seeing the woman's shock, Lobesa dissipated the mysterious aura surrounding her body, and her swollen body returned to normal little by little.

"Isn't it weird?" He squeezed his fingers hard, and the joints kept making cracking sounds: "Don't you kill everyone in the plot world, but you are not used to it when you return to reality."

Recalling several battles in the Fairy Tail world, Li Qingshui had to admit that his opponent seemed to be right.

Except for the intervention of space, the so-called reality is actually no different from those plot worlds.

She even once doubted whether the real world she knew was one of the thousands of plot worlds.

However, she didn't care about the truth. Li Qingshui only knew that he had grown up here, so he had the obligation to protect this reality from harm.

The many benefits from the Fairy Tail world were all converted into plot points by her. Except for the repayments, the rest were invested in S-level passives.

With the mental power provided by the second magic source, she can now almost activate the second stage of Susana alone.

What about strong men from highly difficult worlds?

Today she insisted on letting the other party die here to see how these guys' treasure chests were different from ordinary reincarnations.

The kaleidoscope turned on, and white skeleton ribs began to appear around him.

Since the other party dares to take action, at least it proves that there will be no witnesses around.

Then she can take action boldly with confidence.

The white Susan's arm condensed, and he punched Lobesa who was standing there into the ground.

The seemingly solid concrete ground was as fragile as paper in front of her attack, and she easily made huge holes.

There was a popping sound, and water columns soaring into the sky began to gush out. Even the water pipes buried deep in the ground were damaged by her punch.

But looking at Li Qingshui's expression, he didn't seem particularly happy. Instead, his brows were furrowed and his face was solemn.

"How come the damage is so low?"

[Your Susanoo Fist causes 64 points of strike damage to the target]

Under normal circumstances, the damage of this punch is at least 260+, otherwise it would be unworthy of such a terrifying consumption.

As a result, when it came to the man, the damage she caused was reduced by at least one-third.

Such a situation is definitely not because the fried skewers have eaten up the stomach, but because the enemy has some kind of powerful damage reduction skill.

When she saw the strong man crawling out slowly, her eyes immediately focused on his arm that glowed with black light.

"What ability is this?" She didn't understand.

It doesn't matter if you can't figure it out, just continue to test her. Depending on the situation, the enemy has no intention of avoiding her attack.

Three exploding cards roared out, rushing towards the enemy with different trajectories, and finally successfully exploded on the man's face.

But Li Qingshui could clearly see that before the card exploded, the man's face was also covered with a dark luster.

Then she checked the battle report and found that no damage was done this time.

The most important thing is that Li Qingshui discovered that the wounds on the enemy's body were also recovering quickly.

"Do you still have the ability to heal?" She suddenly felt bad. The enemy's ability seemed to be much stronger than imagined.

At this moment, the attacker's figure suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was beside her.

The arm wrapped in black aura was punched down, and its speed was so fast that she didn't even have the slightest time to react.

Even if the kaleidoscope can detect the enemy's movements, Li Qingshui's agility attribute is not enough for her to dodge.


With just one punch, cracks appeared in Susanu's first form.

Fortunately, the skeleton was strong enough to withstand the enemy's sudden attack.

"Good opportunity!" Li Qingshui's eyes lit up, and the next second Susan's arm knocked the man to the ground again.

Relying on the powerful dynamic vision of the kaleidoscope, Li Qingshui accurately grasped the enemy's brief body stiffness, but the damage she caused was still not fatal.

"Awesome." A chuckle came from the mist, and the man spoke for the first time after appearing: "No wonder you can make those guys collapse. It seems that you are relying on more than just No. 7."

Black clouds and mist swirled around, and the man's figure began to expand rapidly like a balloon.

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a behemoth over four meters tall.

"Introduce yourself, Lobesa, a member of the Voice Nest Vanguard." He snorted heavily and exhaled a sword-like white gas.

The man was surrounded by black flame clouds, which looked extremely oppressive. Even without detection skills, Li Qingshui could clearly see the huge attribute gap between them.

"You are very good." Looking down at the woman, Lobesa's eyes seemed to be looking at an ant that could be crushed to death at any time: "I see that you have outstanding abilities, and now I can give you a chance to live."

"Take me to find those two guys, and you can save your own life. You can choose whether you live or die."

Seeing that the woman seemed unmoved, Lobesa said with a ferocious smile: "I remind you, don't try to resist, your Susano can't break through my defense at all."

"Animal-type ox-niu fruit phantom beast type, feared ox-demon form. This is an extremely rare fruit that can give me near-immortal recovery ability."

As he said that, the man opened his arms toward her, indicating that the woman could attack at will: "How about we make a bet?"

"What bet?"

"I'll give you three chances. If you can't be killed, I'll tell you where No. 7 is."

"Okay." Li Qingshui agreed without hesitation.

Anyway, I didn’t lose anything. If I lost, I would be cheating.

Thinking of this, she immediately activated the second magic source and used the mental power accumulated inside to successfully release the second stage Susan.

With the construction of meridians and flesh and blood, the terrifying coercion emitted by Susanoo began to multiply rapidly.

The Susanoo Sword was quickly gathered, and Li Qingshui slashed it down without hesitation.

The opponent also said just now that the devil fruit gives a kind of recovery ability, so just kill the opponent before the blood volume is restored.

He slashed down three swords in a row without mercy, damaging the nearby streets to an extent that was difficult to repair. I wonder if the road administration department would faint from anger when they saw it.

Unfortunately, she did not receive any notification of the enemy's death.

"Aren't you going to die?" Li Qingshui didn't hesitate at all, and immediately slashed forward with his fourth sword.

But this time, Lobesa did not continue to choose a hard connection.

"Have you had enough trouble?"

Hearing the murmur echoing in his ears, Li Qingshui's body trembled slightly, and a feeling of fear surged in his heart unconsciously.

The next second, the enemy's armed and domineering punch hit the white skeleton.

Armed and domineering!

He gathered his momentum and punched out, instantly exploding spiderweb-like cracks on Susana's body.

As if he couldn't bear the force, Li Qingshui took four or five steps back before reluctantly regaining his strength.

Susanoo, who was as strong as the second stage, was also covered with cracks on the surface at this moment, and it seemed that he was only one step away from being completely broken.

"You still refuse to say yes?" he asked.

Unexpectedly, Li Qingshui answered the man's question very simply.

"You want to find No. 7, right?"

"Isn't he right behind you?"

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