Only I know the reincarnation world of the plot

Chapter 331 Unique, five attribute promotions!

"Behind?" Lobesa suddenly felt a light on his back.

His perception told him that there was an unpredictable risk behind him.

Based on the judgment of the breath, the man who transformed into the fearful bull demon suddenly turned to one side and narrowly avoided the fatal sword blow.

Despite his bulky body, his agility is actually far beyond their imagination, otherwise things like Miss Ninja would have happened.

You can see it, but you can't avoid it.

Relying on the excellent skills of seeing and hearing domineering, Lobesa not only avoided the sneak attack from behind, but was also prepared to teach the opponent a lesson.

As a result, before he could take action, a golden stream of light like rain suddenly drowned him.

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 34 points of penetrating damage to the target]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 30 points of penetrating damage to the target]

[Your Noble Phantasm causes 32 points of penetrating damage to the target]

Only three of the Noble Phantasms hit the target, and the damage caused was only one-third of the normal state.

Fang Bo, who came to support, could probably understand where the enemy's difficulty lay.

He thought that a round of Noble Phantasm volleys would be able to contain the opponent, but he didn't expect the enemy to be ejected in an instant, and a palm bigger than his head grabbed him hard.

Not only is he explosive, but his physical agility is even better than him.

Only by activating the Flying Thunder God technique, Fang Bo could barely avoid the enemy's attack.

"Huh?" Lobessa raised his head in surprise, and a happy smile slowly appeared on his face: "I didn't expect you to show up on your own initiative, No. 7."

“There are so many things you can’t think of.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky was filled with black sand and iron, and countless sharp spikes completely enveloped the man.

Magnetic Release·Sand Iron Knot Attack!

Seeing this, Lobesa did not panic at all. This time he was well prepared and directly activated the armor-colored domineering coverage all over his body.

No matter how hard the sand-iron spikes tried, they could not break through Lobesa's defense. There was not even a single damage prompt during the whole process.

Obviously, Lobesa finally showed his full strength. He was not fighting seriously before.

Armed Color Haki Level 6 Effect: Invisible Shield, while the Haki is in effect, any attack with a coefficient lower than the physical constitution x 2.3 cannot cause damage.

The phantom beast fruit is extremely rare and has a great bonus to physical and strength attributes. Lobesa's physical constitution can reach a full eighty points when activating the human-animal form.

In other words, any attack below 184 points cannot break through his armed defense.

The Wind Shadow Puppet's magnetic escape mainly relies on continuous high-frequency output, so naturally it cannot break through the enemy's defense.

While the opponent was competing with Sha Tie, Fang Bo came to Miss Ninja's side and threw an information scan at the enemy.

[No. 8871 (Vice Admiral)]

[Attack tendency: Medium]

[Attribute tendencies: physique, strength, agility]

[Characteristics: Fantasy beast species (legendary), one cow and two tigers]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

One cow and two tigers: You are born with amazing strength, your strength attribute is +5, and the weight of your strength attribute judgment is increased.

"What a phantom beast." Since he didn't hear the previous conversation, Fang Bo only figured out the details of the enemy's abilities at this time.

Frankly speaking, it would be difficult to win.

No matter what route you take, Extremely Deadly Evaluation never lets you go up and fight.

Sure enough, in just a few seconds, the animal-type ability user used the moon step to rush into the sky and dismantled the Fengying puppet to pieces with his bare hands.

During this period, the puppet also tried to resist, but unfortunately the condensed sand and iron could not stop the opponent.

The fists covered with armed domineering energy can almost eliminate all obstacles in front of them with one punch.

Level 3 effect: Invisible spear, while the domineering force is in effect, the attack will cause additional additional damage with a factor of strength x 2.3.

Even if the man's strength attribute blessed by equipment is 50 points, each attack he makes will cause 115 points of additional damage.

This is the terrifying effect of having Armed Color Haki raised to the full level. You can fight in an almost crushing way against those who are not as powerful as you.

Even if I don't dodge your attacks, I can make you miserable with just one strike.

Unless he lasts until his domineering energy is exhausted, even Fang Bo's precious phantoms will not be able to harm the enemy.

But on the other hand, if he is attacked by an enemy, he will probably be killed in one blow.

Maybe the puppet with the Martial Saint Hegemony activated has a chance to hurt the opponent.

But Fang Bo also knew very well that such high-level animal-type fruits generally either had extremely high defense or had a very powerful life-restoring effect.

Furthermore, he still didn't know whether the enemy was a person.

If a speed master comes, even if he has the flying thunder god technique, it may not be that easy to escape smoothly.

Don't talk about him, no one else would continue fighting like this.

"Let's go." Fang Bo put his palm on his companion's shoulder.

I was originally worried that something might happen to her, but now that she is fine, it is a blessing among misfortunes.

As for the enemies in front of him, he admitted that the two of them were still far from being their opponents.

But it doesn't matter. After Fang Bo passes the golden main quest, this contrast in combat power will be reversed immediately.

"Maybe I shouldn't wait any longer."

The initial accumulation has ended, which is enough to directly upgrade a certain attribute to the extreme state of the second difficulty level.

Next, Fang Bo can completely challenge the golden main line mission.

For him, the difficulty of the tasks in the plot world will not change at all. At most, the reincarnations he faces will be stronger.

If you can fight, fight, if you can't fight, take advantage of the situation and kill the enemy. This is the philosophy that Fang Bo has always implemented.

On top of that, most members of the ruthless squad are already approaching the ten-shot limit.

Even if the golden main line is not activated this time, the plot world will be forced to join the mission next time.

Judging from the current situation, the second difficulty world is really not suitable for acting alone. If you want to advance, just complete the advancement together.

Just as he was about to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave, he suddenly felt a strong aura approaching in the distance.

[No. 8524 (Professional Hunter)]

[Attack tendency: high]

[Attribute tendencies: agility, strength, perception]

[Characteristic: Master of Thought Ability]

[Threat Assessment: Extremely Deadly]

Master of Nian Ability: The cost of your "Nian" skills is -30%, and the power is +15%.

"It's him." Li Qingshui's eyes darkened and he quickly explained the situation.

"I buried a large amount of explosives in the villa and hired an armed force from overseas, but in the end I couldn't hurt him at all."

This sentence reveals a lot of information about possession, such as the enemy's high vigilance and the ability to predict danger in advance and avoid it.

Considering the scanned information, this guy must be a very fast person.

"It doesn't matter. If you want to leave, they can't stop you." Fang Bo didn't hesitate and immediately used the Flying Thunder God technique.

Li Qingshui only felt that the scenery in front of him changed, and he had arrived under the bridge two kilometers away.

Just as she was about to say something, she suddenly turned her head and looked at a small black dot approaching rapidly on the horizon.

"Oops, the enemy is catching up."

Fang Bo naturally knew this.

Since he is taking the agile route and his perception attribute is not low, the enemy will not give up easily.

It's only two kilometers away. In front of such a person, you can successfully reach it in just one breath.

One transfer alone is not enough to completely get rid of the enemy.

Fortunately, Fang Bo had anticipated this. He arranged a lot of spatial coordinates along the way to prepare for possible situations.

"Now it seems that I am still very wise."

Before the smile fell on their lips, the two of them moved two kilometers again, followed by four or five consecutive high-frequency flashes.

By the time Li Qingshui reopened what was in front of him, the two of them had arrived at the river below a certain viaduct.

Seeing the intense consumption of mental energy, Fang Bo couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief: "It should be fine now."

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, there was another violent sonic boom from the horizon.

This reincarnation man with the title of "Professional Hunter" actually used some method to catch up.

At this moment, Fang Bo finally realized that things were a little beyond expectations.

Previously, when he was charting the spatial coordinates along the way, he had actually consumed a lot of mental energy.

Counting these six transfers, Fang Bo's mental energy was basically exhausted.

Even if he wants to continue transferring, he must use the Yin Seal at this moment.

Even so, whether he can escape from the enemy's hands is still unknown.

"Just escaping is not enough, we must find a way to curb the enemy's pursuit."

After looking at Miss Ninja, whose cheeks were covered with sweat, Fang Bo was convinced, and immediately took out five attributes and chose to add them at the same time.

This was his method to keep the bottom of the box, but he didn't expect to use it in reality.

"Buy me some time."

After saying that, Fang Bo no longer paid attention to the battle situation, but concentrated on completing the attribute upgrade.

[Physique has reached twenty points, please choose the characteristics you want to improve! 】

Constitution Saving Throw: Greatly reduces the effect and duration of negative attributes.

Absolute Defense: All damage received is forcibly reduced by 30 points.

Amazing perseverance: The duration of skills and talents is extended by 40%.

After a brief glance around, Fang Bo chose the second item, "Absolute Guard".

After the blood recovery of Heart Steel, the damage he suffered would have been weakened. Now if it is reduced by an additional thirty points, the effect will be more prominent.

Of course, its real function is not to resist frontal damage, but to weaken the effect of sustained damage.

For example, if you are affected by fire, freezing, electric shock, etc., these continuous injuries will also be affected by "Absolute Defense".

This is what makes Fang Bo's heart beat.

Next, is the improvement feature of spiritual attributes.

[Spirit has reached twenty points, please choose the characteristics you want to improve! 】

Perpetual motion machine: The higher the mental power consumption, the faster the recovery speed will be.

Clear thinking: Two temporary skills can be forcibly memorized.

Mental attack, the final damage of the skill is +100 points.

The first one is a recovery effect and is not necessary. The second promotion feature overlaps with the effect of memory armor.

In the end, he chose "Psychic Assault" which could increase damage.

Skills must involve mental output in order to be blessed by its effects.

It will definitely not work if you go up and use grappling skills, fists and kicks, or slashing with weapons. You must reach the skill level.

For example, his Orochimagi, Overlord Shouting Fist, and Evil Light Slash can also receive effect bonuses.

Of course, the one with the highest improvement is definitely the King’s Treasure.

Mastering this promotion feature means that each Noble Phantasm can cause about 200 points of damage, which is a huge improvement.

As Fang Bo's attributes were improved, this A-level skill finally showed its edge.

[Strength has reached twenty points, please choose the characteristics you want to improve! 】

Ultimate attack: Release an attack with 150% power attribute.

The ace summoner gives 20% of the power value to summoned and follower units.

Wrestling Master: Adds extra weight to strength determinations.

The first item can provide super explosive power, and combined with the "energy gathering" effect of King's Treasure, it can produce a very explosive effect at once.

However, Fang Bo is more concerned about the "ace summoner" because it can increase the power attribute of the follower unit.

If Fang Bo's strength reaches 100 points, then Goenitz and Luo Xinfu can gain 20 strength points from it.

Let’s not talk about the latter, at least the former will fight in close quarters most of the time, and the improvement of strength attribute is very conducive to fighting close to others.

From the perspective of growth and practicality, this is the most suitable promotion ability for him.

"Okay, let's choose the ace summoner."

[Agility has reached twenty points, please choose the characteristics you want to improve! 】

Concentrate your thoughts and grant a sure-hit long-range attack.

Come and go without a trace: Get a shadow blur effect when moving.

Extreme Burst: Gain an explosive speed bonus for a short period of time.

Considering the low hit rate of the Noble Phantasm, Fang Bo chose the first item of concentration without hesitation.

It doesn't matter under normal circumstances, but when it comes to a real showdown, having 100% hits is very useful.

[Perception has reached twenty points, please choose the characteristics you want to improve! 】

Directional scanning: Be prepared to sense subtle movements over long distances.

True vision: can penetrate all illusions.

Hostility Detection: Can detect any creature that is hostile to you.

Compared with other attributes, perception is more confusing.

The once second strongest attribute has not been effective in actual combat for a long, long time.

Facing the reincarnators of difficulty level 1, Fang Bo can basically kill them instantly without any damage.

Facing the strong man in the plot world, basically everyone can crush him with perception.

As a result, this property is basically in a state of long-term unemployment.

After understanding this, Fang Bo knew that abilities such as "directional scanning" were actually useless.

The judgment of hostility is not very effective, because he knows very well that hostility does not mean hostility, and goodwill does not mean that he is a friend.

"It's better to choose true vision. At least illusions, formations, and enchantment abilities can't trap me."

After some screening, the unprecedented five-attribute promotion feature was newly released.

Spirit: Spiritual attack, the final damage of the skill is +100 points.

Physique: Absolute defense, all damage received is forcibly reduced by 30 points.

Power: Ace Summoner, giving 20% ​​of the power value to summoned and follower units.

Agility: Concentrate your thoughts and grant a sure-hit long-range attack (cooling time 24 hours).

Perception: True vision, able to penetrate all illusions.

"Next, let's experiment with its effect a little bit."

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